The Eagle, The Priestess, and the Epitaph Pt. 4 [Fantasy] [MF] [Seduction]

(Authors note: This part is going to be the lightest when it comes to sex. I needed a gap in sex chapters to have filler to detail the story. Really wanted to add a sex scene but it just became too long. So, apologies in advance if you were expecting another lust filled episode. If you hang in there, ep. 5 is gonna be a banger (pun intended). thanks for ready and hope you continue to enjoy!)

Autumn entered the room and found the single book on the shelf curiously. The boom of thunder, the flash of lightning, the howling of the wind made it all creepier. She stepped over the books and began to pick them up and sort them back onto the shelf. She then attempted to move the black book only to slightly click it into a specific place. The whole shelf detached from the wall, sliding along the wooden floorboards.

Autumn noticed a secret staircase, at the bottom of the stairs, a dried pool of blood. How long had it been there? She gulped, stepping around it and peering up towards a darkened staircase. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight. Finally, it worked. Why now though?

She slowly crept up the creaking staircase until she was at a door with a painted bird of some sorts. She turned the doorknob but it was locked. She then looked up at the door once more. Her heart pounding. What would she find on the other side?

She heard something on the other side. Almost like footsteps. Was this a prank by herp parents? Were some of her friends inside? Or was she in some sort of horror movie gone real. She gulped down her feat and tried the doorknob again. Still locked. She moved her phone around to see if she could spot anything. Anything at all that could help her. Soon she noticed that the eye on the painted bird looked like a secret button. She pushed it

Locks began to unwind. Soon, the door creaked slowly open. She entered what looked like the attic space of the home. Tones of items in boxes and crates, white cloths thrown over many items. She noticed a table of maps and pictures of what looked like an ancient dig site in Egypt. She walked around and eventually found a large cloth on the floor, she kneeled down at it and glanced up, spotting a large stone wall of hieroglyphics with two large stone statues of what looked like human males with dog heads holding spears. She stepped towards it, her hand reached out wanting to touch the stone wall but the thunder and lighting, the boom and flash scared her as the window shuttered in the heavy winds and rains. She felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. She panted and began to speak to herself “Calm yourself Autumn. It’s just the wind”

Soon she yelped in fear again, hearing the crash of metal behind her. She turned around, pointing the light of her phone towards whatever had fallen. She noticed a small container, that appeared to be made of brass. She picked it up and looked at it. It was like some small ancient urn with a Lion head in a pharaoh head dress. She sat it down on a crate nearby and attempted to open it.

“I wouldn’t do that If I were you.” Said a deep masculine voice from within the darkness.

She yelped again, afraid far more this time as she peered about, waving her light from her phone around to see who was up here. She didn’t see anyone. She didn’t even recognize the voice.

“W-where….a-are you? Come o-out so I-I can s-s-see y-you” She nervously said. Waving her light about like it was some rave concert.

“I’m up here” The voice said calmly.

She glanced up from her right shoulder. The large stone statues head had turned to peer down. Its eyes red and its mouth moving.

“Would you point that light away, its blinding” He uttered.

She screamed loudly and dropped her phone running towards the staircase. She slammed the door shut and began to race down the stairs, tripping as she went. She slid and fell on her left ankle, hearing a pop. She screamed louder in pain as she winced, gripping her leg. She heard loud footsteps from above, clearly approaching the door.

She limped her way down the rest of the stairs and slammed the bookcase shut. She limped down the hall to the kitchen, the power still off in the house. She limped to the house phone her father had insisted they have. It was dead. She swore loudly and opened the freezer, grabbing a few ice cubes. She threw them into a rag and pressed it on her swollen ankle.

“Fuck!” she winced in pain as she gritted her teeth. She turned to look towards the library and saw the statue, from floorboards to ceiling, standing before her. She screamed loudly. The statue raised its hands and placed them on its ears as if it was in pain.

“Would you stop screaming?!” he bellowed, whimpering like a dog as he placed his hands over his ears. His eyes peering at her as he stood. He was no longer a statue. She could now tell when the light from the lighting gave her a quick view. He was made of flesh and blood, a muscular male torso with a dog head. He wore a white and gold skirt, similar to what history portrayed ancient Egyptian men.

