[MF] Second time I (26m) helped my ex-gf (23f) sleep with another guy before we even started dating

In my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ulsnvi/mf_my_26m_exgf_23f_used_to_sleep_with_other_guys/), I talked about how I used to prepare my ex-gf Rachel for her dates with other guys even before we got into a relationship and told the story of the first time that happened. Here’s the follow-up:

After her hookup with Paul, Rachel and I began talking more intimately and I started outright being submissive and offering to do things for her. I think it actually helped me that I didn’t know terms like “cuck” or “hotwifing” because it meant I didn’t have any identity crisis. I focused instead on how hot it was to see Rachel enjoy herself and how I could make her happier.

Anyway, first thing next morning, I texted her, asking how she was. She replied late, around noon because she slept so long after the exhausting night. When she finally replied, she told me she was sore from last night and thanked me again for driving her around.

I texted back telling her I was happy she had fun and asked if I could pick her up for lunch today but she told me felt too sore to meet up.

I let her know if she needed me to pick up food, or anything else at all, I’d be happy to get it and deliver it to her house. She sent back a smiling emoji and told me she’d let me know

She didn’t message again and I got antsy (had been imagining her with Paul the whole day), so in the evening I texted and asked if she liked him and was planning to see him again. She replied telling me he was hot and great in bed, so she’ll probably call him again but is planning on sleeping around instead of sticking with one guy.

I messaged back “Well, if you need me to drive you to Paul’s again, let me know” and she replied with a grinning emoji but nothing more.

I got anxious, worrying that I was being annoying since she wasn’t texting as much as usual, so I stopped. For the first time in years though, I found myself constantly checking my phone every few minutes, hoping she’d send me something. Spent most of the next few hours writing up texts and erasing without sending.

Thankfully, she texted after dinner with two pictures. Two guys I’d never seen before. She msgd: “If you were a girl, who would you think is hotter?”

I told her I wasn’t sure how to judge their faces but from body, obviously the guy with the shirtless pic (let’s call him Chris). He was very muscular, although lean-muscular rather than very bulky. Second guy was wearing a suit, so the pic was less trashy but I couldn’t tell how his body looked. I asked who they were.
She replied saying she’d tell me tomorrow, she’s sleepy right now.

Then another text letting me know she’s looking forward to talking to me tomorrow.

Before leaving for work the next day, I got an idea. Googled male models and downloaded a bunch of pics. After that, shared pic pairs with Rachel and told her since we’re playing “who is hotter,” who does she prefer?

She got really into it. We swapped a few messages while I was at work, until at one point with two pics she went “I’d pick the first one to make out with because he’s new. The second one to fuck doggy-style because he looks like Paul… and Paul was goooooood at it”

(I don’t have the exact msgs btw, typing this out from memory, so excuse me if I don’t do a perfect job but I think I’m getting the basic vibes across fine).

I was a dumbass, I didn’t ask more about Paul. I didn’t want to be too pushy in case she didn’t want to share details. Really wish I had asked for more details on him. Instead, I continued the game. Luckily, Rachel stopped me mid-way:

Her: “Listen, can you do me a big favor?”

Me: “Yeah, anything!”

Her: “You remember Chris, the guy you chose yesterday? I set up a date with him :) We’re meeting on Saturday, I can’t decide which outfit to wear for him

She sent pics of a couple of outfits, one a casual outfit, the other a flashy dress, red with black fur lining it, sleeveless and with one shoulder bare. I told her Chris wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her in the dress.

Her: “BRB”

An hour later she sent me a store link to a black and red fur purse.

Her: “I looove this but don’t the money

It’s pricey. But can you get it for me? Would look so good with my dress

I’d be so happy. And if I’m happy, maybe I’ll give u a kiss ;) ”

It’s hard to convey how expensive the purse was (since our currency isn’t in $) but it was VERY pricey. I made good money but even then, it was more than a month’s pay (after rent) for me. But I was thrilled with the idea, lol. Didn’t even feel humiliated, just thrilled that I’d be buying Rachel something for her date. I was more thrilled to be spending money on her than about getting the kiss lol.

I told her I’d pick it up first thing after work.

Her: Loooooooool! U sure it’s worth one kiss? ;)

Me: No. But it’s worth a kiss AND making you happy

(Yes, Reddit, I’m corny, I know)

Her: Aww lmao

her: Cute

her: Maybe just for that, I’ll send u a pic of how I look for my date

After work and grabbing a quick bite, I picked up the purse from the store and texted her. She told me to deliver it to her place.

I made one detour: wanted to do something more for her, so bought a bouquet of flowers on a whim.

Once I reached her house (a bit away, actually, she always had me wait for her a bit away because as I said, after college she moved back in with her parents and she didn’t want them to think she was dating me since we live in a super-conservative area).

Me: I’m here. Come out?

Her: okay in a bit

Around 10 minutes passed but she didn’t, so I asked again her:

Her: I’ll be out when I feel like it, just wait for me

I apologized and after that just waited. After around half an hour she texted again:

Her: Not really feeling like walking to the door. Come back with the dress tomorrow.

I really wanted to show her the flowers I’d gotten her so I sent her a pic of them.

Her: Awwwww thank you!!!

