[MF] Taking “Naps” With My Former Roommate’s Girlfriend Was A Very Bad Idea (PART TWO)

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ujtsuy/mf_taking_naps_with_my_former_roommates/)

I think there were like a hundred “updateme” comments on part one, so I suppose it’s my duty to give you all a part two. After all, my goal in life is to please. Well, my goal is to become a multimillionaire with minimal effort, but until that happens, I’ll settle with pleasing a couple hundred people on Reddit. When I say things went back to normal after fucking Jessica on the couch, I really mean things went back to normal… for her.

Me? I was freaking the fuck out. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. You know when you pass a shoe hanging from a power line? I felt like that shoe. At any moment, a strong gust of wind was going to come and knock me off.

Somehow, Travis was going to find out. Jessica liked to drink on the weekends when they’d go out, so I figured it would slip then. She’d get too drunk and start confessing her sins to him on the dance floor as ‘*Turn Down for What*’ plays in the background.

“You’re being so weird,” Jessica sighed, probably a week or two after the event. It was late morning, just before lunchtime.

“I am?” I replied, as if I had no idea what she was talking about, even though I definitely did. We hadn’t “napped” together since that day. I stayed in my room some days or went to the coffee shop down the street to work.

“You’re avoiding me,” she said, looking at me from behind her opened laptop. She was sitting on the couch with her legs resting on the coffee table. She was wearing a pair of fuzzy-looking pajama shorts and a crop-top, showing off her toned stomach.

“I’m worried. I worry. A lot,” I replied, standing a few feet in front of her. I had just emerged from my bedroom for the first time that day, desperately needing water. I walked to the kitchen and continued to talk, “Sometimes, I worry that I worry too much. That’s how much I worry.”

“What are you worried about?” she turned around, so that she could see me in the kitchen.

“You telling Travis about, you know…” I gulped down a glass of water.

“Why would I tell him that?” she asked.

“I don’t know, guilt or something.”

“I do feel guilty,” she admitted, “But I’d never tell him, do you think I’m dumb?”

“I think you’re a lot of things, but dumb is not one of them.”

“What’s one of the things?” she pouted.

“No, stop,” I placed an empty glass in the sink and started to walk back toward my bedroom.

“Stop what?”

“You’re not gonna get me to say all these nice things about you,” I replied.

“What’s wrong with being nice?”

“It leads to being naughty,” I responded, shutting the door behind me.

The following weekend, Travis and Jessica went out to celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday. They invited me to come, but surprisingly, I had something planned. My work was hosting some charity event, and because I was one of the only employees who actually worked in the area (it was remote work) I got stuck joining the boss man and his wife. He actually paid for me to buy a suit to wear to the event, joking, “You need a suit anyway, Alex. Every man needs a suit. Weddings, funerals… well, that’s pretty much it.”

I won’t bore you with details of the event, but let’s just say I would have felt more comfortable at the club. The amount of white wealth inside that building was blinding.

Anyway, I got home just before midnight. I didn’t really eat at the event because all the food looked like it was still alive, so I made myself a bowl of oatmeal and ate it at the kitchen counter. Before I could finish it, Jessica and Travis came walking in the door.

“Wow. You two are home early,” I said, waving my oatmeal-covered spoon in the air.

“We’re tired,” Travis said. I knew this was code for, “We are fighting,” so I didn’t press. Travis went straight to the bedroom.

Jessica walked to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge. She lingered behind me, “You look good in a suit,” she whispered before walking back to join Travis in his bedroom.

After washing my bowl, and then myself in the shower, I crawled into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. I don’t know what time it was, but at some point during the night, I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I thought I was dreaming at first, so I kinda ignored it, but then it happened again. I kicked the covers off and rolled out of bed, stumbling my way through my dark bedroom. I slowly opened the door to find Jessica standing there wearing an oversized t-shirt, with what I imagined to be nothing underneath.

“What’s wrong” I whispered.

“Can I sleep with you?” she replied.

“What? Are you kidding me?” I looked out toward their closed bedroom door.

“He took like three allergy thingies. It’s fine, please,” she pouted. Instead of verbally saying yes, I just left the door open and walked back to my bed. She followed me in, gently closing the door behind her. I lifted up the comforter and she slid right in next to me. My hairy legs brushing up against the smoothness of hers.

“I miss you,” she whispered.

“You see me every day,” I shot back.

“I miss cuddling with you,” she clarified.

“What if he wakes up and sees you’re not in the bed or on the couch?”

“He won’t,” she said with confidence.

“But what if he does?”

“Then he’ll probably think I just went back to my place,” she rested her head on my chest and placed her warm hand on my stomach. Her fingers made small circles around my belly button. She then moved her fingertips a few inches down, grabbing at my boxer briefs. My cock was already growing hard. She slid her fingers inside my boxers, petting the base of my cock, “So smooth,” she whispered.

“I can’t,” I told her, shifting myself up on the bed, to where I was sitting up against the headboard. I forgot her head was on my chest, so she kinda fell against the mattress. She shifted and sat with her legs crossed near my waist.

“Why?” she asked. It was dark, but it looked like she had tears in her eyes.

“Because I like you,” I said with a little bit of a chuckle, “I can’t like you.”

“I like you too,” she said softly.

“Don’t say that,” I told her.

