Step Sister Corruption Part 251 – Day 130 Ginger Claus (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

It twas the night before Christmas when all thro’ the house. All the blessed souls were sound asleep on the couch. All was quiet…..except the pitter patter of cum leaking out of my pussy.

I tip toed around the living room smiling at my sleeping angels and replayed how my day went.

Earlier, I had already prepped everything for tomorrow’s lunner of prime rib which was sitting in a vacuum sealed bag with herbs and spices in a bucket of luke warm water along with the added coffee infused butter I had done the day before letting everything mix before it goes into the oven at *o dark thirty*….. I’ll be kicking Jason out of bed for that one. A girl needs her beauty sleep after all.

I had the vegan veggie casserole prepped and ready just needs to sit in the oven the last hour with the prime rib.

The desserts are ready and cooling in the fridge. I had created a lovely pumpkin spice fudge, a strawberry shortcake fudge, banana crème fudge, a custard fudge and created a Boston cream pie and pecan pie.

I was happy I had two little helpers help me prepare everything while a certain someone *cough* Jason *cough* wrapped everyone’s presents that we had hid in our bedroom waiting to be put under the tree.

Normally we would put one present under the tree for each of the kids but a certain rivalry between my two ragamuffins decided a couple of years ago to *open* each of their presents while *we* were asleep then *try* to re-wrap their presents.

It was painfully obvious after the first night as they used the wrapping paper I had for their birthdays while the Christmas wrapping paper was hiding in our room.

We smiled and made an example of their *craftiness* by using our own *craftiness* by putting five of each of their presents out in front of them making them get wide eyed when we *noticed* their handiwork on their wrapping skills.

We pretended to be mad and in front of them and *throw* two of their ‘*presents*’ into the fire as punishment for peeking early scaring them straight as they cried watching a ‘*present*’ of theirs burn before their eyes.

Luckily they didn’t notice that their ‘*present*’ was just an empty box with wrapping paper and their name on it.

The next night we brought out more presents and checked to see if they had *opened* and *re-wrapped* any of their presents. Nothing happened as none of the other presents had mysteriously changed wrapping nor had our intricate wrapping changed.

With the girl’s scared straight the rest of our Christmas’s went without a hitch but now we wait until the night before to set all the presents just so temptation has been removed.

The girl’s helped me make gingerbread cookies and white macadamia cookies to set out for *Santa* aka Jason.

They of course helped but they bickered as Samantha tried to convince Jasmine that Santa wasn’t real but I nipped that in the butt before my little Samantha, guess she’s not so little anymore with the year she’s had, could convince her more gullible sister that *Santa* wasn’t real.

I think I salvaged it making Jasmine giggle as Samantha frowned at me.

Still they both helped making everything as I let Samantha *taste test* the white macadamia batter while Jasmine *taste test* the gingerbread batter before they became cookies.

They also helped *taste test* the different fudge flavors before the mixture hardened in the fridge.

So by the time night came around all the sugar I let them have during the various *taste tests* made them crash……hard.

I smiled knowing my little ragamuffins still hadn’t paced their sugar intake was they grew more and more rambunctious until their eventual crash on the floor as sandman had hit my little girl’s with a full bag of sleepy dust…..swung by a roided out baseball player swinging said sand bag for the cheap seats.

And with a little help of Mr. Liquid Melatonin in their hot cocoa may have helped them crash a little bit harder of course.

I had Jason help me move the girl’s from the floor where they had succumbed to sleep to the sofa as it was much softer than the hard wood floors.

I smiled as I didn’t have to read any Christmas stories to my little sleeping Angels as momma needed some nookie from Mr Claus….if Mr. Claus worked out and had lost his gut that is.

Though I’ll admit Jason did make a fine ‘*Santa Claus*’ in his red pants, white shirt, and red coat. He had obviously never missed the gym though he did have a beard that hadn’t started graying yet.

And he didn’t have long white hair….yet.

And he wasn’t exactly *Jolly*.

Still he made a mighty fine ‘*Santa*’.

A *Santa* I want to show how *naughty* I can be.

And tonight I was extra *extra* horny as I had those pills from Dr Hill refilled from a one time use to *try* out and got enough for 45 uses.

That’s if I read the directions that is.

I may have thought **if** one dose made Jason turn into a different monster willing to break me as he proceeds to actually make me squirt and fucking orgasm over and over *BEFORE* he fucked me, which by the way I didn’t think he had in him. *AND IT WAS FUCKING GLORIOUS!!!!*

Then what was the harm *if* **each** of us took a dose….or two….or three.

What was the harm?

It was where **my** thinking took me.

What’s the worst he could do? Fuck me so hard to where I forget my name?

It’s what I wanted.

So this morning, just like the other day, I prepped Jason’s coffee, juice, and breakfast with some powdered ‘*medicine*’ making sure I kept *his* breakfast separate from the girl’s.

One dose down and I saw it take effect fairly fast as he was pitching a tent while he was watching tv and I was prepping everything for tomorrow.

I smiled knowing that hard on was destined to be inside me later.

