How my boyfriend and I had sex without having sex [MF]

[This story is a bit different than most of the ones in this sub, it’s less sexual and more emotional. It might fit better in r/gonewholesomestories, but I hope people here enjoy it too. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of sexy details. Scroll down to *sex starts here* to skip the backstory]

When I met my boyfriend last summer, I’d been dealing with a condition called vulvodynia for over a year. That’s basically a catch all term for “something is wrong with your vagina but it’s not an infection and we don’t really know what it is or how to cure it.” I’ll spare you the details but one of the main symptoms was pain during penetration. Meaning, no sex. It was incredibly emotionally and psychologically difficult to go through as I saw different doctors, none of whom really helped.

Despite this, I still wanted to date a bit, I figured I would just be upfront about the situation and stick to making out and non penetrative activities. I wasn’t really looking for a real relationship, partly because I assumed my pussy being closed for business would be a dealbreaker.

Then I met M. I won’t get into all the details of our courtship here but we had an amazing emotional and intellectual connection from the start, and great physical chemistry during our make out sessions on our first two dates. On our second date we sat on a bench by the water kissing for a long time, being that obnoxious couple engaging in PDA, holding onto each other, his hand tight around my waist just below my breasts. I was wet when I got home (and later found out he was trying to hide his own arousal while we kissed so passionately).

He lived an hour away, meaning we could only see each other on weekends. For our third date we arranged for me to come to his place. It was time, and that meant I had to have the talk with him.

“I’ve really enjoyed our time together and I’m excited to continue developing our physical relationship. But for a while now I’ve been dealing with a very frustrating health condition that makes penetration painful, so unfortunately I won’t be able to have PIV sex for awhile. I’m not sure exactly when I’ll be okay,” I texted and held my breath.

He said all the right things – how he had really enjoyed our physical times too, how much he liked me. He said he was sorry to hear what I’d been dealing with and it sounded really frustrating, that he wanted me to be comfortable and was happy to wait. Then he added, “And there are other ways we can approach pleasure, it can be a fun little experimentation.” Boy, was he right.

*sex starts here*

Once we were alone together in his room, my nervousness melted away as he began kissing me, gently at first then more passionately. We tumbled down to his bed, entangled in each other, growing more and more excited as we got naked.

He looked at me with intense desire in his eyes. “Fuck, you’re so sexy. God, your tits are amazing.” He caressed them, kissed them, sucked my nipples just the way I liked. I moaned, feeling an ache in my clit. Fuck. If only he could fuck me, pound me, fill me up. I missed that feeling so much.

“Do you want me to go down on you?” He asked. I hesitated for a second. Several of my partners in the past hadn’t offered at all, or had only gone down when I asked. It had made me a bit self conscious, even though I really enjoyed oral. “Uh, only if you want to,” I muttered. “I get self conscious if someone’s down there when they don’t really want to be, you know?”

He looked at me quizzically. “Of course I want to be down there. It’s my favorite thing to do.” And he wasn’t lying. More on that below.

Then it was his turn. His cock was really amazing, it was the perfect size and girth, circumcised with a sexy vein running down. He was already rock hard. I took him in my mouth and began bobbing up and down, making as much sloppy saliva as possible, trying to take him as deep as I could. I was out of practice and it took some more sessions before I stopped gagging. Over time I learned what he liked, and tried out a few new tricks. I would suck up and down, then once I got back up I’d swirl my tongue around the head and suction my lips a little harder, then do it again. “Oh fuck. I don’t know what that is, but keep doing that,” he groaned.

Thus our sex life was mostly oral, on both sides. He really did love eating pussy, licking my clit enthusiastically and thrusting his tongue inside me (luckily that didn’t hurt!). He told me how good I tasted and how pretty my pussy was. My self consciousness around oral went away as I saw how much he genuinely enjoyed it. He even made me cum, for the first time ever with a partner. It took a few sessions for that to happen but when it did, the intensity of it blew me away – it felt so much better than my solo vibrator orgasms, as my legs shook and I cried out “oh my god, I’m cumming!”

Then he took me in his arms and kissed me,
I could taste myself on his lips. My whole body was still tingling. This was the best sex of my life and we hadn’t even had sex.

At least not PIV, but as I was learning there was so much more to sex than just that. We did try having PIV sex a couple of times. It hurt and burned and he had to take it out almost immediately. He held me as I cried, less from the physical pain than the frustration and despair I felt over the whole situation. It felt like my vagina was ruining my life. “We’ll get through it together, baby,” he said, stroking my hair. “I know you’ll be okay.”

I’d never 69’d much previously, but we did it a lot. As I got more and more excited from his tongue on my clit, he would thrust into my mouth harder, feeling the vibrations from my moaning, reaching out to my grab my tits. Sometimes I would lie back on the pillows and use my vibrator on my clit while he knelt above me and fucked my mouth. Often I squeezed my tits together as he lubed up and thrust between them hard, before cumming all over my neck and breasts. He even came on my face sometimes. It felt so hot and primal and dirty to have him paint my face. I loved the trust and comfort built up between us and how it allowed me to really let loose and explore fantasies.

We started talking about anal, which (like facials) neither of us had ever done before. I was a little apprehensive but I wanted to feel him inside me more than anything.

But this post is long, so I think I’ll save that for part 2…along with (spoiler alert!) the story of how we finally got to have PIV sex.



  1. So, my girlfriend and I are experiencing this same thing right now. Crazy to see someone else with the same problem. We’ve been dealing with this for all of our years of dating. Any advice for what worked for you?

  2. Your title is wrong as you DID have sex. And it sounds like it was great!

    Some people consider the having sex and only referring to the act of PIV. That’s not true at all. Consider that gay people have sex all the time and call it that even though, by definition, there is no PIV involved.

    To me, and most others, having sex is any activity where one is intimately touching the other person with the intended, or possible, outcome of giving either of them an orgasm.

  3. This story is EXTREMELY hot. Two people crazy about each other and exploring their pleasure together is the definition of erotic to me :) Great job, please write more!!!

  4. One has to get into the house somehow. The back door is usually open if the front is locked up tight.
    – said a satisfied Catholic.

  5. Oh, you DEFINITELY had sex. Congrats!

    One of my top 3 moments was hearing, “That never happened before!” meaning a partnered orgasm. Oral skills ftw!

  6. Great story, reminds me of an ex with vaginismus and the crazy passionate sex we would have using every possible other method of pleasure. It was like getting locked out of PiV made us both 5 times hornier and more adventurous, good times

  7. You have pudendal nerve entrapment and pelvic floor dysfunction (tension). See a pelvic floor physical therapist for internal trigger point treatment which you can eventually learn to do on your own. Exercises with feedback, and mental stress relaxation. You’ve likely been holding tension in your pelvic area your whole life, and hate to say it, pooping incorrectly, relaxation wise, and been constipated. Eventually one day it just kicks off- with treatment like I described it can be a thing of the past after a while.

  8. Have you talked to your gyno about lidocaine? From personal experience, there IS a cure for what you’re experiencing

  9. This is honestly so wholesome. It sounds like he’s a keeper.

  10. Idk if this is an actual true story but this was really nice to read since my so has been struggeling with this for over a year.

    She has never been able to be penetrated (in her life) but we still like to enjoy eachother in different ways :)

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