I Went for Cupcakes, I Got a Creampie (FM, Pregnancy, Masturbation, Public)

**Hey there, readers. This is my first attempt at a female POV, so I hope I was able to do it justice. I actually think this one’s pretty cute. Hope you enjoy!**

It was back. The urge. I tried to ignore it this time, but ignoring it only made the longing in me grow stronger. It grew and grew until it dominated my every waking thought. Cupcakes. I needed cupcakes.

I’d always heard about the cravings from Mama and Granny, but they’re truly something you have to feel to believe. The first trimester of pregnancy comes with a whole host of annoyances, but the cravings? God damn.

It’s like trying to go on keto when your favorite foods are pizza and mac’n cheese, except I’m not on a diet. Some days I want to deepthroat a can of Cheezewiz, other days I’d fight a tiger with my bare hands just for a cup full of crushed ice. Today? It’s fuckin’ cupcakes.

I kill the engine and pull my keys out of the ignition. Ted’s Baked Goods. *Ted better bake the fuck out of some cupcakes, or I’m gonna be raisin’ hell today* I think. This Texas gal isn’t taking any prisoners.

I open my door and step out. I’ve got on my favorite pair of denim shorts. They make my ass look damn good. I know that because it’s what my husband told me the night we met. Him and his dick are the reasons I’d level half this town for a fuckin’ cupcake right now.

I step out, and the fabric of my shorts bunches up just enough to graze my clit. I need to lean against the door as the surge of sensation spreads through me like a lightning bolt. “Whoo…” I say. Another perk, or curse, of early pregnancy. I’m always horny. These shorts used to fit me like a glove. They still do, if that glove happens to be a size too small, rubbing on your privates every time you so much as shift by a hair.

The sun’s warm on my skin. I let that distract me from my once-favorite shorts that now molest me twenty times a day. “C’mon, Hannah. Let’s go, girl.” My little pep talk gets me going. I close the car door and head inside.

A refreshing breeze hits me when I step into Ted’s, and there he is, the man himself, smilin’ like he just won the lottery. He’s bald on top with a few lanky strands of hair combed over. Thick flannel shirt. Dark blue apron. Thick mustache.

“Heya, Ted!” I call out.

“Well how are ya, Miss Hannah? Lookin’ lovely today!”

I pat my protruding belly. “Oh, yeahhhh…” I say, laying on the sarcasm thick. “Feelin’ like Miss Texas over here.”

“What’s the little rascal hankerin’ for today? Sourdough? Sweetrolls?”

“Cupcakes. Please, Ted, tell me you have cupcakes.”

“Cupcakes!? Oh, I have cupcakes!”

I bring my palms together in front of my face. “Oh, thank you Sweet Baby Jesus!”

“The Lord provides, Miss Hannah,” he intones, winking at me when he catches my eye. I hear the door open behind me. “Hey there, Jake. Come on in!”

“Hannah?” a male voice says.

I turn. It’s Jake. *My* Jake. My first kiss. My high school sweetheart. Thick black hair, five o’clock shadow, button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up. Worn jeans and work boots. Always the cowboy.

“H- Hey, Jake,” I stammer out. He’s smiling at me. His eyes dart down to my stomach, then, on their way back up to my face, they linger on my swollen boobs. *Shit*, I think. *Forgot to change.*

I’ve got on a low cut V-neck and a healthy helping of cleavage for everyone to see. It’s a thin shirt, and with all the excitement these fuckin’ shorts have been givin’ me, my nipples have decided to join the party and salute everyone in view. I’ve always been a busty girl, but most days I don’t even bother with a bra since none of mine really fit me anymore. Today was one of those no-bra days. *I must look like trailer trash*.

“You look beautiful,” Jake says.

I laugh. “Uh, what!?”

“You look good, is all.” He’s got that worried look on his face that means he thinks he’s hurt my feelings.

“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or nothin’, just not really feelin’ like a princess these days,” I say with a smile, hoping to set him at ease.

“No, Han, you always look good.” I can see the relief on his face.

“Ahem.” Ted clears his throat.

“Right!” I say. “Sorry, Ted. Cupcakes?”

“It’s alright, dear. So. I’ve got the ones here, ready to go. But seein’ as you’ve been my best customer these past few weeks, I’ve got a fresher batch that I’m about to frost, if you’re willin’ to wait an extra few minutes.”

“Umm…” I steal a glance at Jake through the corner of my eye. “I can wait.”

“Chocolate or vanilla frosting?” Ted asks.

*I’d literally punch my husband in the face to taste vanilla right now,* is what I want to say. “Vanilla, please,” is what comes out of my mouth.

“Vanilla frosting, comin’ right up! For you, Jake?”

“Uh, just… Um.” He pauses for a long moment, like he has no idea why he’s in here. “Bread.”

Ted cocks an eyebrow. “Bread?”

“Wheat bread. For…my mom.”

“Wheat bread. Yeah, I’ve got wheat bread,” Ted says with a little chuckle. “Does she want a small loaf or a big one?”

“Who?” Jake asks.

“Your… Ma?” I say.

“Right! Uh, small, please. Thank you.”

*Why is he acting so weird?* I think. I cross one leg over in front of the other and am instantly reminded why that is a bad idea. Another electric wave rushes from my clit, and I hold a finger to my lips to stop from making any noise.

“Mind if I ring him up real quick, Miss Hannah?” Ted asks me.

“Hmm? Yeah, no, that’s fine, Ted,” I say, pretending like I didn’t just give myself a mini orgasm in the middle of his bakery.

