The time I [F] broke my Dad’s reluctant friend [M] and he awakened the whore within me

Since the response was so positive for my [first story](, I’ve decided to share another one that is particularly special to me, as it was my first time truly being treated/used like a whore, as well as my first use of “daddy” while getting fucked – you might even say it was a defining moment for my future as a whore. It’s another long one lol, hope you enjoy!

Like my first story, this one also happened when I was 18 (21 now). I was staying at my Dad’s house for a couple weeks to babysit my little sister while he was away on a trip, and I would later learn that my Dad thought it would be best to send his friend Luke (38M) over to the house to check on us during my stay. Of course, he didn’t bother telling me, which had me wondering if he was expecting to have his friend catch me doing something irresponsible… I was also sort of touched by the gesture though, as perhaps he just wanted to make sure I was safe and that I had everything I needed while he was away.

I had met Luke on several occasions before, and he was a genuinely nice guy – tall and broad, dark hair, perpetual stubble on his kind but defined face, and what appeared to be a deceptively fit build. He was just a down to earth kinda guy, and I could see why my Dad trusted and spent time with him. My Dad knew I was kind of a whore at this point, but I suppose he just couldn’t fathom anything happening between Luke and I, especially considering the age difference (I had yet to break the 30 year old mark in my body count). Oh Dad, you underestimate my whorrior spirit. Anyway, Luke was always nice to me, but I just couldn’t help myself when it came to possibly getting him in trouble with my Dad by aggressively flirting with him. It was almost like a challenge for myself – could I get this strong, attractive older man to flirt back with his friend’s teenage daughter – a girl he sees as totally off limits? Could I tease him to the point of noticing a shift in his pants? Could I at least extract a look of pained lust from his face? What’s the harm in trying?

In the past, he had never made the slightest move towards initiating anything with me when I flirted with him and, frankly, he seemed to make it a point to avoid me, as my efforts to illicit an “inappropriate” response from him grew with his impressive reluctance to use my tight little holes for his pleasure. Luke, you’re going to lose this battle eventually my guy. I wonder if he protested when my Dad asked him to check on me? LOL. Seriously though, I’ve wanted to get this guy to fuck me for a while now, as there was something about him that just called to me, but I knew there was no way he’d try anything before I turned 18 so, once that happened, I really cranked up the “I’m old enough for you to use me now” knob.

Anyway, I was about a week into the two-week babysitting gig when, from our living room window, I saw Luke’s car pull up into our driveway. Immediately I felt my heart start racing, almost like it was saying to me, “now’s your chance, Katie, you’ve trained for this moment, make it happen cappin’”. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to fuck him, but I knew I was going to make him question how good a friend he considered my Dad to be, at the very least.

My little whore brain was frantically brainstorming ways to coerce him into abandoning his better judgement, and it didn’t take long before I landed on a rough plan. I turned to my little sister and said, “Holly guess what? Luke’s here! He’s going to come knock on the door and I want you to open it for him. If he asks where I am, just tell him I’m in the back room cleaning”. I should mention, my Dad’s house is a very long and narrow ranch-style house with the living room and kitchen in the front, separated by a hallway of bedrooms and a bathroom, and then opening up into another room around the corner in the back.

I waited to see Luke get out of his car and head towards the house, then I ran to the back, stuck my earbuds in my ears, removed my shorts so I was wearing just a tight t-shirt with no bra and a simple, comfy thong, and made it look like I was just casually cleaning up the room while listening to music. I heard the knock, followed closely by the unmistakable sound of his deep voice greeting my sister, but I couldn’t make out the rest. I can only assume she did her job and told him where I was, because I heard his boots against the hardwood floors as he made his way back to where I was.

