Drink Your Fill (Vampire Story) part 1

[Part 1/2]

The clock ticked patiently as two suitors waited to court their potential bride-to-be. Cornelius Marsh glared impatiently  at his pocket watch for the third time that evening. A gruff grumble escaped his mustache, and his nose twitched as he readjusted his forced smile. Ellis Brooks, reassured his friend “We haven’t been waiting long, Cornelius”. Ellis smoothed his slick black hair with a nonchalant hand that stretched out into a yawn. “The dowager duchess, Lady Viktoria Meire, will be down shortly. There is nothing you or I can do to hasten her descent”.  Ellis leaned back in his seat and set his feet against a nearby chair. “I know, I know Ellis” Cornelius blustered through thick lips “still, I can’t help but feel like we are being made to wait on purpose. It frustrates me to no end.” The older suitor leaned against his section of wall like a gnarled tree, standing strong but not quite what it used to be. Ellis began to provide his counterpart with a rebuttal when a figure began to glide elegantly down the stairs. 

“lady Viktoria, I presume!!” Cornelius all but shouted, as the figure descended with a hasty grace. Ellis jumped from his seat, brushing himself off nervously. “My lady, what a pleasure to finally meet you”. Elias said with a shallow bow. “Yes and yes, a pleasure to finally make both your acquaintance” lady Viktoria slowed as her flawless poise faltered. She leaned on the last bit of stairwell and adjusted her wait, causing her silken dress to stop in waves. Viktoria’s lashes flutter as her cheeks reddened “Sorry to keep you waiting” she apologized making brief eye contact with Ellis. ” I was held up by a minor issue that I will not trouble you with. Shall we retreat to the drawing room now?” Both Cornelius and Ellis shared  a glance. Cornelius’ brow furled as if to say ‘what a handsome young specimen’. Ellis eyes quickly darted back from his friend’s face to the waiting gaze of lady Viktoria, wetting his lips timidly. He also did not expect the lady of the house to be a mere lass.”Well, shall we” Lady Viktoria enquired again, this time leading the way deeper into the house. Cornelius and his compatriot all but stumbled over themselves to follow.   

Lady Viktoria twirled the short curls of her raven hair absentmindedly as she listened to each man introduce themselves. Cornelius, a retired war hero, settled down on his farm to pass the last thirty or so years of his life. Never married but quite the catch, if the milk lady’s gossip had anything to say about it. Then there was Ellis, a natural scientist. Down on his luck. Unable to find  a space to do his research or the funding to keep his modest lifestyle going. He had a knack for small talk and before Lady Viktoria knew it she was walking arm and arm with the dashing young lad. “We have arrived, please make yourselves comfortable” Lady Viktoria announced as she  opened the drawing room doors. The space was lightly furnished with nothing but a harpsichord in one corner to draw any attention. Cornelius found a spot to stand by the fireplace and began stirring dying embers to life. Ellis guided Lady Viktoria to the music bench and began to play a simple tune. “I presume you play?” He asked, tilting his head in a warm gesture for the lady to join him. With a soft curtsy and a gentle thanks, Lady Viktoria took a seat. She rested her hands just above the keys “what shall we play?” She asked with a sweet dip to her voice. Ellis tilted his head up and raised an eyebrow in thought “how about…” He began. Cornelius interrupted, waving his hands in punctuation of his words “Play a saintly tune, something that gets the old veins  pumping again” Ellis scowled ” Now is not the time my friend” he grimaced through clenched teeth “I think our host would like something more soothing” Lady Viktoria smiled “Oh, it’s all right by me. This house could use a good song to liven up the halls” she began to play a few cords before settling upon the right song. Ellis joined in as Cornelius accompanied with his booming voice.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uok02d/drink_your_fill_vampire_story_part_1