[MF] Married to others, Luke and Shannon sext

Fun little fantasy I wrote about sexting. Turned out hotter than I thought it would. This is part 1 of their story, working on part 2 now.

Link to more works by me: [https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=6067853&page=submissions](https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=6067853&page=submissions)

Luke & Shannon Part 1: Sexting

Luke was hanging out at the local sports bar with a few friends. It was a rare “guys night” out for him and Luke and his buds were watching the game and having a few beers.

Luke stood a tall six foot four inches. He wore a plain white tee shirt with a dark blue three-quarter zip sweatshirt on top of it. The dark blue matched his eyes. His sleeves were pushed up to show off his muscular arms. Below, he wore khaki pants and nice running shoes.

Conversing with his friends for the first part of the game, Luke threw back some beers, ate some food, and watched the game. It was around halftime when Shannon walked in with a few of her friends. Luke did an immediate double take when he saw her. Not that he was surprised she was here, but how she looked through Luke for a big curve.

Luke typically saw Shannon in her most laid back. Surrounded by her kids, wearing oversized shirts and leggings, and her hair would be pulled back in a ponytail. She rarely wore makeup in the causal settings Luke saw her in. Shannon still looked good, but Luke always imagined what she would look like all dressed up.

Today, Luke got a glimpse of that. It was hard for him to take his eyes off Shannon as she approached. Her long black hair was straight today and tucked under a cute pink snow hat. She wore a small white coat and black leggings that were skin tight and as she walked and Luke thought about what her ass must look like in them. Her makeup was done well and she looked amazing.

Shannon noticed Luke looking at her and excused herself from her friends and walked towards him.

“Hey you!” Shannon said as she came up to Luke’s table.

Her smile was big and inviting and her teeth were white as snow.

“Hey,” Luke said back, a bit nervously, “out for a night of trouble?”

Shannon laughed and smiled back at Luke, “No, just a few drinks with a few friends.”

“That makes two of us,” Luke said, grabbing his bottle of beer and taking a swig, “you guys should join us?”

Shannon looked back at her friends and then back to Luke. “Maybe in a bit. You can buy me a drink,” she said with a smile as she turned to leave. Luke’s eyes immediately dropped down to take a look at Shannon’s ass as she walked away. Luke was right, the leggings were skin tight and Shannon’s bubble of a butt bounced as she walked away.

As she reached her table, Shannon turned and looked in Luke’s direction — she caught him catching a peak at her ass, she smiled and laughed it off, and sat down with her friends.

The game went on for the third quarter and became a nail bitter. The home team was up by two touchdowns at half, but only led by a field goal going into the fourth quarter. The sports bar was loud, full of excitement, and packed with people.

During the break before the fourth quarter, Luke wandered to the bathroom and on his way back was waved over by Shannon to her table.

She quickly introduced Luke to her friends, who said a quick hello, and went back to their conversations, leaving Luke to Shannon’s full attention.

“Quite the game,” Luke said, trying to not look nervous and make some conversation.

“Yea, it’s not bad,” Shannon said, “it’s not really my thing. But Stacy wanted to come watch it so we all decided to come. Whatever. It’s a night out, right?”

“Yea, exactly!” Luke said, he confidently swung around, grabbed a stool from the table behind them, and sat down next to Shannon. “Beats yelling at kids to get into the bath.”

Shannon’s eyes rolled. “Or getting them into PJs and bed, that’s the worst!”

As she finished her sentence, she reached out and grabbed Luke’s arm. The simple touch of Shannon onto him sent a shockwave throughout Luke’s body. Shannon felt it too. Uncomfortably, she withdrew her arm.

“What are you drinking?” Luke said, steering the conversation, “I still owe you a drink.”

“Vodka and soda. Nothing too crazy,” Shannon said. “Plus have to watch those calories.”

“Ah, you look great,” Luke said getting up to get her a drink.

“So do you,” Shannon said. For an instant their eyes met and were locked for what seemed longer than the second it actually was.

There was a quick smile between the two and Luke started to jet off to the bar. He knocked on the table a few times.

