A Father’s Struggle 47 – Hypothetical Answer (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I looked at my daughter….my book worm….my….*spy*?

*Possible spy?*

I had completely forgotten she had just asked me a question after Riley Braxter had just let *Thanking* me that **our** blood helped her tweak Muschi’s Fertility Formula.

Still confused on how **our** blood would help Riley Braxter tweak a formula that already works….though if you look at **OUR** situation it seems it works a little bit too well.

Abby spoke again, “Well?”

I blinked and asked, “Huh?”

She sighed, “So the doc gave us a clean bill of health?”

I shrugged, “I guess so. She didn’t mention anything bad.”

She frowned, “Then why’d you ask Dr. Braxter if the formula would make someone attracted to their father?”

I smirked, “Well….”

She looked at me weird before speaking, “You still on the hunt for your imaginary *spies* dad?”

*It’s not just a **hunt** as I **literally** hold the evidence that I do have **spies**.*

I looked at her, “And if I am?”

She sighed, “I thought **we** had already been over this. **NONE** of our friends **OR** us admitted to watching you jerking it.”

I would have asked HOW she knew I was *jerking* it but remembered during my interrogation I *may* have admitted to masturbating when I saw my supposed *spy*.

I raised my eyebrow at her but it was only momentary before I spoke, “Then *explain* to me how I’ve caught purple eyed viewers? *Meaning* **one** of **my** daughters has watched me,” I smiled at her as I used her terminology, “*jerking* it.”

She looked at me before shrugging, “I don’t know. *Maybe* **one** of us went to check on a *strange* sound coming from your room and when *we* looked *we* **may** have found you during your *solo flight*.”

I squinted at her at **how** she worded that. The usage of *we* and **one** as she used her hypothetical answer made me believe she knew more than she was letting on.

Hell I **knew** she was letting on more than she was admitting to with the evidence I copied from her.

I just didn’t want **her** knowing I had a copy of what she had.

I didn’t want to expose my hand….yet.

I spoke, “And **HOW** would *you* **know** when I was performing a solo flight? Last time **I** *checked* ***I*** have been **sure** to be quiet Abby. So how would *you* or *any of my daughters* know when I was performing a self gratification event?”

She blushed but answered me, “I don’t know. I was just using an example to explain **WHY** ***you*** believed *one* of **us** might have watched you **if** you say you saw our purple eyes.”

I smiled at her, “So *you’re* saying that **ONE** of you *might* have **watched** me?”

Abby remained red but looked at me for a moment before she **FINALLY** spoke, “Dad, we’re **ALL** are functioning adults wouldn’t you say?”

I nodded not sure where she was going with this. She nodded, “And you can agree that **WE** are *sexually* active individuals?”

I didn’t want to admit that my precious baby girls were indeed sexually active but I wouldn’t be a fool to *believe* that they weren’t and still didn’t know where this was going. Once again I nodded, “Sure I can agree that **WE** all are more than likely *sexually* active.”

Abby looked at me still red but it didn’t hinder her speech, “So it’s safe to say that **ALL** of us *can* get *sexually* frustrated from time to time.”

I smiled, “Ok yes.”

She continued, “**INCLUDING** your daughters.”

I chuckled, “Ok fine you **ALL** can get *sexually* frustrated.”

She nodded and looked at me, “So there **are** times when *one* of us *might* take care of our frustration.”

I smiled knowing where this was going and spoke, “You mean having a *toy* or two?”

That made Abby’s face deepen to a near crimson as she coughed, “Yes,” she looked at me and smiled, “including *perhaps* some material to help *heighten* that *solo* experience.”

I nodded, “Ok sure.”

She nodded, “And *sometimes* maybe that ‘*material*’ *may* be a ‘*live performance*’ to help *heighten* that *solo* event.”

I squinted at her, “So **you**’re saying that maybe **one** of my daughters *might* have watched me during my own *self gratification* event to *help* with their own *self gratification*?”

Abby looked at me and didn’t say anything.

I looked at her, “Which ones?”

She didn’t say anything.

I squinted at her, “You’re not going to tell me are you?”

She looked at me and spoke, “I’m just giving you *hypothetical* scenarios, dad.”

I sighed as I pinched my nose, “So you’re telling me that more than **one** of my daughters has watched me in pursuit of their own,” I sighed again, “*self gratification* event due to convenience?”

She blushed but spoke, “*Hypothetically*.”

I groaned feeling like I’m going in circles. I looked at her, “You do **know** that watching your **father** *masturbating* is wrong AND even wronger masturbating to it, right?”

Abby looked at me and spoke, “Let me ask you this **DAD**. Have you **EVER** watched us *masturbate*?”

I looked at her and thought *Not **WILLINGLY**, no* but spoke, “No I’ve never **watched** either of you.”

She looked at me and folded her arms, “Really?”

She looked around the house, “What about the cameras?”

I looked around at MOST of the VISIBLE cameras that were strewn around the house of the OLD system but I looked at her, “You DO realize that THOSE cameras were in MAIN areas. Not ONE has been installed in your individual rooms BECAUSE I respect YOUR privacy.”

