Easy like Sunday – Sam’s sister dances pt 3 [m/f][b/s][incest]

Sunday lunch at the Grey Goose was usually an insanely busy affair. Add on the fact that it was a Bank Holiday, and one of the first halfway decent weekends in a while, and every table in the restaurant was filled to the brim, and the waitlist got longer and longer with each passing moment.

And that was perfectly fine for Sam Henderson. Because the busier the pub was, the more ragged he was run, the more drinks he poured for people, the less he thought about Em. His boss had been grateful that he’d managed to make it in to work, mainly because it meant he could sit in the office all day and not actually cover. Sam had barely made the decision to come in today; he’d much rather spend the time in bed. But, in the end, they’d both realised it made more sense for him to work, so as to not give away that anything had changed in their relationship.

He poured another pint, swiping the customer’s card, then moving on the next group. So busy. No chance to think about his sister’s soft lips, her bright eyes, her velvet hair. No time to let his mind wander to her pert breasts, her tightly toned tummy, the soft curve of her…

He almost dropped the glass, fumbling for it and grabbing it at the last second. “Crap sticks,” he muttered.

“Wakey wakey, Sam,” said Justyna, the other person working on the bar with him today.

“Sorry,” he said. “Guess I’m still a little spaced from being ill.”

She gave him a look, then went back to her own tasks, while Sam hurried to his. Justyna was 22, and had come from Poland to live, study, and work. She had long brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail, and like Sam, she wore a black polo shirt and jeans as uniform, the former with the pub’s logo on the breast.

“Getting more ice,” she said after they’d served what felt like a thousand more people. She bumped passed him carrying the bucket, vanishing into the back area, and leaving Sam alone to deal with the seemingly unending masses. He felt the buzz of his phone in his back pocket, and took a second to pull it out and place it on the back bar as he moved on to the next person.

Justyna returned, the bucket filled with ice, and got right back to her job. They served more people, until there was, as is often the case, a lull. Sam knew this lull for what it was. The calm before the storm. The eye of the hurricane.

Sam scooped up his phone. Amongst the usual Twitter updates and Reddit replies, he had a message from Em. It said, ‘Do not open the next unless you are alone.’

“You should not have your phone out,” Justyna said. “The boss does not like it.”

“He’d have to come out of his office long enough to see,” he replied, slipping the phone back into his pocket. “Besides, it’s just my sister. Our parents are away, and she’s home alone, so I’m checking to make sure she didn’t sell the house or something.” His phone buzzed again.

“Your sister, yes,” Justyna said. “She is very cute. Do you know if she is seeing anyone?”

“Uh, I…” Sam managed, caught completely off guard.

“Does she like girls?”

“I… I, uh, honestly, I don’t know.” *Seriously?* he thought. *What is it with everyone being thirsty for my sister?*

“You do not know what your own twin’s preferences are?”

*Well, I do. But I’m telling you that.* “She’s not had a grand Coming Out party, if that’s what you mean. All I know is that she does like guys,” he said, then added, “But she’s never said she doesn’t like girls too.”

Justyna shrugged. “A pity. You are both very handsome.”

He blinked again, then said, “You’re messing with me now, aren’t you?”

“A little bit, yes.” She laughed. “But it would be interesting, the way you two flirt.”

Sam went stiff. “We don’t flirt, we’re siblings,” he stammered.

“Oh no, you are correct,” Justyna said, “it is the other word. Flicker? No, b… Bicker? You bicker?”

He let out a relieved chuckle. “Yes, we bicker.” Then he remembered Em’s message, and that another had come through. “I need the loo. You gonna be OK for a minute?”

“Sure, but I go when you come back, OK?”


He left the bar, moving through the hectic kitchen area, until he reached the staff room at the far end of the building. Once he was sure it was empty, he pulled up his phone again, saw it was a picture message, and opened it.

His mouth went instantly dry. *Fuck*.

He threw his phone back into his pocket, glancing around again quickly to make sure he was alone. Then he slipped into the bathroom stall, and sat down on the toilet seat. He looked at the picture again.

