New to New York. Might need a strong hand to guide me

The streets of New York were like a maze to me. They seemed simple in the movies, just squares with signs, how hard could that be? “Go straight for 3 blocks and take a left” is what I thought to myself, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. The sounds and fast paced lifestyle of New York was jarring to me, and truthfully, it still is. See, I’m from a small town in Oregon that’s just off the coast. Big skyscrapers and horns echoing through the streets are not what I’m used to. But I had a great opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, even if it did mean leaving my family and everything I knew behind. Today’s my first day at my new internship and look at the time, I’m already late and so, so lost.

I finally find the building, the huge glass doors glisten in the sun to reveal a distorted view of the lobby. I slowly creep up the small stone stairway and place my hands on the door handle. I pause to breathe slowly, just like my mom taught me. I finally muster the courage to pull the door open and make a b-line for the receptionist. The lobby is huge, with light dancing off the large crystal chandeliers. Men and women in suits sit on the luxurious couches, seemingly talking about future business plans. I couldn’t feel more out of place here, this was a completely different world than I’m used to. After the 20 paces it took to get to the receptionist, I awkwardly stood there, waiting for her to notice me.
“Hello sir, how may I help you?” she asks calmly with a smile.
“Um, I’m here for my internship” my worlds stumbled over eachother as I look down nervously.
“perfect, ill just need the confirmation number to let you in,” she says with fingers at the ready to punch in the code
“Oh, right, hold on I have it here somewhere,” say a little panicked. I whip my backpack around and begin shuffling through it, praying that I didn’t forget the note. I finally find it and let out a sigh of relief.
“Sorry about that” I laugh nervously, “the number is 184292”
“Perfect” she smiles again and gets out of her seat and points to the left.
“Just go up to the 7th floor and turn right, look for Alexandra Smiths’ office, it should be the third one on the wall to your left, good luck!” she says with a gleeful smile.

The elevator ride was swift, preventing me from taking a quick timeout to breathe again. The doors slide open and I walk out, seeing the vast amount of cubicles extending through the room. I turn right and study the nameplates on the doors, forgetting which office she has. I finally find it, Alexandra Smiths’ office. I wait a couple of seconds to knock, but before I could the door swings open. Her brunette hair blows back from the gust of the door and keeps walking, not noticing me. Her head jerks up and our eyes meet, just as she was about to run into me. I immediately look down nervously.
“You must be Sam, a little late to your first day huh,” she says sternly
“ U- Um I’m sorry” I trail off as my hand combs through my hair. She laughs and puts her hand on my shoulder.
“It’s okay Sam, I was just joking, this place is a maze. It took me a couple of days to figure it out myself.” She smiles and straightens my tie and brushes my shoulders. I stair back relieved but confused, but mostly glad I didn’t get fired on my first day.
“Okay Sam follow me, I’m going to take you to the most important place here, so pay attention,” she says with a devilish smile. She walks quickly and with confidence. I become entranced by her, she reminds me so much of my mother. I snap out of it and begin to jog to catch up with her. She turns back and smiles
“You’re new aren’t you,” she says confidently
“Ya, it’s my first day” I laugh nervously. She smiles and rolls her eyes.
“I mean to New York, you reek of confusion,” she says studying me. “let me guess, you’re from a small town somewhere I’ve never heard of” She laughs again.
“Oh, um, ya,” I say squeamishly “I’m from Bandon, Oregon. It’s a small town off the coast.” She stops us both and we end up in the small break room. Completely white and a little worn down, with a white fridge and a vending machine. On the counter sits a coffee machine and a microwave, with a sink full of dirty mugs.
“Welcome to the break room” She smiles “you’ll be here every morning brewing me some coffee, we don’t want you to get lost in the streets, do we?” She says a bit condescendingly with a tight grin. She pulls out the tray of coffee and shows me her favorite flavor.
“I want this one every morning, do you think you can do that?” she says with a kind, nurturing voice
“Yes, mommy,” I say, Immediately freezing in fear. My eyes straighten forward and my mind blanks with nothing but panic. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn my head, our eyes meeting again. She smiles and walks behind me, I feel her hand begin to play with my hair a little, then she pats it.
“Good boy” she whispers into my ear and begins to walk out of the room
“Make me some coffee, okay” she demands in a flirtatious way before walking back to her office.

