A Giant’s Kiss – [mf, macrophilia, oral, cute, size, fantasy]

“Help! Help! Oh, please, isn’t there anyone who can help me?”

The calls for help were so quiet that, at first, Aralisse almost didn’t go to check.

‘It’s just some children playing games, maybe,’ she thought to herself, coming up to a large branch that hung over the road she was traveling on. To anyone else, the tree limb would have sailed harmlessly overhead as they walked beneath, but for Aralisse? She had to duck underneath, and even then, the top of her head grazed the 13-foot limb before she continued on her way, her lips pursed in mild concern.

The giantess was distracted.

The cries for help weren’t going away, not like she would have expected for a game. And, come to think of it, she hadn’t passed a village in some time, and these woods certainly weren’t a good place for children to be playing amongst themselves. The wolves and beasts stayed far away from her, being the biggest thing in these woods, but the voice that called out was small, weak.

The giantess paused, despite herself. What if it wasn’t children playing? She didn’t know if she could just walk away, now that the thought had crossed her mind.


Her mind made up, Aralisse broke off the road and pushed into the woods, the darkness forming around her almost immediately as the trees’ canopies shielded the ground from the sun. The air got colder, too, and for a moment she felt a shiver steal over her—who was out wandering in these woods? And why?

Part of her question was soon answered, as the dark woods opened into a clearing, and she was presented with an interesting scene: a small, scrawny man, or was it a boy?, stood on top of a tall rock, and three wolves surrounded the base of the boulder, eyeing him with hunger and malice. Occasionally one would lunge upwards, their jaws snapping at the man’s shoes that hung over the side of the rock. He yelped, then turned—she saw at a glance that he was smaller, smaller even than a human. A gnome?

The man saw her, his cries for help going quiet.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here to help you!” Aralisse said excitedly, walking into the scene, but she paused as the wolves turned on her. She was much, much larger than the gnome, though, and she merely reached down to grab a nearby boulder, lifting it over her head. “Go on, you!” she shouted, throwing it towards the wolves, where it harmlessly hit the ground and rolled towards them—it was nearly as large as they were, and they backed up quickly at the threat, giving the hapless gnome some space.

Aralisse bent and grabbed an old log, waving it towards the beasts. “Go away! Find someone else to pick on!” she shouted again, and this time the wolves gave in, turning and fleeing into the forest with their tails between their legs.

The giantess looked for the man but realized quite belatedly that he was gone—in fact, all she saw of him was his cloak as he tried to run into the woods, likely to repeat this whole scenario when another pack of hungry wolves found him.

“Wait!” Aralisse cried, running after him. Thankfully, he was much smaller than her, and it took only a few steps for her to catch up to his fleeing form, her hands gently wrapping around him and lifting him into the air.

He was tiny, at least compared to the giantess, and even compared to a normal human he likely would have only come up to their knees or waist.

Aralisse had never met a gnome in person before, but she was certain that he was one. “Stop squirming,” she said, chidingly, as the gnome was doing just that, “or I might accidentally hurt you.” He put his hands on hers and tried to push her fingers open, and after a moment, she did so, allowing him to stand on her hands in front of her face.

He was rather cute, now that she was looking at him, and now that he wasn’t squirming so much. He had short, ruffled dark hair, and he wore a dark robe and hat. He looked to be young, but an adult, so perhaps in his early years away from his family.

“Not even a thank you?” Aralisse teased, as the gnome had yet to speak since he first saw her. She poked him with her finger, which caused him to double up with an ooph, and a small smile flitted across her face when he straightened. “I’m Aralisse, and I just saved your life. I think that means you owe me.”

“Owe you?” The gnome spoke for the first time, and Aralisse giggled. His voice was high and pitchy.

“Yes, owe me!”