“Sit tight, I’ll be back.”

Luke went to the bar and tried to flag down a bartender. With the crowd, it wasn’t an easy task. Luke was passed by several times by the bartender. Luke stood there, frustrated and looked back at Shannon. He rolled his eyes in a playful matter and Shannon let out a small laugh.

Luke turned back around and tried again to flag down a bartender. Another round of dismissals came his way.

Suddenly Luke felt a hand on his shoulder — it sparked the same electric shockwave. When he spun and saw Shannon standing there, he was a bit speechless.

“Troubles?” Shannon said with a big smile on her face.

Luke snapped out of it. “I guess so. I seem to have lost my charm being out of the game.”

“Let me try sport,” Shannon said, smacking Luke’s chest with her hand a few times. Shannon’s hand lingered there for a few moments, soaking in how Luke’s chest felt. She liked it.

As Shannon tried to ease between Luke and the patron sitting on the stool behind her, Luke and Shannon became closer than they ever have. Face to face, Shannon wiggled closer to the bar, all while keeping eye contact with Luke. Their bodies touched. Shannon’s hands went to Luke’s waist as she moved by him and Luke’s hands went to Shannon’s shoulders. For a brief second, Luke could feel Shannon’s breasts brush against him. They felt great as the whisked by.

With an awkward smile and laugh shared by both, Shannon got to the bar and started to try and flag down the bartender — it wasn’t working. Pass after pass the bartenders shrugged off Shannon’s calls and the two got frustrated.

“We should have just ordered them at the table,” Luke said.

“Then,” Shannon said as she turned her attention to Luke, “I wouldn’t have gotten you alone,” she said with a big smile.

“Here, sit here,” a voice said from behind Luke. It was an older gentleman. He sat at the bar with his wife. They were gathering their coats and were getting ready to leave.

“Going to beat the rush,” the man said as he walked by Luke, “and the drunks.”

“You two be careful,” his wife said as she walked by, “such a cute couple.”

After a small pause and a smile between Shannon and Luke, Luke finally mustered a “thank you” to the couple.

“Shall we?” Luke said presenting the stool to Shannon.

“We shall,” Shannon said with a small bow of the head. Luke dusted off the seat playfully for her and she sat. Luke grabbed the stool next to her. Almost immediately a bartender walked up to them.

“What are you two having?”

A shared look of distain between the two friends.

Luke ordered a beer and Shannon a vodka and water.

“This is much better,” Luke said. Shannon nodded quickly.

“Here you go,” the bartender said. Luke threw him a credit card and told him to keep the tab open. Luke grabbed the vodka glass and gave it to Shannon. Next, he grabbed his bottle of beer.

“Cheers,” Shannon said — extending her glass to Luke.

“Cheers,” Luke said back.

“What should we drink to?” Shannon added.

“To possibilities…”

The game went into overtime and in the first five minutes the home team scored the winning touchdown. The bar erupted and patrons were high fiving, screaming, and throwing up their arms. Luke and Shannon stood from their stools to join in the celebration; each momentarily going back to their friends tables to celebrate, and then wandered back to the bar.

“Well, it’s getting late,” Shannon said looking at her watch.

“Is it?” Luke said looking at his. It read 10:30. “Oh, I guess it is a bit late. I’m sure you are usually in bed in your jammies by now.”

“I would be if I wore any,” Shannon said. Her eyes went wide, embarrassed. “No. That’s not what I meant.”

Luke laughed.

“No, I wear clothes. Tee shirt, shorts. Well, mostly. Sometimes I just wear my underwear — if it’s hot out and I’m sweaty. Wait. That doesn’t help. Ugh. Now I’m rambling.” Shannon said and sat down with her head in her hands. Luke sat next to her. He extended his hand and touched it on Shannon’s thigh.

“It’s okay,” Luke said. He rubbed his hand up and down Shannon’s thigh for a second. “I ramble also.”

Shannon lifted her head with a smile and instinctively grabbed Luke’s hand that was on her thigh. The two sat there in a stare down of each other, holding each other’s hands.

