[MF] My coworker is stealing my girlfriend right in front of me

I had a very…complicated…experience with my coworker Brad. Because of him, my girlfriend and I broke up. You can read past stories, but in short, he seduced her away from me and unlocked a whole new side of her. Cut to a few months later, Brad and I still work together but I have a new girlfriend.

I purposefully have kept her away from work but we just had a promotion party at a bar and she begged to come and meet my coworkers (she’s new in town and doesn’t know many people yet).

I caved.

She got dolled up for the event, wearing a strapless dress. She looked gorgeous.

As we walked into the event I immediately spotted Brad in the crowd watching us. He smiled. He took another sip and then walked over to intercept us.

He introduced himself, spoke highly of me and guided us to his table. Very unlike him. I was incredibly nervous. I kept picturing him fucking my ex and I did not want the same thing happening here.

Full disclosure, my new girlfriend and I havnt had sex. She wants to take it slow. She hasn’t been with a lot of guys and I’ve been respectful of that.

The night went on and we got drunker and drunker. We were having so much fun. Then Brad suggested we go into the free photo booth with a bunch of coworkers.

We crammed into there for 20 minutes taking tons of photos. Because of the crowding my girlfriend was behind me and Brad was behind her.

Afterwards Brad quickly ran out and grabbed the whole stack, announcing he would distribute the photos later. Everyone was so drunk they didn’t care. A little later we went home and passed out on the bed.

“You have some really nice coworkers, let’s hang out more.” My girlfriend said as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning at work I found two photo booth strips on my desk. One was very normal, the 8 of us posing and smiling and being goofy. The only thing suspicious was Brad pressing his face against my girlfriends face in a goofy picture.

The second series saw Brad’s hands on my girlfriends waist in photo one. Them in mid motion in photo two. Brad putting my girlfriend’s hand on his crotch as she laughed in photo three. And photo four was Brad pulling my girlfriends strapless dress down with her boob fully exposed.

“Let’s take more photos” was written on the back.

I made a huge mistake bringing her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ul0itd/mf_my_coworker_is_stealing_my_girlfriend_right_in


  1. It doesn’t matter if it’s the same guy as before or another guy, any woman who is that easily seduced is going to cheat on you at some point. Any woman worth her salt would tell a guy who did this to piss off.

  2. And you need to get some balls and step up to this bullying/harassment.

  3. Better yet take the photo to HR and the police. What he did to your girlfriend was a sexual assault.

    Then grow a set of balls and…..well you know what to do to Brad.

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