Deceit and Desire [F][poetry]

The room is cast in shadowed darkness and she catches my eye. The strategic lighting dances across her skin, she doesn’t even have to try.

Every single stranger covets her time. The way she moves, the attention she gives, all by design.

She makes art out of crafting such perfect deception. I wonder how many times she’s convinced herself of the same perfection.

I lose all of my faculties and long for what more she has planned. How can she deny herself the pleasure of having the upper hand?

I feel her intentioned breath against my neck as her half naked body straddles my frame. Her bare skin is velvet but somehow I am tame.

I want more of what she has to offer; I long to experience her counterfeit fire.

Her true passions locked away in a coffer. I need to explore her deceit and my desire

C. Stephens


1 comment

  1. Great poem/story. Must have been an amazing experience

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