In my slightly frantic state I wondered briefly, “should I pretend to be dancing a little to the music in my ears as I clean, or is that going too far?”. I only had a few seconds to decide, so I came to a compromise of “dance-cleaning” lol. Basically, I was just sort of lightly bobbing and whisper-singing to imaginary music as I looked down at the shirt I was pretending to fold, making sure to get a little jiggle going in my tits and ass. I was preparing to feign surprise any second once he alerted me to his presence but 3 seconds went by, then 5, then 10… I was running out of performance fuel and reasons to stay turned away from him, and the feeling of being watched was so powerful at this point that the hairs on my arms started to stand up and I thought he might actually hear the sound of my racing heart. When I get excited like this, I can actually feel my heartbeat in my pussy, and it NEVER fails to get me at least a little wet, especially when I know I’m being watched and admired in a sexual way.

I started to feel like I might embarrass myself with my performance somehow and the anticipation was just too much, so I prepared my reaction and casually turned towards him. When I did, I immediately noticed him avert his eyes, shift his posture, and sort of put his hands up in what I can only assume was an attempt to make me think he had just walked in this second, and that I was witnessing his immediate reaction. Damn, he missed the fake, wide-eyed and surprised expression I had been preparing for him!

Oh well. I quickly took my ear buds out as he glanced back at me with a look of embarrassment and reluctance to look in my direction, but then he straightened up a bit and gave a resigned look of, “okay, you got me to check you out, you win, are you happy?”. I responded by sort of grinning and shrugging with my hands out to my sides, almost as if saying, “right time, right place bud, no helping it!”. It’s amazing how much can be said in such a short time with just looks and body language lol. He must have been eager for the moment to be over, because he quickly turned to an exasperated look of “I’m here for a reason though”, and said,

“Katie, please put some clothes on so I can talk to you real quick”.

I couldn’t help but let out a stifled giggle as I said in a playfully serious tone, “yes sir”.

That one got him, he let out a sigh and turned away, walking back toward the front of the house. I called after him, feeling like maybe I had overdone it a bit and said, “okay okay, sorry, just give me a sec”. I wasn’t sorry lol. I was proud and elated with how I had handled the whole thing. I had successfully gotten him to stare at me in my underwear for at least a full 10 seconds – undoubtedly imagining what I would look like with his cock inside me, and he didn’t know that I knew what he had done.

I threw my cheeky butt crack shorts back on and made my way to the front of the house where I found him grabbing a drink from the fridge. Was he coming up with a reason to stay facing away from me? Hmmmm…. He made some comment about the grass and the weather as he stayed turned away from me, looking out the kitchen window towards the front yard. Yeah, this guy was definitely buying himself some time lol.

I was impressed by his commitment to staying at least somewhat professional and serious, as he seemed to find himself again after a moment and turned towards me, immediately going into some speech about how my Dad had asked him to do this and that – I wasn’t really paying close attention because I’m not professional, I am a whore, and my body and mind were firmly committed to getting something from this man. He just wasn’t having it though, and it seemed as if he made it a point to keep himself talking so that I couldn’t say or do anything to change his mind.

I didn’t have any great ideas and he just wouldn’t shut up, so I went to my “good girl who listens well for Daddy” pose of pushing my arms together in front of me with my hands clasped at my groin, casually squeezing my tits together in the process, and innocently looking at him while nodding along to his rambling. Holy shit this guy was determined. He didn’t even budge, and I could tell he just wanted to say his piece and get out of there at this point. Damn, Katie 0, Luke 1.

As he turned to head towards the door and leave, I felt myself deflate a bit, that was, until he said, “and I’ll be coming back over tonight to drop off that air conditioner”. What air conditioner lol? Maybe I should have been listening.

“Uhh, okay, thanks Luke”, I barely managed to get out before he closed the door behind him and walked just a little bit too fast towards his car.

Air conditioner huh? My Dad had mentioned something about that now that I was thinking about it. Perfect, I’d have at least one more chance to seal the deal before my Dad got back from his trip. Also, if he came over late enough, my sister would be asleep and I could have the house to myself…(evil laugh). I knew Luke couldn’t help but spend the rest of the day thinking about what he saw, and the fact that he’d be coming back over tonight to walk in on God-knows-what this time, and I was determined to make it count.

