The sub couple meet the Dom couple [FMfm] – part 8

The door opens after a few moments and we are greeted by an smiling woman with her hair in a tight high ponytail.
“Ah Chloe, lovely to see you again” she says in a soft mid Atlantic accent “and you’ve brought your guest too” she continues appraising me.
“I am Madame Noémie”
“Follow me” she says turning on her heel and moving briskly up the marble staircase.
Chloe nudges me forward and follows me closely up the stairs. We enter a dimly lit room on the first floor.
Inside is a small circular raised stage and a richly upholstered chaise. One wall is filled with drawers and the other mirrored.
I follow Madame Noémie into the room and hesitate, she gestures to the stage and I step on hesitantly.
Chloe sits on the chaise and turns “I’m not sure what size she will need, but I trust your expertise”
“Of course, we will find something suitable”
Chloe looks at me and flicks her finger
“Clothes off”
I hesitate, my eyes sliding to the floor
I unbutton my blouse, sliding it over my shoulder and unhooking my bra, my skirt and heels are next and I stand holding my garments awkwardly, feeling the cool air stiffen my nipples.
“I will take those” Madame Noémie says in a businesslike fashion and she stands back to appraise me.
“Turn around” she instructs and I do
“Bend forward” comes as her next instruction and I immediately do.
“Hands on your buttocks and pull them apart” is the next slightly unexpected instruction.
I grasp my fleshy ass and pull apart, feeling the air rush around my moist pussy lips. Feeling their eyes inspecting me, knowing that will only make me wetter.

I hear Madame Noémie cross the room, her heels clicking on the marble floor. A drawer open and closes, and then another and then I hear her return to me.

“Stand up and turn back around” she says and I do to be faced with what appears to be some sort of metal contraption. Smooth and shiny and held for me to step into.
“Step in please” and I gingerly step forward as Madame lifts the belt up and around me.

I feel the cold metal press against my mound, snugly pressed against my hip bones, the metal shape curves, pushing my ass open, with a oval shaped hole pressed against my own.

Chloe watches intently. She leans forward
“Come here fuckgirl”
I step down from the stage awkwardly, unused to the restrictive feeling and approach my mistress.
Chloe runs a finger down the front on the chastity belt, examining how tight and well fitted it is

“We can add a sizeable dildo to her pussy” Madame suggests and Chloe deliberates.
“Perhaps, can you fit one for me to decide?”
“Of course, back on the stage please”
I climb back on, conscious of my open ass. Madame unclips the belt and screws a black dildo into it.
“No lubricant required for this one is there” she says to Chloe and they both smirk.
My cheeks colour as I feel Madame ease the dildo into my pussy, and refix the belt. I feel full and Chloe smiles
“Yes, that is an improvement, we will take it. Could you calibrate the the lock?”
“Of course, give me a few moments” and Madame leaves the room.

Chloe and I are alone.
“Turn and look at yourself fuckgirl, look at your clit and pussy locked away”
“The lock will be controlled via my phone, I’ll take good care of you” she smirked.
“Now, hands and knees with your face on the floor” and I do as instructed, my cheek pressed against the stage floor.

I hear Chloe stand and step towards me, her hand running up my spine and slipping a blindfold over my eyes. I hear two sets of footsteps enter the room, one I recognise as Madame and the other heavier steps are unknown. They approach the steps, and I hear unzipping. Fingers press on my exposed ass, easing it open, spreading cool lube and then the unmistakable sensation of a cock pressing on my entrance. His hands grip the belt and my hips