*Now that just isn’t fair,* he thought.

Em had rested her camera on its stand again, to pose in her room. She wore a white wool knit jumper and a pair of pale blue jeans that were so tight they looked like they’d been sprayed on. That was not all of it though; she had pulled up the hem of the jumper, her hands clasped over her pert breasts, to reveal a generous portion of underboob, and the curve of her hips and visible abs on her belly. The top buttons of her jeans were undone, showing the noticeable v line of her pelvis, and the top lace of her panties.

She also wore a very noticeable wicked grin on her full lips, eyebrow arched.

*Not fair at all.*

All by itself, Sam’s cock throbbed against his jeans. He rested a hand on his crotch, gently rubbing it through the fabric as his eyes traced the image of his twin. He zoomed in, following the contours, imagining what he would do to every inch of visible pale flesh.

His manhood ached, demanding release. He wanted nothing more than to obey, to stroke it until completion. But he was at work, needed to be back out there soon.

Which, he realised, was probably a big reason why Em had sent this to him now. They might have shared their bodies with each other, but that didn’t stop their innate urge to fuck with each other. *Fuck each other, and fuck with each other.*

But perhaps two could play at that game? It was a risky move: he needed a great deal of self control. Carefully, he unzipped his jeans, easing his grateful cock from its confines. He stroked it a few times, feeling a shiver of need run across his entire body, then pushed it back into his briefs, leaving the jeans open.

Sam turned his phone to camera mode, and pulled up his polo shirt to reveal his own stomach. He couldn’t get a full picture, not with the tight space of the cubicle, but he managed to get a fairly decent image of his own torso and his raging hard cock as it strained against his jeans. The mirror of the one she had sent him,

Then he opened up the image of Em again, gave his cock a couple of desperate jerks as he stared at it, then shoved it forcefully back into his jeans. He bent over, waiting for the erection to subside, fighting the urge to jerk off more in the staff room of his job, and fired off the image to Em.

A moment later, his phone buzzed again. A text this time. He opened it, to see only one word. ‘Yum.’

Sam let himself in the door, tossing his keys to one side. He turned, ready to call his sister’s name, when he heard rapid footsteps rushing towards him. He barely had time to react before Em had launched herself through the air towards him, slamming into him, slamming him back against the wall. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, forcing him to grab onto her to keep her up, as her lips hungrily found his.

She smelled heavenly, making his head spin. His lips tangled from the contact, as their tongues rolled together.

“How was work?” she asked, when she finally pulled back from kissing him long enough.

“Busy,” he replied. “I am beat.” He extracted himself from her, letting her down onto her bare feet.

“Aww, poor Sammy.” She pulled him from the wall, slipped behind him, and kneaded her palms against the muscles of his neck. “Oh wow, you are stiff.” One hand slipped down lower. “Here too,” she cooed, squeezing his cock through his jeans.

“Yes, thanks for that, by the way. The picture, I mean. Blue balls is not a joke, Em; it’s a legitimate medical emergency.”

She grinned. “I thought it’d help you through the day. Give you something to look forward to.”

“I’m just thankful it was so busy. It was very distracting.”

“Hmm. I’m glad you found time to send something back tho. I certainly enjoyed it.”

“Oh really?” he asked with a grin.

“Mhm. Very helpful in passing the time.”

“How many times did you ‘pass the time’ today?”

“Let’s just say, if I had an OnlyFans, I’d have enough content for at least a month.”

“But you don’t have an OnlyFans?”

“Nope, just an OnlySam’s.”

He laughed, and she kissed him again. He ran his hands gently over the curve of her hips, making her shiver and whimper against him. Then his stomach rumbled loudly.

“Sorry,” he said. “Didn’t get a chance to eat.”

