Sam’s sister dances [m/f][b/s][incest]

It was the last Friday of March, which meant one thing; a three day Bank Holiday weekend. It also meant that Mum and Dad would be away visiting friends for three whole days, leaving Sam and his fraternal twin sister, Em, alone.

Sam helped Dad carry the suitcases out to the car. He wasn’t quite sure why his parents needed so much stuff for a long weekend, but who was he to ask? He was eighteen, and worked full time at the local pub, The Grey Goose, to earn his money, and what two forty-year-olds took on a weekend with them wasn’t his business.

Sam Henderson was tall, with short blond hair that was so pale as to almost be white, with a boyish face that stubbornly refused to grow facial hair. He heaved the case up, sliding it into the boot with the other, and Dad closed the door.

“Got everything you need?” he asked. “Money?”

Sam smiled. “I’m good, thanks Dad.”

“You’re sure?”


“Try to keep yourself out of trouble.”

Sam shook his head. “When have I ever gotten myself into trouble?”

“I mean, if you wanted to, we wouldn’t hold it against you.” He placed a comforting hand on Sam’s shoulder. “You are eighteen, you know?”

Sam grinned. “I’m fine, thanks Dad.”

Dad held up his hands in supplication. “Okay, okay, I’m out of here. Tell your mother to hurry up.”

Sam crossed the driveway to the front door, where Mum and Em stood. Emma Henderson was also eighteen, though younger than him obviously (she liked to say he came out first so their parents had the option of whether to keep him or not, whereas they already knew they’d be keeping her). She was shorter than him, but had the same pale hair, though longer and curlier, and features that on her were annoyingly cute and not boyish.

“What did Dad say?” she asked.

“He said you’re grounded and I’m in charge,” he replied.

“You couldn’t organise your way out of a wet paper bag, there’s no way he’d leave you in charge.”

“He knows I’m the more trustworthy,” Sam said back. “There’d be no house left if you were in charge.”

The banter was easy, playful. He and his sister said a lot of things to each other, and he could only ever recall one time when they’d really hurt each other’s feelings. He’d felt so bad about it afterwards that he’d apologised for a week. He couldn’t even remember what he’d said, but still felt terrible even now.

“Anyway,” said Mum, over the top of whatever Em’s answer was going to be, “there’s food in the freezer, but since neither of you know how to cook, use our delivery account. But don’t go crazy. All the contact numbers are on the side; please don’t call us unless the house is on fire or one of you is in the hospital.”

“We’ll be fine, Mum,” Em assured her. “If one of us is in the hospital, it’ll be Sam with his ‘gamer’s wrist’.” She made air quotes, and gave him a wicked grin.

“Or it’ll be Em for wrecking another car. How many have you written off so far?”

“At least I can…”

“No parties while we’re gone,” Mum said, kissing them both on the cheek.

“Sam doesn’t have any friends to invite,” Em said.

“And Em is banned from everywhere that sells beer for drunken behaviour.”

“Sam wouldn’t know a good time if it crawled onto the couch and threw itself at him.”

“Well, Em wouldn’t…”

“That’s enough,” Mum said, with faux exhaustion. “It’s only a three day weekend and that’s not enough time to listen to the pair of you go back and forth.”

Em stuck her tongue out at him. He pulled a face right back.

“Have a nice trip,” Sam said. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble with the police.”

Em punched him on the arm.

“Ow,” he intoned.

Mum rolled her eyes, kissed them both again, then hurried off to where Dad was impatiently waiting in the car. The twins watched as the car rolled down the street, then turned a corner and was gone.

“Soooo…” said Em, as they made their way back into the house, shutting the front door behind them. “Big plans?”

“Oh yeah,” he replied, “super big. The plus side of working in a pub is I always know what I’m going to be doing over a Bank Holiday.”

“That sucks,” she said, as she collapsed on the couch.

“What about you?”

She shrugged. “Karen’s having a party tomorrow night. That’s it.”

“I bet the cops’ll be called.”

“They don’t get called to every party we have,” Em protested.

He grinned. “Just most of them.”

“You should swing by,” she said after a moment. “For some ungodly reason, Karen thinks you’re cute.”

Sam blinked in surprise. “Which one’s Karen?”

Em made a vague gesture with her hand. “Red hair, piercings.”

An image formed in Sam’s head. Yeah, he remembered Karen. Cute, but she had a septum piercing that gave her an oddly bovine appearance. “Not really my type. Besides, I’m working.”

