A new World [dystopian future] [multipart series] [multiple women] Part 3

This is part 3 of my series as a treat after not posting for a while. if you have sugestions or questions ask them below.

I consider making my presence known, but before I can make the decision, I hear Taylor waking up and being horrified.Apparently she also overheard and is horrified that Linda is considering having sex with me and that Alina supports it. The three of them start yelling at each other and soon I hear Taylor’s voice trying to calm the women down. I decide to make myself heard but play dumb and when they realize that I am awake the fight stops immediately. I hug Alina and she kisses me. We get up and make breakfast. I notice that something is wrong with the sisters, but Alina doesn’t notice anything. After breakfast we drive on. I drive again and Alina sits next to me, the sisters are in the back of the bus and talk quietly or doze off.At some point Alina asks me what I think of the idea of sleeping with one of the sisters if she agrees. I ask Alina who “she” is and Alina stammers, “I talked to Linda this morning and she might be…” I interrupt Alina, “Do you realize what that would mean for the sisters if I fuck Linda? You saw how they reacted when they noticed us. What will happen to Linda then.” “And if I take care of the other sisters?” she asks shyly. “I don’t want to risk the peace that means if I’m going to sleep with Linda, I’ll have to do it with all the sisters,” I finish the discussion, “And you know the other two enough to know that Melissa won’t let that happen and Taylor probably isn’t very open to the idea either.””Well with Melissa that’s going to be really hard if you’re going to do it, but I’d be easier than you think.”: I wince and see Taylor smiling at me in the rear-view mirror. “You weren’t the only one awake this morning listening to Alina and Linda. You missed a lot but you caught the most important part.” Alina blushes and Taylor hugs her while saying, “Don’t be afraid, if you don’t want to, I understand and leave him alone.” “Thanks for asking me too” : I throw into the room. Taylor and Alina look at me and Taylor says, “Only if you have a solution to the problem with Melissa.””Maybe I have a solution. But if, we won’t know until tomorrow.”: I explain.”And what does it want to look like?”: The two ask me suspiciously.”I have a gut feeling Melissa wants to talk to me tonight. And she wants to discuss one of two things.” : I explain.”And those are?” : Taylor asks skeptically.

I explain, “Either she wants me to stay away from all of you because she’s afraid I’ll abandon you if I don’t like you anymore, or she wants me to stay away from you because she wants me for herself.”Alina chokes up and Taylor starts laughing.Taylor explains that Melissa would never come to me like that. I reply that she should just wait and that we’ll talk again tomorrow but Taylor should please go in the back and pretend to be asleep.Taylor reluctantly agrees and goes to the back.Alina looks at me stands up and kisses me. “Would you leave me if Melissa wanted you to?” : she asks me with concern in her eyes.I answer her that I will not leave her even if Melissa wants me to. Alina seems satisfied and we make lunch. After lunch, Alina drives on and I go to sleep. In the evening I am woken up and after dinner I drive on. We want to drive through because Hamburg is far away.I have not yet driven an hour three of the girls have fallen asleep. Only Melissa is still awake.”Do you have time?” Melissa asks me.”For all of you always. What’s up?” :I reply.”What do you want from us? And why are you really with Alina?” The sentences were phrased as questions but sounded like accusations.”Alina please come forward.”: I shout behind.”I asked you and not Alina. If I wanted to ask Alina, I would have asked her.” :she interrupts me.”Why did you know that?” :Alina asks me.”Knowing people is worth its weight in gold. Especially out here.” :I reply with a smile.Melissa looks at me questioningly.I explain that I told Alina and her sisters that she would talk to me tonight.”The only thing I don’t know is if you’re scared or jealous.” :I expand.Melissa looks at me questioningly and Alina explains, “What he means is either you’re afraid that if you don’t do what he says he’ll abandon you or force his will, or you don’t want the rest of us to be close to him because you want him for yourself. Which is it?”I stop the bus and turn around. I see Taylor and Linda awake and sitting up to listen to the conversation. “So, which one is it?”: I ask Melissa.She looks down at the floor. She’s probably surprised that someone recognized her problem but isn’t blackmailing her or taking advantage of her.