Standing in her hands, the two could not have been more different. Aralisse was tall, though only average for a giantess, with long, blonde hair that reached down past her waist and a full, curvaceous form that was concealed by loose, thin cloth and occasional bucklers that held on armor, though the plates of armor were more for blocking irritations than a real battle. Underneath the curves and clothes, the firm silhouette of a muscular, massive body could be seen, though only dimly.

The gnome, on the other hand, was small and slight, looking as if he could blow away if she breathed too hard on him. Without thinking, she leaned in and pressed her lips to the side of his face—soft and small and not expecting it, the gnome stumbled backward with a shout of surprise, nearly tumbling from her fingers until she gently caught up and straightened him.

“I’m sorry,” she said, though she didn’t feel sorry, “I couldn’t resist. You’re so very cute. What are you doing out here all alone?”

The gnome, for the life of him, was struggling to figure out what he should do. Seeing the giantess coming out of the forests had been terrifying, but having her hands wrap around him while she easily lifted and carried him about was somehow… not. She didn’t have to say it, but he knew immediately that she would not harm him.

“My name is Dilben,” he said, finally, wishing that he could kick a rock and instead only seeing the smooth, soft skin of her palms.

“Dill-ben?” she repeated, her lips and tongue carefully forming each syllable. It sounded odd in her voice, but nice, too, like a song, almost. Her breath breezed over him, warm but not unpleasant or bad. It smelled oddly sweet, as if she had been eating fruit or berries recently.

“My friends call me Dilbi,” he added, “you can, too, if it’s easier.”

Aralisse smiled at him, and he realized the implication of the statement was that they were friends, now. Clearly, the giantess was pleased by the declaration.

“Dilbi,” she repeated, and her finger once again poked at him, but this time she didn’t pull it away. Instead, the massive digit pushed up against his chest, and he braced herself, not letting himself stumble again. Her finger pressed against him for a moment longer, hot and firm against his flesh, pushing up slightly. He felt his shirt rise upwards with the gesture, his belly poking out, and he finally allowed himself to fall back away from her touch.

“Aralisse,” he said, then, realizing he had never repeated her name. She giggled softly, and the motion made her whole hand bounce. He stumbled to his knees and sat there, realizing it might be the safest position while she still held him up. “You have a pretty name,” he added, because she did.

She blushed, then, an odd look on such a giant woman, but it suited her, somehow, just like her strange name. He thought most giants had names like “Gnash” and “Grok” and “Bonecruncher.” But then, he had never met an actual giant—he had tried very hard not to meet one, truthfully. They were not very good at avoiding gnomes.

“You haven’t said why you were out in these woods,” she reminded him, not letting his flattery distract her from her earlier question. She leaned in closer, almost whispering, “Those wolves would have eaten you up and left nothing behind! It’s dangerous here!”

She abruptly sat down, cross-legged, as if realizing that being up high was only a danger to her newfound friend. Dilbi had to admit he felt a little bit safer, the earth no longer quite so far away should he take a tumble from her hands, but the giantess hardly seemed inclined to let anything happen to him. Her hands had curled almost into a bowl, and she now held him not so close to her face, but instead almost at her chest, holding him cradled close against her so that he couldn’t fall.

“I was looking for herbs,” he admitted, feeling somewhat foolish at how close he had come to being in real trouble. “I am a mage, and I needed some specific plants for a concoction I was working on.” He had even managed to find some, but the wolves had found him soon after, and he’d lost the bag during the chase to the boulder. He supposed he did owe the giantess—she had saved his life, after all. He would be wolf-dung if she hadn’t stepped in and chased them away.

She blinked at him—two, massive owlish blue eyes. “What for?”

The concoction? Now it was his time to flush. The idea of trying to make himself grow seemed somewhat foolish to explain to a giantess, “Ah, nothing to worry about, now. I don’t have the right herbs, anyway, so I can’t do it.”

Aralisse smiled again. She really was quite pretty when she did that. “I have never met a gnome before,” she admitted, her blue gaze roaming over him with undisguised curiosity. She pulled at his robe, smiling at how small it was in her hands. “How do you not get squished? Do these clothes keep you warm?”

