Nibbles and kisses [M/F] (full body, highly detailed) (3 parts, posted in comments)

[I feel extra horny right now, thus the story. As a dare for you ladies reading this: If you can’t finish it without touching yourself, DM me saying ‘Master’s story made me horny’. (But writing advice should be commented on the post so others can learn from it as well.)]

(Part 1)

The bed bounces as a heavy weight lands on it. A strong hand wraps around your right ankle, holding your foot up for inspection. Oh, don’t bother trying to pull away now. You knew what would happen if you laid on my bed with such cute little unicorn socks, that playful skirt you swing back and forth, and that bright t-shirt that screams for my attention. A finger slides across the bottom of your foot. Such cute, adorable little socks. Warm, soft lips touch your ankle, just above your sock, you feel my teeth against your skin, gently sliding down to grab the edge, pulling the soft fabric from your body.

My breath flutters across the exposed skin, soft and tender, my finger returns, skimming directly across the flesh, my nail trailing next to it. Twist and wiggle all you want, you cannot escape.

My wet, warm tongue glides from heel to toes, then pokes between each digit, lips surrounding your bare piggies. One by one, from big to small, before my teeth return, softly scratching at the very tips of each one, gently tugging on your nails, so nicely trimmed I see. Slowly traveling around the outside of your foot, my mouth continues its relentless pace, while my nails slowly trail along the inside, following your arch with practiced dexterity.

Lips part about your heel, I open my mouth and drag my teeth inwards from both sides. Why yes, I know that tickles. This is only the start.

I could release your foot, but I choose not to. Instead, I tuck it firmly against my body and grab the other one.

With a growl my mouth dives for the sock, gripping it in my teeth, pulling it from your foot! Oh, yes, wiggle those toes in anticipation. Dance for me my princess.

This time I start by nibbling your toes while sliding my fingers back and forth across your soul. I don’t rush. Each toe gets the attention a lady like you deserves. Only after I have finished do I slide my mouth up your foot, wiggling my teeth as I do, as I know you love. I scratch at your heel with those teeth, relishing in your squirming.

A finger slides down the back of your leg. Ooh, I saw that reaction. I do it again just to see you squeeze that pillow, as if it could save you. Your sidelong glance tells me everything I want to know.

I lift your left leg up and slide my cheek from end to end, bring my mouth into contact, and kiss it slowly. About an inch higher, I do it again. You have such beautiful, long legs. Each will require so many kisses. I won’t neglect a single one.

I finally reach the back of your knee, and again bring my teeth to your skin. I drag them all the way back down, then wiggle my teeth and nibble all the way up again.

Ah, with a final kiss as I lay it gently upon the bed, my bed. You must really want my attention. I gently stroke your other leg as it lays there, so soft, tender, and warm.

My fingers suddenly dance across it, musclces flex under the assult, but I overpower you before letting you relax again. Ah, with such care, I once more raise your leg to my loving lips. I kiss away the tension, one inch at a time. Working my way to your knee, then dragging my teeth back across such warm, soft skin, before nibbling my way back to your knee again.

I tuck your legs together and sit on them, pinning you in place. Knuckles kneed and fingers masage the soft muscles of your thighs. My hands slowly walk up the backs of your legs, pressing, squishing, tracing the sensitive spots you tried to hide.

Ah your peppy little skirt, whatever will I do? I reach down again and slide my hands up the sides of your legs as I bend down and begin kissing my way up, inch by inch, up to that devious piece of material. There it is, blocking my view of your body. My tongue drags across your skin as I lick it, rolling it slightly higher. Again, and again, I raise your skirt with nothing but my tongue, letting you feel the hot muscle each time before I remove another sliver of cloth.

I reach the base of your adorable bubble butt. I want it in my hands, and I want it now. I sit up and pull your skirt down, out of my way. Your laced white panties highlight the shape of your bum, and the curves of your hips. My fingers slide up to those hips and embrace them as I lean down again and use my tonge to follow the edges of those pristene panties. I envelope your ass in my grasp and roll it in my fingers. Ah, such softeness, like holding a piece of heaven. Oh, it’s no use trying to hide now. Every little motion of your hips within my grasp is mine to know.

I wonder, should I remove that little laced cloth now, or later. My fingers teasingly slide under the elastic bands, but I decide to wait. Don’t worry, I’ll be back for them soon.

Ah, you’ve been waiting for this haven’t you? You certainly haven’t done anything to pull your shirt down as I’ve moved my way up. Half of your back is completely exposed! Such indecency, on my bed. You know what’s going to come next. A single finger, light as a feather, glides up one side, meanders in lazy loops across that strip of skin, then passes back down the other. But where to start? Where to start?