Melissa sighs and answers that she is afraid. She’s afraid that if one day they don’t want to or can’t, that I’ll just abandon them and let them die. And if they never let me get close to them…She starts crying while explaining. I want to reassure her but Alina waves me off and hugs her instead.I get up and go to make myself a coffee. I look at Taylor and Linda and Taylor asks if she can have one too. Linda wants one too and I see from Alina’s nod that she wants one too.I make coffee and also a cup for Melissa if she wants one. If not I drink it.I give the girls their cups and also give Melissa her cup. She looks at me and takes the cup. I explain to her that I don’t intend to do anything more than what they allow. The only thing I want is peace on the bus. So if I have sex with Alina again, that she allows it and only intervenes if Alina clearly doesn’t want it. “the same goes for everyone present” :I add.Alina lets go of Melissa again and looks at me. I get back in the driver’s seat and continue driving. Melissa has finished her drink and walks to the back. She stops a moment later and then asks Taylor and Linda what this is all about. I look confused and Alina whispers to me that the two have rearranged a bit. Alina explains that there is only one bed left for all of us. I shrug my shoulders and continue. Around 23:00 I get tired again and a look at Alina tells me that she is also tired. I stop and park the bus. Alina gets up and hugs me. I kiss her and she kisses me back. When I look in the back, the three sisters are lying against each other and there is enough room on their right for Alina and me. I want to lie down against the right wall but Alina tells me to lie down between her and Linda. I lie down and we fall asleep. I wake up in the morning and someone warm is lying on me. I stroke her thinking it is Alina. The girl on top of me wakes up and I realize that it is not the redhead of Alina but the blond hair of Melissa. I stroke her over the head and feel another hand making its way between my legs. I wipe Melissa’s hair from my face and see that the hand belongs to Alina. She smiles at me and comes closer. I kiss her and notice how Melissa wakes up. She opens her eyes sees me and kisses me. I hug her and she closes her eyes again. I also fall asleep again.I wake up when I hear Alina and Taylor talking.Taylor: “I’m surprised how quickly she trusts him.”Alina: “Me too, but it’s actually nice too.”Linda: “I think it’s cute, how far do you think they will go?”Alina: “You’re awake too?”Linda: “Yes, I’m awake too. Do you think you can wake them up without Melissa starting to scream?”Alina: “After what happened earlier, definitely.”Taylor and Linda: “What happened earlier?”Alina: “Think about how Melissa got on top of Jonathan. I definitely didn’t put her there and he fell asleep between me and you Linda.”Linda: “She laid herself on top of him willingly?”Melissa: “Yes I did. Do you have a problem with that?”Taylor, Linda and Alina: “You’re awake?”Melissa: “Yes I am awake, I have been awake for some time. And yes I laid on top of him because I trust him. I was thinking for a long time last night and it occurred to me that he’s actually not a bad person, and”Alina: “Be honest you were lonely and wanted to cuddle with someone. With someone who would give you more than just sisterly affection.”Melissa: “…Maybe.”Jonathan: “Hmmm? You guys are up? What time is it?”Alina: “Good morning sleepyhead. So, did you have fun?Jonathan: “About earlier?”

Taylor and Linda: “What was earlier?”

I ask Melissa, “You or me?”

Melissa rolls off me looks at me and kisses me deeply.

Linda: “Awww cute!”

Taylor whispers to Alina, “I want that too.”

Alina whispers back, “Then go for it. What’s stopping you.”

Taylor: “But Melissa is keeping him busy.”

We break away from the kiss and I caress her tenderly.

Melissa gets up but when I want to follow her Alina holds me back.

I look at Alina. She just points at Taylor, and when I turn around Taylor falls over me and kisses me deeply.

Melissa: “Will the lovebirds please get up? There’s breakfast.”

We get up and eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Alina speaks to everyone, “It’s nice that we all agree that we love him, but we all have to share Jonathan and no one should miss out.”

I hug Alina and kiss the top of her head.

“We have to get going.” : I say and sit down in the driver’s seat.