The next few minutes were one of the most confusing times in my life. I had no idea how to react, shouldn’t we be professional? I couldn’t help but feel incredibly aroused by her though. I had no idea that one “good boy” could make me feel this way. Everything considered, I mainly just wanted to hear her say those words to me again. I walked over to the coffee maker and began brewing. The time it took to brew was forever, I couldn’t stop thinking about how good that felt. I need to know how to be called a good boy again.

I walk into her office with a full cup of hot coffee, the steam still rising out of the cup and dissipating into the air. I take one look at her and drop the coffee. Her beautiful breasts are peaking through her buttoned shirt as she looks at me smiling. I snap out of it and realize what I had just done. I immediately drop to my hands and knees and try to salvage the cup. Before I could try I see the shadow of her draping over me. She puts her foot out near my face and waits
“Do you want to be a good boy for mommy?” she asks in a nurturing voice
“Y-yes,” I say faintly
“Good, stay on the floor and kiss my foot, okay?” She demands. I kiss her foot, and the feeling of submission runs through my body as I lay on the floor. Her foot smelled like an apple perfume as I kissed the top of it.
“Do you know your place now?” she asks patiently
“Yes,” I say
“Yes… Mommy?” she asks
“Yes mommy” I breath
“Louder” She demands
“Yes mommy,” I say with a full voice, hoping that nobody can hear me.
“Don’t worry nervous boy, they won’t interrupt us” She says comfortingly. I look up at her and she smiles down at me. She walks to a couch at the end of the wall and sits down, beginning to unbutton her shirt.
“Crawl over to be boy,” she demands. I immediately begin to crawl over, like I was a little baby crawling toward her mom.
“Do you like mommy’s breasts, little boy?” She asks admiring them “I think they look very nice”
“Yes mommy, your breasts are amazing,” I say entranced by them.
“Then crawl over here and worship them, boy” She demands. I begin to crawl on the couch and immediately begin to suck on her nipple, her breasts feel like clouds on my face. I can feel my cock beginning to rise. She begins to pet my head as I suck on her nipple, her head relaxing and moaning a little bit.
“Your such a good boy for me,” She says in lust. I move to her other breast and continue to suck. My whole body fills with lust as all I can think about is being the best for her. She embraces me and hugs me tightly, beginning to kiss the top of my head and rubbing my back. I feel like she was consuming me, or better, I was melting into her. She continues to let out cute little moans as she pets the back of my head.
“Flip over for me boy, lay your head on my breasts and take your pants off, I want to make you feel good,” she says trying to catch her breath. I get up and throw my pants off, laying my head back down on her breasts. She wraps her hand around my face and caresses it softly.
“Thank you for being such a good boy for mommy,” She says praisingly. Her hand slowly moved from my chest to my cock.
“This body is mommies for now on, understand boy?” She says teasingly
“Yes, I understand mommy” I confess easily. She begins to jerk my cock slowly while continuing to comb through my hair. I feel completely relaxed, letting a superior women take control of my body. My cock is so aroused that I’m already close to cumming, and I begin to whimper a little. She smiles and tells me to relax as she can take care of me. I close my eyes and fall into her, her hand still massaging my head. It feels amazing.
“Let me know when you’re going to cum, okay boy? She asks playfully.
“Yes, mommy,” I say under my breath. She continues to pleasure my cock. I turn my head and begin to kiss her breast.
“Yes, good boy” She smiles.
“Mommy, I’m going to cum soon,” I tell her lustfully.
“Good boy, cum into mommy’s hand okay?” she says in a nurturing tone. I let out a whimper and came into her hand. The feeling of euphoria races through my body, I had never felt so good in my life. After a few seconds, I begin to feel so relaxed that I could fall asleep on top of her. She pulls out a handkerchief and wipes my cum off her hand.
“Good boy, now just relax for me, okay? She smiles “ You’re going to be such a good boy for me.” I flip over and hug her, using her breasts as a pillow. I can feel myself slowly beginning to sleep and she pets my head. I had no idea that this would be the outcome of today, but I had never been happier. I think I’m going to like New York.