The robe pulled off at her tugging, leaving Dilbi in his jerkin and pants, feeling very much on display for the inquisitive giantess. “I stay away from people who can squish me,” he said, realizing that wasn’t entirely true. After all, he had ended up in Aralisse’s hands somehow, hadn’t he? “And the clothes help keep me warm, yes. Don’t yours?”

Aralisse looked down at the thin, flimsy material that made up her dress, then she looked back at Dilben, her brow furrowed. “No, not really.” Her look downward had caused his gaze to follow it, though, and he realized with a hot flush that he was being held directly at chest-level of the giantess, and the thin cloth she wore did nothing to hide the dusky brown of her nipples as they pressed against the material.

Before he could say anything, she was once again tugging at his clothes, his shirt first, pulling at it until he lifted his arms over his head and the jerkin slid off. His attention was successfully diverted from the giantess’s accidental indecency, now fully on the way she seemed intent on stripping all his clothes off.

“What are you doing?” he asked nervously, keenly aware that while she had sat down, he was still high enough off the ground that running and jumping off her hand wasn’t the best solution to easing his rising anxiety. “I need those, remember? To keep me warm?”

“I know,” she said, “I won’t lose them. I just want to see what you look like underneath!”

He didn’t know how to take that—and she didn’t seem to really care how he took it, either. She was firmly insistent in how her fingers pulled at the material, tugging at it until he caved and helped her remove it, though his anxiety remained the same. She hadn’t tried to eat him yet, but he still thought it was a distinct possibility—she did have rather large, full, pouty lips, after all, and they had already been on him once so far.

Finally, Dilbi was left standing in the giantess’s arms wearing nothing but his small clothes and his socks, neither of which were very warm or concealing. He wasn’t sure if he was excited about how his rescue was proceeding, but he still felt, at the very least, safe with the giantess.

Aralisse, at least, was excited. She had been traveling on her own for the better part of a year or so now, and while she had met all kinds of different people on her journeys, she had never seen a gnome! He was so much smaller than even the smaller of humans, and he still wore even more clothes! She knew that her biggest question lay underneath the little piece of cloth hiding the rest of him from her curiosity, and so she carefully tried to grab the edges of the thin material.

“H-hey!” Dilbi said, startled as the hand of the giantess once again returned to him. He’d thought she was satisfied with just his outer clothing coming off. Evidently not, as her questing fingertips poked and prodded, thankfully, very gently at his lower half. Despite himself, he could feel himself growing hard at the slight, insistent pressure that was stroking and pulling at his shorts, and, for the first time, Dilbi tried to escape the giantess’s grasping hands.

The giantess was not expecting the half-naked gnome to try to jump from her hands, but that was exactly what he did. Luckily for him, she grabbed him up easily before he hit the ground, and this time she did not let him go. “What was that for?” she admonished. “You could have gotten hurt!”

Dilbi squirmed, but the giantess had wrapped her hand around his waist and now held him in a loose, but still impossible to escape grip. Every time he struggled, he felt his heart race a little faster, his length hardening more and more in his smallclothes, though he didn’t know why. He’d been manhandled here or there before by other bigger races, like orcs or goblins, but it hadn’t ever made him respond like this.

She held his squirming body up to her face, and said, “Stop it, Dilbi.”

He did.

Again, the giantess smiled at him. He felt his stomach flip over, and then her hand opened, allowing him the chance to stand again. He did, shakily, embarrassed to see the tenting that was occurring in his shorts. Could she see it? If so, did she know what it meant? He didn’t dare ask.

Now, though, the giantess pulled him close to her chest, nestling him against her massive bosom, while her head craned downward to peer at him. Her lips were nearly brushing him, and the sweet, fruity fragrance of her breath washed over him with each exhale. It was warm, almost comforting.

“Better?” she said, smiling, and he realized with a start that she was intentionally keeping him warm. “I don’t want you getting cold; I’m just curious!” She blushed, adding, “Not many people like giants, and they tend to avoid us.”