Ted bags up the bread and Jake fumbles with his wallet, paying in cash. After, Ted heads into the back to get my order ready. And now…it’s just me and Jake. Alone for the first time in, what? Eight years?

“So,” he says. “Cupcakes.”

I look at the bag he’s holding. “Bread.”

“*Wheat* bread,” he corrects.

I smile. He smiles back.

Fuck, he’s hot. *Shit. No. Stop it, Hannah!*

“Excited?” he asks.

“For what?” I ask like an idiot.

“Your, uh…”


“Baby. Your baby.” He looks kinda uncomfortable when he says it.

“Baby? You think I’m pregnant!?”

The look of horror on his face makes me bust up laughing.

“Good one,” he says with an embarrassed look on his face.

“It never gets old for me! I must use that one five times a week. Sorry.” I say.

“You ain’t sorry,” he says with a grin.

“Nuh-uh,” I say. I notice I’m biting my lip.

“Anyways, I was headin’ for the feed store when I saw you step inside. That’s why I came in. To say ‘Hi.'”

“Well I’m glad I caught your eye,” I say, “Big swollen boobs and all.”

He laughs a little. “Yeah, they do look pretty great.”

I squeeze my thighs together. It feels amazing. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

*I am so masturbating to you when I get home.*

“Okay!” Ted’s voice calls from the back. He steps back out into the storefront with a half dozen gourmet cupcakes in a clear plastic container. “That comes out to $48.50.”

“Jesus!” Jake says.

Ted looks almost offended.

“Thank you, Ted,” I say, holding out my credit card. I look at Jake. “They’re worth it.”

Jake holds the door open for me as I head out, each step another fresh jolt of sensation. I say bye as I get into my car and start the engine. The vibrations tickle in all the best ways.

“Jesus,” I say. I open the lid on the cupcakes and smear off a big lump of frosting with my finger, then bring it to my lips. “Mmm…” I moan. “Totally worth it.” I close the lid and back the car out of the parking space.

With one hand on the steering wheel, my other drifts down between my legs. I see Jake walking away. I run a finger over my clit. I let out a low moan.

“Ah, fuck it!”

I slam the gas and do a circle around the lot. I find an empty spot under a shade tree without any other cars nearby and park. I roll down the windows and kill the engine. If I’m going to rub one out in public, I’m not going to die of heatstroke.

I take a quick glance around while I press my thighs together. I don’t see anyone. I rub my clit over my shorts. “Ah, fuck…” Nothing’s felt this good in a long time. I’ve been teasing myself all day, and finally indulging feels like dipping into a warm bath on a rainy day. I close my eyes.

I’m already starting to sweat without the a/c running, but I don’t care. This is too fucking good. I unbutton my shorts and open the zipper. I slip a hand down under my panties. I rub my fingers up and down my clit.

I bring my other hand up to my breast. The touch aches at first. Everything’s so sensitive these days. I massage it gently, and the ache turns to pleasure. Boob play used to always just feel okay to me, but now… “Ahh…” Now, it feels pretty God damn fuckin’ good.

I’m so wet and-


I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear the voice next to me. My eyes shoot open.

“Jesus, Jake!” I cry out.

“Sorry.” He’s standing right next to my window, holding his fucking bag of bread. He sees my open shorts.

*Did he hear me moaning? Oh, he definitely heard me moaning.*

“The way you peeled out like that, I thought something might be wrong. Wanted to check on you.” His eyes drift up my body, taking in my breasts, then he find my eyes, still wide with shock. He holds my gaze for a few moments. He drops the bread.

He reaches into the car and grabs the inside of my thigh.

“Jake, what are you…?” I start, but as his calloused hand runs up my leg, I lose my train of thought. He reaches my crotch and starts to rub. I sigh. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. He rubs harder. I lick his lips.

He breaks off from the kiss and opens my door. I shift in my seat and turn away from him, getting on my knees, leaning over my cupcakes. My heavy tits sway as he yanks down my shorts and panties.

I hear his zipper open. He grabs my hips, and I feel his stiff cock slide into my slick pussy.

“Christ…” he groans.

My eyes roll back as he thrusts, steady and gentle. His rough hand grabs the back of my neck, the other drifts under my shirt and up my side. He takes a handful of my heavy breast and I feel my pussy start to gush.

His rhythm changes. He thrusts in, fast and hard, then presses the head of his cock firmly against my G-spot as he pulls back and does it all over again. It feels incredible.

“Fuck yeah… Just like that,” I pant. He definitely didn’t fuck like this when we were in high school. I could kiss the girl who taught him that trick.

“Hannah. You feel so good.”

“Uh-huh,” is the best I can manage in reply. I survive another two thrusts before my whole body convulses with the most earth shattering orgasm of my life. His cock gets caught in the grip of my flexing pussy for a moment, then, when I relent, he thrusts harder and faster, quickened by all the squirt I’ve doused him with. My car creaks as he rocks it side to side.

I feel another fresh wave of warmth inside me. He’s cumming, then. I don’t mind right now. It feels pretty good. He leans in and kisses my ear. I reach up and caress his face.

“Sorry…I…” he starts.

“It’s okay,” I say. “Can’t get pregnant again.”

“Right.” He lets go of my tit and neck. He pulls out. My pussy clings to him the whole way.

“Well,” I say as I settle back into my seat and pull up my shorts, “Thanks for that.” I shut the door and start the car. I blow him a kiss and back out the car in reverse. “See, ya!”

I’m gone before Jake can say another word. Once I’m on the road, I reach down and get a finger full of Jake’s thick cum and put it in my mouth.

“Totally worth it.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/us3zu6/i_went_for_cupcakes_i_got_a_creampie_fm_pregnancy


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