You sides. I place my left hand firmly near the top of your back and tilt my head to reach your right side. Yes, my dear, arch that little back of yours as my lips part against that sensitive skin. Press your body against my hand, but you cannot leave. My lips spread further and I open my mouth, teeth and tongue touch the flesh, and I begin to nibble.

Your uncontrollable giggles and little squeels are a delicacy I can feel vibrating within with my mouth as I slowly move up your side to the base of your ribs. Alas, I would continue, but your shirt is in the way. Instead, I attack your other side, this time I also swipe my tongue left and right, up and down your skin.

Up, up to the base of your ribs, to the base of your shirt. But then I stop. Time again, I suppose, to remove some of your clothes. Starting at your panties, I begin to kiss, sweeping left and right, rising ever so slowly. As my mouth entertains one side, my nails lightly scratch the other. Eventually, I reach your shirt.

With my tongue wide, and in long, slow swipes, I begin to remove the fabric. Each time I press it to your back, I let my warm breath dance across your skin. It’s a long, slow process, just how I like it.

I pause as I reach your bra, but it is only a pause. My teeth glide over your skin as I pull the strap into my mouth, press my tongue against it, and snap it open. I let each side drop onto your back, then pull them away from my target, letting the loose ends slide across your skin.

By the time only your shoulders are covered, there is no more my tongue can do. Your arms wrapped around the pillow are simply too much. I sit up and pull off my own shirt. Time for the big guns.

I crouch at the base of your back, press my chest to your ass, and begin to slide my way up. My muscles glide over your soft frame, my body presses you into the bed. I rise up, meet your shirt, and the force of my body is enough to roll it up to your neck, and over your shoulders. I take the chance to press my ear to your back. Judging by the literal sound of your heart, you really liked that. Very well, I crouch down and slide my way back up, only to slide all the way back down again, and finally begin the slow process of kissing my way back up to your shoulders, and that pretty little neck of yours.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were moaning faintly as I reached your neck, but I do know better, and those sighs are nothing compared to what I want to hear. I place my fingers on your back and slide your shirt over your head and around the pillow, then I place my lips directly upon your neck and begin to hum. You turn your head to the left and freely offer your neck to me, so I take it, kissing my way up and down as I hum a deep pitch that resonantes within my mouth.

As I kiss just below your ear, you give me that moan I love, so long, clear, and full of desire. I reward you by sliding my lips behind your ear, the light touch sending a shiver down your body that I can feel with mine. I gently hold your ear with my lips, and slide around it, then move closer and grasp the skin with my teeth. I drag my way down to your earlobe before lightly nibbling with my practiced teeth.

Down I glide once more, and across your left shoulder, kissing you the whole way. I slide my left hand down your arm before shifting my weight to the other side. I appreciate that you turn your head so I can access the other side of your neck and work my way up to your ear. Just as delicately as the first, I partake in your flesh, and whisper in your ear that I’m going to turn you over in a second. But before that, I must address your other shoulder, kissing my way down and sliding my other hand down your right arm.



  1. (Part 2)

    I sit up and pull you over, onto your back. It would be a wonderful sight except, you’re still holding that pillow, are you. Perhaps you can hide your adorable red face in it? Squeeze it in excitement? Cover your body with it?

    Give it to me.

    Good girl. I pat your head as I place the pillow out of reach. Your hands reach down to cover your body. So adorable. I suppose I should lower my dress so you feel more comfortable. I stand up and pull of my belt, unbutton the fly, unzip it, and drop my remaining clothes. Leaning over your crimson face, I answer your eyes. Yes, I am very excited, and the only thing filling my thoughts right now, is you.

    I return to my bed, and straddle you, letting you stare between your fingers for a moment before I reach out my hands, and intertwine my fingers in yours. Ah, yes, let me work to lift your arms, I want to feel you resist as I uncover your face and reveal the smile you tried to hide. Slowly but surely, I lean forward, forcing your hands and arms above your head, and pressing them into the bed. My body arches before your eyes before I lower myself onto you.

    Your left arm is pinned helplessly, perfect for me to toy with your right. I pull your hand close, gaze at your delicate, pink nails, and tenderly kiss your wrist. My lips don’t leave your skin as I move up and around to your thumb, slowly taking it in between my lips, letting my teeth glide over the skin, tug on that polished nail, and suck on it for a moment. Then, I pull it out and do the same to your pointer finger. After that, your middle finger. Then your ring finger. Finally, your pinky.