Dilbi felt a bit guilty, and a little bit foolish, too. He’d just been prepared to take a nose-dive off of a giantess’s hands, and for what? Just because he was embarrassed? She had just saved his life, it was perhaps the least he could do. She just wanted to look, right?

Dilbi sighed, then stepped into the center of Aralisse’s palm. For a moment the giantess just looked at him, puzzled, and he flushed. “You can keep going, if you want,” he said, shyly, awkwardly, trying not to look into those big, beautiful blue eyes as they widened in surprise and delight.

Aralisse didn’t need to be told twice. While she had backed off after the gnome’s suicidal attempt to flee, his permission was all that she needed to rekindle her excitement. Her fingers were less hesitant now as they pulled at the thin fabric of his smallclothes, and she felt curious amusement each time that her fingers brushed against something small and hard protruding.

She had seen giants and orcs and goblins and trolls and men alike, and all had one thing in common—did a gnome, too?

Judging by the look on his face whenever her fingers glanced over that small, hard bulge in his shorts, yes, they did, and Aralisse giggled mischievously. The soft pad of her index finger pressed against the swelling lightly, and she looked at him, asking, “What’s this?”

Dilbi groaned softly as the giantess’s fingertip rubbed against his hardness, trying to decide if she was doing it intentionally or accidentally. Her question, then, when it came, was one that could be taken either way—was she truly, genuinely curious? Or was she aware of what her teasing touches were doing to him?

The giantess’s teasing tone indicated the latter, and the way her finger never seemed to stray far from his cock once she discovered it seemed to add further evidence to his conclusion. “That’s, uh,” his words choked off with a slight, shuddering gasp of surprise as the giantess finally pulled his smallclothes down, revealing his hard length to her curious, eager gaze.

She giggled—he did have one! “It’s so small,” she gasped, charmed. “Just like you!” She had seen giants and orcs with rods as big as humans, so to see the disparity made the giantess oddly excited. She leaned in and gave him another big kiss, though this time it wasn’t on his face.

Dilbi yelped as the giantess leaned forward with her big, pouting lips, her hot breath swallowing him briefly before the warmth of her mouth pressed against his abdomen and waist. His cock brushed her lips, slightly moist from her humid exhales, her tongue pressing briefly against his exposed body. He went to back up again, but the giantess had expected that, her free hand coming to sit behind him to act as a wall. He stepped back against it, his hands grasping for an escape route, but he knew there was none.

The gnome groaned softly as the giantess’s tongue dragged from his legs to his head, the wet moisture both erotic and shocking, as the gnome was well aware that the giantess could easily hurt him if she wanted. But, she didn’t. Her tongue swirled lightly around his waist, teasing his erect cock with the tip of the massive, long pink appendage.

He came with a whimpering moan, his cock twitching and pulsing as her tongue circled it again. His eyes were closed, so he didn’t see the giantess’s blue orbs widen in surprise, but he did feel her giggle softly.

“Sorry,” she teased, pulling away slightly, though she was running her tongue along the bottom of her lip, as if savoring the small taste of the gnome’s ejaculate. “I didn’t think that would happen so quickly.”

Dilbi flushed, looking down at his oozing, dripping length. He was still hard, but now he was covered in the giantess’s saliva, and his own cum. He was somewhat embarrassed by what had happened, but the giantess’s ease around him made his anxiety fade. She hadn’t seemed offended by what he’d done, and he didn’t want to cause further dissension by bringing it up. If anything, she had seemingly enjoyed herself.

Besides, he had somewhat liked it, in an odd way, one that he wasn’t sure he was fully ready to admit to himself.

