The time I [M] hatefucked the HR [F] who lowballed me

I remember it all from the time I first heard her voice over the phone. The fake accent, appearing to polish her shallowness. The polysyllabic platitude pretending to be important. The standard non answer to every question I posed about the compensation. The congratulations call on handing me the offer. The sheer shock at how low the amount was. The rage that filled me when I joined and found out people of my experience level where making more than double what I was.

However, conflict arose in me after I joined the company and did find myself knowing her. I wanted to dislike her but she seemed genuine. I didn’t have friends in the team and quickly found myself going for lunches with her. I could not reconcile the monster that lowballed me with the friend I had in front. They seemed like two different people.

Until feelings developed and she expressed an intent to be more than friends. She told me I was the nicest guy she ever saw. She said that we have a great understanding and camraderie. She said that I am very caring and she would want to be my partner. Still in utter shock, I was imagining if this genuine heartfelt speech came from the same being who was sprouting corporate non speak a mere months ago.

I flatly refused and she was shocked. She had not expected a No.
“Why ? Is there someone else ? Do you not find me attractive ? Do you not think we have great understanding ?”
“No, there isn’t anyone else. And we do have a good understanding but there are other things I value more than attraction.”
“Like what ?”, she asked concerned.
“There are two main problems with your proposition.” I said
She looked on eagerly, her heart beating nervously.
“Firstly, although we have a good friendship now, I resent you.”
“What !” She exclaimed, with tiny tears forming her eyes.
“Yes, I know you got me hired at half the compensation of my role”
Guilt flashed all over her face as this was the first time I ever spoke of this with her.
“And it’s not even like you get a bonus for hiring me under the budget.”
“I’m sorry”, she said, not even trying to make an excuse for it. “It’s just the training I received and the habit I have.”
‘’No. it was the power rush you as a recruiter had over a job seeker and you misused it against me.”
She seemed shock at my ability to say such a thing, so raw and so true.

Silence seemed to form the next few moments between us.

Yet, after a while she said, “What was the other thing ?”
“What ?”
“You said there where two problems.”
“Oh that, never mind.”
“Tell me !” She said like a small child

“Well, you said that you liked how caring and nice I am, and that’s true. However, um”, I stopped a little embarrassed.
I dropped my voice to a husky whisper and said, “In the bedroom, I’m completely different. I like taking charge and showing the woman who’s in charge. Giving orders and being dominant. Talking absolutely filthy things and assertion of power.”

I expected her to judge or shame me the moment I said it but there was a strange glow on her face.
After a nervous pause, she said “If it was even possible, you’re even more of my dream guy than I thought. Please. I can’t lose you. I have an idea.”
She moved her lips to my ears and said, “How about we arrive at an arrangement where you can let some of your resentment out.”
‘What do you mean ?’
“Let’s just say I love a guy who takes charge in the bedroom.” She said with a naughty wink.

In that moment, there was no woman in the world who was more attractive than her. I would have turned down any actress in the world. The sheer tension and history of the moment made her so attractive.

I held her head in my hand and said, “I am going to be the nicest man you’ve ever met but I’m going to absolutely demolish you in the bedroom. “
She said nothing but closed the gap between our lips with a kiss that sent electricity through both of us.

The next few months were a frenzy. I remember the excitement and the sexual moments that followed. I remember yanking her by her hair from the door to my bedroom. I remember writing my name with her lipstick just above her pussy. I remember slapping her straight across her face while I fucked her to oblivion. I remember pulling her hair so she could see who was doing her in the mirror. I remember eating her out while she was on an important call.



  1. Lol, so you’re a terrible negotiator and blame her?

  2. I get the sex and all… but did she do anything to reverse your pay?

  3. Great build up but tou could of done better with the sexy part

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