“You’re impossible,” Em sighed, exasperated. “I try to do a nice thing for you… Really, Sammy, what is your type? I’ll see if I can find it.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’ll know it when I see it.”

Em thrust herself to her feet, frustration grunting from her in a blast of breath. “Well, please do keep me informed. I really don’t want you spending the rest of your life alone.”

“I’m not alone,” he called after her. “I’ll always have you.”

Another long shift over. *Thank god*, Sam thought, as he jangled the keys into the lock and let himself back into the house. Serving drinks for a selection of increasingly drunken people seemed like fun until you had to do it every weekend. After closing, all the staff had stayed and had a drink, just to unwind. Now, it was just passed midnight.

The downstairs of the house was dark. Sam flicked on lights, then dropped his keys into the little dish by the side of the door.

“Em?” he called out. “You home?” He headed to the kitchen, grabbed another beer from the fridge. There was no answer from his sister. She’d probably snuck out to hang with her friends. He felt a small stab of something that was probably annoyance, then shook his head. Besides, was it really ‘sneaking out’ if you went out the front door and your parents weren’t there anyway? He headed up towards his room.

At the top of the stairs, Sam could see that Em’s door was half open. Fluorescent light streamed onto the landing, as did the blare of music. So she was home! He reached for the handle, the words to tell her to keep it down already forming on his lips, when he stopped short.

Em’s phone was on a stand on her desk, with a view out into her room. His sister was before it. She wore a lavender crop top that clung to her ribs like it was painted on, her arms and belly bare, and a pair of loose grey pyjama bottoms that rested on her hips.

Hips that swayed and gyrated to the pounding beat of the music.

*Jesus*, Sam thought as he watched her dance. Her tummy was tight, her shape curved. As she spun, he saw toned abs bouncing. She shook her hips like a belly dancer. Though her back was to him, he saw her perfectly reflected in the mirrored door of her wardrobe.

Em’s arms raised into her hair, fingers sliding into long strands before letting them cascade down. Her shoulders were defined, made more noticeable by the soft pale skin of her arms.

Sam’s mouth was dry. *Stop watching, stop watching*, he told himself. *That’s your sister*. But his eyes were locked on swaying hips, hypnotised by the intricate routine of her dance and the softness of her bared flesh.

Em danced on, unaware of the effect she was having on her brother, her ass swaying in time with the song. She clutched at her chest, palms and fingers grasping at her breasts through the grey fabric, before she swayed herself down onto her haunches, then exploded up again to throw her arms towards the ceiling. Her hand smacked against the hanging light fixture with a resounding thwack.

“Oh shit,” she cried out, then laughed as she grabbed for the fixture to stop it swinging.

It was enough for Sam; the spell was broken. He licked his dry lips, swallowed, and blinked for what felt like the first time, then carefully slipped away towards his room.

But to Sam’s mounting horror, the enchantment was not fully removed. He lay on his back on his bed, arm draped over his eyes. He could hear music through open doorways, though it appeared his sister had changed the genre. Not that it mattered; he could still see the image of her behind his eyes. The soft curve of her hips, the toned shape of her belly, the tightness of her chest, her arms. Her face. Her lips. Her eyes. Her…

He rolled over onto his front, letting out a groan of frustration. His cock strained, the beginnings of hardening. That was even worse. He was hard from it. It didn’t matter how hot she had been while she danced. She was still his sister, his twin. He should not be getting hard thinking about her.

He’d known she did TikTok dances, but honestly had never been all that interested. Never followed her on that, though he did on Twitter and Insta. He had his life, she had her life. And TikTok was her thing, like streaming was his. 100 subscribers on Twitch and climbing, baby!

*She probably has a lot of followers,* he thought, *if she dances like that.*

It was just curiosity, Sam told himself. Just… just familial curiosity. He pulled himself from the bed, crossing to his PC. It didn’t take him long to find her; she used the same name for everything. EmMe.

She had a lot of videos. Most of them were dancing, either in her room, or in the garden, or at a friend’s house. There were even a few in nightclubs. And she had a lot of followers. A lot.

He found one video and started it. Em wore a pink Fruit of the Loom T-shirt that had been tied behind her back to make it figure hugging. Her tummy was bare, abs visible as she danced to the music. She’d added a filter to make it look like there were three of her. Sam watched, transfixed, as she swayed and swung her hips, shook her ass, played with her hair.