Alina sits down next to me and says, “Now all we need is Linda.”

“If you drive, then I can take care of Linda. But let me know when we get to Hamburg, we should be there soon.”: I reply and stand up.

I turn around to the back and see Linda lying down again. I lie down behind Linda and hug her. She turns around and kisses me. I hug her tighter and she buries her head in my chest. I kiss her on the head and we doze off.

A short time later I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes and a voice tells me, “Wake up Lover. We’re in Hamburg.”

I growl and try to turn around, noticing that several bodies are lying on top of me.

Alina laughs and tells me that the other two lay down with us because it looked comfortable.

I tell Alina to go to gate 24b.

She replies that she has been there, unloaded, and is now standing in front of gate 24 waiting for the cargo.

“Fine Alina. Come on over here in the pile. It’s cozy.” I invite her.

She lies down in front of me and we kiss. Alina tries to take off my pants and is frustrated when that doesn’t work because everyone is on top of me.

She takes off her clothes and we cuddle.

At some point there is a knock on the bus window. Alina gets up and I also free myself from the pile. I sit down on the driver’s seat and drive off. When I look at the clock, I realize that it took us 4 days to get to Hamburg, which was supposed to take only 2 days.

Alina and I talk about different topics until Taylor joins us.

We talk about how the other sisters are doing when Taylor suddenly kisses Alina.

Alina is surprised but gives in to the kiss. They both go to the back and from the sounds of it they have a lot of fun together. We drive back to Dresden without much trouble and even make it in the 2 days it should take. Once in Dresden, we drive back to gate 27 and sure enough, Mother Mary is standing in front of it. We stop and our bus is being unloaded. Maria comes up to us and asks, “So, how was the trip?”

Alina: “Pleasant with our new guests.”

Maria: “Glad to hear it.” Turning to me, “So, where do we go from here?”

Jonathan: “You know this isn’t my decision, right?”

Maria: “But it is yours. The three have already decided only you have to accept it.”

Melissa: “What is it about right now?”

Maria: “It’s about the agreement Jonathan and I made before you all left. Either he takes you with him or you stay with me. I can use you girls too. You are all sweet and many would pay good money for an hour with you…”

Melissa: “No never. Jonathan wouldn’t let that happen.”

Melissa looks at me with tears in her eyes. She is almost begging me not to leave her with Maria.

Jonathan: “It’s your decision, not mine. I offer you a place and if I understood Maria correctly, food and drink, but I can’t force you to stay with me. The only one who could do that is Mother Mary.”

Taylor and Linda have also come off the bus in the meantime and Alina briefly explains what just happened.

Taylor and Linda unanimously, “We want to stay with you! You can’t give us away!”

Jonathan: “Stay calm I won’t give you away. At least not that easily.”

Maria: “One more thing about your father.”

Taylor: “What about him?”

Maria: “He’s very sick and he’s in the hospital. I hope he will be okay and the doctors are confident but if you want to visit him you can come now.”

To my surprise, only Taylor and Linda go with Maria and Melissa calls out to them that they should say hello to their father.

As soon as the three of them are gone Melissa falls around my neck.

I hug her back and we kiss.

After a long and heartfelt kiss, we get back on the bus.

There Alina falls around my neck and we kiss.

“So the three of them are staying?” asks me Alina.

“Yes they are staying. I am sure that Maria would have good use for them but they want to stay here so they are staying”:I answer.

Alina gives me a smile and goes to Melissa behind.

I decide to take a nap and lie down in the bed.

As soon as I lay down, someone snuggles up to me. I don’t manage to make out who it is before I fall asleep though.

I wake up a little later as people are loading the trailers and realize that Alina and Melissa have joined me.

Shortly after, Linda and Taylor return as well.

We eat lunch and wait for further instructions. About 17:00 Maria comes back and explains that we are to go to Prague with what we have loaded. Country borders are no longer a problem as there is no one to check but the language barrier is still there. I don’t know Czech and from the look of the girls, they don’t know Czech either.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ufmrtw/a_new_world_dystopian_future_multipart_series