26 [F] I used to supervise college students doing field work and sometimes I miss how they guys would disrespect me

For several years I worked for an organization that did Environment/wildlife research, basically I was a field lead which means I was out doing field work all day supervising students. Usually these college students were guys around my age range (20 at the youngest) and didn’t appreciate being told what to do by a little 5’3″ gal. For reference I usually was leading two students at a time

This lead to all kinds of situations where they wouldn’t listen to me, didn’t take me seriously, ganged up on me, and generally didn’t respect me at first. As a result they would do all kinds of inappropriate stuff like throw things down my top when I was distracted, slap my ass when I was bending over, spraying me with water bottles, picking me up and rough housing. I just started putting up with it, working long days in a hot environment drains your energy enough and constantly arguing or trying to get them to behave on top of that was extra exhausting.

Eventually it just became normal and playing around – usually at my expense – made the days a little easier. My group usually performed one of if not the best while other groups had constant conflicts and I think it was because I let them get away with so much inappropriate shit.

Part of me to this day finds it a big turn on that they would completely ignore my authority, blatantly check me out tease me, try and get me into compromising situations, and physically overpower me. Especially knowing we’d be out in the middle of nowhere so there was basically nothing I could do about it.

Some other examples of situations that came up:

-Occasionally we’d go swimming on a break, they’d just strip down to their boxers/boxer briefs and occasionally I’d join in. On one occasion they took my dry clothes and kept them from me as I tried to get them back in my wet sports bra and panties

-When our truck was packed with supplies and there wasn’t enough room I ended up sitting on the lap on one of the students in the back seat instead of a female student who rightfully not comfortable with that. It was a slow and very bumpy ride and the guy took liberties with his hand placement

-One summer the students I was supervising liked music I did not and we listened to a lot of music in the car/field. So I came up with a bet/challenge, if I won I’d get veto powers over the music and they decided if they won I’d have to wear a bikini top in the field for a week. I lost a close contest and for a week I “rose morale”.

-Sometimes I’d catch them going into detail about what they thought about other female staff and what they’d like to do to them. Usually I’d shut that down quick but I didn’t mind when they were complaining about a co-worker who was notoriously full of herself/very difficult to work with

I could go on and on as it was quite the experience over the years I was in that job and recently I’ve been thinking a lot about it. Being humiliated (to an extent) while you are supposed to be the one in charge is a crazy mix of feelings.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uk1yss/26_f_i_used_to_supervise_college_students_doing


  1. Sounds to me like you were sexually harassed by a bunch of frat boys.

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