His cock strained. “Stop that,” he told it. He rested a hand on the crotch of his pants. Just to keep it under control.

He watched the dance again. Then a third time. Then a fourth. His hand rubbed unconsciously at his hardness. He was beginning to feel an ache forming across his whole body.

Sam took his hand from his crotch long enough to mouse over to the next video, then returned it. In this one she danced aggressively to a heavy song, mouthing along to the words. It was a free form dance, not the choreographed dances of the others. But what really caught his attention was her attire.

Em wore a loose-fitting cropped England football shirt, one that pulled up to reveal her hips and tight stomach as she flung herself about with abandon, and a pair of red bikini bottoms held together by white strands. As she turned, he could see the full shape of her ass. The video had a lot of likes and comments.

Sam eased his cock out of his pants. It was fully hard now, seeping from the tip. “What are you doing?” he muttered to himself, as he began to stroke up and down its length.

He lost track of how many times he’d looped the video, panting and aching and stroking. He flipped back to the first, transfixed on her belly, her hips, and the shape of her breasts in the tight fabric. Her full lips. Her bright eyes. Sam ached all over as he raced to finish.

It came as the dance ended. He grabbed tissues from the box on his desk, cleaning himself up as he collapsed back into his chair, panting hard. He felt disgust coursing through him at what he had done. Post nut clarity. The video played again, music mocking him.

Then he heard a creak from the landing outside. Quick as a flash, he switched the tab over, throwing a look towards the unclosed door to his room. It was barely open, little more than a crack. He put his dick away, then crossed to the door in time to hear Em’s door click shut.

She must have gone to the bathroom. *Fuck*, he thought. *She could have seen something, and then how would you explain it? Idiot!* Sam slapped himself forcefully on the forehead.

He made it to the bathroom, cleaned himself up, then returned to his room. He started streaming, looking to get his mind off what he had just done to the image of his own sister. The games were distracting, and talking to his friends helped a lot to clear his brain of her dancing form. He even saw an increase in his usual viewers, watched in shock as they rose.

His exaltation didn’t last long though. Curious at the sudden surge, he asked what had pointed them in his direction. His mouth went cotton wool dry at the most common reply in chat: “EmMe sent us.”

When Sam entered the kitchen the next day, Em was already there. She wore a pale pair of sweatpants, and a dark black halter top. Her back was to him, and he could see the shape of her hips. His mouth went dry, and shame filled him.

“What are you staring at?” The voice shook Sam, and he blinked. Em was looking at him expectantly, a sandwich in one hand.

“Nothing,” he stammered. “Just surprised they let you out of the drunk tank this early.”

She grinned at him. “It’s like midday, dude. Being unable to tell time is a sign of a poor intellect.”

“Whatever,” he said. He grabbed a bowl from the counter, poured some cornflakes into it, then topped it up with milk from the fridge. He sat at the dining room table.

“Whatever?” she repeated in surprise. “That’s it? Just ‘*Whatever*’? You alright?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Late night is all.”

“Late night… streaming?” she asked. There was a delighted light shining behind his sister’s eyes, making her face glow with radiance.

“Yeah,” he said, as casually as he could manage. “Got to keep it constant, if I want to get followers.”

“You get a few more last night?”

He gave her a long, dark, look. Em’s grin didn’t falter for a second under it.

She said, “After I uploaded my last video on TikTok, everyone wanted to know who you were.”

Sam dropped the spoon, sending milk splashing. “What?”

“Didn’t you see? Oh, you’ll love this.” She grabbed her phone and pulled up her account. Sam watched in horror as his sister gyrated to music. The same dance he had seen live and in person last night. “Wait, wait, this bit.”

He saw her straighten up, hit the light fixture and laugh. Then she stepped toward the camera, picking it up to stop the video. And Sam saw his own face, reflected in the mirror, peering in through the open door. But rather than the pained, aching, needful expression he imagined he’d see on his face, he looked confused and unimpressed. He knew the expression was disgust at himself, but to the outside observer…

“Naturally, everyone wanted to know who looked so sick watching me dance, and I told them it was the only person who ever would; my wonderful twin.” She grinned broadly, and Sam felt sick again as he remembered what he had done to the thought of his sister only a little while later. “So they asked where they could find you, and I told them but only if they played nice. Did they play nice?”

