Step Sister Corruption Part 252 – Day 131 Naughty Gift Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I woke to a lovely smell and a lovely view.

I woke in my normal fashion as of late….a hard on, which I’m not entirely unaccustomed to since hitting puberty. It was more how I’ve been waking of late and was slowly getting accustomed to….an orifice wrapped around my morning wood.

This lovely Christmas morning my morning wood was being devoured by the Christmas hatted Kel as she was licking my balls with my dick firmly lodged in her throat while she ran her hands along my thighs and stomach.

She took one look up at me and somehow her beautiful face still somehow smiled with my dick in mouth before resuming her duties knowing full well that my morning wood meant only one thing…..I needed to pee.

And like any other morning recently both Summer and Kel ignore my protests to relieve my bladder as they tell me ‘*they want **their** morning breakfast*’ as they coax my cum out.

After the fifth or sixth time I gave up trying to convince them that I have to fucking pee and instead help them get their morning protein by flexing my muscle’s helping speed up the blow job so I can blow my load down their greedy throat’s.

At least since this started I had finally answered my *bending my morning wood so I can pee* conundrum as shortly after the girl’s devour my cum releases enough of my blocked blood flow in my dick for it to soften enough so I can finally pee in a toilet instead of in the shower like a heathen.

And sure it’s awesome to be woken up to my dick in one of their orifices. I sure as fuck wasn’t complaining. But there’s only so many bounces a guy can take before he’s painfully reminded that he has to pee.

So I started flexing my muscle’s and in short working order I was thrusting my hips into Kel’s face as she quickly wraps her large dick sucking lips around my dick so none of my cum is lost….not that doesn’t stop either Kel or Summer from licking up any spillage when I blow my load.

Though since their change their way of ending my blowjobs of late has been wrapping their lips around my tip and jerking me off while my full load goes into their mouth instead of down their throats. Not that I’m complaining about how they take my load I’m just happy they do it so often.

I’m sure, due to their recent admission, that they take my load in their mouths and not down their throats is because they actually enjoy the taste of my cum.

With my morning load relieved it was time to relieve another part of my body as Kel instinctively releases my dick from her grasp using her lips to do one last massage as she milks my dick of the leftover cum before I bee line to the bathroom and actually piss into a toilet.

I walked out of the bathroom a quart low and a gallon gone from my system feeling completely *relieved*.

Yes I know a guy’s nuts doesn’t hold a *quart* of cum and a bladder can’t hold a *gallon* of pee but it’s how it felt ok.

With a pep in my step I walked out to the luscious Kel as she smiled at me, “Merry Christmas Gabe!”

I smiled back at her, “Merry Christmas Kel!”

I walked up to her and removed the Santa cap to run my hand through her locks of hair to only grab and lightly tug down so she can look up at me causing her to lightly yelp but still smiled widely up at me. I spoke, “Where’s Summer?”

Kel lightly moaned before answering, “Downstairs cooking breakfast.”

I leaned down and kissed Kel on the lips while I still held her head back causing her to moan while we kissed before I released her and walked downstairs because the aroma was too good to ignore.

I walked out of my room to be greeted with Summer’s naked form with only a apron on busy at the stove as I heard bacon sizzling and saw at the table was French toast, eggs (both scrambled and over easy from the looks of it), juice and coffee sitting at the table ready to be eaten.

The smell and sight instantly made my stomach grumble and made my mouth water.

I nearly slipped the last two steps in my haste to get down quickly forgetting my tall stature and wide stance but recovered….if barely.

Really don’t want a free trip to the hospital because my dumb ass couldn’t walk down the stairs properly….and Christmas no less.

Summer noticed my near tumble down the stairs and spoke, “You ok?”

I smiled as I stood up from my position and nodded which made Summer laugh at my mistake, “Good Really don’t want to take you to hospital as you checked the gravity for us on Christmas.”

I grumbled, “Yeah yeah. Gravity still works in case you’re wondering.”

She smiled, “Oh I know it’s working.”

I eyed her for a moment before she *explained* by turning to face me and used both her hands to lift her *new* asset’s before dropping them though they barely moved with a smile, “These things are much heavier than I’m used to.”

Then she quickly howled as she jumped turned and started rubbing her bare ass and cursing, “FUCK!!! That hurt!!!”