“You ready to go?” Stacy’s voice rang out. Shannon shook out of the spell and released Luke’s hand. Luke quickly retracted his hand from Shannon’s thigh. It didn’t appear to register with Stacy.

“Huh? What?” Shannon said confused.

“We’re going the wine bar by the house, you ready?” Stacy said. Shannon turned back to the bar and saw her full drink.

“Um, I still have a full drink. Would be a shame to waste it. Can we wait a few?” she asked. Stacy was getting annoyed.

“Everyone’s already heading to the car and we closed out. Come on,” Stacy added, pulling at Shannon’s arm.

“I can drive you over there,” Luke said with a shrug, “it’s right by the house, I could drop you off there.”

Stacy looked at Shannon.

“Sounds like I’ll meet you guys there,” Shannon said with a shrug.

“Fine. Whatever. See you there,” Stacy said and walked off.

A few minutes later Luke’s friend did the same. They were all heading home and Luke explained how he was going to drop Shannon off at the wine bar on his way home. The group left, not asking many questions.

Shannon and Luke settled back into their bar stools.

“Thanks for driving me over there,” Shannon said, “you didn’t have to do that.”

“Sure I did,” Luke said as he leaned in and nudged shoulders with Shannon, “how else would I have gotten you alone.”

Shannon once again smiled.

“You know,” Shannon started, but then thought better of it, “no. I better not say.”

“What?” Luke wondered.

“Oh no, it’s nothing. Too embarrassing,” Shannon said, turning away and shifting in her seat.

“You can tell me anything embarrassing. Remember, we’re a cute couple.”

Luke flashed his award winning smile at Shannon and it momentarily melted her. She could feel her chest heave up as she looked into those baby blues.

“Well, that’s kind of it,” Shannon started off with a mumble.

“What’s it?” Luke asked.

“You’re going to think this is dumb,” Shannon said, mustering some courage.

“Try me.”

“Well, I sort of have had a small school girl crush on you,” Shannon said “nothing stalkerish or risk marriages over. But, a nice, little fantasy.”

Luke was a bit shocked but more flattered than anything.

“Really?” he said with another smile.

“You’ve never… thought about that?” Shannon asked.

“With you?”

“Yes with me!” Shannon said smacking Luke’s arm.

Luke moved in closer to Shannon. Shannon smiled and moved in closer to Luke.

“Truthfully?” Luke said.

“Yes. Truthfully,” Shannon smirked. She stared into his blue eyes and waited with anticipation.

“I’ve had quite a few fantasies about you,” Luke said looking Shannon up and down.

“Really? Like what?” Shannon asked with a hint of desire.

“Oh, I can’t tell you that,” Luke said pulling back with a laugh. “They were, um, pretty risqué.”

“Really?” Shannon said perking up a bit. “Please do tell!”

It was Luke’s turn to be embarrassed. He thought about it, took a swig of beer, then looked back at Shannon — who was all smiles — and let out a small laugh.

“Okay, but if I tell you, this stays here between us. I don’t want Joe coming over tomorrow and kicking my ass.”

“First,” Shannon said, “Joe couldn’t kick your ass. And second, that would just get us both in trouble.”

Luke thought about it again, and finally relented.

“Okay, sometimes, when all the kids are over playing,” Luke started.

“Yes…” Shannon said, waiting on every breath.

“Sometimes I look over at you and wonder if you are a good kisser or not.”

Shannon smiled. Her weight shifted and she licked her lips. She then leaned into Luke and whispered into his ear.

“I like that,” she said softly into his ear. Her warm breath in his ear started to arouse Luke.
“But!” she said loudly as she pulled back, “That wasn’t even a bit risqué.”

There was a pause.

“Try again,” Shannon demanded.

“What?” Luke objected.

“You heard me,” Shannon said crossing her arms and legs, not satisfied, “try again. Try…harder.”

“Okay,” Luke said and hesitated again. He took another swig of beer and then pivoted in his stool so he was face to face with Shannon. He looked her right into the eyes.