“Oh, yeah, yeah,” Sam replied. “I figured your followers would be a bunch of ‘nice guys’, incels, and neckbeards, since that’s the sort of people you usually attract, but it seemed like they had a fun time.”

“I’m glad. We don’t really cross over that much, so it was nice to help out the little guy.” Her tone was only half mocking.

“Oh gee, thanks,” he replied, in the teasing sarcasm that he couldn’t help when he spoke to Em. “Good on you to remember your roots while you’re a big time influencer. I’d hate to see it go to your head.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. He flipped her off, and she laughed. Inwardly, he let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t know anything, and their relationship was still the same as it had always been. He just had to make sure he never watched her videos again.

Sam was only half watching the TV as he leant back into the couch in the living room. His mind kept trying to slip to something he didn’t want it to, and he had to wrench it back to the very posh people on the screen who were having very posh people issues.

It was that annoying time of day, where he was up and awake, but there really wasn’t any point in starting doing anything, since he would have to get ready for work again in a few hours. Just filling time.

He heard movement on the stairs, and glanced over as Em padded down barefoot. She crossed to stand before the couch, staring at the TV. Sam tried very hard not to flick his gaze towards her ass.

“What’cha watching?” she asked.

“Downton,” he replied.

“That’ll do,” she said. She turned, and collapsed onto the couch so her hips were right against his. “Budge up, will ya?”

Sam’s whole body had gone stiff from the closeness of his sister, his heart hammering. “Don’t… Do you need to sit right there?” he managed. “There’s plenty of space.”

She leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder, as she had done thousands of times before. Her legs curled up on the opposite side.

“What’s the matter, afraid your friends are going to tease you for sitting all snuggly with your sister?”

“I thought I didn’t have friends?”

She gasped delightedly, and looked up at him, a wide grin on her features. “He can be taught. It’s amazing, ladies and gentlemen.”

He shook his head. “I’m just saying, there’s not enough room on the couch for me and Jabba the Hutt.”

“Oh, Jabba the Hutt now am I?” She cocked an eyebrow.

“Nah, he had table manners.”

She nudged him playfully in the ribs, then turned back around to watch the screen. Sam was painfully aware of how close his twin remained, her body resting against his, curled against his side. He thought about the way she moved, the way she looked. He could smell her too now, and that made it all more solid.

“Don’t you have a party to go to?” he asked.

“Not yet,” she replied, playing with the nails of her fingers and only barely watching the screen. “Another couple of hours. Sure you don’t want to come?”

“Work, remember?”

She shrugged. “Oh, right. Karen’ll be upset.”

“She’ll get over it.”

“Probably,” Em mumbled.

It took a little while, but Sam was able to convince himself he wasn’t conscious of his sister laying against him. They watched another episode, with only the soft ticking of the mantle clock to keep them company.

“You know, I’ve always known that people masterbate to my videos,” Em said suddenly, breaking the silence, “but to actually see someone getting off while watching me was something else.”

“I don’t know what you…” was all a startled Sam managed before Em continued.

“Standing in your doorway, peering in. My fingers playing with my pussy as I watched you stroking your cock as you watched me dance.”

He felt like a deer in headlights. “Em, I…”

“It was really fucking hot.” She turned to face him, head tilted back as she stared into his eyes. He looked away. “I was so wet. I almost finished, but then you did, and you almost saw me as I slipped back to my room.”

“Look, I’m sorry, it was a mistake. I didn’t mean to do it.”

She rested a hand on his crotch. There was no way she couldn’t feel the shape of his treacherous cock as it came awake at her touch. “Sam, it’s okay. What happened happened, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. But I have to ask, why now?”

He should pull away, move her hand, something, anything, but the closeness of her… It was intoxicating.

“You’re my sister,” he managed. He could lie, should lie, but the words spilled out unbidden. “My twin, the other half of me. We’ve been together since before we were born.”


“No, let me finish.” She smiled, and nodded. Sam collected his thoughts some more. “My twin. So thinking of you like that, it would be like thinking of myself like that. But then I saw you last night. I saw the shape of you. And it was like a checklist. Every little thing that I found arousing on a woman, there it was on you. Check, check, check. Like I had built up the image of the ideal woman, what she would look like in my head, and it was only then that I realised that it was you.”

Em quirked an eyebrow at him. “I’m your ideal woman?”

“I don’t know. I guess.” He swallowed. She was gently rubbing at him. “I mean, how could you not be? You’re beautiful, you’re funny, you’re kind. You’re sexy.”

