Luke and Asme outtake [MM] [oral] [edging]

A/N: so for this I have A LOT of outtakes that don’t fit the story, so enjoy them. Just Luke being the little sassy thing he is and Asme being an old ass grumpy demon that can’t keep up 🤣

“*Goddammit, Oh fuck, Jesus*,” Luke breathed without thinking. His body bucked up off the bed as Asme’s fingers massaged his prostate, and the demon’s mouth worked his cock.
Asme growled low in his throat and the feeling of it reverberated through his body. He hadn’t bothered to move from Luke’s cock. He glared half-heartedly and with slight amusement at Luke as he raised his head and rested his chin against Luke’s thigh.

“When are you going to stop thanking that ingrate for the pleasure *I* give you?” Asme joked.

Luke groaned in frustration at the absence of Asme’s touch. His lover had stopped his assault on his prostate as well. Now Luke felt empty, even though Asme’s fingers were still inside him. Asme stroked him teasingly, his touch feather lite, causing a jolt of pleasure to ripple through Luke’s body. He shuddered as he struggled to regain his composure.

Luke managed to display a lazy grin, but he didn’t answer. The truth was, at this point, he did it on purpose. Every time Luke called out those names, Asme was more inclined to increase his pleasure, even though he was a fan of ‘edging’ Luke when he did so. Not that Luke minded. Anything to keep Asme’s hands on him made Luke happy.

“I need an answer, Priest,” Asme tapped his frustration out on Luke’s prostate. Luke let his head fall back against the pillows and moaned.

“When you stop calling me *Priest*,” Luke choked out.

“Which leaves us at an impasse, because you will always be Priest to me,” Asme smirked. He stroked Luke again.

“Christ, can you stop that and just *fuck me* already?” Luke begged, playing into Asme’s game. He knew full well that the demon wasn’t planning on letting him come anytime soon.

“So vulgar,” Asme said, “What happened to my shy little priest?”

Luke laughed at that, “He was defiled by a sadistic demon.”

Asme growled, the sound dangerous and sexy at the same time. It made Luke’s cock twitch. Asme lifted up off the bed and hovered over Luke, his fingers still firmly planted inside Luke. The intensity in the demon’s eyes scared Luke a little, but it was full of loving heat. The kind of heat that kept Luke here in this man’s bed, in his arms, in his life. Luke smiled warmly at him. A smile curled on Asme’s lips.

“If you *really* think I’m sadistic, I can show you sadistic.”

Luke froze. Asme leaned back down and swirled his tongue around the top of Luke’s cock, licking up the precum that was oozing out. The demon licked his lips as he stared up at Luke.

“Your choice, *Priest*,” Asme teased, “I can give you your greatest fantasy, or give me mine.”

Luke quirked his eyebrow, “What’s yours?” He wasn’t so sure he wanted the answer, but he had to ask.

“Like I’d actually tell you,” Asme smiled, “But I promise you’d enjoy it…. Eventually.”

Luke arched his hips up off the bed as Asme applied heavy pressure to his prostate. He sucked in a sharp breath as Asme continued, not letting up. His body tremored uncontrollably as Asme teased his ass, the only thing he wanted was for the demon to pay attention to his cock.

“*Fuck me*,” Luke begged urgently.

“I do miss your more civilized language,” Asme frowned, “That’s no way to speak to a Prince.”

Asme slid his fingers out of Luke’s body and stood from the bed. Luke was panting with anticipation, his body felt like a live wire. He waited impatiently for Asme to return, but when he did, Luke’s eyes shot wide with fear.

Confusion flashed briefly across Asme’s face, “I’m not going to hurt you, Luke.”

As hard as he tried, Luke couldn’t erase the fear. He knew Asme wouldn’t hurt him, he wasn’t afraid of *Asme,* he was afraid of the *ropes*.

“I know you won’t. But are you really going to tie me up?”

Asme nodded, “Relax. It won’t be tight; you’ll be able to get out of them if you want to. But I promise you, you won’t want to.”