Before resuming on the bacon.

I nearly laughed as I assumed that the bacon might have popped a grease bubble causing a splash which landed on Summer’s exposed unprotected rear.

I didn’t feel like jabbing at her mistake as it was Christmas after all.

No sense in starting any potential fights if I can avoid them.

I sat down and grabbed a free plate, “So when’s the bacon done?”

Summer grumbled a little more before answering, “Almost ready babe.”

I smiled and lounged in the chair watching Summer’s ass jiggle this way and that as she focused on the bacon.

I nearly missed Kel come downstairs as she walked up to the table, “Is it too early to exchange gifts?”

I looked over to see Kel standing next to me holding out a gift in front of me with a huge ass smile on her nearly perfect face.

I looked up and wondered what would make Kel’s face more perfect in my mind.

Maybe if she took off that stupid Christmas hat and wore something more…..naughty maybe?

I pondered my *idea* as I really couldn’t pin point exactly what would make Kel’s face more perfect.

I mean she already had radiant glowing blue eyes though at the moment I could flecks of lighter hues in her eyes almost too light to detect if I wasn’t paying attention and actually looking.

So it wasn’t the eyes that needed changing.

Was it her nearly constant pouty lips that begged to have my lips against them….or have them wrapped around my dick for that matter.

So it wasn’t her lips. I don’t think at least.

Was it her hair?

Granted she could have combed her wild mop as she clearly had bed head before she decided to give me a good morning blow job for Christmas…. Which I still greatly appreciated.

What was it?

I couldn’t decide as her face looked nearly flawless even without makeup.

Right then I wanted to smack my own forehead….makeup.

That’s what she was missing.


I know I know I’m used to seeing Kel without makeup but after Jesse’s makeup tutorial I couldn’t unsee Kel’s natural radiant gorgeous face without it.

So now she just looked wrong without that added benefit.

Kel’s natural plain look, while still a knock out that **any** guy would gladly cut off his arm for a chance to fuck her who could *easily* land a 8 on the guy hotness scale. A grade I would argue was closer to a 9 if not higher before makeup. With makeup she was an 11. But I’m jaded on Kel’s beauty.

I smiled thinking that before me and her started our whirlwind life that Yes she was cute before our *ahem* indiscretion she lost points going into the negative as I saw her as my sister and not my lover.

I dared not mention Summer wasn’t equally stunning easily landing a solid 7 if not 8. But now, without makeup, she was a solid middle tier 8.

With Jesse’s makeup upgrade the other night both girl’s were not only stunning I nearly cried seeing their *beauty* as the makeup skyrocketed their beauty to solid 10’s.

I finally stopped looking at Kel’s face to look at her proffered gift semi confused at the gift but heard Summer groan, “Really Kelly you want to do **that** gift now?”

Kel looked at Summer and pouted, “But I want to see Gabe’s reaction before we start exchanging gifts with mom and dad present.”

I looked between the two girl’s, “Ummm shouldn’t we do this inside the house with everyone?”

Summer quickly scoffed as she chuckled, “Trust me you ***don’t*** want to open **that** gift in front of your parents *especially* your dad.”

Ok that quickly told me *what* was in the box that Kel held….it was something naughty.

Kel pouted and spoke, “Please Gabe I can’t wait to see your facial reaction.”

I reached out and was about to accept Kel’s gift but stopped as I heard Summer groan before sighing, “Fine hold on let me go get my gift.”

She pointed at me, “Don’t open her gift until I come back!”

And she stormed off towards Kel’s room.

I looked from Summer towards Kel confused as to what was happening.

A common look that I seemed to have rather regularly plastered on my face lately.

Still I waited while Kel smiled at me still extending the *gift* in my direction with her goofy smile on her face that made her look so cute and innocent.

Summer walked out of Kel’s bedroom carrying an equal gift in her hands and stood next to Kel and extended her gift as she tried to sweetly say, “Merry Christmas!”, though she was blushing noticeably.

Uh oh!

Something was going on and I had no idea at what to expect other than knowing it was naughty.

I looked from Kel’s gift to Summer’s gift and spoke, “Which one should I open first?”

Kel quickly bounced up and down, “Mine! Mine! Mmiiiinnnnneeeeeee!!!!!!!”

I looked at her seeing she was obviously excited about whatever was inside the box.