The giantess reached out with her fingertip, rubbing his dripping cock, but then she frowned. “You’re wet now,” she said, biting her lip. “That’s my fault, isn’t it? And you were already cold…”

The giantess lowered her hand, and Dilbi atop it, towards her waist, where the bottom of her dress’s hemline clung to the giantess’s muscular thighs. He gaped as she lifted the hem, granting him a brief look between her thighs—

The cloth draped over him, covering him for an instant, the giantess gently rubbing away the saliva that her curiosity had left all over the tiny gnome. The touch was surprisingly sensual; Aralisse had pinched him somewhat between her thumb and index finger and was massaging the sticky fluid from his body. He groaned as his cock swelled again, the warmth of the giantess’s fingers finding his stiffness, and he heard her chuckle.


The cloth fell away, granting him another quick glance at the giantess’s exposed sex, flushing bright red until she lifted him back up to her face. If she was aware of what she’d just allowed him to see, she didn’t indicate it.

“Ready?” She asked.

Dilbi looked up at her, confused. “Ready? For what?” he asked.

The giantess didn’t answer him outright. Instead, her fingers wrapped around his nude body—aside from the socks—and lifted him up briefly, before dropping him gently down between the valley of her enormous breasts. Dilbi gaped as he felt himself almost sink down between the full, round curves of the giantess’s pale breasts until finally, he seemed to get stuck. He squirmed a bit, which only seemed to lodge him in more.

“Why am I down here?” he asked. “Why not your hand? And where are my clothes?”

Aralisse laughed, then said, “It’s safer!” She ignored the last question, and he had a feeling that he wouldn’t be seeing his robe or leathers any time soon.

Safer? Dilbi found himself suddenly nervous, but there was no time to ask to be let down to go on his merry way—besides, part of him thought that Aralisse would not allow such a request, which was partially why he hadn’t made it, yet. He didn’t know what he would do if faced with the reality of being a captive for a giant, not just a companion.

Those worries disappeared immediately as the giantess began to run.

He didn’t know who had told her that it would be safer to rest within her cleavage—the jostling, rocking motion of her breasts kept him pinned, and somewhat seasick, but he saw occasionally that her hands were clenched into fists as she ran, and the world moved by at a dizzying speed. That must be what she meant by safer, then. He didn’t know what direction the giantess was going or even why, but the roaring of the wind as they passed made it impossible to talk, anyways.

The realization that he was literally surrounded by breasts made it difficult to think straight, the warm heartbeat of the giantess occasionally audible as his head rested against the supple flesh that rippled with each step.

The giantess didn’t go far, thankfully. After a few minutes of the rough jostling, she stopped abruptly, and her fingers slid down the hemline of her shirt to scoop the gnome free of his trap. She giggled as she realized how stuck he was—he had gotten wedged almost halfway, and there was absolutely no hiding his erection from the giantess as she lifted him free.

She teased it briefly with her finger, biting her lip in a way that may Dilbi’s cock jerk with anticipation, but she didn’t press further just yet. Instead, she turned him to see that she had brought them to a clearing—Dilbi’s eyes widened as he saw the brilliant wash of pinks and golds and violets of the forest’s herbs and wildflowers.

“Oh,” he said, finally realizing what she had meant earlier by ‘ready?’ His heart sunk into his gut, remembering his intentions with the plants. He’d been wanting to grow for a while, traveling as a gnome was incredibly difficult, as he had learned today with his escapade with the wolves. He’d dreamed of growing maybe to the size of a human, just to see what it was like, to see if it was safer. But now, with the giantess, the idea of that sounded silly, somehow.

Then, surprising the gnome, Aralisse reached into the pocket of her dress, fishing around in it a moment before she withdrew her hand, and dropped his robe into her palm.

“It’s getting colder with sunset,” she said, explaining at his startled look. “I don’t want you to get sick.” Even if she didn’t want him to re-dress—the giantess found his small form charming, and she enjoyed using her breath and body heat to keep him warm. For now, though, she knew that her own wishes were outweighed by the importance of helping the gnome complete his task.

Dilbi slipped the robe on, cinching it shut around his waist even though it was supposed to hang open. His embarrassment at his nudity had returned as she’d offered the robe, though he knew that was silly.