“After I wonder how good of a kisser you are, I then wonder how good those lips can suck a dick. Then I picture you. Going up and down on a shaft. I picture the back of your head…”

Luke stopped himself as he saw Shannon’s eyes widen. Her mouth opened slightly and they sat there for a few seconds speechless.

“That was too much!” Luke said. He turned away from Shannon and grabbed his beer and took a few gulps.

Shannon shook her head and shuttered. She once again licked her lips and reached out to Luke and turned his face to look at her. Shannon leaned in towards Luke. Her hands went up Luke’s thighs as she moved in closer to him. She looked as if she was going to kiss Luke. Luke tightened. At the last second, barely missing Luke’s lips, Shannon turned and whispered into Luke’s ear.

“I’m excellent at sucking cock.”

“I know you are,” Luke whispered back into her Shannon’s ear.

The two lingered there, breathing. The passion was amplifying. Luke could feel the bulge in his pants growing, while Shannon could feel her panties getting wet. Something just felt right, even though it was so wrong. There was a force pulling them together tonight. Something they have never felt before, but it was here now.

It was Luke who pulled away first, with a smile.

“Okay. Your turn,” Luke said.

“Okay,” Shannon said going to the bar and grabbing her drink. She took a sip, put it back down and turned to Luke.

As if casually talking to one of her friends, Shannon said, “Sometimes, when Joe is fucking me, I like to think of you. And think it is you fucking me. I think about what you taste like. What positions you like to be in and what positions you would like me in. And how hard you would fuck me.”

That one hit Luke solid. His eyes went wide and he stumbled to grab his beer and take a big gulp. Which, was a bit too big and he let out a small cough. Shannon sat there and laughed. After catching his breath, Luke looked back to Shannon who was licking her bottom lip and staring at Luke.

“That was a lot to process,” Luke said.

“I know,” Shannon said.

“I mean, we can’t,” Luke said with a pause, “right?”

“Right,” Shannon replied, “it is all just make-believe.”

Luke doubled down on the conversation. He leaned into Shannon and whispered into her ear.

“Then I really make-believe I could see that ass high in the air while I fucked you hard from behind.”

As Luke said that his right hand went down and slide up the outside of Shannon’s thigh.

Unconsciously, her eyes closed, her back arched, and her nipples became hard.

“Mmm, tell me more of this make-believe,” Shannon said in pleasure.

“Well,” Luke started with, still sitting close and whispering into Shannon’s ear. His hand was still on her thigh. “First I would fuck you nice and slow, with my hands firmly on your ass. Like this.”

Luke pressed his hand harder into Shannon’s thigh. Shannon let out a very small moan.

“And then,” Shannon said back into Luke’s ear.

“And then I would start picking up the pace. I’d move my hard dick in and out of your pussy, making it nice and wet as I fucked it faster. And faster.”

Shannon’s breathing changed in Luke’s ear. He also then felt Shannon’s hand on his.

“And…then,” Shannon whimpered.

“And then I would really start pumping. Faster. Grabbing your ass firmer.”

“Would you spank it?” Shannon asked.

“Do you want me to spank it?” Luke playfully asked.

“Yes. Oh god, yes!”

Luke gently raised his right hand from Shannon’s thigh and then smacked it.

“Like that?” Luke asked.

“Harder.” Shannon said.

Luke raised his hand again and gave her thigh a good smack.

“Yes. Like that,” Shannon moaned and bit her lip. Her eyes closed in ecstasy.

Suddenly, Shannon pulled away from Luke. She grabbed her drink and finished it off and looked back at Luke.

“I think we better get out of here,” Shannon said getting up from the stool. Her demeanor clearly changed, “before we get into trouble.”

Luke sighed but realized she was right. This was going a bit too far. Luke nodded.

“You’re right. Let me get you to the bar.”

“I think its best I go home,” Shannon admitted on the way out, “I think one too many vodka drinks for me.”

“I’m sorry if I…” Luke started.

