[F/d] How It Began (18+) (Part 7) (Incest)

Kim was beating her fist against the ground in time with my attack on her womanhood.
Soon enough Kim pulled away from me, and begged my to fuck her.
Knee walking forward, I placed my cock against the opening of her pussy.
First running the head around the edges, I began to lube up with the juices pouring forth from her pussy.
With a single thrust, I was embedded to the hilt within her depths.
For Kim’s part, the air was pierced with a scream that arose from the depths of her soul.
Holding still for the moment it took for Kim to become accustomed to my cock spreading her open, she finally began to hump against my pelvis.
It took only a few moments for us to establish a rhythm, that brought the two of us closer to our mutual
Not wanting to end this gift too soon, I lifted her upright from the prone position to sit upon my lap, holding her tightly against me, we began rocking together.
My cock embedded deep within her body, as we reveled in our joining.

Sam for her part stood behind Kim, stroking her body, while whispering naughty words in her ear.
I had to wonder what thoughts, Sam was filling Kim’s head with.
Scooting forward, Sam wrapped her arms around Kim from behind, creating a Kim sandwich.

Kim’s moans grew louder, and her body began to shake, as her orgasm grew within.
Sensing this, Sam placed her fingers atop Kim’s clit, and began tapping a little love song upon her clit.
Quickly enough Kim rode the wave of her climax, nearly bucking Sam, and I away from her body.
Kim’s pussy began to spasm, milking my cock until it gifted her with my cum.

Kim’s body became still as she attempted to process the orgasm she had just experienced.
Seconds later, she slumped in our arms, nearly comatose.
We held her tighter against our bodies, keeping her safe, and secure.
Returning to some form of normal, Kim’s eyes fluttered open as she looked deeply within our souls.
Her face zeroed in on Kim, as she moved to kiss her with all the passion she could muster.
Once Kim was done with Sam, it was my turn to be on the receiving end of her passion.

Gathering ourselves, we bid farewell to the glade that shared its beauty with use this morning.
Our stroll back to the house, was full of laughter, and joy.
The girls spent time darting in and out of the woods on either side of the path, inspecting everything they found of interest.
Not long after Kim took a side path, she let out a yelp that brought us running to see what was wrong.
Following her cries, we rounded a bend, and came to a screeching halt.
There before us was a sight to behold, Kim sitting at the bottom of a pit filled with mud.
Kim was alternating between a creative use of swear words, and sputtering to clear the mud from her mouth, and face.
Kim may have been pissed, while we found this development beyond funny.
Our laughter brought Kim’s head swinging in our direction, with a look of righteous indignation.
“Ha, ha, you guys think this is funny?
Let me show you funny!” Kim said.
Picking up two handfuls of mud she flung them in our direction.

In my attempt to dodge the mud, I slipped on the same muddy slope that caused Kim’s predicament.
Now it was my turn to attempt to stand, and extricate myself from the sticky, slimy mud.
This however didn’t go as planned.
My attempts only made matters worse, resulting in me falling deeper into the quagmire.
Still clean, and dry Sam resumed laughing at us, at least, that is until we grabbed her by the ankles, and pulled her into the mud with us.

It didn’t take us long to bow to the absurdity of the moment.
How? You might ask.
Why by having a mud fight.
The three of us began trying to cause the others to become even more coated with the mud.
The truth is, we were having a grand old time, playing in the mud.
Sam tried to hop onto my back for a muddy piggy back ride.
However the mud made obtaining any sort of grip impossible.
Try as she might, each time she hopped on my back, she would slide off, and back into the mud pit.
Eventually we found a shallow bank that assisted our departure from the pit.

Returning to the path, we were a sight to behold, three naked people completely coated in thick mud laughing as we headed home.
Swinging open the gate, we strode into the yard.
“Girls, there is no way we can make it into the house to wash off, and jumping into the pool is out of the question.
Stay right there, I know how to fix this.”

Walking to the side of the house, I returned with the garden hose.
“OK girls, stand over on the grass, I’ll have you clean in a moment.”
Turning the nozzle, I aimed the hose first at Sam, followed by Kim.
Both girls screeched as the cold water drenched their bodies.
It took about five minutes each to de-mud them.
Once clean, Sam took the hose from my hands, while treating me to like treatment.
Finally, we were clean enough to jump into the pool, for a more thorough cleaning.
Once we left the pool, the three of us stretched out on the lounge chairs for a well deserved rest.
During the next thirty minutes, we chatted about the most mundane things.

Leaving the girls alone for a moment, I headed into the kitchen to uncork a bottle of wine, along with three glasses.
Returning to the pool, I handed each of the girls a glass, while leaving the bottle on a table between them.
Over the next hour, we proceeded to gain a light buzz.
As the bottle’s level dropped to zero, Sam volunteered to gather a second one from the wine rack.
Upon her return, Sam refilled Kim’s, glass, followed by her own.
When she wiggled her cute little butt over to my lounge chair.
Straddling my mid section while filling my glass, Sam lowered herself onto my cock.
She only gave me a couple of strokes before she hopped off my cock, and returned to her chair.
“Sam, you are the worst kind of tease, you raise my cock to full mast, and then leave me hanging.
Kim, what do you think we should do to punish her for being such a cock tease?”

“Gee Mr Green, I’m not sure what we could do to cure her of these tendencies.
Maybe we should turn the tables on her, and do so in such a way that she won’t be able to prevent us from teasing her without mercy until she is screaming for release.”
“Kim, I think that is a wonderful idea.
If you can wait for a few minutes, I think I have an idea.”
Leaving my spot, I headed into the house, and down to the basement, where I gathered a few items, that I thrust into a bag.
Returning to the pool side, I instructed Sam to close her eyes, and not to peek.
From the bag, I removed a long strip of black cloth, and wound it around Sam’s head, covering her eyes, removing her ability to see.

