Caught Stealing From the Temple, the Temple Might Just Steal You [breeding] [impregnation] [master] [corruption][fsub] [mdom] [male on female] [female on female] [fdom] maybe?

You never should have tried to steal the heart. You knew it was wrong, you knew the dangers, but something about it just… called to you. The heart of efforithea was the crown jewel of this temple, the temple of lust. It also just so happened to have a black market bounty of four million obols for its deliverance to the wealthy banker, your employer, whose eye, like the eyes of all others who gaze upon its electric beauty, it had caught. That kind of money would have payed off all your debts, and most importantly, would have allowed you to finally end your life of odd jobs (most crimes), and pursue your true calling: painting. Ever since childhood you had a knack for the arts, the brush your sole outlet for the many struggles of your early life. When your father lost his job at the royal engineer’s corps, you painted. When your parents divorced, you painted. When the family farm was sold, what did you do? You painted. Most painfully of all when your father was crushed in the construction accident at the amphitheater, you had nothing else, nobody else to turn to but your brushes and meager selection of paint, the range of pastel colors you loved to work with, adding much needed color to a life, itself painted in various tones of grey. All the shady deals you made, all the nights you spent rummaging through the houses of politicians, all these immoral acts and more, where in pursuit of this dream. After this last job you would finally have had enough to travel to Athens and take a position as an apprentice to one of the finest masters of the age. Your paintings would be displayed in the houses of kings across the great sea. Alas, you appear to have landed in an unfortunate situation, a recurring theme in your life it seems

“For your heinous acts in violation of the goddess’ generosity may you serve your penitence through adoration of the very power you loosed such disrespect upon. A season spent in service of the temple would do you some good.” You couldn’t believe your ears. The applications for apprenticeship would be ending in only a few short weeks. “Wait! I’m sure we can settle this some other way. I didn’t mean any harm really. Please I’m begging you!” A burly hand forcefully snapped your chains back on, practically dragging you out of the courthouse. He lifted you up, unceremoniously dropping you into the back a prison cart.

Arriving back at the scene of your latest crime you were led up the slick marble steps by your chains. The guard took you past the inner sanctum, the heart of efforithea seemingly laughing at you (wait what! You swore you heard the sweet sound of feminine laughter!) as the guard pulled you onwards, past the very jewel that brought you to this fate. Passing through a small archway and down a winding set of stairs you ended up in a small circular chamber, adorned with colorful mosaics depicting lewd acts of all varieties. In the middle was a circular bath, the water giving off steam that wafted up to the high vaulted ceilings, the source of light in the chamber. Turning around noticed the guard was gone. Now was your chance! As you got up and ready to run, a set of hands, no two sets of hands, latched unto you, touching you, fondling you, ogling you. Wait these hands were soft, like the butter back in the days of your family’s farm. Turning around you met the glaze of two stunning young women, not much different in appearance than yourself, aside from their total lack of clothes. “Hey those are mine, you creeps! I said get your slut hands off my tits!” The two young women disrobed you with celerity, continuing to prod and squeeze, unfazed by your protest. The familiar feeling of warmth lit up your face as you blushed profusely, scrambling to cover up your now completely naked form. No one had ever seen you like this before, not even that poet boy you had crushed on as a young teen. “Awwwww no need to be she you cute little treat,” the older of the two women spoke. “We’re all naked here!” Her remarks did little to reassure you. “Yea no need to hide yourself with us. Besides I’m sure master is going to love those perky tits,” the younger of the two cooed as she lowered your body into the warm water. “What do you mean master! I thought you idiots at the temple just dusted off statues and teased the horny old men who only worshiped here because of the how the priestesses dressed… or you know, didn’t dress.” “Don’t worry the young maiden with talks of master, Isa. I’m sure you will enjoy it here, don’t worry!” You surely wanted to worry but their wandering hands were quickly becoming a little bit of a distraction. A moan escaped your lips as the eldest squeezed your sensitive nipple. “Oh look, someone is having fun” “No I’m n-not nnnghh” “You don’t need to lie to us, we’re your new roomies,” Isa smirked as she gently wrapped her soft lips around your now fully hardened nip. “Ahhh ahhh,” you couldn’t help it, the feeling of the sultry young women sucking on your breast like an impatient babe was just too pleasurable. The rhythmic motion as her lips pulled your sensitive nipple into her warm mouth was far beyond what you had ever been able to feel on your own. Ooooh ahh I’m c-coming, ahhhhhh!” The feeling of pure ecstasy clouded your senses. In this moment the only thing in the world that mattered were you and the two beautiful ladies in the bath with you. “All clean and ready for master!” Isa chirped. You couldn’t even protest.