She grinned. “Sexy, huh?”

“I guess I never really saw it that way until last night. But yeah. You are sexy.” He stated the last as a matter of fact.

She grinned even wider, and her cheeks flushed. Her eyes flicked down to his lips, then back to his eyes and she bit her own lip gently. “You know. You’re not so bad yourself.”

She eased forward, and Sam felt himself closing the distance himself. His breath trembled. “What are we doing? This is wrong.”

“Sam,” she said. “You said it yourself. I’m the other half of you, and you’re the other half of me. How can that be wrong?”

He looked into her eyes, saw them sparkle. Then he leaned forward, and his mouth found hers. Some part of him had still thought it was some cruel prank, so he was relieved when she pressed her lips back against his with meaning.

They kissed, long and deep. Their lips parted, tasting each other, caressing the other. Em moaned in satisfaction into his mouth. Hands roamed across bodies, feeling each other through the fabric of their clothes. Sam kept his touch specific, and careful; her shoulders, her ribs, her hips, the outside of her thighs. Em did the same with one hand; the other remained stroking his throbbing cock through the thick material of his clothing.

Em pulled back from the kiss, her eyes heavily lidded. Sam’s lips tingled pleasantly. “When I got back to my room,” she said, “I took off all my clothes and I finished myself off. Some part of me wished you’d hear me and come see what was going on.”

“I was in my own world,” he admitted.

“I figured. I knew I should have been freaked out, I mean you’re my brother, but I just couldn’t find it in myself. I kept thinking about what I’d seen. Your cock in your hand as you thought of me. It was so hot, I couldn’t get it out of my head. And while I played with myself as I thought of you, I kept imagining it was my hand on your cock.”

She slipped her slender fingers passed the waistband of his tracksuit bottoms, easing out his hard shaft. Her hand was cold compared to the inferno that roared in his crotch. Sam held his breath. *What the fuck?* he thought. He knew he should protest. Put a stop to it. But he couldn’t move. He was transfixed. Frozen in place. Em began to stroke his shaft, making it throb and stiffen beneath her cool touch.

“Em,” he managed.

“Well, you’re definitely enjoying this,” she cooed. “Just like I remember.” She crawled onto her knees beside him, stroking his pre-cum up and down his length.

She met his eyes again. “But that’s not all I imagined last night. No, what really got me off,” she continued, as she slowly lowered herself down towards him, “was imagining how it would feel in my mouth.”

Her lips parted as the tip of his cock slipped between them. She held him gently, suckling at him. His fingers laced into her velvet hair as he let out a throaty moan. *What the fuck?* he thought again. *This can’t be happening.*

But it was. Em licked her tongue along his length, then teased at the swollen head with her plump lips. She slipped him into her mouth again, sliding down an inch, then eased herself off.

“Anyone ever told you you’ve got a great dick, Sam? It fits so nicely,” she said. “Like it was made for me.”

“Oh god, Emma.” He moaned as she sucked him again. His sister, his twin, had his dick in her mouth! She bobbed her head languidly, soft lips traipsing up and down his length. Spit coated him. He laid his head back, eyes fluttering half closed.

He could feel her full lips, her tongue, the inside of her cheeks. Lower and lower she went, a slow, luxurious mission. She sucked her cheeks in, squeezing him. God, it felt so good. He strained within her mouth, wanting to go deeper. Needing the feel of her against the thin skin of his cock. He looked down, brushing loose stands out of the way so he could see her face. She looked up, eyes meeting him. They stared at each other as her face lowered and raised, her lips smearing across his shaft. She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.

She slipped off his dick with a wet pop, then grinned. “What’s up?” She slapped him against her tongue a few times.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, admitting his thoughts.

She flushed. “Cause I’m sucking your dick? All guys think a girl is beautiful when she does that.”

“I think you’re beautiful because you’re beautiful,” he told her, then after a moment added with a grin, “but also cause you’re sucking my dick.”

Em laughed. That odd tension in him drained out, the last of his reservations, and he surrendered himself to what was happening. He guided her back down onto his hard shaft. Her pace increased, and she added gently curled fingers to meet her hot lips. The inside of her mouth was wet and warm, and welcoming. She made soft little gagging sounds as she took him to the very hilt, then pulled off and gasped for breath. A strand of spittle, mixed with his excitement, connected her lips and his swollen head.