“What kind of herbs were you looking for, Dilbi?” Aralisse asked, her tone curious, and maybe a bit disappointed? He looked up at her, but her expression was as chipper as always.

He hesitated, then said, “It’s called Agea Petal. It should be around here, the petals of it are a dark, lavender color.”

Aralisse smiled, “Like those?” She pointed towards a patch of wildflowers that grew not too far away, their flowering petals various shades of lavender and violet.

“Maybe,” Dilbi said, “let’s go see.” A small part of him hoped that it wasn’t the right plant, to avoid the inevitable awkward explanation when it came time to actually create the concoction. The giantess’s hand closed around him briefly, keeping him shelter as she trotted through the field towards the flowers she had pointed out.

Thankfully, it appeared as if the first batch of flowers wasn’t the right herb, and Dilbi sighed, relieved. “Not these, unfortunately.”

Aralisse didn’t look upset at the setback, instead, she just smiled and pointed. “What about those?” Dilbi followed her gesture, then sighed. Another patch of purple flowers.

“Let’s see,” he said, again, and the giantess proceeded.

This played out another three or four times, before finally, Dilbi saw the flowers he’d been looking for when the wolves had arrived—Agea Petal. It was the last he’d needed. He reached into the pockets of his robe, pulling out the small leather bag that he used to store his supplies, looking at the other herbs he’d collected. All there still—a small part had hoped they might have slipped out while Aralisse had been manhandling his clothing.

“That’s it,” he said, softly. “Put me down?”

Aralisse hesitated, then did so, kneeling slowly and placing the gnome on the ground. She felt a bit of disappointment and anxiety as he stepped off her hand, but she knew that she was being silly. He wasn’t going to try and run from her again, surely?

He didn’t seem like it, at least. He kneeled at the flowers and began stripping some of the petals off, and Aralisse sat down beside him, her anxiety fading as she watched him go about his work. He was so serious, and a small smile slipped across her face.

It didn’t take him long, before Dilbi stood up, turning to her. “I think I have all that I need,” he said, but she could tell that something was bothering him.

“Well?” she asked, teasingly. She offered her hand to him and, after a brief moment, Dilbi climbed back on. Her anxiety faded, and she cradled him to his chest. “Do you want to make it?”

He hesitated. Aralisse’s brow furrowed, and she craned her head to look down at him, as she had a few times before.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her tone gently prying.

The gnome was quiet, then sighed. “I’m not sure if I want to make it anymore.”

The giantess blinked, confusion evident in her brilliant blue eyes. The gnome sighed again, feeling almost guilty. She’d done all of this so that he could find his herbs to make the stupid poultice, and now he didn’t even want to make it anymore. He felt like he had wasted her time. “I’m sorry, Aralisse,” he began, but Aralisse just giggled softly. He broke off, the confusion his, this time.

“What’s it for?” she asked, teasingly. “Something awkward? A bigger rod?”

Dilbi’s face bloomed red with embarrassment, even as his cock jerked slightly at her mention of it. “No!” he said, shaking his head emphatically. Then he fell silent.

Aralisse’s teasing faded, and she looked at him. “I’m sorry,” she said, softly, “I shouldn’t have laughed. Please tell me?” She bit her lip, then added, “I won’t laugh anymore, I promise.”

Dilbi groaned, rubbing his hands over his face, but when Aralisse used words like please and sorry he realized he didn’t have much strength to resist her. Something about those blue eyes got to him. “It’s a growth serum,” he said, finally, “but not for my, uh, rod,” he was blushing again. “It’s supposed to make me about the size of a human. Traveling alone as a gnome is dangerous, as you saw, and I thought that maybe getting taller would help.”

He was waiting for her to laugh at him—a giantess hearing a gnome wish that he was taller? But she didn’t. She was watching him, her brow furrowed as she gnawed on her lower lip, clearly thinking about something.