Standing Sam up from her chair, I walked her over to the picnic table.
Lifting her tiny body off the ground I lay my daughter atop the table.
Motioning towards Kim, I silently directed her towards the opposite side of the table.
“Daddy, what are you going to do?
I trust that you two won’t hurt me, but being blindfolded has my imagination running rampant.”
“Baby trust me, I thing this will be an enlightening experience.” I told her.

Reaching into the bag, I pulled out a number of strips of the same fabric.
On her back, Kim and I tied Sam’s wrists, and ankles to the corners of the table.
Again dipping into the bag, I produced the dildo, that I took from Sam’s dresser drawer.
Leaning down, I kissed Sam’s lips with as much passion I could muster.
As I stood, Kim repeated this kiss, drawing a gasp from Sam’s throat, as the girls passion over took them.
Kim followed this kiss, by delivering butterfly kisses downward towards Sam’s pussy.
When at last Kim made her way to the pot of gold, Sam’s body arched upward as far as her bonds would allow.
For the next few minutes Kim tortured Sam by bringing her nearly to a climax, and then retreating.
Picking up the dildo, Kim ran the toy along the length of Sam’s pussy, driving Sam deeper towards a soul busting orgasm.

The moment Kim slid the toy into Sam’s body, Sam let loose a scream that would have brought the cops running, if we had neighbors that could hear her.
With the dildo sliding within her Sam was headed towards another orgasm.
The second Kim sensed this, she withdrew the dildo, causing Sam’s climax to crash to the ground as she was denied her release.
Over, and over again, we tortured Sam with orgasm denial.
The effects on Sam’s body was clearly visible, her entire body was coated in a shimmering layer of sweat, her breath was coming in short gasps, her toes began to curl in response to the endorphins rushing through her brain.

When at last Kim and I decided that Sam had reached her boiling point, Kim had me mount the table, and slide my cock deeply into my daughter’s pussy.
Sam didn’t last long, after the fourth thrust, Sam’s body tipped over the edge, and had an out of this world orgasm.

When at last her body slumped downward, we released her from her bonds.
Picking up her limp form, I carried her into the house, and up to her bedroom.
Once there Kim, and I placed her upon the bed, closing the curtains, we allowed her to rest.
Closing the door, Kim, and I went into the living room to rest.

Sitting there Kim and I began chatting.
“Mr Green, thank you so much for opening my eyes, and my mind to the vast world of loving another.
I had such a strict upbringing, just the word sex was a taboo subject in my home.
If my folks ever found out about Sam, and I, my parents would disown me, as they tossed me out of the house.”
Sam was the first girl I had a crush on, and I was so afraid of her rejecting me, that I never believed that I had a chance to be with her.

Each time I would sleep over, I longed for the moments that we would undress, and put on our sleep wear, I would peek at Sam’s body, and dream of making love to her.
Sometimes when I lay awake in Sam’s bed I would rub one out when I knew that she was asleep.
Earlier this year, I was doing just that, while I thought Sam was asleep, I was looking at her, in her panties as she lay there.
Right as I was getting into it, Sam’s eyes opened while I was playing with myself.
The moment I knew she had seen what I was doing, I hopped out of bed, and ran to the bathroom, and hid in shame at what I was doing.
A few moments later Sam lightly knocked on the door, and asked to come in.
I kept silent, soon enough Sam opened the door, and knelt next to the toilet seat where I sat, with my face buried in my hand, hiding my shame.

Sam took my hands away from my face, leaned in, and kissed me.
In that second I melted into her arms.
Taking me by the hand Sam led me back into her room, while laying me down on the bed.
When she lowered her lips to mine, we began kissing, melting away all of my fears.

That evening Sam, and I laid all our cards on the table.
I told her how I had been infatuated with her for the longest time, and while I still liked boys, it was her that filled my dreams late at night.
At that time neither of us had ever been with a guy, yet we would often fantasize what we would do if, and when we gave our virginity to a guy.

When I walked in on Sam giving you a blowjob, I was on the one hand repulsed by what I saw.
Part of this was a reaction to her sucking her father’s cock, I mean I have read incest stories on Reddit, and found them titillating, I just never expected to witness it first hand.
Along with that, I felt cheated, Sam was going to have sex with a guy, and I was going to be left high, and dry.
The thing is, I didn’t run away at that moment, like a moth to a f lame, I was drawn forward until I could watch this display of wanton sexuality.”

“Kim, thank you for being so honest with me, I want you to know that there is nothing you can tell me that will shock me, or cause me to reject you.
You will always be welcome in our home, and be able to explore your sexuality in freedom from fear, or ridicule.”
“Mr Green, you have no idea how much this means to me, you have lifted a vast weight from my heart, and soul.”
As those words left her lips, Kim rose from her seat, and sat upon my lap, and snuggled up with me.
Stroking her hair with one hand, while the other rubbed her back.
Reaching up, Kim’s lips met mine, we shared that kiss for the longest time.

As neither of us had bothered to redress after coming in from the pool, Kim began to twist around in my lap until her pussy was aligned with my rising cock.
Kim wasted no time in slamming herself down upon my raging member.
At first, Kim was almost violent in her attack, it was only after I took her by the shoulders, forcing her to relax, and just accept a slow, gentle session of making love.
My god, I love her tiny tits, those nipples stood proud from her chest, and were just made for suckeling.
Each time my lips latched onto them Kim would release a hiss that came from deep within.
Reaching behind her, I slid a finger past the little ring in her bottom, and began to wiggle it around inside her bottom, this was all the stimulation she needed to explode like a mortar shell hitting its target.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ump9on/fd_how_it_began_18_part_7_incest