“No, it’s okay,” Shannon returned. She smiled at Luke and stared to walk out of the bar.

Outside, the two walked to Luke’s car. They got in and started to drive away. On the way home, Shannon texted her friends saying she was tired and wouldn’t be making it to the bar. A few smirks were let out by Shannon and she explained to Luke that her friends were making some off color jokes about Luke and her.

The ride home was short and within a few minutes Luke pulled up into Shannon’s driveway.

“Well,” Shannon said opening the car door, “thank you again for the ride home and thank you for… the conversation.”

“No problem,” Luke said with a smile, “I had fun.”

“Text me when you get home,” Shannon said, “so I know you are safe.”

“Sure, but it’s only a few blocks,” Luke said.

Shannon got out, leaned back in and said “Just do it.”

Luke relented and waved Shannon off. He waited for her to get to the door and open it before he started off. On the way out, he noticed Shannon blowing him a kiss.

Luke made his way home and parked the car. He went inside, got changed and ready for bed, and sat down on the couch to watch a bit of T.V. He then remembered he was to text Shannon.

LUKE: Made it home. Have a good night.

A few seconds went by.

SHANNON: Great! Thanks again.

Luke read the message and decided to text Shannon back.

LUKE: It was fun, hope we can do it again sometime!

Shannon, who also was getting ready for bed, stood in her bathroom and texted Luke back.

SHANNON: Which part would you want to do again?

LUKE: All of it. I’m glad we left, but also not glad. I liked our conversation.

SHANNON: Me too! Sorry to run out like that, but, well, I was getting too turned on and didn’t know how much I would be able to resist you.

LUKE: Same. Are you in bed yet? I don’t want to keep you up.

SHANNON: Not yet, still getting ready for bed.

LUKE: Is this a clothes day or a no clothes day? LOL

SHANNON: Well, right now I’m in my bra and panties washing my face and getting ready for bed.

LUKE: Can I ask what color they are?

SHANNON: Sure, they are black.

LUKE: Mmm. I can picture that.

SHANNON: Where are you? Are you in bed yet?

LUKE: No I’m sitting on the couch relaxing for a bit.

SHANNON: And what are you wearing?? ;)

LUKE: Just some shorts and a t-shirt. Nothing too sexy I’m afraid.

SHANNON: I bet you look great…

There was a pause in the conversation. Luke struggled to think of something sexy to say. Shannon responded.

SHANNON: Oh no, did you fall asleep? LOL

LUKE: No, I was just thinking a bit too much.


LUKE: Of that bra and more importantly, what’s underneath it ;)

SHANNON: Mmm. Well, I hate to disappoint, but my bra was taken off. I’m now in a t-shirt like you and just my undies.

LUKE: Where are you now? In bed?

SHANNON: I figured I’d join you on the couch for a bit while we chatted.

LUKE: Should we cuddle under a blanket?

SHANNON: I like that idea…

LUKE: Me too. Should we sit and snuggle or spoon?

SHANNON: Spoon. I would love to feel you as my big spoon.

LUKE: That could be dangerous.

SHANNON: Oh yea? Why’s that?

LUKE: I might get the urge to start grinding on you.

SHANNON: Mmm I would definitely like that and would push my ass back into you as you did.

LUKE: That would feel so good. My hands on your hips as I gently move my hips back and forth on you.

SHANNON: And what is that I feel growing behind me???

LUKE: Mmm you felt that, huh?

SHANNON: How could I not!

Another quick pause.

SHANNON: Can I ask how big it is?

LUKE: I say it’s a good 6 inches.

SHANNON: Really?

LUKE: Yea. And I have a big head. LOL

SHANNON: Wow. Nice. Wow. Sorry a bit flustered here now…

LUKE: I like you flustered. It’s cute :)

SHANNON: Now I really want it behind me…

LUKE: And if I was behind you grinding my hips into you?

SHANNON: I think after a few minutes of that I would have to flip around and start kissing you.

LUKE: I like that. Your lips, they look so soft. So kissable.

SHANNON: And yours…WOW. That’s all I will say.