Which is true….the OLD system was around the house mainly IN the areas where a burglar COULD come in. And maybe my room and my man cave. Other than that the OLD system was not in their rooms.

The NEW one was all over the place, **including** their rooms. Though I haven’t REALLY looked at ALL the footage.

But I wasn’t telling Abby OR any of my daughters about the new system.

She looked at me, “***REALLY*** you **never** caught US during **ANY** activity on your cameras?”

I shrugged, “If the camera’s caught it I didn’t watch it Abbs.”

I walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a glass thinking *I need a drink if I’m going to continue this particular topic*. I walked into my man cave retrieving my bottle of Ole Finnegans 18 Year Scotch before coming back into the kitchen and proceeding to pour two fingers into the glass.

I took a sip of the aged scotch and sighed out loud appreciating the flavor notes of the alcohol.

I looked at Abby, “Believe it or NOT. I HAVE always respected your all privacy….ESPECIALLY when you all became *sexually* active.”

She looked at me squinting, “Not once?”

I took another sip before I admitted, “***OK*** I **MAY** have **ACCIDENTALLY** checked on a noise now and then and stumble upon a *lewd* act taking place over the years **BUT** I immediately left it at that and walked away.”

I looked at her, “I **NEVER** stuck around and watched the *lewd* act.”

I didn’t tell her that during a few *lewd* acts did cause me to go handle my own frustration.

I tipped my glass to her, “And **TRUST** me I have *stumbled* across *quite a few* of yous alls *lewd* activities more than once.”

*And another reason I’ve gone through more than one toy as I went to handle my own frustration after catching a glimpse of the act.*

I pointed my glass to Nicole’s vicinity, “Like Nicole for example. I **may** have *accidentally* came across when what’s his name from two years ago.”

Abby looked at me, “Which one?”

I sighed, “I don’t remember they all look the same. Jacked and Muscled.”

Abby spoke, “Black haired?”

I shook my head, “No the crop top with a SHIT TON of tattoos.”

Abby spoke, “Oh Mike.”

I nodded, “Yeah *him*.”

Not going to go into detail on that particular ‘*catching*’ **but** it did make me switch from a generic *toy* to a something a little bit more….durable.

I pointed to Heather’s vicinity, “Or when Heather was blowing what’s his name.”

Abby smiled while I relived *that* memory.

I continued, “Or Mac’s friend when she doubled teamed a guy with what’s her name.”

*After that little performance I almost bought a doll just so I could experience what I saw….still wasn’t admitting that right now.*

I pointed to Savanna’s area, “And don’t get me started on her.”

*Caught Savanna more than once while she gamed and toyed…..almost made me want to start gaming to find girl’s like her….almost being the **key** word.*

Then I pointed to Abby, “And shall I even mention you and the doll looking one?”

Abby turned beat red and looked at me with her jaw on the ground before she uttered, “You **caught** that?”

I took another *sip* before nodding, “Yeah.” I smiled before speaking, “What happened to the doll looking girl anyways?”

Abby shrugged, “Her and her sister are working together on *something*.”

I grunted, “Shame.”

Abby squinted at me, “*Shame*?”

I took another sip and nodded, “Yes. You *two* seemed to click together and actually have fun.”

I smiled at her, “*Lots of fun*.”

She pointed at me completely red, “SO YOU HAVE SPIED ON US!!!”

I shook my head and spoke, “No I said *I **stumble** on random sounds*,” I smiled, “**random** sounds where I *might* confirm you all having your *unique* level of fun.”

That made Abby blush hard as I continued, “But once I *confirmed* the sounds are not threats and whatnot I usually walk away letting you all have your privacy.”

I smiled, “FYI Next time the doll girl comes back AND you TWO decide to do that level of *playing* you might want to **gag** her. Her moans are quite…..” I took a sip before smirking at her, “uniquely.”

Abby blushed hard and groaned, “Gooood!”

I took a sip as I pointed to her, “Yeah that *sound* is usually what gets you **ALL** in trouble.”

I thought about it, “Actually you ALL like using that word.”

Abby pulled up her hands to her face as I could tell her *level* of embarrassment had hit its *peak*.

I pulled out a glass and spoke, “Come and sit down so we can **PROPERLY** talk.”

She looked at me through her fingers, “I’d rather not.”

I smiled, “Let’s just talk honey. Clear the air.”

I held up my bottle, “I’ll even share **MY** liquid courage.”

I pushed the empty glass over to her on the table, “Trust me it’ll do you some good.”

She eventually pulled her hands down and looked at me, “Just ONE glass?”

I smiled, “And I promise to not bring up what you and that red headed doll did.”

She groaned, “Fine.”

I smiled as I tilted the bottle to the glass, “Say when.”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uokb37/a_fathers_struggle_47_hypothetical_answer_fiction


  1. Awesome! This get more and more interesting each chapter.

  2. “Fills glass to tippytoppy” ya nah this is yours jus gimme the bottle

  3. I think its about to get hot really fast …. 😩 what you think 🤔 😏 lightning 1 to 2 chapters for a faster daughter dick down 🤣🤣

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