Hiding under the bed to avoid her husband [M]

This a few years back. I was 18, just graduated highschool, and had recently swiped my v card(which is a whole story of its own). Looking back, I did a lot of thinking with my dick, which is something I’m trying to change, this story being one reason why.

I meet a woman online that shared my own budding interest in dom/sub play. She enjoyed being spanked, choked, pinned down etc. I for one was happy to do so as they were things I’ve wanted to try but hadn’t yet had a partner to experiment with.

To help with the visuals, I’m around 6’, skinny as a rail at the time, white, well above average size, blonde hair that had just started to grow out. She was probably around 5’4, thick figure with all the curves that body type comes with, and brunette

She decides to host and we pick a date. When it arrives, I was beyond excited. Basically already had my heart set on going through with the things we had talked about.

Pretty quickly after I arrive we’re kissing with some touching over the cloths. I, as horny as I was, was rather eager to get her cloths removed. She was hesitant, and I soon learned why. She was wearing garments, which is religious clothing with several implications. Most relevant to me was the fact that it likely meant she was married, something she hadn’t bothered to mention.

That’s where the story should have ended. With me leaving and finding somewhere else to get m dick wet. But no, I was horny, and I stayed. She said she was emotionally detached from him and such, in the middle of getting a divorce. So we continue, first to stripping down and moving to the bedroom, and later to oral sex. I really did enjoy her, and honestly the fact that she was legally married had gone from my mind. Pussy is a hell of a drug.

The door bell rings. She ignores it as she was currently doing a valiant effort of accepting my 8 inches into her mouth. A knock them follows, and a shout. She refinished the voice as her husband, and quick tells me to hide in their closet. I grabbed my cloths and got dressed as I hid, listening to them argue once she answered the door. She didn’t let him past the door, and eventually he left.

Things return to normal as we settle back in, myself a bit disturbed but she didn’t want to ruin what she wanted to be a nice night. About 30 minutes later, both of us naked and in some act of intimacy between groping and kissing there’s another knock. Immediately she gets up from the bed and throws on a robe, telling me to get under the bed. I, being younger and already spooked, hide. Seconds later I hear her husband enter the house along with a police officer. My memory is hazy on what was said, but they walked through the room where I lay trying not to breathe under the bed. Her husband was convinced there was another man in the house (as there indeed was) as was checking the other rooms as well as her closet. What felt like ages later… they left.

The end of the night was odd. I still didn’t leave, my own hornyness knows no bounds, and she didn’t want me to go on that sour note. She offered to get me off using a toy as well as her hand. I think she was feeling either too tired or too guilty for sex at that point. I agreed, and she brought out a prostate vibe from her box of toys. It was my first time doing anything anally, still is really the only time, but I enjoyed it. I came on her hands, she said she was sorry for everything and I left.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ujyyyl/hiding_under_the_bed_to_avoid_her_husband_m