There was a frozen pizza in the freezer that, with their pooled intellect, they figured out how to cook. While the oven was on, Em sat on his lap on the couch as they made out like horny teenagers. *Which,* Sam thought wryly, *is because we actually are.*

When the food was ready, Em insisted on feeding him like he was a baby, which quickly devolved into giggling, tickling, and a wrestling match which Sam, by dint of being bigger than his sister, won. They lay on the floor of the dining room, kissing and touching each other before Sam pulled away.

“Something the matter?” Em asked, a touch nervously.

“Not with you,” he assured her. “But I’ve been at work all day. I feel sticky and gross and unattractive.”

“I’ll let Karen know,” she said as she pulled herself back into her chair and grabbed a slice. “She’s called me five times to ask if you mentioned her after last night. You know, for letting her down, you did a sucky job dude.”

Sam shook his head. “I tried, Em, she just didn’t seem to get the hint that I wasn’t interested.”

“You can’t hint this stuff, you have to be direct.”

He grinned. “Like you were yesterday.”

She grinned back at him. “Exactly.”

“Ugh…” he groaned. “Will you do it?”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll be the bad guy in this.”

“That’s why you’re my best friend.”

She laughed. “Oh my god, you’re such a loser if you’re so starved of social contact that you have to have your twin sister as your best friend.”

“Then you’re triple the loser if you have to have your twin brother as your lover.”

“You’re six times the loser if…”

“Oh my god,” he said, cutting her off.

“What?” Em exclaimed, spinning around and glancing every way. “What is it?”

“We’re not fighting. We’re flirting!”

She stared at him for a moment, then in a disbelieving voice said, “Well, duh, dude. Did you just figure that out?”

“I guess. When did you know?”

“Yesterday. When we slept together. But that was still a whole day before you.” She grinned widely.

“Fine, you’re very smart to realise you’re a sick freak before I did.” He shovelled the last of the pizza into his mouth. “But right now, I need a shower.”

He headed for the stairs, then turned back to look at his twin.

“What?” she asked.

“I love your smile,” he said, and she beamed brighter.

The hot water battered at Sam’s skin, warming and massaging his tight muscles. Easing the tension of a long day. He let the shower wash over him completely, drenching his hair so it slicked to his scalp. He scrubbed at his hair with shampoo, then lathered his skin with gel, before rinsing the whole lot off and letting it seep down the drain.

Something caught his attention, and he quickly shut off the water, ears straining. Nothing seemed to follow. He turned the water back on, easing underneath the spray to let it work its wonders on him again.

The shower curtain being jerked aside nearly made him leap out of his skin.

“Very manly scream,” Em said.

“Scared the crap out of me,” he exclaimed, clasping hands feebly over his crotch, heart slowing to a more regular pace. “How did you get in here? I locked the door.”

“Thing about bathroom doors,” she said, with a grin, “is that they’re really easy to unlock from the other side. Why did you lock it anyway? It’s just you and me here.”

He shrugged. “Force of habit, I guess. Privacy and all that.”

“Oh, Sammy, you don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.” Her eyes roamed over his body, settling on where his hands covered his cock. She beamed widely. “Or felt inside me.”

He stared at her a moment, then threw his hands to the side, letting his hardening manhood stand to full view. Water rivulets ran down him, streaming from the tip.

“Happy now?” he asked.

“Almost,” she replied, as she began stripping off her own clothes. Em stepped into the bathtub, pulling the curtains back into place. Water cascaded down her naked form, and Sam watched the rivulets as they traced over the curves of her breasts, the tightness of her belly, and finally to between her legs where her shaven sex lay.

“Like what you see?” she purred.

“You know I do,” he replied. “Perfect woman, remember?”

She flushed, and grinned. “And here was me thinking you’d forgotten.”

“Never,” he told her. “Especially if you keep sending me pictures like that.”

She grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling him down while she went onto tiptoes, so she could kiss him. Then she reached for the shower gel, and handed it over to him. His sister turned her back on him, flipping her long hair over her shoulder to her chest, then peered back shyly at him.

“You mind?”

“Not at all”, he said with a wide grin.