I grabbed the box and was surprised to find it was moderately light.

And seeing how it was naughty it ruled out all my *wants* that I hadn’t gotten myself…..yet.

I smiled at Kel, “Thanks.”

Kel bounced with her stupid grin, “Come on open it up!!”

I sighed and started unwrapping her gift.

I got the box unwrapped to find a shoe box.

Ok looks like Kel got me shoes but I knew i definitely had my usual confused look as I wondered how shoes would be ‘*naughty*’.

Summer obviously saw my confused look and spoke, “The gift is inside the box not the box itself dolt.”

I looked at Summer ready to fire back a smartass comment of my own but saw Summer’s red face.

Why was Summer blushing so much?

She hardly blushed anymore but obviously something inside this box was causing her to be *so* embarrassed.

Only one way to find out what was causing Summer to blush so hard and that was to open the box.

I opened the box to find a violet colored collar sitting inside the box.


How was a *collar* their surprise gift and how was it making Summer blush so much?

I obviously wasn’t connecting the dots.

I mean it was a nice collar….I guess.

I think Kel had a couple of *collars* hiding in her plethora of gear so what made **this** collar so special.

And why would they gift me a collar?

Kel spoke excitedly, “Pick it up!”

I looked at Kel to see her goofy smile and looked at Summer who was smiling but was still crimson.

I shrugged and picked up the collar noting it was roughly about 2 inches wide or so.

Ok I guess I wasn’t getting the hint at what they wanted this collar to represent….. until I hit the engraving.

On the outside read *#2 Pussy* then I found on the inside more engraving reading *Gabe’s FreeUse Pussy* and *Kelly Loves Gabe*.

I looked at the individual readings and instantly did not like where this was going.

Kel had given me the single piece of most damning evidence if Kel’s dad were to go looking and finding the one thing that guaranteed my demise.

I looked up at her incredulously still in shock at what I was just handed to see her excited look and her goofy over joyous smile.

I spoke, “What’s this?”

Kel didn’t listen to me as she spoke, “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

Obviously Kel didn’t listen to me and I was about to re-ask my question but Summer pushed forward and spoke, “Open mine and it’ll become clear.”

I sighed still not liking where this was going but I set Kel’s violet collar on the table still unsure on what to make of this.

I held Summer’s gift and looked up at her one more time before I started unwrapping her gift to see she had turned another shade of red but still smiled at me.

Was this a collar too?

I unwrapped the gift to find another shoe box. I opened the box and Sure enough there sat a light blue collar.

I picked up the collar finding the dimensions roughly the same as Kel’s but instead the outside read *Gabe’s #1 FreeUse Pussy* on the outside and inside read *Summer and Gabe Forever*.

*What the literal **FUCK**!!!*

I looked up to see their joyous expression’s and spoke, “Ok explain.”

Kel spoke still joyous, “It’s our collar’s to show at the studio that *WE’RE* your’s. Isn’t it great?”

Uh……. WHAT???

Summer quickly spoke, “What I think Kelly mean’s is that with you starting your website this show’s the girl’s that come into the website that we’re yours and no one else’s.”

I blinked still stuck on ‘*WHAT???*’

I looked at my girl’s holding each of their collars in my hands trying to remain calm, “Explain.”

Kel actually went from being excited to started tearing up, “You don’t like it?”

I looked at her, “Just trying to understand before I decide to like it or hate it.” I looked at Summer, “Explain.”

Kel looked at Summer and began tearing up, “He doesn’t like it!”


I spoke softly, “It’s not that I don’t *like* it Kel. Just that I’m trying to understand your mind frame,” I held up her collar, “for this.”

Kel looked at me now full blown crying, “You don’t like it!”

And started wailing.


I quickly got up and wrapped my arms around her patting her head and back trying desperately to console her, “No no I *love* it Kel I’m just confused as to why?”

I patted her some more, “There there.”

I looked at Summer frantically and mouthed *Help me!!*.

Summer put her hand on Kel’s back and spoke softly, “He does like it Kelly.”

She cried out, “No he DOESN’T!!!”

And started crying harder.

I padded her back and spoke, “Yes I do Kel I *love* it.”

She twisted her head in my shoulder still crying, “No you don’t!”

I spoke softly, “How about you put it own to show me what it looks like?”