“Aralisse?” he asked, slightly worried as the silence extended on. Was what he said that ridiculous?

The giantess blinked, then smiled shyly. “I can protect you, if you want?”

Dilben froze. “What do you mean?” he asked, surprised as he felt something like excitement welling within him, though he didn’t let it grow just yet. Throughout his journeys, he had met occasional friends here or there, but they’d been brief companions, never anyone that he had traveled extensively with. The giantess’s casual offer seemed almost too good to be true. She had easily protected him against the wolves, and he had no doubt that her skills extended just beyond that of chasing off errant wildlife. She was a giantess, after all.

“Travel with me, silly,” she said, her tone light, but the offer sincere. Aralisse had rolled into a kneeling position slightly, and the blonde giantess was staring down at Dilbi with a smile. “If you’re worried about traveling alone, I can protect you, and you won’t need to grow.” She didn’t want him to grow, anyways. Humans were everywhere, and they were often mean and cruel. Dilbi was gentle, and shy, and cute. She’d never met anyone like him before, and she didn’t want to see him change himself.

Dilbi was quiet, but he knew his mind was made up already. He nodded, then said, “Are you sure? I don’t want to be an imposition on you or anything.”

Aralisse giggled, and before he could stop her, she leaned in, kissing him again with one of her impulsive, passionate kisses. Her pillowy lips wrapped around him, her tongue slipping underneath the robe to tease him. He groaned, hesitating for a moment, before carefully shrugging the robe off—around Aralisse, his cock was constantly hard, so why not?

Seeing the motion as acceptance of her affections, Aralisse moaned in excitement, the sound reverberating through Dilbi and causing him to gasp in surprise—the echo vibrated around his body, and the giantess’s insistent tongue sought out his hard cock. He could feel the tightening in his balls as her kiss turned more into sucking and licking, her tongue drawing across his nude body, teasing him.

“Aralisse,” Dilbi groaned. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to last again—the giantess’s touch was like hot fire through him, and she seemed to know exactly how to use her tongue to tease him to excitement.

The gnome’s cock jerked as Aralisse’s tongue began to flick against him gently, lightly lapping his shaft again and again, and he wondered if she could taste his precum as it oozed out. She swirled around him, tasting him, savoring the way his warm, squirming body rested against her tongue. The giantess craved the slightly salty licks that told her that her companion was enjoying himself, finding an odd pleasure in knowing that she was able to bring him close to climax so easily.

Dilbi felt pinned by Aralisse—her tongue sweeping over him was becoming more and more demanding, stronger, less gentle. He squirmed, but there was no escaping her, and somehow, he knew that she could tell how close he was to cumming. He gasped as her tongue pushed him until he fell backward on her palm. Dilbi’s eyes clenched shut, focusing on the feeling of Aralisse’s attentions, trying to hold back the climax for as long as he could. His cock was painfully hard, and each sweep of her long, pink tongue over him drew him closer—

The giantess felt the slight spurt of warmth against her lips as the gnome came again, her tongue instantly darting out to lick up the slightly salty liquid, before gently lapping at Dilbi’s cock, cleaning whatever droplets of cum remained. The gnome groaned and shuddered at the feeling of the giantess’s lips cleaning him, his heart hammering as he came down from the abrupt, rushing orgasm.

Aralisse was smiling at him as his eyes opened, the gnome still shaking from the intensity of his climax. Dilben smiled back, shy, embarrassed but still feeling the euphoria from cumming—he didn’t know what the giantess saw in him, or why she enjoyed being around him so much, but he was surprised to realize that he felt the same way. He wanted to travel with Aralisse.

His words, when they came, were just as awkward and shy as he was, but he managed to force them out anyway, “If you’ll have me, Aralisse, I would like to accept your offer to travel with you.”

The giantess beamed. “Oh, Dilbi. This is going to be amazing!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/urvwjl/a_giants_kiss_mf_macrophilia_oral_cute_size


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