    My hand envelopes your fingers and I pull down so I can tenderly kiss the back of your hand. Such dainty fingers, such delicate arms. I work my way to the side, and let my teeth scrape across your skin. More nibbles, all the way down your arm. You giggle, flex, and pull, but nothing can stop my progress or break my focus. I nibble my way down your forearm, tenderly kiss the inside of your elbow, then trace down the inside of your upper arm.

    Oh, I feel you tense up. You know I’m about to tease your armpit. It would be wrong to deny such tender flesh the attention of my mouth. I touch my lips to your skin and, slowly drag them down from your arm to your side, then I return to that rarely touched flesh. Your whine of embarrassment as the tip of my tongue licks away the sweat that has gathered is a sound I will never tire of. I pull away with a long, slow kiss.

    I don’t get up, but instead slide my way across your body to pin your right arm and turn my attention to your left. Such pretty little fingers, I could hold them all day. This time, I start with your palm, holding your fingers strait and dragging my nails down each of them, down your palm, and over your wrist. Only then do I wrap my warm mouth about your thumb and begin to nibble and gently scratch at it with my teeth. It doesn’t matter if you try to curl your fingers, my tongue will hold them firmly in just the right spot. After your thumb, I move on to your pointer finger. Next. I play with your middle finger. Eventually, your ring finger. Finally, your little pinky.

    My teeth tease you as I travel down your wrist and across your arm, pausing only to focus on your most sensitive areas. Inch by inch, I work my way to your shoulder and your armpit. I skip over it, just to let you wait in anticipation, and nibble those tender little ribs of yours. All the way down, then back up taking twice as long.

    The wait is over, I pepper your arm with little kisses before tasting your flesh. Your embarrassment is as delicious to me as your skin, and I indulge in it with the same delight. It’s not until I give you another slow kiss that you know I will move on.

    My right hand crosses your body, resting against your hips, and begins to slide up your side, playfully bumping your breast as it reaches up, up to your neck, up to your cheek, and then turns your face to look into my eyes. Your face is flushed, cheeks joyfully rosy, and your eyes tell me both how thirsty you are, and how ashamed you feel about wanting my body so badly.

    My appetite grows, but I, too, want to sip from you. I lean closer, my mouth millimeters from yours, waiting for you to smile and look away before I slide my lips across yours. I start lightly at first, but then lean in and kiss deeper. Soon our tongues are sliding against each other and your taste fills my head. I breath with you, not wanting to stop for even a moment, lost in a tangle as I engulf your body in my arms and you do likewise.

    Time doesn’t matter, but eventually I raise myself over you. I want you right now, but I have other plans for you at the moment. My lips trail down your face and peppering your skin. I growl as I press my teeth into your neck, before moving down to your chest. I make sure to appreciate every inch of your collarbone before targeting those soft breasts of yours, just barely covered by your unclasped bra which I pull off and toss to the side.

  2. (Part 3)

    As my large hands slide across, around, and under your breasts, I am once again overcome by how soft and comfortable they feel between my fingers. Lightly scratching the tender skin around your nipples, I remind you that my touch is all you need or want. I continue stroking with my hands as my mouth returns to your flesh.

    The side of your left breast seems like a great place to start. I suck the flesh into my mouth, letting my teeth touch your body before letting it slide from my lips to kiss lower, working my way around with big, slow kisses before switching to your right breast. Kiss after kiss, I circle it, then I move in slightly.

    Same as before, but just a few inches closer to those perky little nipples. You know I’ll get there soon, but I won’t rush. Another circle, slightly closer, and another, my lips are brushing your nippled now. Ah, finally, my warm breath surrounds your left nipple as I encase it within my mouth. My lips creep in, dragging ever closer until I they touch, and I slowly pull back, dragging my lips as gently as I can over your tender flesh.

    Ooh, I know you like that. Don’t worry, I won’t stop yet. I place my mouth over your nipple again, slowly drawing my lips across your skin until they touch, wait for it, I lift again. Aw, the other one is lonely. I move to your right side, but I place a finger next to the one I left. As I place my warm mouth over your perky pink skin, I start drawing a circle around the other. My lips slowly close and the circle shrinks. My lips touch, and I place two fingers on either side of your other nipple. I lift up.

    I wonder if you would like these lovely nipple warmed up further. I place my mouth around it again, but this time I suck out the air, pulling it to me, pressing my mouth against it from all sides, framed by my delicate teeth. My tongue lightly pulls back and forth, rolling you within my bodily prison. But what of you other side? I place my hand upon your breast so my middle and ring fingers rest on either side of your nipple, then I arch my hand ever so slightly, just enough to cause my fingers to slide against the tender skin. I flatten my hand again, pressing down softly, sliding the other way, arch, flatten, pull, press, as I pull my lips back and let the other slide between them as it leaves my mouth.