In case you haven’t read my first post, I refuse to make the first move. I’ll flirt my little heart out and slut it up as much as possible, but if you don’t claim your prize, you forfeit it. I need my men to take what is theirs, not wait for it to be given, and I don’t bend on that rule.

I spent the rest of the day trying to come up with ideas on how to get Luke to fuck my brains out later that night, but I was having a hard time coming up with anything while being constantly interrupted by fantasies of him ripping my clothes off, shoving my face into the ground, and just ramming his cock into whatever hole it happened to find itself aimed at. I had never been treated like that before, but I had been craving it for as long as I could remember, and I figured an older and experienced guy like Luke might be willing to give it to me if I could just break him lol.

By the time night rolled around, I had decided to get out of my head and just handle the moment as it happened. My instincts are good and I need to trust in them. It was pretty late now, around midnight or so, and I thought maybe he changed his mind about dropping off the AC today. Knock knock knock… I don’t know what it was, but even the sound of his knocking made me want to just drop to my knees, open my mouth, and hold my watering tongue out for him to ease the stress of his day with. I briefly considered actually doing this before I reminded myself that he had yet to make the move, and that just wouldn’t fly with me.

I headed to the door dressed in the same thing I had been wearing earlier, opened it up, and gave him a big and welcoming smile. He couldn’t help but smile back, but something was different…there was less hesitation in his eyes, less innocence, and less of that “professionalism” he had tried so hard to maintain earlier.

“Hey, can you hold the door open for me, kiddo?”.

Kiddo? I didn’t know what to make of that, but I did as I was told and held the door open for him as he lifted this giant portable air conditioner and carried it into the house. Those fucking arms though… I could always tell Luke was in decent shape, but the way his t-shirt hugged his bulging arms as he carried the AC through the door was just too much for my little whore body, and I immediately felt my heart in my pussy again. God, it’s just so easy lol. Few things get me like a man doing man things.

As he squeezed his way past me in the narrow entryway, I was fairly certain I got at least a slight whiff of alcohol coming from him. Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiit! I must have been lost in whore thoughts, because I snapped out of it when he said, “Katie, the vent?”. Oops. There was this long tube thing coming out of the back of the AC, and it was stuck on the door frame as Luke just stood there, arms visibly straining with a bead of sweat running down his forehead as he waited for me to pick up the tube for him and close the door so he could finish carrying it inside and set it down. I arched my back for him as I bent over to grab it, tossed it inside, and shut the door behind me. Luke set the unit down and turned back toward me with an exasperated look on his face.

“You’re not high are you?” he asked, apparently trying to figure out why I had just been staring at him with a blank expression on my face, clearly lost in thought.

“Naa, just admiring the view” I casually but confidently said back.

“Right, I need to use your bathroom”.

He didn’t seem at all drunk, but there was definitely more of a sense of ease and authenticity about him. He headed towards the bathroom and, as I had decided for myself, I just stayed in the moment and allowed my instincts to take over. I couldn’t sense the boundaries from him that were typically firmly standing between us when I would flirt with him in the past, and I felt this might somehow be my moment. I followed him to the doorway of the bathroom before he turned around and said, “what are you doing?”. I put my best innocent face on and said without even thinking,

“Being annoying. Is it working, Daddy?”.

I don’t know where it came from, but it just felt like the right thing to say, and it came out so naturally that I had no doubt. Once the words left my mouth, I felt something inside me change, almost like a floodgate opened and I was learning something new about myself that I had always known deep down, but never understood before. I wasn’t thinking though, I was just feeling, and what I was feeling was a sudden lust accompanied by a narrowing of my vision and a ringing in my ears. The words hung in the air, and my body was on fire. I felt as if it were existing in that moment ONLY to be fucked and bred.

Something must have snapped in Luke as well, because the ringing in my ears was suddenly interrupted by the sound of his hand grasping my arm and aggressively dragging me into the bathroom. My whore final form was officially activated, and I felt my body commit to serving his pleasure and extracting the cum from his cock that my body so desperately needed inside of it. I was a puppet – a toy meant to please him, and nothing more.

