Today I [F]20 saw a random guy looking at my reddit profile

This story is not long. I’m just shocked lol.

So, couple days ago I started posting my body bc a friend convinced me to. Ngl, it’s fun to get all the compliments but I’m uneasy about people recognizing me.

Today I was at the cafeteria and spotted a guy (20ish?) scrolling through my profile. He was looking at my pics and reading my stories. It was a mix of feelings. I’m right behind him and he got no clue I’m that slut. But also, what if he recognize me?? Anyways, maybe I have to be more cautious from now on.

Ps. If you are that guy I saw on Uni, tall, dark hair and fit, wanna be my next story? 😌



  1. I’m praying to all the sesky gods that he reads this and DMs you

  2. Of all the world, what are the chances someone in your near vicinity has seen you, is sure you and the Reddit account are one and the same and has the confidence to approach?

    Do your friends know you have a profile, that you post, and what subreddits?

  3. This random guy needs to be careful about shielding his screen…

  4. Well if he doesn’t, I would be interested in being that next story ;)

  5. In hindsight, are you still nervous or do you start to think that it might be hot to know who’s having fun with your profile?

  6. well that’s weird i was in my room looking at your profile, no idea how you saw me

  7. Maybe try finding this guy after a bit? You seem like you want to “make him part of your stories”. Also very hot.

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