LUKE: Mmm. Your lips on my lips.

SHANNON: Yes… kiss me

LUKE: I kiss your lips a few times. Soft, long kisses. I then reach around, pull you in closer to me, and open my mouth and stick my tongue in your mouth….

SHANNON: I gladly accept your tongue and find yours with mine. I love you pulling me in closer to you and reach behind you and embrace you.

LUKE: We kiss for a few and my hands start to wonder. My hand goes down your back and grabs your ass. I pull it into me and your pussy rubs up and down on my hardening cock.

SHANNON: Oh god! The feel of your cock on my pussy starts to get me wet. I moan each time your cock hits me in the right spot.

LUKE: Oh Shannon


LUKE: I have to admit, you are definitely making me hard over here.

SHANNON: I have to admit, you are making me wet over here.

LUKE: Mmm. It feels so good…

SHANNON: Are you…touching it?

LUKE: Maybe a little ;)

SHANNON: Did you get naked over there??

LUKE: No, just slightly rubbing him over my boxers.

SHANNON: Mmm. I like that. I would loooove to watch that :)

LUKE: Mmm Shannon. Are you shaved?

SHANNON: Usually. But today I have a little landing strip.

LUKE: Shit that just made me pump faster.

SHANNON: Mmm that just made me really wet.

LUKE: Are you going to touch it for me?


LUKE: Yes. Tell me what you are doing.

SHANNON: My hand worked its way down across my chest. I pinched my nipples a few times to make them nice and hard when you were talking about that BIG dick. My hand then worked down across my belly, and started to trace around my undies.

LUKE: Oh yes! I’m starting to really rub my cock now.

SHANNON: Mmm yes, my pussy is aching right now.

LUKE: I think you should put your fingers on your lips and rub up and down on them.


SHANNON: Mmm its wetter than I thought. Luke! You turn me on so much.

LUKE: I think I need to lose these briefs, they can’t contain my cock anymore.


A few moments went by.

LUKE: Ok. I slide them off…

SHANNON: Mmm is your cock in your hand??

LUKE: Yes. It’s hard to type, but yes!

SHANNON: Are you stroking it?

LUKE: Yes up and down my shaft. Ooohh it feels so good!

SHANNON: Yes! I love it. Im going to rub my clit.

LUKE: Oh baby, yes! I wish I could suck it.

SHANNON: Oh fuck. It’s getting swollen. Tell me more!

LUKE: MMM I would love to take my tongue, and lick up and down your lips…

SHANNON: Yea baby, lick it.

LUKE: And then I would work my way up to your clit and give it a soft kiss and blow on it.

SHANNON: Oh fuck!

LUKE: And then I would take my flat tongue, and press it up your clit.

SHANNON: Ohh god that feels so good. Im so wet for you.

LUKE: Mmm your clit is so hard and your pussy tastes amazing.

SHANNON: Yes. Yes. Yes!

LUKE: I keep sucking on your clit and licking it and flicking it with my tongue.

SHANNON: Oh yes. Fuck baby, yes.

LUKE: My hands wonder up and grab your tits and give them a healthy squeeze.

SHANNON: Yes, I’m squeezing them now, thinking it’s you.

LUKE: My cock is so hard.

SHANNON: Let me suck it!

LUKE: Should I stand up in front of you?

SHANNON: Yes! I drop to my knees as you stand and take your cock in my hand. Oh LUKE! It’s so big. I start to stroke it up and down and give it soft kisses.

LUKE: Oh Shannon, yes! Suck it.

SHANNON: I open my mouth and take you inside of me. I make sure my mouth is nice and wet and your long hard cock slips all the way in and hits the back of my throat.

LUKE: Oh Shannon

SHANNON: In and out I lick and suck your cock. All the way in my throat it goes. I start pumping you in and out of my mouth faster.

LUKE: Yes. Yes! Suck it. I grab the back of your head and start to fuck your mouth.

SHANNON: Oh god, yes, use me! As your cock glides in and out of my mouth, I grab my tits and squeeze them. I look up at you. Fuck my mouth, Luke. Fuck it!