Kel suddenly stopped crying and looked up at me, “Really?”

I smiled at her, “Sure. I need to see it on you to make an informed decision on whether I like it or not.”

Kel wiped her tears and smiled as she nodded, “Ok.”

Her mood changed so much that it felt like I was being played like this is what they wanted.

Ignoring the obvious play as Kel’s tears seemed to have melted away as she wiped them away and her smile was back. I reached over grabbing *her* collar as she lifted her hair to show her neck. I wrapped the collar around her neck and closed it leaving a noticeable gap as the collar wrapped around her neck loosely.

With it shut I spoke, “Now model it for me.”

That instantly made her eyes light up as she stepped away turning her body this way and that.

I pretended to think while I held my hand against my chin as I leaned over to Summer and whispered, “Explain. Now!”

I straightened to continue my thinking of the collar.

I looked over at Summer who still hadn’t explained nothing as to why in God’s All Mighty would make them give me a collar with things like which number pussy they were though it was obvious who was first and who was second.

No that’s not what bothered me.

What bothered me was the fact they had created the one piece of evidence needed to have dad fucking kill me if he ever sees it.

Yes I was being paranoid but for good reason as up until now dad has gone far enough to accuse me of fucking his daughter as he was so close to not only being right if it weren’t for our current tactic……lie and create doubt.

If he had this there was no telling how far he would bury me.

I decided to take the *dominate* option as I grabbed Summer’s collar and spoke, “Talk!”

Summer looked at me and could tell I wasn’t playing anymore before she looked at me, “Like I stated we wanted to give you something that showed you what *we* want to be.”

I looked at her and was reminded what they said…..more specifically what was embroidered on Kel’s collar, “So you want to be *FreeUse*?”

I looked at Kel who only smiled and nodded.

Summer spoke, “But only **your** free use.”

I looked at her confused, “Don’t I already have that?”

Summer nodded, “Yes but in the eyes of other’s they’re the ones who need to know that we are *your’s*.”


What *other’s*?

Was she talking about the girl’s that we were starting up *Circle of Fun* with?  Or was she talking about the potential girl’s that might join after we build our viewer base?

The question of *others* was too impossible to fathom as to which way she was implying and I really didn’t feel like running down that rabbit hole or network of rabbit holes until I couldn’t tell which way was up.

So I asked the obvious question, “What ‘*others*’ are you implying?”

Summer smiled, “That’s the other part of our ‘*gift*’?”


There was more to this laundry list of evidence that I was sure was going to kill me.

Kel spoke, “Look under the tissue paper in my box.”

I looked at Kel who had remained quiet but seemed joyous to have her collar on for me.

I sighed thinking this couldn’t get any worse.

I reached over to retrieve Kel’s shoe box that she had her *collar* in proclaiming she was my second favorite girl.  I opened the box around and moved the remaining light pink tissue paper that her violet collar sat in to find an envelope hiding underneath.

I pulled the envelope looking at it while I looked at Kel, “Anything else in the box that I should be aware of?”

Kel smiled but shook her head, “That should be it.”

I looked at Summer, “Anything else hiding in your box?”

Summer smiled, “Nope that is the last of our *naughty* gifts.”

At least that was it.

I opened the envelope and looked to see a piece of paper folded in.  Feeling my usual confused look growing on my face and avoiding the obvious I pulled out the paper to see what was on it.

I opened the paper and read it to exactly what Summer had meant with her use of *others*.  I instantly had mixed emotions as I read what was on the paper feeling both excited, nervous, anxious, fear, happy, and a surprising amount of lust growing.

On the paper, read an itinerary with Kel’s name, Summer’s, and myself as the participants to be on a 5 day cruise with one of the more reputable cruise lines.

I read the outline of the paper to see the thing that made my stomach drop as I realized exactly the theme of this *gift* as the outline of the itinerary read that this cruise was geared towards a specific type of people.

Looking at my girl’s and realizing that they had lost their ever loving minds and had gone completely and utterly *insane* as I spoke my question………..

‘*A *FreeUse* cruise?”




  1. Well hopefully dad doesn’t find out about this otherwise I don’t think babe will be coming back from the cruise

  2. Plot twist incoming. Ginger is there :P

    But the cruise is going to be fun. I am so anxious waiting for this one!

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