“Please….im sorry…. don’t kill me….I-I’m so s-sorry” She began to cry, whimpering as she limped backwards, her back pressed against the fridge.

“K-kill you?” he uttered, completely flabbergasted. “Why would I…..oh…oh yeah…”

He glanced at himself in a mirror nearby. “I look like a freak to you in my natural state. Sorry about that. Most mortals these days don’t understand. Here, allow me to calm your fears. How about…..ah…. yes I see. How about this?”

He snapped his fingers. In the flash and booms of lightning and thunder, his body changed in an instant. What stood before her looked like some dude at the skatepark who dropped out of high school and joined a goth punk band. He smiled, white teeth glittering as he deep black hair was spiky and all over the place. He had deep black eyeliner and a nose and lip ring. He wore no shirt, which showed of a very thinly muscled man with several tattoos of skulls and dogs. He wore leather pants with a spiky belt, and even had wrist collars of the same spiky guard.

“This better?” He stated. His deep voice now replaced by a sexy middle pitched voice.

“Who…who are…..what…what the hell are you?” she uttered, her back pressed against the fridge still. Her heart beating slightly slower but still felt like she was going to die of a heart attack.

“I’m….well lets start with names. I’m Anubis. Gatekeeper to the underworld. Hello!” he smiled, raising one of his hands. “And you…must be Autumn? Heard you call yourself that upstairs. Gotta say, hot name.”

“Gatekeeper to…..what the fuck! Is this some kind of sick joke to you? Breaking into a girls house and…..”

“Woah woah woah!” He stated, slowly walking around the island counter in the kitchen, his red eyes still fixated on her. “If anyone is breaking in, its you breaking into my…well not my house but….his house. You’re the one not supposed to be here.”

“What do you mean his house?” she uttered, confused as her left hand reached over and grabbed a knife on the counter near to her, watching him as he slowly walked towards her.

“Ra’s House” he uttered, continuing to talk to her as his eyes stayed on her, not the knife “Got of the Sun, god of all Gods? Didn’t you pay attention in ancient history class?”

“Not one more step. I swear! Ill cut you!” she uttered, wincing as she accidentally steppe don her left foot, feeling a surging pain.”

“Looks like your in pain young one “ he smiled, pulling out a small yellow bar of….something from his pocket. “Here”

He stood close to her, just feet apart. He held out the yellow bar in his hand simply waiting for her to take it. She gulped and moved forward, surging the knife into his neck. She pushed the knife deeper until she noticed no blood was spilling out. She slowly pulled the knife out to show that his neck simply healed itself.

“There, now that you got that out of your system. Have a reed bar. Their quite delicious” he smiled, pulling another out of his pocket and ate it, chomping on it slightly.

She hesitated, dropped the knife, and backed to the fridge again. What was going on? Was she dreaming? She didn’t know. She hesitantly reached out and grabbed the yellow candy from his hand. She slowly put it to her tongue and began to chew on it. It was sweet and tangy, almost like chewing on a lemon, orange, and a banana at the same time. After she had finished the candy, she felt the stinging pain in her ankle disappear. It was healed. She glanced up to him and opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t.

“Don’t worry young one. I know what you’re thinking.” He smiled, putting one of his hands up on the fridge above her head. He smiled. He was totally hot. His smile, his body, his odor. Oh god his odor. He smelt of lemon, oranges, and kiwi. She blushed a bit as she finally had the courage to speak.

“H-how do you know what I-I’m thinking?” she uttered.

“All you mortals are the same. “Am I dreaming?” “ He mocked her in a feminine voice. “Again, my name is Anubis. Gatekeeper to the underworld. Well, used to be until I got stuck here. Owed Ra a favor. I wouldn’t exactly call this a favor tho.”