LUKE: My cock is so hard and I moan loudly as you keep sucking it. I can’t stand this anymore! I need to fuck you. Let me fuck you, Shannon!

SHANNON: Take my pussy Luke — it is yours!

LUKE: I tell you to get on the couch. You do and spread your legs. I hop on top of you.

SHANNON: I grab your cock. In my hand, your head searches up and down my pussy. It finally finds the hole.

LUKE: Slowly I push my cock in. All the way in. Nice and slow.

SHANNON: Oh fuck! It’s so big. I love it.

LUKE: All the way in it goes and I start pumping in you.

SHANNON: Yes. Fuck me, Luke, fuck me!

LUKE: Faster I start to fuck you. My cock sliding in and out of that little pussy of yours.

SHANNON: Yes. I’m so wet.

LUKE: Yes. How many fingers do you have in you right now?


LUKE: Yes, fuck that pussy. Fuck it hard for me. I want you to think of me fucking you hard right now.

SHANNON: Yes, I’m fucking my pussy hard for you. Oh Luke.

LUKE: Oh Shannon. I grab your tits as I pump in you.

SHANNON: Yes, squeeze them. Lick them.

LUKE: I bend down and suck on your tits. Your nipples are perfect.

SHANNON: Yes LUKE. Suck them.

LUKE: I want to fuck you from behind.

SHANNON: Take me! Take me however you want.

LUKE: Get on your knees for me.

SHANNON: Oh yes. I put my ass high in the air. Do you like the view?

LUKE: Yes! I love that ass of yours. I bend down and start to kiss your ass cheek and rub both of them with my hands.

SHANNON: Your touch sends tingles down my pussy.

LUKE: I continue to kiss up and down your ass and lick your pussy from behind.

SHANNON: Don’t tease me, FUCK ME LUKE.

LUKE: From behind you, I grab my cock and rub it up and down your ass cheeks before I rub it up and down your pussy, find your hole, and put it in.

SHANNON: Yes. That’s it. Do it HARD.

LUKE: I pump faster and harder I grab your ass. I give it a good SMACK!


LUKE: I wind up again and give you another smack.

SHANNON: Yes! I love it!

LUKE: I reach up and grab your hair and pull HARD as I shove my dick in you far and hard.

SHANNON: Oh god. I fucking love it! USE ME

LUKE: I pull your hair harder as I ram my cock in you.

SHANNON: Oh yes. You’re going to make me cum.

LUKE: Oh god, yes, Shannon, cum for me!

SHANNON: Oh god Im rubbing my clit so fast.

LUKE: Yes. Im stroking my dick fast.

SHANNON: Oh Luke, I’m close

LUKE: Me too. Oh fuck. Its so hard.

SHANNON: Yes, stroke it for me Luke.

LUKE: Yes. Yes. Im pumping it so fast for you.

SHANON: Oh god my pussy wants your cum

LUKE: I think I’m going to cum.

SHANNON: Yes, cum with me! I’m ready.

LUKE: I’m there. Its going to explode.

LUKE: Yes.


LUKE: Here it comes.

SHANNON: Yes, Im cumming

LUKE: Oh fuck. Me too!

LUKE: Oh Shannon




SHANNON: Oh Luke! ME too

LUKE: Oh fuck.

SHANNON: Oh yes. Cum in my pussy more!


LUKE: Oh Shannon, so much cum

SHANNON: Yes, I want it all. Feels so good in my pussy.

LUKE: Oh god. That felt SO GOOD.

SHANNON: Mmm me too. I’m just lying here, naked and spent.

LUKE: Me too.

SHANNON: Mmm I would love to see that.

LUKE: Maybe next time I’ll send you a picture

SHANNON: MMmm or maybe I can hear you cum next time.

LUKE: It’s a date.

SHANNON: I better go clean up.

LUKE: Me too.

SHANNON: Talk to you soon!

LUKE: Sounds good. Have a good night sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ui6n15/mf_married_to_others_luke_and_shannon_sext