“Take your T-shirt off,” she said. “You’ve seen me; I think I deserve to see what I’m working with too.”

Sam complied, pulling it over his head. He didn’t have time to be a super regular at the gym, but he was slender and toned in ways he knew some girls liked. It seemed his twin did too, and she gave a throaty growl as her eyes roamed his frame.

“You’ve seen me without a top on before, Em. Every day when I come out of the shower.”

“Context is king, Sammy,” she replied, her voice husky. Her free hand trailed over his chest and his abs. “Mmmm. Very nice.”

He pulled her up, dragging her so she sat on his lap. His hard cock throbbed between them. He found her mouth again, kissing her deeply. She returned it, moaning softly against him. She writhed a little, grinding herself against his manhood.

His fingers found the hem of her shirt, and she pulled back slightly, raising her arms up so he could draw it over her head. He discarded it alongside his, before taking her in. Em had not worn a bra beneath her shirt; her breasts were small, but pert. Her pink nipples stood hard. She looked incredible, and his mouth went dry again. She crossed an arm over her chest, hiding them.

“Too far?” he asked her, concerned and confused.

“No, no, I…” Em trailed off, then grinned. “I think we left ‘too far’ behind when I put your dick in my mouth.”

“Then what’s up?”

She shrugged. “I’ve never been this far before, really.”

“Never?” He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice. “But you go to parties and clubs all the time.”

She punched him on the arm, looking outraged. “So what?” she demanded. Then she bit her lip, voice softening. “I guess I never found the right guy. Or I had, and didn’t even realise it.”

He smiled at her, then kissed her again.

“What about you?” she asked after the parted again, a little out of breath. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

He shook his head. “Not so much either. I mean, I have, you know? But it never felt right either.”

“Who was it?” she asked, and he could tell she was trying to keep her voice casual.

“Sarah Hope,” he said. “When we were dating last year. It wasn’t the best night of my life.”

“Isn’t she gay now?”

“That might have had something to do with it, yeah.”

Em laughed joyfully. “You’re such a loser.” She glanced down at his chest. “A hot loser.”

He grinned, then reached for a kiss again. Slowly, his lips began to trail down. He found her jawline, then the pulse point of her neck, earning soft whimpers from his sister. His hand reached up, knuckles stroking tenderly across the shape of her hips and her ribs, making her shiver. He kissed and sucked at the warm skin of her neck, teeth teasing at the flesh.

“Oh, Sam,” she moaned. She squirmed delightfully on him, his cock straining and aching beneath her. “Sam.”

His palm closed on the swell of her breast, caressing the fullness of it. She moaned again, her spine arching. His thumb rolled over the hardness of her nipple. He still couldn’t believe he was doing this with his twin, but he also knew that he couldn’t stop for anything in the world. He continued to suck and kiss her neck, his hand toying with her incredible breasts, while her hands explored the length of his back, following the shape of his shoulders, and sliding into his hair. Her moans were making his cock throb painfully under her, desperately straining.

After a long moment of their exploration of each other, Em pushed herself off him, standing up fully. She met his eyes, a sparkle of mirth and playfulness there. Then, slowly, she began to dance as she had the night before. Her hips swaying, gyrating. Her hands found the waistband of her sweatpants and she slowly began to ease them down. Sam watched, transfixed, as his sister removed them fully, leaving her standing only in a flimsy pair of pink panties. The dance didn’t stop. Slowly, the panties rolled down, leaving Em as naked as the day they had been born. Still she danced, eyes locked in his.

Aroused beyond belief, Sam quickly removed the last of his clothes. He knew instinctively what his sister wanted now. The routine began again, her bare skin pale and tight and beautiful. His eyes trailed over her form as he stroked his cock. It was still slick from her mouth. She watched it with intent, licking her lips.

“God, Em, you’re so fucking hot,” he moaned as he teased at his manhood. “So sexy. So sexy.”

“I’ve always been dancing for you, Sam,” she purred. “It’s always been you.”

His cock strained in his grasp. His eyes followed her frame, to the faint patch of fair hair that covered her groin. Then he reached out, grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

“Come here,” he growled, desperate need in his voice. He pulled her onto the couch, then lay back onto it. He moved her around, so her toned thighs were either side of his face. His hands grasped her ass and her hips, slowly easing her down towards him.

She moaned and whimpered as he pressed his lips against the inside of her thigh, one side and then the next. Em seemed to shiver with anticipation of what came next. His hands caressed the firmness of her ass, then carefully guided her down towards his waiting mouth.