Continued in comments



  1. The two women accompanied you out the room and through a series of labyrinthine passageways, eventually guiding you into yet another circular room, this one much larger and filled with the most spectacular garden you had ever seen. Flowers and fruits from across the Mediterranean as well as ones you had never seen before all bloomed vivaciously and far out of season. The strange aroma in the room filled your nostrils, the thick and exotic scent bringing a renewed wetness between your thighs. Turning around you realized your new friends had abandoned you. Although you felt a pang of sadness at having been separated from Isa, you quickly dismissed from you mind the images of your sensuous experience in the bath together. You could find the cute young priestess later, you supposed, as you meandered through the breathtaking garden. The aroma emanating from the surrounding flora soon became too much to handle as your fingers drifted down to your clit. You walked through the scenery, touching yourself as you grew increasingly more aroused. What was wrong with this garden. Your thoughts were becoming hazier and hazier by the second, the overwhelming need to cum overpowering your senses. You emerged in a clearing as the scent reached a crescendo. At the center of this clearing was an ornate stone altar, flowering vines weaving their way up the sides. You moved ever closer to the alter. Climbing on top of the smooth, cool stone, you began to grind your pelvis, back and forth, back and forth across the holy site. Suddenly a dominating presence washed over you. Stepping out from the bushes and into the clearing was a strong, muscular man. Appearing to be in his late 30s his hair looked full and lush like the greenery surrounding him, his body fit like an athlete of the inter-city games in Olympia. His cock throbbed with need and his balls looked positively heavy. However, as your eyes traveled up to his face you came crashing back to reality. “No!” you gasped. “I-It can’t be. You’re that banker who employed me. The one who sent me to steal the gem. You’re the reason I’m here you fucking dick!” You couldn’t contain your anger any longer. Balling your fists you charged at the behemoth of a man, swinging wildly, but to no avail. His strong hands wrapped around you, lifting your naked body up over his shoulder. “Let me go you brute.” Your words did nothing. His booming voice filled the clearing, “I can tell you’re wet. I know you’re aroused. You want nothing more than my thick cock to pierce your naive cunt and take your virgin womb as my own.” “That’s not true, and I am NOT aroused!” He threw you onto the alter, your back meeting the glossy stone. “There is no need to lie to your new master, I can smell how fertile you are.” This must be the same master Isa was talking about… wait what did he just say about being fertile?! “I can’t wait to claim you as my own. Our babies will be so pretty.” “Wait! Nooooooo!” You wailed as he plunged into your sopping wet cunt, his weight on top of you making you even more aroused. This man was dominating you… he was c-claiming you. Soon you would be his. Then you heard it again, the same giggling feminine laughter you heard as you passed the jewel. Wait! How! Where did that c-come from? The heart rested on a velvet cushion, sitting on top of a marble pedestal. When did that get there, you thought to yourself. Suddenly the voice emanated louder and louder, permeating your very mind. Welcome to my temple sweetie. This is what you get for trying to take my precious heart. We can’t have a temple without a proper heart now can we. The man’s dick was now fully sheathed in your tight wet pussy, his grunts growing louder and increasingly desperate as you found yourself unable to resist the urge to gyrate into his pelvis. “unghhhhh” the moans slipped out of your lips, you couldn’t deny how good it felt to get dominated, to be put in your place under a thick cock Oh wait I forgot to tell you didn’t I. Oops! Silly me! I was the one who sent your new master to offer you that job. I altered the authorities to your presence as they slept. I had chosen you from the beginning. All those fantasies and dreams of becoming what? A painter? How silly. You are nothing more than a toy. A good little womb to be pumped full of your master’s seed. You truly had no chance from the start did you. You were never going to be a painter, it was all so obvious now. All those years wasted dreaming of your future as an apprentice in Athens when you were meant to be a good little cumdump. Your only purpose in life was to be filled with your master’s hot, sticky essence, to bear his children. You moaned and whimpered in your revelation. You were about to fulfill your purpose. “Ohhh! ahhhh! Let it all out inside of me. Release your cream inside of my tight pussy. Breed me master! Breed meeeeeeee!” His moans edged closer and closer to their peak. He was close. Soon he would claim you as his. Your belly would would swell with his children, your luscious globes filling with milk to feed them. Yes. Give in. Let your master fill you, claim you, impregnate you. Let him dump his all his cute little babies into your innocent little womb! “Ahhhhhhhh!”

    You relaxed in the bath, the same bath as when you arrived here, your swollen belly reveling in the warmth of the water, your oldest sucking on your milky breasts. You rested your head in the crook of her shoulder, Isa’s own belly round with master’s child. You looked into her beautiful blue eyes, her own two babes sucking at her breasts. You smiled softly. This was your purpose.

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