“Can you slow down a bit?” She uttered “You’re like a puppy on meth right now”

“You think I’m a puppy?” he uttered in disgust as if it were calling him a cunt or a douche. “Listen kitten, I’m a mean, lean Doberman whose got millennia of millenniums of wisdom, toughness, and roughness. I’m not no puppy. If any one is a puppy, it’s you kitten.”

“Okay… okay…geezus” she uttered “What…what were you doing ….up there “ She began to point up towards the attic.

“Gatekeeping. Protecting that epitaph on Ra’s orders” He uttered. He glanced into her eyes, observing her sapphire blue gems as his red eyes glazed back like rubies. She noticed when he spoke, he had a tongue ring as well.

“Why are you protecting that stone…epitaph?” She mentioned “What’s so important?”

“It’s a portal. To a prison” He uttered, walking away from her, glancing outside as the storm picked up. It almost looked like a tornado was out there with all the wind and rain. “I can’t let anyone destroy it or she will be released”

“Whose….she?” Autumn uttered, walking slightly away from him as she moved towards the entrance to the hallway. If she ran, she could make it to her car and drive off from this lunatic.

“Hathor” he uttered, turning to face her “Former Goddess of Love, Sex, and Fertility”

“Well…” she stated, shrugging “She don’t sound so bad….right?”

“Not at first” Anubis stated, staring to walk towards her again. He raised his finger up shaking it “She started to use her powers to seduce men. Breed Titans. Tried to raise an army up to kill Ra when he cheated on her with Isis.”

“Titans. Ra. Isis” She whispered, starring at him as he had come close again. She gulped, feeling her heart skip a beat. “You do realize this all sounds…utter crazy right?”

Anubis simply laughed. Shaking his had in agreement “Yeah, I guess for you, it would be.

They had staired at each other for a while in silence. She nervously shook against the wall as he staired at her, the occasional flash of lighting would light up his charming looks. Soon he had walked up to her again, and placed his left hand above her head, he reached out with his other hand and rubbed her chin and cheek with it.

“You know….I am part Dog. I can smell really really well. You smell….amazing. “He sniffed, lifting up a strand of her hand and sniffing it “Lavender and grapefruit”.

“Your…your right.” She stated softly. He had guessed her shampoo and conditioner with ease.

“I can also smell that… oh my” he smiled and blushed himself, returning his hand to her cheek, his thumb rubbing along her lower lip “I can smell that your… in heat”

She blushed bright red, glancing away quickly “That’s not something you tell a girl the first time you meet her pal.”

“Sorry” He chuckled while smiling “It’s been a while since I last flirted with a really cute mortal”

She blushed bright red as she returned her gaze to him. She raised her eyebrows at him “Cute? Your…. Your lying. No one ever thinks I’m cute.”

“Well, their all wrong. Mabey what you needed is an Alpha Dog in your life” he smiled, leaning in and sniffing her hair again.

“Oh god. Please don’t tell me you’re into furries” She uttered.

“What are furries?” he uttered, glancing at her with peeked interest.

“I…never mind what I said.” She uttered, glancing away. “Just….just go back to guard dogging the stone idol up there.”

“I think its safe for me to take a break. The kids giving her all the attention up there.” He smiled, moving her face to face him again. “I’d rather be guarding you.”

She wanted to ask more about this kid he mentioned but he had leaned in and kissed her. Now, she had kissed guys before, but this, was different. He used his tongue into the kiss. He literally was slobbering over her lower lip as she made out with him. And to be honest, she enjoyed it.

Soon, they were making out. Her hands on his chest, digging her nails into his muscled physique as his own hands had begun to wander. One on her breast, the other on her neck, slightly gripping her wind pipes. She could even feel his large meat rod in his pants. God…she was getting wet. She wanted him so badly.

Soon, she pulled him away and panted, feeling drool on her chin as she glanced to him. She smiled lightly before moving her hands to his neck and raised her legs. “Carry me to my bedroom sir?”

He smiled with lust as he picked her up, holding her ass in his hands as she wrapped her legs around his waist “With pleasure my kitten”.

And with those words, their mouths glued back together again, making out, mixing their salivating tongues as he walked up over to the stairs up towards her room.