She gasped as he kissed her pussy, lips meeting lips. “Sam.” Then she leaned forward, down across his torso. Her fingers curled softly around his raging manhood, which quivering at her touch.

He kissed and licked her, giving her pussy all his attention. She writhed against his face, grinding in time with his mouth, whimpering and gasping. Her pussy was slick against his lips, the aroma heady and intoxicating. His tongue popped out, easing into her, and she moaned again.

“Oh Sam,” she muttered. “Sam.” Her moans became muffled as she slipped him once more into her willing mouth, her lips stretching around him. He moaned, the vibrations burrowing into Em’s hot core. Sam nuzzled at her pussy while his sister bobbed her head along his hard cock.

Soft sounds of moaning and wetness filled the living room as the siblings pleasured each other. Sam’s heart pounded in his chest, his breath stuttering as his mouth worked determinedly on his twin’s wet sex. She ground on him, a desperate force of pressure to it. He held her hips, holding her as close to his face as he could. Her wetness covered his lips, his tongue.

His own hips were moving in time with Em’s incredible mouth, pulsing with her lips, seeking to go deeper and deeper. She gasped around his length, panting hard from her own mounting excitement, struggling, he knew, to give him as good as she got. There was a tightness forming in his crotch, a fire that flamed brighter with each caress of her lips.

After a moment, she pulled her mouth from him, gasping desperately. Her hand continued to tug at his slick shaft, but constant moans and cries from his sister were preventing her from continuing. She was losing herself to his ministrations, her whole body shaking from his attention.

Sam redoubled his efforts, spurred on by the sounds he was eliciting from her. Em’s words were a meaningless splutter, half cut off by gasps and whimpers and cries. Her pussy was white hot now, drenched with her enjoyment. Sam licked and kissed at it, his face moving from side to side.

Finally, Em could take no more. Her body went stiff, and a deep cry erupted from her raw throat. “Oh fuck,” she moaned, as she began to shake uncontrollably. Sam slowed down his work, but did not stop. He eased his sister through, stretching the moment as much as he could.

After a moment, Em rolled off him, kneeling at his side by the couch. Sweat slicked her pale skin, making it shine. She crawled to him, kissing him sloppily. His hands eased into her damp hair. Then she drew back, panting again.

“Fucking hell, Sam,” she said. “I guess I should send Sarah Hope a thank you card or something. Looks like she taught you a thing or two.”

He laughed, then kissed her again. Em’s hand stroked down his chest, then carefully rested on his hard cock. She pulled back from him, her eyes fluttering coyly.

“Come on,” she said, rising to her feet and pulling at his arm.

Sam allowed her to drag him upright. “Where are we going?” he asked.

She started for the stairs, pulling her brother behind her. “Bedroom,” she replied. “We need to take care of that.”

The bedroom in question turned out to be hers. She led him over to the bed, pushed most of the purely decorative pillows aside, before sitting on the mattress. He stood before her, at full attention. She pulled his face down for another kiss, then reached over to a drawer, coming back a second later with a small packet.

As she opened the condom, Sam said, “I thought you hadn’t…”

“Better safe than sorry,” she replied with a shrug. “Always kept some on hand. It’s not like I realised I was saving myself for my twin brother, ya know?”

“I guess not.”

She grinned at him. Then she leaned forward, pressing a kiss against his cock. It was softening slightly from the walk to her room, but the kiss certainly started to rouse it again.

“Nearly,” Em said. She gave it another kiss, and it twitched in response. Then she opened her mouth, letting him slide inside. Em’s lips held him, her tongue caressing, as he began to push into her, in time with her bobbing head. He held her hair, listening to her sounds, the soft glugging and moaning. Sam moaned too, the touch of his sister’s mouth as he thrust into it making the pit of tightness and warmth in his crotch grow again. He reached down with his other hand, finding her pert breasts and caressing them.

When his cock was fully hard and thick in his sister’s mouth, Sam gave another couple of deeply enjoyable thrusts, then pulled out of her with a wet pop. Em gasped for breath, then looked up at him.

“Are you sure?” he asked her. “This is… this is the line. There’s no going back from this.”

“Sam, do you want me?”

He nodded. “Perfect woman, remember?”

She flushed again. Then, she carefully began to slide the condom on him. When it was on, she met his eyes again. “Perfect man,” she said.

