Why haven’t you kissed me? She asked. [MF]

This is what she asked me after the baseball game this weekend.

Lisa and I met years ago, having been set up on a semi-blind date by two groups of friends who knew each other. We were given each other’s pictures and the elevator pitch, and agreed to meet for dinner. There was definitely some sexual chemistry, dinner couldn’t get over fast enough so that we could go for a walk and make out.

We became quite interested in each other, she sent me a number of becoming pictures of her, including several in a bikini, she looked GOOD! We arranged a second date as soon as we could.

Unfortunately, our second date went much worse, as she was hungry for a lifetime mate while I wasn’t completely positive about how to spell her last name yet. She grilled me on religion, politics, kids, retirement, and we discovered that we were pretty far apart on many of these subjects. I walked her to her car, we kissed a few times, passionately but wistfully, and that was that.

However, we had already become friends on social media, and as we certainly didn’t dislike each other, there was no reason to unfriend each other. We kept up, chatting every few months or once a year, usually about our one common interest, the local baseball team.

Years passed, and the team was doing better and better, and I split a pair of season tickets with a couple of friends. In passing, I mentioned this to her, and she scolded me for not taking her to a game yet. I promised I would, soon. I didn’t think either of really meant it.

But she mentioned it a couple more times, and I finally decided to go for it, strictly as a friend. No designs whatsoever, indeed, I really hadn’t thought about her sexually for years.

We met at a park-n-ride and drove to the game together so that we both didn’t have to pay parking, and didn’t have any trouble finding each other at the ballpark. As soon as she got in my car, she reached for the back of my head, saying, ‘Ooooo, your hair is so much shorter now!’ And all throughout the game, she bumped up against me, touched my leg a few times. Normally I would have taken that as a hint, but all the other clues that she was physically interested in me were absent, so I took her touches simply as an indication that she was comfortable with me, like a brother or a childhood friend. When I dropped her off at her car after the game, she just got out of my car, no attempt at a hug or anything.

This process repeated itself for several more events over the next couple years, comfortable touching, but nothing more. Until last week.

She had just returned from several months in Florida, and a note from her popped up in my messages about the success our team was having. They were in town and I suggested we hit a game together soon. She hopped on that immediately, and we scheduled a game a few days later, last week.

We did the same routine, meeting at the park n ride and drove to the stadium together. Again, her hand went straight for my head, my springtime haircut attracting her attention. And, much to my dismay, she had lost a little weight and gained an amazing tan while in Florida, and was dressing the part. She looked amazing. Short skirt, tight team jersey, golf cap that she pulled her long blonde pony through, no woman in her 50s should look that good.

My thoughts couldn’t be subdued completely. But I was successful in keeping them to myself.

The same touchiness as before, leaning into each other in the bleachers, touching my shoulder or my leg after a big play, that sort of thing. We stopped for a brief bite to eat after the game, not wanting to deal with ballpark food for a change, and then took her to her car.

The park n ride was pretty deserted, and the light she had parked next to had gone out. I stopped my car as we were in the middle of a conversation, and as usual I was going to wait until she drove out of the lot before leaving, for safety’s sake.

After our conversation was over, she put her hand on the door latch, then turned to me as if to say good bye, but instead, she asked, “Why haven’t you kissed me?”

I was quite taken aback. All afternoon and evening, I’d been thinking about how much I would like to rekindle that make-out session we had shared, but at the same time, I couldn’t even begin to hint at that, she was very clearly a relationship girl, and I was very clearly not.

“Ummmm, as cliche as it sounds, because I respect you too much?” Before she had time to answer, “I mean, don’t get me wrong, you are VERY desirable. But, well, way back when, it was obvious you wanted a relationship, and we weren’t compatible in that way. So there was no way I was going to even hint at a physical type of thing.”

She looked at me, feeling like I had more to say, which I did. This was going to be a tightline to navigate, if she had changed modes, if she was interested in something casual, I had to indicate I was open to that, but didn’t want to presume anything on her part.

“I’ve found over the years that I have a much more casual perspective on physical relationships than most people. Probably most guys, and definitely most women. I view, um, intimacy, of any sort, sort of like going to the ball game. I don’t just indiscriminately go to any ballgame that’s out there, I’m picky about the teams I want to go see. But at the same time, I don’t feel like I have to buy a lifetime pass, or even a season ticket, just to see a game once in a while. I can enjoy seeing the team occasionally, and that satisfies my need for watching.”

I paused for a second, to see how she was taking that analogy. She was waiting patiently. “I think most women want a season ticket. And from our previous conversations, you sounded like you were in search of a lifetime pass. So while we find ourselves going to a couple games a year without any more of a commitment, that scenario really only applies to baseball, right?”

She started laughing. And kept laughing, until tears started rolling down her face. “That is the most interesting way of saying you want a casual FWB that I’ve ever heard. I’ve met a lot of guys over the years, and they’re either super blunt about wanting a fuck buddy, or they pretend they want a relationship but they just want in my pants.”