He pushed me to the floor on my knees and closed the door behind him, quickly and almost angrily unbuttoning his pants and releasing his thick, experienced cock for me to please. I looked up at him with a glazed expression of lust, opening my mouth as he thrust forward and immediately forced it down the back of my throat. I gagged hard, but he didn’t let up, and I wasn’t going to fail as his toy. If this was how he wanted to use me, then I would accommodate him. I focused on relaxing my throat and opening it up for him as if he belonged there – fighting my gag reflex in the process. There was an anger and frustration to his forcefulness as it seemed like his goal was to choke me to death on his cock. All the flirting and fantasizing must have taken a toll on him, and he was mad that I had broken him with those words – mad that a young little whore like me thought she could get away with this behavior without being punished by Daddy.

Punish me he did. As he buried the last inch of his cock down my throat, he grabbed the back of my head with one hand and the front of my neck with the other, and applied pressure with both. I could literally feel the hand on my neck squeezing the cock inside my esophagus as he cut off my circulation, trapping my head in place with his other hand. I had never felt so used and degraded in my life, and I was truly alive, for now at least…

“Is this what you wanted you dumb little whore? You wanted Daddy to punish you?”

I was outside my body at this point. This man, this dear friend of my father who was sent to check on me, even to protect me if I needed it, was forcing his cock down my throat so violently and with so much lust that I may as well not even be a human, and I deserved it for being such a bad girl.

I came back to the moment and tried to nod my approval to his question, but he started thrusting so that just the part of his dick that was down my throat was moving in and out of it – practically flattening my face to his groin as he did so, causing tears to stream down my face. With his hand on my throat, I could feel each thrust of his cock struggle to move past the point of his grip, but that didn’t stop him from forcing it through. Just as I began to think he might actually kill me with his lust, he released the hand on my neck and pulled all the way out.

My vision cleared a bit as spit pooled out of my mouth and onto the floor with a gagged cough. I was gasping for air and trying to regain the consciousness I had almost lost when I felt the hand on the back of my head grip my hair at the root and pull my face up to look at his. He moved his face closer to mine and spit in my gasping mouth. OMG, I really was born for this. I felt the familiar feeling of my holes aching to be filled as he looked me in the eyes and said, “what do you say, whore?”. I didn’t know the answer, so I hesitated for just a moment before I felt the sting of his large hand slap me across the face.

“What do you say you fucking slut?”

“Thank you, Daddy”, I managed to squeak out.

That was the right answer. “Good girl, but you’re not done yet”, he said. Oh, thank God, please don’t let this ever stop. He roughly pulled me to my feet by the back of my head and threw me over the counter, grabbing my shorts and thong and pulling them down just enough to reveal my desperate holes for his use. It was so primal, there was no easing into anything, just matter of fact procedure to do what a man’s body needs to do. I thought maybe I should say something hot or try to contribute in some way, but he reminded me that I’m just a fuck toy for him to use when he took his spit-soaked cock and forced it into my pussy with the same aggressiveness he had just used on my throat.

I almost screamed before reminding myself I needed to stay as quiet as possible so as not to wake my sister. It wasn’t that it was painful – quite the opposite – it was that I was so authentically living the part of a worthless cumslut that I just wanted to exclaim what I was feeling in a raw and guttural shriek of approval and fulfillment. I tried to put my hands underneath me for support, but he grabbed both of my wrists with one hand and pinned them behind my back, yanking my head back by the hair with his other hand as he ruthlessly slammed his cock in and out of my dripping hole.

I learned this day that, when I’m treated like a useless whore, my orgasms happen so fast and frequently that they just rock me into a cock-hungry, drooling, gut-cramping stupor. I lose total control of my body and my holes just open up to be used, pulsating tightly with each wave of euphoria. I could actually feel my asshole open up between orgasms, then squeeze shut and quiver as they washed over me. I’ve been told it’s very fun to watch 😊.

