Light of My Life [m/f]

Her skin is soft, so fragile, almost translucent. So fragile he feels he could break it with a single touch. So translucent that the brightness that shines from her, seems also to shine *through* her,

Delicate. A gentle thing. A stranger might think her almost dull, at times.

But the warmth of the insides she shows him doesn’t match the cool exterior she shows everyone else.

Only he can turn her on, get inside her. She is his, and she knows it.

He is the only one she will bare herself to, make herself vulnerable for. The only one who she’ll show every bit of herself to, every last part. Whenever he wants. She burns for him so desperately, the heat from her core burning through him too, igniting his lust for her.

And if he didn’t cave to that desire… she’d probably crack under the pressure. Lose all her power. Simply… fuse out. And all that light, that passion… Even if only he could see it, it would still be gone.

He couldn’t bear to do that.

Some might argue she was replaceable… But he couldn’t switch to that mindset. To him, she is perfect, every curve seeming lovingly carved, every angle only serving to balance her proportions. To him, she is light and life itself.