Slowly, Em lay back into the mattress, her legs apart. Sam clambered onto the bed too, hovering over her. He kissed her again, a long kiss.

“I love you, Emma,” he said softly.

She smiled. “I love you too, Samantha.”

He rolled his eyes. “Not Samantha.”

“Samantha,” she repeated with a grin. “Now get inside me.”

With care, Sam guided the head of his shaft to his sister’s wet entrance. Em braced herself, gave him a reassuring look. Then she stiffened and moaned as he eased the thick head passed the threshold. Her fingers sunk into the flesh of his spine, her eyes clamped shut, her jaw locked.

“You OK?” he asked. “I’ll be careful, just tell me if you’re not OK.”

“Mhm,” was all she managed.

He kissed her throat as he pressed his hips forward, and she opened for him. Sam delved in as far as he could, letting Em grow accustomed to his presence in her. She panted below him, whimpering. Her hips widened, bending at the knees. Her eyes fluttered open and met his. Then she nodded. She reached up, arms wrapping around his back, and pulled him flush against her. Sam slid into her almost to the hilt.

She gasped again, then muttered, “You feel so good.”

“You too,” he replied. And she did. Her pussy, warm and welcoming around him, holding him. He throbbed inside her.

“Don’t stop,” she moaned into his ear. His hips were moving, pulsing himself back and forth into her. Each thrust earned a soft whimper from his twin, a gasp of breath, a moan of pleasure.

“Em,” he moaned through his own panting.

Her legs wrapped up, crossing at the ankles behind his ass, pulling him even closer to her. His hips thrust, driving his shaft into her hot pussy. He felt her nails slice down his back, felt her teeth clamp onto his shoulder, stifling a cry. He continued to thrust himself into her sodden pussy, feeling that bright spot of tightness building and building. This was right, this was how they should be. They were made for each other.

“Sam,” she moaned. “Oh god, Sam.” She whimpered again. “I think I’ve wanted this for years.”

As soon as his sister said that, Sam knew he felt the same. It had always been her.

The tightness built and built, drawn on by each drive of Sam’s hips into his twin. His other half. She was moaning nonstop now, uncontrollable, holding on to him as if for dear life. The tightness built.

“Em,” he whined. “You’re perfect.”

“Mhm,” was all she managed.

Each delicious push into the warm confines of his sister’s core flared bliss in him. They were entwined, as close as two people could be. No, not two people. One person. Always one person.

He could feel his release building. He panted raggedly. Sweat beaded both of their naked frames. Then, with one last thrust deep into Em’s sex, he came, gasping out her name in a cry. He held himself flush inside her, shuddering as he spunked hard within Em, then collapsing his weight onto her.

“Fuck,” he managed, after what seemed an eternity.

“That felt incredible,” Em said, her voice distant and dreamy. “Perfect. No, wait, not perfect.”

She pushed against him, rolling him onto his back, then slid herself onto him. Her hair cascaded down around her beautiful face. She leaned down, pressing a soft little kiss against his lips.

“There, now it’s perfect,” she said.

Sam laughed. “Dork,” he replied.

She rolled onto her side, her hand stroking his chest idly. “You know you can never be mean to me again?”

“How do you figure?”

“Well, I know you masterbated to pictures of your sister.”

They laughed together. Then, carefully, Em removed the used condom and discarded it into her bin. She curled up against his side, nuzzling against him and kissing his jaw.

“I do love you, Sam,” she said. “I always have.”

“You’re the only one for me,” he said. “Always.”

“Man, Karen’s gonna be pissed.”

Some time later, Sam didn’t know exactly how long, he heard the soft buzzing of a phone downstairs. He glanced over at where Em lay on the front, naked and half asleep. He carefully slipped from the bed, aware of how naked he was too, of how his cock was still tender from being inside her, and padded down the stairs. It was his phone; the alarm to let him know it was time to start getting ready for work.

*Well, screw that,* he thought, returning to Em’s room and slipping back besides her. He called the pub, told them that he wasn’t going to be in as he was feeling under the weather.

“It’s a Bank Holiday weekend, we’re going to be super busy. Just how sick are you?” his boss demanded.

Em stirred besides him, groaning softly and draped her arm over his torso. He looked at her fondly.

“Well,” he replied, “I’m in bed with my sister.”



  1. So delightfully well-written. I glanced at the story for a second on my work break and couldn’t stop until I read all the way through.

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