The statement calmed Luke a little. He shuddered slightly as Asme slid the ropes around each of his arms and legs and tied him loosely to the bed. He tugged on them tentatively, testing whether or not he could actually break out of them. It would be difficult, but it was definitely possible. Asme smiled and leaned down to kiss him. Luke moaned when their lips touched and Asme probed his mouth gently with his tongue. He pulled back and Luke grunted.

“It will be just like the other night, only the ropes will be holding you instead of me,” Asme said, “If you want me to stop or untie you, just say so. I’ll do it.”

“I just don’t like feeling trapped,” Luke said.

“I know, love. But you’re not trapped here, you can get free.”

Asme bent down and kissed his neck. Luke arched his back against Asme’s body and tried to relax.* I’m not in danger*, he tried to assure himself. Asme sat up suddenly and stared down at him with concern.

“You’re never in danger with me,” he sounded a little offended. Asme leaned over to free his hands, but Luke shook his head.

“No, I know I’m not. Leave it, I want to try this.” Luke smiled up at him while thrusting his still hard cock up towards the demon, “If I was truly scared, I wouldn’t want you this much.”

“If you say so. But if I sense you starting to fear me, I will stop, Priest. I don’t want to force you to do anything,” Asme said, his eyes radiating sincerity.

“You know, for a demon that has always taken what he wants, you sure do care about my consent,” Luke teased. Asme frowned.

“Because you aren’t a plaything, Luke. I want you to *want* me.”

Luke thrust his hips up again, his cock brushing against Asme’s leg, “Trust me, that’s not a problem. Now stop teasing me and *get on with it*.”

Asme relaxed and chuckled softly, “Again, where did my shy little priest go?”

Asme did not give him a chance to answer that question, much to Luke’s delight. Instead, the demon wrenched his legs further apart and settled back between them. Luke moaned as he kissed the insides of his thighs, taking his time getting back to where Luke wanted him the most. Asme swirled his tongue around the head of Luke’s cock slowly, torturing him.

“*Jesus*,” Luke hissed.

Asme dug his fingers into Luke’s hips in response. Luke smiled down at him.  

“You’re just denying yourself at this point, love,” Asme shrugged, “But it’s okay, I can watch you squirm. It’s no skin off my back.”  

Asme traced teasing circles around the inside of Luke’s thighs, wandering down to his ass, circling his entrance, and going back up again. Luke sucked in a deep breath. He did love it when Asme was in these moods.  

“I have a feeling I can hold out longer than you can, *As*,” Luke laughed.  

“If I had known I was going to sign myself up for a life with a disrespectful little shit,” Asme’s eyes glimmered with amusement as he spoke, “I never would have taken you to my bed in the first place.”  

Luke groaned as Asme slid his fingers back inside him. Luke felt a slight breeze come from beside him and the tickle of Asme’s wings down his body. Every time he saw them, Luke wanted to reach out and touch them. He was bound, though. Asme dragged his wings down Luke’s body. Luke shivered at the touch.

“Maybe I wouldn’t be so disrespectful if you would just *fuck me* already,” Luke said.

“Priest, your newfound love for the dredges of the human language have cost you my dick tonight,” Asme teased, “But, you may still find release from my fingers if I’m feeling nice.”  

“You son of a bitch,” Luke laughed, “I’m not getting anything tonight, am I?”

Asme shook his head, “Probably not, as beautiful as your language is, your vulgarity is killing my mood. It’s a shame, though. I was looking forward to tasting you.”  

“Oh, come on, that’s not fair,” Luke whined as he pulled at his restraints, “You’ve got me all tied up and splayed out for you, the least you could do is *that*.”

Asme leaned down and trailed his tongue up Luke’s length, being careful not to touch him in the process. Luke thrust his hips toward the demon. Asme laughed and pinned him down with his arm. Luke fought against him, but his strength was no match for Asme’s.

“Oh come on, don’t do this to me,” Luke begged. His cock was aching.

