“Stop trying to fuck the man I am currently fucking” [MM] [FM]

My old roommate told me to write this story even though I’m not sure it portrays him in the best light.

He can deal.

I once lived with three men, one of which was my dear friend. He also happens to be gay and when we lived together he had not kissed anyone.

*He’s now married to a hottie.*

My best friend came to see me once. This was during a period when we were fucking and could sometimes get weird. My roommates all developed man crushes and told him he should just move in within the first 24 hours of his stay.

So we fucked a lot during his visit until I told him I needed a break. I was very sore and my body so bruised it looked like I had just gotten into a bar fight. I told him we could absolutely not fuck for the rest of the day. It was physically impossible.

I came out to the living room and collapsed on our sofa. My roommate was sitting at our table and thought my dishevelment was hilarious.

“Are you having fun getting pounded?” He asked.

“It was fun the first 10 times. Now I need sustenance and possibly an ice pack.”

My best friend comes out and starts laughing. “Can I take a photo of you?”


“Because with your skirt up like that I can see a handprint.”

My roommate and best friend think this is hilarious. I do not find it as funny and tell them both to fuck off. This does little to diffuse the male camaraderie I am quickly learning to resent.

My roommate pours us all wine and invites us to sit. Once they’re two glasses in they continue to get a little too cozy.

We somehow all get on the subject of how my roommate has never kissed anyone.

“Why? You’re a good looking dude.” My best friend asks.

My roommate blushes profusely and can barely even get out a response. “I’m… I’m definitely not. Stop.”

“Well hell, I’ll be your first kiss! So long as V-“

“-V is not cool with it!” I snap.

“Have you ever kissed a man?” My roommate continues, completely oblivious to how annoyed I am.

“Oh yeah, plenty,” my best friend says.

*I am going to kill him.*

“Really? How many?”

My best friend starts doing a mental calculation. “Would you count a hookup where we didn’t technically kiss?”

They then get on this subject for entirely too long until my best friend gets up and goes to the bathroom.

“Ok,” I say. “I’m going to set a boundary I feel is VERY reasonable. Stop trying to fuck the man I am currently fucking.”

“Hear me out, what if we all hooked up at the same time?”

“Apart from the fact that you’re my roommate? You once told me that you found my boobs repulsive.”

“Hey! I always said if there was a gun to my head and I HAD to have sex with a woman it’d be you.”

“Is that supposed to be a compelling argument?”

My best friend comes back and asks what we’re talking about and I attempt to change the subject. Somehow, someway, it goes back to sex.

“Can I ask y’all something?” My roommate says. “You both are good at getting romantic partners, right? What’s the secret?”

My best friend laughs. “Ok well Viola has no game so don’t listen to her…”

*I once fucked an underwear model in her penthouse, but I have NO game apparently.*

“…It’s all about reciprocation. You lean forward and see if the other person reciprocates. You let fingers brush and see if the other person reciprocates. Hand on the knee, hand on lower back, etc. work you way up slowly and see if they flirt back.”

“That’s your great seduction strategy?” I ask. “That’s it?”

“Well I was just in your bed so the strategy working.”

“Wait,” my roommate says. “So how much do you lean forward?”

I am 2 feet from my best friend. He could have demonstrated on me. Instead he leans towards my roommate and then leans back. Then he lightly brushes his fingers and then takes his hand back.

“Can I talk to you really fast?” I ask my best friend before this continues. He follows me to my bedroom. “You’re doing this on purpose.”

He starts laughing. “Yes.”

“You’re admitting it?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Isn’t this kind of what we do? Is this not part of it? You love it when I flirt with men.”

*It was kind of our thing. We used to make each other jealous and then use that during sex.*

“This is different.”


“I don’t know… I’m already competing with him for class rank. I don’t need another form of competition in this friendship.”

I then proceeded to jump him and push him back on the bed.

“Are you seriously going to fuck me because you’re jealous of your roommate?”

“I’m not jealous.”

I tore my shirt off and straddled him before putting one of his fingers in my mouth for me to suck.

“Whoa! Whoa! You said you needed a break. Your ass is purple.”

“Could you possibly manage to fuck me once without spanking me?”

He looked concerned. “Look down right now.” My entire chest was bruised. “Your neck is red too. And have you seen my back? It’s bleeding. We have to slow down.”

*This is the downside of rough sex. It’s very hard to explain the injuries.*

Apparently I looked disappointed because he flips me on my back and climbs on top of me, kissing me down my body as he lifts up my skirt, removes my underwear, and puts his head between my legs. He stares at me for a bit like that.

“Do you want me to beg for it?”

“No, no, I’m going to do this. I want you to admit you’re being insane.”

“Fine, I’m being insane.”

“I’m only into you, ok? Unless you want to bring in a third party again. In which case we can discuss it, but this is the last time I go down on you because you’re being so petty you have to get fucked.”

“Fine, damn it!” I pushed his head down and he started licking me. He tried to put a finger inside of me but I cringed and had to ask him to stop. He tried to put a hand to my breasts, but he had tortured them so much earlier he couldn’t even do that.

*We really has fucked a lot. It was impressive.*

Finally he just laughs and settles his tongue on my clit as he swirls it around before he slowly starts a rhythm.

I pull his hair when I start building and he has to stop and explain I had done that so much his scalp was sore.

*Upon reflection, there is a small chance we might have overdone it.*

When he brings me to the edge, we can’t even touch each other as I climax. My clit is so sore at this point that the moment I orgasm, I start crying because it hurts.

He lies beside me and we do not say anything for a solid few minutes as I try to keep myself from falling asleep.



“Stop being jealous. If I have to fuck the insecurities out of you again it’s literally going to kill me.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/udxz0p/stop_trying_to_fuck_the_man_i_am_currently


  1. 😳I love this sitcom. I also should probably not be reading your stories during work hours.

    V, holy shit you weren’t kidding when you said you liked it rough…you are so wild I love it.

  2. >“Hey! I always said if there was a gun to my head and I HAD to have sex with a woman it’d be you.”
    “Is that supposed to be a compelling argument?”

    n my experience as a straight guy, your “one hypothetical exception” is someone you pick very carefully.

    Great story! But damn, could younger Viola be bitchy xD

  3. > “…It’s all about reciprocation. You lean forward and see if the other person reciprocates. You let fingers brush and see if the other person reciprocates. Hand on the knee, hand on lower back, etc. work you way up slowly and see if they flirt back.”

    Ok so would this work with a average looking regular everyday normal guy, with shaky sweaty hands, a stutter, virtually non-existent confidence, farts a lot and is subjectivity boring? Asking for a friend…..

    > He looked concerned. “Look down right now.” My entire chest was bruised. “Your neck is red too. And have you seen my back? It’s bleeding. We have to slow down.”

    I’ve been wondering about this one, so with this and you add the rope burn (the story with Mr. Chocolate Bondage), how did you cover all this up? Make up? Did you constantly have to wear a chain and a turtle neck sweater? Both? This more of curiosity btw so yeah.

    Well then what happened next? Did you just leave R hanging? C’mon don’t do a brother like that! Let him have his first kiss (if he still wants it)!!!!

    Now I know this is in the past, but still I’m rooting for you R! Go get some! Then get some again and again! LMAO

    Cheers to you both Ms. V and R!

  4. Another cracking great story.

    >Somehow, someway, it goes back to sex.

    Somehow? Someway? Ummm, could it have possibly gone to any OTHER topic? I doubt it.

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