He squeezed a generous amount of gel into his hands, then lathered it up. His palms rested on Em’s shoulders, feeling the silky skin. She shivered as he began to spread the lather over her neck and shoulders, the top of her arms, and across her shoulder blades.

“Mmmm,” she purred. Sam continued to wash her, down the length of her spine, until he reached the plump curve of her ass. He massaged the flesh, enjoying the shape and feel of it against his palms. Em began to rotate her hips against his touch. His cock rose, standing at attention, but he ignored it.

Slowly, Sam traced his way up her stomach, feeling the toned muscles bunch, until he reached the base of her breasts. He massaged there too, savouring the feel of them, and the soft whimpers that elicited from his twin.

He cupped and squeezed her breasts, fingers pinching on her nipples. Em’s spine arched, and she let out a guttural moan. When he was satisfied he had lathered the skin there enough, taking longer than he had anywhere else so far of course, his hands trailed down her again.

Em quivered in anticipation as he reached her groin, fingers pressing on both sides of her lower lips. He stroked the soft skin firmly, and Em moaned again. She leaned forward, resting her palms on the wall for support.

“Oh god, Sammy,” she moaned.

“Got to make sure you’re nice and clean,” he told her.

“Nice and clean,” she agreed.

Her hips began to move in time with his fingers, while more mutters of delight cascaded from her lips. He massaged her for some time, never increasing the speed or pressure, just ensuring she enjoyed the experience without building to anything yet.

After a while, he drew his hands up her, then reached for the shower head. She sighed contentedly as he rinsed the lather from her pale skin, making sure to wipe it off with his hand and touch every part of her he could.

“And all done,” he said. She turned around, her eyes sparkling.

“That was the best way to shower,” she said, before pulling him for another kiss.

They stepped from the tub, grabbing a pair of fluffy towels, and carefully began to dry each other. Em took great care to touch every part of his body, and make delighted little comments, like he had.

Then she took his hand, leading him down the landing and into her room, where she put on some soft, mood appropriate, music. She gently pushed him to sit on the edge of the mattress, then sat on his lap, her arms around the back of his neck and her thighs around his hips. Sam pressed his palms against the warm, singing skin of her back, pulling her flush to him, and kissed her long and passionately.

His lips tingled against hers, and the fresh, clean, scent of her filled his head, making it swim. His sister moaned into his mouth, and rotated her hips, rubbing herself against where his hardness lay below her. Her skin was so soft after the shower, felt like satin to his touch.

“You’re so nice and clean now,” Em purred, detaching herself from around him. “Got to wonder what you taste like.”

She lowered herself to her knees before him, her palms pressing on his thighs. Sam pulled her damp locks into a tail at the back of her skull. She parted her full lips, easing them around the swollen head of his cock.

“Oh, Em,” he moaned, feeling the soft touch of her against his sensitive skin.

Her tongue lolled around his glans, smearing it with her saliva. Then she sucked in her cheeks, suckling on the tip of his cock. After a moment, she slid off him.

“Tastes really nice,” she said, looking up at him. Her eyes sparkled with desire. “I’ve wanted this all day.”

She licked along the full length of him, tongue soft but firm, before it flicked off the tip.

“Thinking about you as I lay on my bed. Clothes off.” She sucked at his swollen head again. “Toying with myself while I looked at that picture you sent me.” She eased him into her warm mouth, an inch down, sucking in her cheeks to squeeze him deliciously. “Imagining what I’d do to you. What you’d do to me.”

“Emma,” he moaned again. “Your mouth feels so good.”

She smirked. “Good? Just ‘*good*’, is it?” She eased herself down him again, further this time, smearing his skin with her spit, swirling against him with her tongue, before withdrawing. “I really hope I’m a little better than ‘good’.”

“I-i-incredible,” he stuttered, eyes rolling back into his head. “Life altering.”

“Do you want me, Sammy?” she asked as she licked him again.

“More than anything,” he replied. His manhood throbbed, ached, demanded satisfaction. “I need you, Em.”