“Should have thought about that earlier, asking me to *fuck* you like you’re an animal with no self-control,” Asme winked at him.  

“Oh, please, Asmodeus, Prince of Lust, put your glorious one-of-a-kind dick inside me and make me come screaming your name,” Luke said awkwardly, “Is that better or will fuck me suffice?”  

Asme’s laughter wrapped around him, filling the room. He had a firm grip on Luke’s thigh. The demon rested his head against Luke’s leg. Luke felt his tears run down the side of his leg, the demon’s laughter was so strong.  

“Yes, please, laugh at my misery,” Luke said flatly.
“Don’t mind if I do,” Asme said in between his laughs.  

Luke tugged one of his hands free from the restraints and swatted the back of Asme’s head. Asme startled briefly and burst into a louder fit of laughter. Everything about this was infuriating to Luke. The only good thing was that he was no longer achingly hard, though his need was still running through him. Luke twined his fingers through Asme’s hair and jerked his head up. His mate’s eyes were full of love when they met his own. Luke eased his grip and stroked the back of Asme’s head gently with his thumb.  

“I’d hate you if I didn’t love you so much,” Luke grumbled. Asme smiled and kissed the inside of his thigh. “Why do you keep teasing me like that?”
“Because the frustration on your face is beautiful,” Asme said.  

“I’d like to see *you* tied down to this bed, denied your release, and then hearing me say that your *frustration is beautiful,*” Luke pulled Asme’s head back up.  

Asme growled low in his throat and lifted his body off the bed. Excitement thrummed through Luke when Asmodeus rose above him, his wings spread out to their full span. He sucked in a deep breath and reached out to touch a wing, but Asme stopped him before he got there with a devilish smile. Luke swallowed harshly as Asme lowered his body over Luke’s, pressing their stomachs together, but keeping their lower halves separated.

“I’m sure you would like to see me like that,” Asme’s voice was melodic and inhuman as he spoke, “But you’ll have to keep that fantasy in your head for now. It’s my turn.”  

Asme leaned forward and kissed Luke. Luke moaned into the demon’s mouth, unable to control the urges running through him. He struggled against the restraints, and broke free of them quicker than he anticipated. Luke brought his legs up and wrapped them around Asme’s waist, trying to bring the demon’s body fully against his own, but Asme stood firmly in place.  

“Please, I’ll do anything you want, just take me,” Luke begged. His body was ready again.

“I’m sure you would,” Asme laid a kiss on his jaw, “But you’re about to find out why they call me the Prince of Lust, husband.”  

“That sounds vaguely threatening,” Luke said.
“It’s not a threat, I promise you that,” Asme teased, “It’s a promise. By the next time I take you, you will be begging for me to give you release.”  

Luke moaned as Asme trailed his lips across his collar bone, down his chest, across his stomach, “Sadistic fucking demon,” he cursed.  

“Mmmmm, perhaps you’re right,” Asme’s melodic voice made Luke shiver, “But I wasn’t lying. You’re beautiful like this.”  

Luke tried to wiggle out from underneath Asme, but Asme held him firmly in place. He planted a kiss on the crest of both of Luke’s hips. Luke moaned as the feeling shot straight to his cock.  

“I need a cold shower, a run, or both at the same time,” Luke complained.  

Asme stood back from Luke and stared back at him with satisfaction.  

“I hope you learned something today, my Priest,” he took a step back from the bed as he spoke, leaving Luke alone and still quite excited.

“Yes, you don’t appreciate dirty talk, noted,” Luke rolled his eyes.

Asme winked and walked away from him, his wings spread out on either side. Luke settled back into the bed, frustrated and with too much unspent energy to be of use to anyone. Asme shot him a look over his shoulder.

“And don’t even think about taking care of that yourself,” the demon traced the mark on his chest, Luke called out when the excruciating pleasure ran through him, “I’ll know if you do.”

“I should have stayed a virgin,” Luke said through clenched teeth. All he could hear was Asme’s laughter from the other room.  

“In your dreams, Priest,” he shouted back.
