Once upon a time, I used to date an Olympian.
No, I’m not going to tell you any identifying info about her at all, except for:
* She’s won medals
* She’s a summer athlete
* She’s hot AF
We met at a brunch place. She immediately caught my eye from across the restaurant and when we happened to leave at the same time I apologized for bothering her and asked if I could give her my number.
“I’m really busy. Like, really, *really* busy.”
“That’s cool,” I said. “You don’t have to call, but obviously I think it’d be cool if you did.”
She did end up calling me, about a month or so later. I was surprised and it took me a bit to put two and two together. I finally figured it out when she described herself as “The cute, busy chick you met at [famous brunch place].”
The biggest difficulty was finding a date that worked for her: she wanted to avoid bars and my second favourite get-to-know-you date, a pie place, was off the table too for some reason (the reason: she was on a strict training diet). We ended up going to the movies.
While we were waiting for the movie to start, I asked her what she did and she said she was a pro athlete. “Like, how pro?” I asked.
“You know how the Olympics are in a few months?” she replied.
*Yeah*. “Oh, shit,” I replied.
“Don’t go all weird on me now,” she said.
“Does that usually happen?” I asked. “Do people get weird when they find out they’re talking to an Olympian?”
“All the time,” she replied. “So, don’t do this. I want to enjoy the movie.”
“I promise you, I was already into you so this barely moves the needle.”
She laughed at that.
It was one of those dates where there wasn’t a spark, but we both had a good time, so we decided to keep doing it. It was very casual, and we liked talking to each other, and then we discovered that we liked kissing each other and then we discovered that we liked fucking each other, too.
Olympia (not her real name, obviously) was an experience. I generally like my girls petite – I like to manhandle them a little, toss my partners around a bit, you know. Olympia was the first girl I dated that could beat me in an arm wrestle (it was her idea). She did this thing where if I was on top of her she’d kind of effortlessly flip me over and suddenly she’d be on top of me, grinning and grinding against me without ever missing a beat.
Olympia’s body was wiry and taut. There was no jiggle anywhere on her body. She didn’t have muscles popping out anywhere but she was *built* and strong. Her thighs were great to get stuck between.
She had cute freckles from all the sunshine and she liked to wear her hair in braids (and also loved when I pulled them during sex). She grunted more than moaned, which was pretty hot. Her favourite position was standing up, leaning over the couch with one leg up.
We obviously took a bit of a break while she was out there winning her medals. Yes, she stayed in the Olympic village. Yes, she told me about it. Yes, I fucked her with an Official Olympics Condom when she got back.
When she won, she sent me a selfie where she was only wearing her medal. Her face was flushed from excitement and celebratory booze. Her entire body was glowing.
*It was really, really hot.*
Eventually we just sort of drifted apart, as one does. The sex was really good but not amazing and even after the Olympics she was busy training so much that it was hard to get together. The final nail in the coffin was when she left for a months-long training camp on the other side of the world in prep for a big event. We both realized that what we had wasn’t worth doing that whole long-distance thing and we parted amicably.
Back when I used to actually post on Insta, she’d still occasionally like my pictures of some food I’d eaten or some sunset I’d seen. As far as I’m aware she’s still competing and kicking ass and I hope all is good with her.
*I know this wasn’t really a particular story like I usually write, but I’m bored at work today so if you want to ask any questions in the comments I’ll be happy to answer them.*
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uqz9rw/i_m_used_to_casually_hook_up_with_an_olympic
I went to school with an Olympic field hockey player and I would eat her out all the time (when she had the time lol). Very cool experience.
Great story. What was her experience in the Olympic Village like?
Great story mate! Hopefully you’ll be able to reconnect with her if there’s a chance
Great experience! Did she sleep with a ton of Olympic athletes in the village?
Awesome story! I’ve had a similar experience with an Olympic champion. They’re intense but SO much fun
While I did not make it to the Olympics I was close to that level for a number of years. I did Olympic Trials a couple of times. I can tell you for sure elite women athletes are the horniest women for sure. I dated one for 5 years, later went on to be a fitness model, and we had more group hook ups with other elite girls (and a few guys) that it spoiled me for life.
GF would get so horny, she once masturbated 6x in one day!!!
I had a theory too, she had a very big clit and was naturally strong as fuck so I think genetically her testosterone levels were at a high level. She banged a bunch of football players after we broke up and settled down and has 2 kids now with a guy who did go to the Olympics.
While my wife was almost an Olympian she competed in a very different sport and her sex drive is almost non existent (FML)