She kissed the tip again. “You’re so thick and tasty. I love the feel of you inside me, Sam. I love the feel of my brother’s cock in my mouth.”

He pushed her down, giving her what she wanted. His twin’s full lips stretched around him, slid down him, took more of him into her hot mouth. She moaned, the sound muffled by his thickness. It was clear that his sister really liked to suck dick, and she really liked to be controlled while doing it.

And based on the back and forth relationship they had, Sam has no issues with that at all. He pushed his hips up, driving himself deeper and deeper within her confines. He hadn’t been lying; her mouth was incredible. It pulled the skin of his shaft taut, made a warm throb form within him.

He let her bob languidly along him, setting her pace with a light touch in the back of her head. Nothing frantic. A luxurious smearing of her lips along him. She made soft little gagging sounds as she accepted him to the hilt, all of him filling his sister’s mouth.

“Emma,” he muttered. “You’re incredible! So sexy. You make me so damned hard.”

She moaned her approval around him. Her fingers curled around the base of his slick shaft, forefinger and thumb making a soft grip, and she tugged up his flesh to meet her plump lips. More warmth filled Sam, a tightness in the very centre of his being.

Em slipped off him, gasping for breath, as she continued to jerk him with her hand. Her lips were pink and swollen, smeared with her spit and the traces of his enjoyment. She slapped his shaft against her extended tongue a few times. “I love your dick, Sammy,” she purred, a throaty sound that gave Sam chills. She stroked her hand across his stomach, across his chest. “And I love you. You’re gorgeous, and you’re all mine.”

She swallowed him again, increasing the pace of her amazing lips. Sam ached all over, the tightness in him spreading out with each perfect pass of his sister’s warm mouth. His hips pushed up, driving himself to the back of her greedy throat, a quickening pace urged on by his relentless need.

“Emma, oh god, don’t stop,” he moaned through stuttering lungfuls of air. “Baby, don’t stop, I’m so fucking close.”

She made wet, desperate noises around him, thick with saliva and his raging flesh. Her lips held him, hand pulling eagerly at the skin as she sucked and sucked at his cock.

“I’m gonna cum,” he told her. “You’re so fucking good, I’m going to cum in your perfect fucking mouth!”

He felt it getting closer with each delve into her welcoming mouth, tighter and tighter and tighter, until…

Sam stopped Em, holding her in place. She opened her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out fully. His cock twitched, and cum erupted from the tip, shot into her mouth. “Fuck,” he cried. He throbbed more, as more spurted into his twin. Em closed her mouth around him, as the last of his climax filled her.

He collapsed back onto the bed, panting hard. Em’s tongue swirled around his tender shaft, the sensitive skin making him shiver and moan. Slowly, she withdrew from him, her mouth a seal. She crawled into the bed, leaning over him and met his eyes. Her damp hair hung loose, framing her beautiful face. Then she quite deliberately swallowed the thick traces of his orgasm. She licked her lips like she had just had the most amazing meal ever.

She purred delightedly. “Fuck, you really do taste amazing.”

Sam’s heart still pounded in his chest. Em planted soft kisses on his torso, on his shoulder, on his neck.

“Did you just call me *‘baby’* back there?” she asked.

Sam gave her a puzzled look. “I dunno, I was kind of distracted and not able to really focus on words.”

She curled up against him, traipsing her fingers ticklishly across his stomach, and gave him a long, lingering kiss. She drew back, and purred, “Baby.”

Sam slowly eased his hand between her legs, massaging the muscles of her thighs. She sighed dreamily, and muttered “Baby” again. He rolled his sister onto her back, pressing his lips against her throat. She squirmed delightfully against him, wrapping an arm around his neck to hold him close.

Sam stroked and kneaded her thighs, his hands running up to caress the firm curve of her butt, while he continued to kiss and suck on the skin of her neck. He could feel her pulse against his mouth, pounding against him. His hand trailed over her pussy, and she stiffened, then relaxed and breathed out a long purr.

“You’re so beautiful,” he muttered into her ear. “Your body is amazing. So perfect.”