    I do enjoy your breasts, but I continue down, meandering kisses traveling back and forth across your tummy. I know where you are weakest, and slide my lips ever so gently as to make you giggle. I keep moving. I want you to laugh. I reach your belly button, and begin to circle it with my tongue, spiraling in, closer, closer. My pointed tongue slip in and starts to wiggle. That’s the laugh I wanted. I feel you start to sit up, so I place my hands on your shoulders and force you back down. Wiggle wiggle, circle circle. Just light enough that you think you can fight the feeling. Just devious enough that I know you can’t.

    I move down further, wandering back and forth between your hips. Each time I get to one side or the other, I stop kissing long enough to nibble your delicate parts. Lower, lower still, until I reach your panties once more. I have plans for these.

    I reach to your left, and grab your panties with my teeth, letting them drag across you leg as I do so, then pull that side down some. Now the other side, again my teeth glide over your skin, this time pulling down just a bit farther. Left side, right side, left, right. I remove them as slowly as I can restrain myself to handle. Finally, I get up and pull you to the end of the bed, and as your legs hand over the side, your panties drop.

    Naked. Exposed. All for me. I separate your legs, pressing down on them with my strong hands, and begin to kiss your inner, right thigh, right nest to you knee. I kiss slowly, and move in single inch spaces, each kiss more sensational than the last. Oh, how wonderfully long your legs are. I reach half way to your crotch, then move to your left side and begin anew. Kiss, kiss, kiss, inch by inch. I reach the same spot, and continue. Closer, closer, I reach the point where the flesh bends, and give one final kiss before moving back to your right.

    Inch by inch I finally reach you again. I stand up, lift your legs over my head, and press them together before folding them to your body. There is one more spot to pleasure first. I bend down and kiss the base of your back that’s in range, and slowly work my way down. The curves of your bum softly press against my own cheeks as I slide my tongue to your anus, and begin to circle it. Around and around I slide my warm tongue, pressing gently upon your skin. I trace each fold of flesh, then press my mouth to you for a long, slow kiss.

    Your deep moan tell me it’s finally time. I continue to kiss my way toward my destination, slowly pulling your legs back down, pinning them to the bed. I make sure its nice and wat and let the tip of my tongue glide just left of your folds, then kiss you above your clit. I start again on the right, a little closer this time. Left, nearly there. Right, my tongue slides over the edge.

    I give you another kiss above your clit, then drag the tip of my tongue up, between your lips, pause, and go back down. With each swipe, I sink just a bit deeper into your pussy. As you shudder, I pull out and widen my tongue, sliding its whole surface up to your little ‘on’ button. My lips grab it, and I let it slide through them. I place my mouth firmly against your body, clit directly between my lips, and suck. As I pull it into my mouth, I slide my tongue back and forth over the end, back and forth, back and forth. Now up and down, using just the right amount of pressure, and at the speed that drives you wild. Up and down. Now I circle it with my maddening tongue before I let my teeth graze the delicate skin.

    That’s right, sing for me. I let you slip through my lips and move back down. I press myself right back in, and begin to extend my tongue, waving it back and forth. It’s half as deep as it can go, but that’s plenty to start. I begin widening it, curling it, and using the tip to rub the places you like the most, my own lips slide against yours as I reach around and toy with your insides. I go deeper, swirling my tongue in circles, changing its shape, and then I begin to hum.

    My voice vibrates your sensitive flesh as I reach deeper, my mouth enveloping your pussy as my tongue extends to its full length. My lips slide over yours, my teeth make contact and rub up and down, and I begin flicking my tongue in and out. I let you clench your legs together about my head, enveloping my in the warm embrace. It does nothing to stop my attack. Your fingers get caught in my hair as you reach toward your flesh, but it’s no use. I continue to stroke your insides with relentless ferocity. Faster, faster I move, humming louder and louder, until my teeth vibrate with the sound. I feel you tense up as easily as I hear you scream, your body completely under my control. My tongue can just reach that one sensitive spot, and it does. As you reach your climax, I viscously slide the tip of my tongue over that little spot of flesh within your pussy, and feel your insides shudder and spasm.

    I get up, lean over you, and place one final kiss upon your forehead. I guess you can sleep here tonight.

    [Comments, criticisms, tips on what would make this even better and sexier (focus on kissing/nibbling)?]

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