Right as I thought he couldn’t go any harder, he squeezed my wrists painfully hard and shoved his fingers in my mouth with the other hand, basically fish-hooking me, then proceeded to pump my young, fertile pussy full of his cum as he let out a low and rumbling groan. As he pulled his softening cock out of my hole I thought, holy fuck, he must be totally spent. Wrong, Kaity, silly whore. He yanked me back down to my knees to clean his and my cum off his cock, and literally within 10 seconds he was back to full mast, as if he hadn’t just unloaded his entire soul into me.

“I’m not done with you” was all he said before yanking me back to my feet and roughly slamming me back down on the counter with my panties and shorts still around my thighs. He knelt down behind me, spread my pink little butthole open roughly with his hands and angrily spit on it before standing back up and forcing his entire cock inside of it like I was some kind of lifeless fuckdoll. Maybe it was how turned on I was, the way I was being treated, or how badly I was hoping he would give my ass some attention too, but there wasn’t even a sliver of pain as he immediately started hammering into my tight young asshole with the same force as he began this whole experience with. There was no mercy, just a need to conquer me completely.

I could feel myself cumming almost immediately, and I’ve been told that the grip of my asshole when I’m cumming this hard is so intense that it’s like I’m having a coughing fit; it just seizes and clamps down. My abs actually hurt from the intensity of the orgasm and tension I was convulsing with, and it didn’t stop. For at least a full minute, I was simply nonstop cumming as he pounded my poor little butthole into oblivion, his balls slapping against my cum-leaking pussy.

“What do you say, whore?”.

“Thank you for punishing all my holes, Daddy!”, I stuttered in rhythm with his fucking. I was learning fast 😊

Without warning, he yanked himself out of my hole, grabbed the back of my head, and threw me back to my knees, shoving his cock all the way down my throat again as he unloaded another half dozen or so ropes of thick cum directly into my stomach. Damn, I didn’t even get to taste it, but holy fuck was this guy’s reservoir huge. I didn’t gag, as my body felt so utterly open for him at this moment that he probably could have done whatever he wanted with me, which I suppose he did lol. I just stared up at him with a glazed, teary eyed look on my face, simultaneously hopping he would keep going, but also keen on surviving the experience to actually tell the tale – I was spent, and so was he.

He pulled his softening meat from my throat and put his pants back on in a manner that said, “my job here is done”. He didn’t say anything as he opened up the door and walked right out of the house. Refractory period regret, or was he just too spent to stick around? Whatever the reason, I was fulfilled in a way I had never experienced, and I didn’t really care, I just sat there basking in the magic of the experience. I felt like I had transcended my own sexuality in some way, and that a new me had emerged. God I hope he visits again sometime…



  1. Layout writing on here is literally some of the best ever! Please don’t stop!

  2. Holy fuck kaidey. That’s so good. I loved your humour! It’s so good. Holy fuck I’m so fucking wet reading this during my lunch break. I’m actually feel like I’m going insane reading your story. My heart beat so fucking fast when I read him take your asshole.

    I’m not gonna lie I really wanna fucking roleplay this with my boyfriend when I get home. Ahhhhhhh it’s so fucking good. I blazed through that so quickly. Read that so many times already. lmao, I feel so sexually frustrated here at work. God. What have you done to me with your stories!

  3. Holy shit balls. Read this at work and now I need to fuck something!!! Great story!! Writing is top notch!!

  4. My god, that was amazing, nearly came just reading it, definitely rock hard through the whole thing.

  5. Reading your story really resonanted with me. Wanting to be used like nothing more than a hole to fill and cum inside, your cute demeanor that is just a mask for how big of a slut you are. It just makes me go absolutely crazy and makes me want to dominate you, make you my personal cum slut. Basically just pick you up and fuck you whenever I want.

  6. Damn, the fact you have a modelesque nude of you to go with these stories makes them even more fun to read. Love your nymphomaniac tendencies! Very hot Luke never questioned about finishing inside you. When you said you were fertile, does that mean you took him with no birth control?

  7. > Oh Dad, you underestimate my whorrior spirit.

    you get the upvote just for “whorrior”


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