He eased over the hood of her sex, rubbing gently at her clit, before returning to her thighs. His twin was wet, and she was wet for him. That thought, coupled with the closeness of her naked skin, was already starting to stir his tender cock.

Em spread her legs, bent at the knees. Sam’s fingers trailed closer, crossing over the damp entrance to her core, and she moaned his name softly.

He began to slowly kiss down her frame, until his mouth found the full shape of her breasts, kissing the flesh. His fingers made slow, but meaningful, circles of her clit. The tips were slick from her, and moved easily on the folds of her pussy. Em writhed in time with him.

Sam mouthed and suckled at Em’s breast for a moment, savouring the feel, shape, and taste of them. Her fingers curled into his short hair, still damp, as she moaned and whimpered. Then he lowered himself more, feeling the muscles of her stomach bunch as he went.

“Emma,” he said, a throaty growl. “You taste amazing too.”

“Sammy,” she sighed back.

He inched lower and lower, while his fingers continued their work. Her pussy was wet and warm to his touch, making soft little wet noises as he rubbed her. His mouth went lower still, and he pressed his lips to the inside of her thigh, earning another moan.

Slowly, teasingly, he moved his lips up her thigh, towards her core. She shivered in anticipation, whimpered again. She shook when his lips planted around her pussy, and he gave a deep suck of the petals of her flower. He could smell her sex, a heady musk, and taste her wetness.

“Really amazing,” he said. He sucked on her pussy again, then let his tongue slide firmly up her seam. It came back coated in her, and he swallowed it up theatrically, as she had before.

“You’re so wet and juicy. I love the feel of you, Em. I love the feel of my sister’s pussy in my mouth.”

Sam shifted position, so he lay across the bed, allowing his fingers to access her clit, his other hand to reach up and caress a breast, and his face to bury itself in her pussy. He set to work; a slow, methodical touch to her. Rubbing, licking, kissing. Em squirmed, moaned, tugged at his hair. His cock throbbed below him from it all.

Em’s hands left his hair, grasping at her breasts, pinching and squeezing her nipples. Her spine arched, her head thrown back into the pillows. He brought his other hand down from her chest, pressing the tips softly at the entrance to her sex. Within seconds they were slick.

He rubbed her clit, slowly increasing the force and the speed. Building up the sensation within his sister. He swallowed more of her juices as they seeped from her onto his lapping tongue. His other fingers eased into her, and she gasped out. He glanced up, watching her react to his attentions. She grabbed the blanket on her bed, knuckles turning white from the grip.

“Sammy,” she moaned. “That’s… please. Please, keep going. That’s it.”

*Like I’d stop?* he thought. He needed to see her cum for him, needed to taste it like she had. Two fingers eased deeper into his sister’s sopping pussy, curling back and forth against the thick muscles interior walls. Em arched her spine again, let out a moan through clamped teeth.

“Faster,” she managed. Sam complied. Her hips bucked below him, smearing herself against his face, but Sam’s tongue continued to lick below his rapidly rubbing fingers. He tugged inside her. Not too hard to be painful, but enough to add more stimulation to Em. “Oh god, Sammy, that’s…”

Her words trailed into indecipherable syllables, as her whole body writhed to his touch. He looked up her naked frame again, saw her eyes rolled back into her skull, her tongue lolling out of an open mouth.

*Fuck, that’s hot.* His cock ached and strained below him.

“S-s-sammy,” she stuttered, looking down and wrapping her hands on either side of his face. “Are y-you hard?”

“So very fucking hard,” he growled at her.

“Then put your fucking dick in me right now!”

Sam had wanted her to cum in his mouth, but the desperate determination in his sister’s voice quickly made him change his mind. He left her soaked pussy, grabbing a condom from the bedside. His hands trembled in his haste to put it on, eventually managing, then returned to lie over her. She pulled him into a kiss, deep and meaningful. Sam grasped his throbbing manhood, guiding it to Em’s entrance. She pulled back from the kiss, locking eyes with him. He saw in them the moment his swollen head eased passed the seal of her sex, and she let out a throaty moan.