He wasn’t the only one affected by the *medicine* as my own medicine made my body tingle and made my pussy ache for attention.

Then before lunch I convinced Jason to start gathering the presents while the girl’s were distracted upstairs.

While *he* was distracted gathering the presents I made him a wholesome tuna sandwich and more powdered *medicine* mixed in his tuna.

Two doses down and I could see he was foaming at the mouth as his hard on made it hard for him to focus on anything.

He wasn’t the only one *foaming* at the mouth as my own pussy had started dripping in anticipation and the slightest rub of fabric sent electricity of pleasure shooting from my nipples to my brain making me wish the girl’s weren’t around. But I had shit to do for tomorrow.

I convinced the girl’s to help me prep everything for tomorrow as they helped filter the coffee butter of all the coffee beans and fold all the spices into the prime rib before we vacuum sealed it.

Then while they were mixing all the ingredients for the fudge and cookies I ground some more *medicine* and placed it in Jason’s dinner.

We sat down and ate. I could tell Jason was distracted as his hard on controlled him to where he was considering taking me right then and there and give the girls a sexual education but somehow he refrained.

Though after dinner and while the girls went back to mixing he dragged me into our bedroom and immediately started kissing me while he groped my body unable to control his lust.

It was hard for me to push him away because I wanted it as much as he did.

But somehow I convinced him to finish wrapping the presents while I tire out the girl’s and I’ll be back for the finale.

I may have teased him to not masturbate and lose his hard on because I wanted it ***badly***.

He grunted a little frustrated and went to work with wrapping the remaining present’s.

Then when sleep over took my daughters after Jason helped me move the girl’s we slipped into the bedroom and I told Jason to sit on the bed because I had a present for *him*.

Somehow he controlled himself as he smiled knowing what my *present* entailed and sat on the bed with his hard on in plain view.

I excused myself from the bedroom and into the bathroom where I hid my *present* and quickly put on my red lingerie and finished with my Mrs Claus outfit.

I stepped out against the door frame with a smile, “How do I look big boy?”

He growled at me and crooked his finger at me commanding me to come to him.

I smiled and swayed ever so slowly in his direction making the fabric glide along my body and shoot electric feelings of pleasure as I knew I was so fucking horny and hoped my plans were not wasted in vain.

I stood in front of my man and smiled, “How do I look?”

He answered by quickly getting up and kissing me full on the lips while his hands wandered over my body and stripped the clothes off my body with such intensity I wouldn’t be surprised if said clothing ripped with how quickly he was undressing me.

Then without any warning he picked up my near naked body and tossed me onto the bed making me giggle in delight.

He quickly mounted me after I landed and kissed me but I put my hands on his chest causing him to stop as I coyly smiled, “Don’t you want to fully enjoy your present?”

He took my meaning and smiled as I could tell he was fighting his urges to simply stick his dick in me but he grabbed my knees and lowered his head towards my aching pussy.

He grabbed the back of my thighs the moment his head was close to my aching pussy I could feel his warm breath against my lips and proceeded to fold me half as my knees met my breasts.

*If* I wasn’t so turned on this would easily revv me up as having take control of me was such a turn on.

Then he teased me so much making me nearly beg as he simply kissed my lips lightly before plunging his tongue into my lips easily penetrating the folds shooting electricity and warmth up my spine and hitting my brain causing me to groan.

I felt Jason’s tongue enter into my pussy hole curl up and lick itself out before repeating as his nose grounded against my clit making me moan and whimper.

It wasn’t long before I was moaning and whimpering so much that I achieved my first orgasm….just one of my many smaller orgasms.

I felt Jason begin to lift but he was forced back down as I reached the back of his head and forced him back into my pussy as I begged, “*Moorrreeee!!!!!*”

I held Jason’s head into my pussy long enough for him to *lick* inside my hole never letting go until I achieved three more mini gasms in quick succession all while I bit down on my lips trying to refrain from screaming but not from moaning groaning and begging him to continue eating me.

Finally after my fifth orgasm that turned from mini into normal I was forced to let go of Jason’s head as I no longer had the strength to hold onto his head while he had me folded in half as my normal orgasm caused me to shake and convulse.

This caused Jason to rise up as I got a glimpse of his glazed beard with a smile on his face.

I smiled and whimpered as I watched him grab his dick and proved to smack it against my lips as it flung his precum onto my pussy….and mound.

Still the smack was enough to make me quiver in anticipation before he guided his dick and plunged it into my sensitive pussy instantly making my eyes go wide as an orgasm exploded in my body going from a level 4, normal sized, orgasm jumping to a level 6, fairly large, orgasm.

Still it did it’s job as my legs quivered and convulsed in Jason’s grasp as my body went through the motions as the orgasm traveled from my pussy up my spine and into my brain as it rippled out.

Jason, unlike Gabe, simply pushed himself in and started fucking my folded body with his usual enthusiasm as he was out to get his orgasm no longer caring about mine.