Her: You’re sweet

Her: Maybe I’ll kiss you twice instead of once ;)

Me: Maybe even compliment me on my biceps? These flowers are heavy

Her: No, that’d moving things too fast. Besides, what would Chris think? ;D

The rest of the week was similar, her making me run errands, both doing everyday things as well as for date night (like picking her shoes up from the store) while also talking up Chris and how she was hoping he’d compare to Paul.

On Saturday she took an Uber to my place so I could drop her off for Chris.

I opened the door and stared at how ravishing she looked. She had to come in herself because I just stared without inviting her in. She twirled in the middle of the room and asked what Chris would think.

The dress looked incredible on her. The strapless shoulder cut right before her breasts from the front, and curved down to the waist from the side. The feeling of “so close” but still covered up. Her shoes were simple, black high-heels that showed off her full feet except the toes. Ironically, I didn’t really notice the purse I’d paid more than a month’s salary for, even though she was swinging it around.

I told her she looked good enough to eat and Chris was lucky.

She said down on the couch.

“So, what do I owe you again?”

I didn’t make the connection: “Nothing! I’m happy you let me pay for the purse.”

She smirked. “I meant the kisses.”

She told me to sit with her and I did. Our first couple of kisses were awkward but she went “you didn’t think I was going to stop at two, did you?”

Making out started feeling more relaxed and it was getting hot. I had my arms around her, and slowly kissing up her naked shoulder onto her neck. I reached to pull down her dress, but she gently grabbed my hand to stop and said “my clothes stay on.”

I craned my neck and kissed the hand. She raised it up and I held out both hands, palms up: one for her to rest her wrist on, the other supporting the tip of her fingers. I kissed the back of her hand all over, until she lifted it, closed it and held up her pinky.

I took her pinky into my mouth and sucked on it for a little bit. I had gotten really hard by now. Then she pulled her pinky out and held out the tip. I kissed it, and she held out her ring finger for me to kiss on the tip.

But after she put out her middle finger and I kissed it, she pushed it in my mouth and hooked my upper teeth. Lifted my head up and drew in, kissing me all over my neck, a few times biting but not really hard enough to hurt. With her other hand, she kind of held it gently against my chest to let me know she wanted me to stay in place.

At this point, I was breathless (not being allowed to make a move back was driving me insane) and nearly seeing lights. I began begging her:

“Can I at least kiss through the dress? Please? I won’t try to take it off, I promise please, can I just kiss you through the clothes?”

I was panting in frustration. She smirked and grinned, enjoying the moment. Just let me pant for a few seconds and then laughed.


She gently pushed my chest, and I let her push me back onto the couch. She got on top of me, straddling my stomach. She put a thumb inside my mouth to hook the upper teeth again and grabbed my chin with her other hand, then kissed me all over my cheek and neck, turning my face around as she pleased.

Then she kissed me on the forehead and slowly down the nose, nibbled on the tip for a bit. But when she reached my lips, she held my cheeks a bit tightly and a bit pushing downwards, so I knew I wasn’t allowed to kiss back. And instead of kissing, she came, really really close and just breathed.

Just breathed into my lips and I actually started moaning lol.

She touched her lips against mine gently and held them there, not kissing. Open lips just very lightly touching mine. I was being driven crazy, started grunting in pain because of how hard my dick was pushing against my pants. I was so desperate, I started humping the air, lol and even she was surprised to find herself rocked up and down and started laughing. But I love that she didn’t even pull away from me, just laughed inside my mouth.

She finally relaxed her grip and gave me a full, deep kiss, pushing her tongue in. We made out passionately. I was breathless by the time she pulled away, everything almost felt like it was spinning.

Suddenly, she got off me and stood up. She looked excited as fuck, and some of her makeup was smeared (nothing too much, she fixed it in the car). But while I was quivering on the couch, she stood composed.

“Well, let’s leave for my date, it’s time.”

“Can you wait just a little bit? Can I jerk off?”

“I don’t want to be late for my date.”

“I won’t be long, I promise, I’ll only be a minute.”

She burst out laughing. It was funny, but fuck I was so aroused, I didn’t even realize why she was laughing.

“No, we shouldn’t keep Chris waiting.”

It was difficult, my legs felt clenched but I obeyed her. She laughed at how I was walking a hunched on the way out. My dick really was pushing insanely hard against my pants and I had to walk scrunched up a bit just to keep it from being painful.

The ride to the dance club she was meeting Chris at was pretty uneventful, apart from me being semi-hard the whole time. When we got there, she told me to wait for her outside. I told her to have fun.

For about an hour I just waited, after which she started sending me pics. Selfies of her and Chris making out.

In the first pics, I could see the back of Chris’s head and her face to the side as he kissed her neck. Her body wasn’t even visible apart from her legs. In a few of the pics, she had her legs wrapped around one of his like she was rubbing against it.

Chris took a few selfies too, I could see him kissing hungrily, leaving bite marks on the neck in some of the pics. In nearly all the pics, his other hand was squeezing Rachel’s ass and he held her tight against him. In a couple of the later pics, his hand was inside her dress, pulling it up and showing off part of her panties and ass. The pics were all pretty shaky though, so couldn’t make out the details of the panties or whether he was fingering her, unfortunately.

Eventually Rachel texted me again and told me she’d be going home with Chris, and I should go back. She asked if I could take a sick day off work and pick her from his place in the morning once she’s done. I almost never take sick days off work but couldn’t pass up the chance to pick Rachel up after a night of her fucking, so happily agreed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/und8fp/mf_second_time_i_26m_helped_my_exgf_23f_sleep