“I-I need to cum with you inside me, baby,” she said. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him down, pulling him deeper into her. His pelvis rested against her hooded clit. He began to arc his hips back and forth, building on the pace his fingers had worked on before. Em clutched him tight, rumbling in the pit of her gut.

He fucked her with small forceful thrusts, designed to stimulate her clit with his body. She was slick, and he ground back and forth into her squeezing pussy. Em moaned his name again and again, a throaty breath as she held him solidly against her naked body.

“Oh god, Sammy. I’m so close.”

“Cum for me, Em,” he growled.

“I’m close. So close, so… fuck!”

She writhed, her hips bucking in time with his driving shaft, her ankles crossed behind him. He felt teeth on his shoulder as she bit into his skin.

“Cum, Emma,” he said, panting from his pace.

Then she went stiff, throwing her head back and letting out a high pitched cry. Sam continued to push into her, rub his pelvis against her, slower now, easing her through her climax. Stretching it out.

She shuddered, murmured, then pushed against him. He slid from inside her, letting her twitch. She collapsed back onto her mattress, panting and shivering. After a moment, her thighs eased apart, and she sat up, grabbing Sam by the back of the neck and kissing him. Her hand closed around his latex-covered shaft, giving it a few tugs.

“That was amazing,” she said, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand.

He grinned. She kissed him again, jerking his shaft, then clambered around on the bed. She leaned forward, resting her forearms on the mattress, and looked coyly over her shoulder at him.

“Come on, Sammy,” she cooed. “We’re not done yet.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Sam climbed up behind her, one hand grasping at her hips while the other eased his throbbing shaft back into his sister. He pushed his hips, sliding into her all the way to the hilt. Em let out a long moan, dropping her face down onto the pillows.

“You feel so good around me, Em,” he said, pumping his pelvis back and forth, driving his full length into her, holding her hips to pull her back onto him. “Your pussy feels so good.”

She moaned through a mouthful of pillow. His crotch slapped against the firm curve of her rump as he thrust again and again inside her. “Sammy,” she whimpered, “fuck me.”

He pushed her chest all the way down, angling her ass up. He hauled on her hips as he drove his cock into Em. She moaned with each thrust, and he panted and grunted. His cock throbbed and ached, and a little ball of tightness was building inside him.

“Emma,” he moaned. “I’m going to cum inside you.”

“Please,” she whimpered. “I need it.” The sounds of her room gave over to their panting and whimpering, the thwack of his crotch against her rump, and the wet sounds as his shaft delved repeatedly into her. The tightness within him grew, spurred on by the tug on his cock by the insides of his sister’s pussy.

“Fuck, that feels so good.”

“Mhm,” she managed to reply.

“God, it feels so… Em, Em, I’m gonna…”

“Yes, baby,” she moaned. “Cum.”


He thrust into her again, once more, twice, and third, and then his climax washed over him. He slammed into her one final time as he released, crying out her name, his seed shooting into her dripping pussy. It twitched, again and again, spurting everything he had, to be caught by the latex.

He held himself within her, twitching and spunking, until the lightness had faded from his brain. Her pussy held his sensitive cock, making him shiver with the slightest movement.

Eventually, he withdrew his softening shaft from his twin, collapsing on the bed next to her, panting hard. Em rolled over, draping herself half over him. She panted too, and had a far away look in her eyes. She kissed his chest, while her hands spread across his arms and shoulders.

“Oh my god, Emma, that was…” Words failed him, and she grinned.

“I know,” she said. “Trust me, I know.” She snuggled in against him. Sam slipped the condom off, tossed it into the bin, then wrapped her in a deep embrace. He pressed his lips to her forehead, and felt more content than he ever had before.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/usogiw/easy_like_sunday_sams_sister_dances_pt_3

1 comment

  1. This was written very very well. Loved it all. Great job. Would love to see this continue on or even more stories from you.

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