He quickly found his rhythm making me moan and whimper as I talked dirty to him saying shit like *That’s it daddy*, *Beat your pussy*, *Cum in your gift* all while I enjoyed what was happening in the moment though I *knew* how this was going to play out.

He was going to fuck me. Then cum. Then fall over with his usual goofy smile and proceed to go to sleep.

I internally was pissed that he didn’t take the extra time to finger fuck me and have me experience a *M.O.A.O.* again but I guess after making him wait so long I shouldn’t be too mad.

Well even the little bit of foreplay got me more orgasms than what I’m accustomed to with Jason.

As I watched the *play* in front of me play out I looked at him confused as he stopped and was expecting him to grunt and feel my insides get invaded by his hot goo.

Did that happen?


Instead he stopped pulled his dick out and smacked his dick against my now sensitive pussy lips causing me to whimper as I wanted his dick back inside me.

I wanted his cum in me.

Instead he simply spoke, “Hold your legs.”

I looked at him confused but did as he commanded me.

He smacked my exposed ass causing me to Yelp out in pain as he took his dick and grinded it against my pussy lips never forcing it down into my hole letting my vulva experience some pleasure as now I was being teased.

This was new.

He smacked his dick one more time on my lips before angling himself down penetrating me. Then pulling himself out and grinding his dick against my vulva and clit before repeating the process.

What the fuck was going on???

Was the *medicine* making Jason do all these new things to me?

No! It can’t be that!

Can it?

I *knew* it was supposed to make him hard and hopefully keep him hard while the *medicine* for me made me extremely horny and sensitive.

But it wasn’t supposed to alter our usual love making.

First him fingering me with more than one digit for longer than a few seconds. Now this?

What the **hell** was going on?

Did I miss something?

I didn’t have time to think more than that before a level 7 orgasm exploded in my body making my legs shake uncontrollably while I groaned loudly.

Then that level 7 increased to a level 8 when Jason plunged his dick into my quivering pussy while it was orgasming making it tighten harder.

My eyes rolled at the double explosion as my body tensed and I let out an audible scream before Jason covered my mouth and it became muffled.

Jason grabbed the back of my thighs and pushed down making my body go into the mattress and letting go bouncing my body up….into him forcing my pussy to slap against his dick forcing his dick more into me.

He pushed again making my body bounce into the mattress causing another deep slap into my pussy.

And again.

The series of events of newness was so unlike Jason I only had a moment of reflection as another level 7 orgasm exploded in my body.

Jason kept pushing my body and my body kept smacking against his causing *me* to pound myself against Jason.

Whatever newness this was I *was* **loving** ***it!!!***

We went through a series of different things that Jason had either done before or was this newness that was unlike him.

And I pretty much laid there and took whatever he did to me as the various levels of orgasms exploded in my body.

It was glorious!!!

We were finally fucking as a couple like I had seen Gabe do to his girls and it *was* **AMAZING!!!**

It was so amazing to go from our usual romps which seemed more like a chore than actual fucking or love making to this.

We hadn’t done this in nearly 9 years since I was pregnant with Jasmine.

This is was what I was missing in *our* relationship.

It was good to have **my** Jason back.

I don’t know how long we had been fucking because this sure as hell wasn’t love making. But I heard the usual tell tale signs that Jason was going to pop as his fucking in me was erratic. I felt his dick get harder in me.

It wouldn’t be long now before I felt him flood my insides with his cum.

And I was right.

Just like normal Jason grunted one last time and plunged his dick into me as far as he could and a simultaneous level 6 orgasm exploded in my body as I felt him fill my insides with his hot gooey cum.

He thrusted a few more times inside me massaging the last of his cum into my greedy now sensitive pussy before, in typical fashion, rolled off me and sprawled onto the bed panting.

I laid there fuzzy as my husband had pretty much fucked me hard enough to make me forget what letter my name started with in complete bliss.

Now normally I would have fallen asleep right with my husband, if it weren’t for those stupid presents I saw standing in the corner half wrapped.

I looked at my husband a little pissed he couldn’t accomplish a simple task as wrapping some fucking presents but smiled and though if ***I*** was forced to have a hard on and not allowed to masturbate until now I would be distracted too.

I sighed and got up on wobbly legs and finished wrapping the remaining presents….along with fixing my husband’s wrapping technique while he snored like he was cutting down an evergreen.

I smiled at my husband one more time before taking said present’s in a simple silk robe just in case my ragamuffins woke from their deep slumber on the couch.

I carefully walked up to the tree and loaded all the presents one by one as Jason’s cum slowly leaked out of me onto the floor.

Eventually I got all the presents out under the tree….along with wiping up my mess.

Don’t want the kids to think *Santa* spilled his milk.

I walked over to the tray where Jasmine laid out the cookies and milk before sand man knocked her out. I grabbed a small handful of cookies. Took one bite of one and left it behind and drank three quarters of the almond milk.

Then I trekked back into our bedroom to find my husband sawing logs in his sleep with a renewed hard on.

Looks like Christmas came early for me as my husband left one last ‘*present*’ for me to handle.

I smiled letting my robe drop to the ground as I went to enjoy *my* early present.




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