“But it’s true, I like you so much, Alex. Why the fuck do you think I took naps with you? I mean, Jesus. I fucking like you.” she started to cry, “I hate this,” she cried some more.

I shifted back down on the bed, so that she could rest her head on my chest again. I held her close as she silently cried. I could feel the wetness from her tears on my skin. I rubbed her back softly. I don’t know if it’s some sort of protector thing, like embedded in manhood from olden times, but when a woman cries, it does something to you. You just want to make them feel better, no matter what. It’s a turn-on in some sadistic way. Truly fucked up, but I know I can’t be the only one.

I slid my hand up and down her back, stopping just above her ass every single time. After about five minutes, I slid her head off of my chest gently. I rolled her flat on her back and hovered over her. I gently kissed her lips. I moved to her cheeks, kissing them and licking up the saltiness of her tears, “Don’t cry, okay?” I whispered to her, giving her one more kiss on the lips before slithering down her body.

I moved in between her legs and lifted up her oversized t-shirt, revealing what I suspected, she was naked underneath. I laid between her legs and kissed her thighs. All over her thighs. I kissed down behind her knee, sucking on the skin, and then dragged my tongue down her leg, stopping just above her ankle. I worked my way back up, bitting the skin of her smooth thigh, and then finally made contact with her pussy.

She jumped, “Mmm,” she moaned quietly. I looked up at her and smiled, bringing my finger to my lips, instructing her to “Shhh!”

I ran the tip of my tongue down her pussy. She tasted just as amazing as she looked. I craved more of it, so I applied just enough pressure to slip inside her lips. I pushed my tongue deeper inside, not that I had much of choice considering she now had her hands on the back of my head, pushing and grinding against my face. My entire face was coated with her juices now. Her moans were more constant, but she managed to keep them at a lower volume.

My mouth surrounded her clit. She started to wiggle around, nearly falling off the bed, so I placed my hands firmly on her waist to control her movements. My thumbs pressed hard against her skin as the assault on her clit continued. Her moans were louder now, but I was too focused on making her cum to care. Her legs fell down on my back as I continued to suck and flick her clit with my tongue. At some point during the madness, she must have grabbed a pillow because her moans were now sounding muffled.

Her hips continued to grind against my face. I loved being between her legs. I heard a muffled “Fuck!” escape from under the pillow as her grinding became more sporadic. I could feel her thighs shake against me as she came hard. I maintained pressure to her clit until she couldn’t take it anymore, “Stop, stop, stop,” she said breathlessly, taking the pillow off her face. I used my tongue to lap up all her juices.

I kissed my way back up her body. She pulled me in close for a deep and passionate kiss. No doubt she could taste herself on my lips. She moved her feet up to my boxer briefs, trying to drag them down with her toes. I helped her pull them down, my cock bouncing free against her thighs. We continued to make out, our tongues exploring each other’s mouth. I was grinding against her, my cock occasionally brushing against the lips of her pussy, “You make me feel so good,” she whispered against my lips, “Fuck me,” she added.

I reached down, grabbing my cock to slide it inside her waiting pussy. She was plenty wet. I moved slowly on top of her, gently thrusting in and out. She spread her legs, allowing me to go deeper, “Fuck,” I moaned. She smiled at me and stared into my eyes, “does my pussy feel good?” she pouted.

I moaned and nodded, fucking her harder, my breathing increasing by the second, “So good,” I kissed her lips. She slid her hand down my back until it landed firmly on my ass. She squeezed it and then pressed down, pushing me deeper inside her. God, she felt so good. It was so loving and sexy. It was as if she was opening up to me completely. I could feel the orgasm building. She could feel it too, my cock pulsing and flexing inside her, “Let me finish you,” she whispered, “Bring it up here,” she smiled.

Slowly, I slid my glistening cock out of her pussy and moved up her body. I hovered over her chest as she lifted her head just a bit to take my entire length down her throat. She popped my cock back out of her mouth, running the length up her lips and across her nose and forehead. I moved my hips forward as she stuck out her tongue, letting it brush against the underside of my cock, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I moaned. The visual too much to handle. She moaned in response and wrapped her lips around my cock just in time.

She took every last drop of cum in her mouth. The orgasm had been building for a couple weeks, and I’m already the type who cums a lot, so she got more than a mouthful. A little bit slid out the sides of her mouth. She brought her finger up to catch it. Once she sucked and licked my cock dry, she cleaned off her finger and smiled up at me.

“You always know how to make me feel better,” she spoke softly.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ummvtc/mf_taking_naps_with_my_former_roommates


  1. Excellent continuation to this story! I certainly hope there is another chapter to this!

  2. >Truly fucked up, but I know I can’t be the only one.

    About that mate

  3. You wash your bowl in the shower??

    Just kidding. Great writing, sir. She sounds amazing.

  4. Thank you for this update! I, for one, feel rather pleased by this and look forward to what happened next.

  5. This is either going to end really, really well or in utter fucking catastrophe.

    God i can’t wait.

  6. Damn, Jessica sounds incredible! The sex you two share feels so raw and passionate. Hope she finishes you inside of her next time

  7. How do I make money for stories like this ? I have many. Not saying anything about OP at all just wondering about if it’s possible?

  8. Genuinely followed so I don’t miss a part 3 if one is written! Great story – love how well you describe the differing personalities!

  9. What a loving account of a girl cheating on her guy! If you continue ….. !updateme

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