“I’ve had so much fun going to the games with you, once in a while, just as friends. I did want season tickets, or, what did you call it, a lifetime pass, when we first met. But I’ve realized that I’m OK not going to every game anymore, as long as I get to go once in a while.”

With that, she leaned over the console and kissed me, a long, warm, increasingly passionate kiss that brought back memories from a decade ago. She pulled away a bit, and very purposefully put her hand on my thigh, seemingly to balance herself as she was still leaning over the console, and said, “And I’d like to go to batting practice once in a while, too.”

With that, she leaned all the way in again and kissed me again, and I felt the pressure of her hand on my leg, squeezing my thigh, then running her hand up and down, in a very clearly sexual way.

We made out for a couple minutes, barely taking a breath, her hand moving up and down more and more sensuously, and then we broke apart to catch our breaths. We both watched as she let her fingertips run up and down my leg, closer and closer to my crotch. “Do you want to take me to batting practice?” she murmured in a goofy, yet flirty way.

“Is this where I offer the use of my bat? Or is that just too corny to even say out loud?” She laughed, responding, “I’ve been thinking about your bat the whole game. If you couldn’t tell.” I replied, “I didn’t want to gush but you look amazing. I’ve been at bat pretty much since you got in my car.”

“You have?” she asked? “I need to check that out!” and without asking, she reached her hand over the bulge I’d been trying to hide, and confirmed. “Yes, you are ready to swing for the fences!” She started to pump me up and down.

The speed had gone from 0 to 60 in a flash, and I was suddenly uncertain about what her intentions were. We couldn’t go back to my place. Did she want to have sex in the car? Was she just wanting to fool around a bit? I decided to let her control the action.

I leaned my seat back a few degrees, and let her stroke me through my shorts some more. We kissed several times, she scooted over in her seat so she was right next to the console, and I was able to get my arm around her, to rub her back, stroke her neck. I desperately wanted to see more of her, this strong, tanned body, but I didn’t want to ask her to do something she would be uncomfortable with.

She appeared to be having a lot of fun playing with me, so I went along with it. She looked up at me as she moved her hand, “Maybe you need to be able to swing your bat freely.” Without waiting for a response, she unzipped me, tugged my shorts and boxers down, letting my cock stand up free. “Oh yes, that is so much better!” She ran her hand over it, then all over my balls, enjoying my response to her touch. “I would love to jump you right now, but we’re too old to do it in the car. How about if I finish you off this time, and we can schedule another practice at a better location?”

“OK!” I nodded eagerly, very happy to go along with whatever she proposed. How could I say no?

“Batter up!” she giggled, and began stroking me. “Is this how ‘Paradise by the Dashboard Light’ was thought of?” I asked. She laughed, and tried mimicking the radio announcer. After a moment, she stopped, giggling again, “I can’t do it! That’s just so wrong!” She started pumping again, harder, looking up at me, and I grabbed her, kissing her hard.

During our kissing, I started approaching the point of no return, and started moaning. She took that as a clue. Looking around, making sure there was no one in sigh, she changed position in her seat, kneeling on it, and leaned way over the console, taking me in her mouth. Continuing to stroke, she waited to get me all the way in her mouth, then reached further down and began to fondle and squeeze my balls.

That was all it took, my legs stiffened and I began to moan harder, bucking in my seat. “I’m going to cum now!” I whispered, to give her fair warning in case she wanted to pull off during ejaculation. But that was not her plan. I started shooting, and heard her purr, ‘Mmmmmmm’ as I filled her mouth.

Those delicious moments seemed to last forever, and yet were gone in an instant. When I was finished, she waited just a bit longer, until she was sure I was spent. I felt my cock already shrink, and once she pulled off, it was back down to pre-game size. She turned her head to look up at me, and very visible swallowed, then turned back and took one more firm tug, sucking those last couple of drops out.

“Oh my god.” I moaned. “I am speechless.” She smiled demurely, and I pulled her to me with a hand around the back of her neck, kissing her hard. She attempted to pull away for a second, but then allowed me to. When we were done, she said, “I wasn’t done swallowing, I didn’t know if you knew that.” “Didn’t matter, I wanted to kiss you, period.”

She gave me a loving look. “That is so nice to hear. Some guys are, well, picky. Or grossed out.” “I see no reason to be grossed out. I think it’s pretty hypocritical to expect to come in your mouth but not want any in my mouth, don’t you think?”

“That’s what I think too!” She smiled wide and kissed me again.

“We should probably get you dressed, just in case…” She helped me on with my underwear and shorts, taking her time to run her hands over me. “I’ve been wanting to do that for years!”

“Me too, I just couldn’t have asked.” I very obviously looked her up and down. “I’m looking forward to when I can return the favor!”

She gathered her stuff, and opened the car door. “Me too! Me too!!!!” she giggled. Kissed me one last time, got in her car, and took off.

There’s a lot of games left in the season.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uqhg08/why_havent_you_kissed_me_she_asked_mf

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