In a Flash (female pov, nc, age difference, kidnapping, bondage, creampie)

Trigger Warning!

While still being fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, or make them feel uncomfortable, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read.

Thanks and enjoy! 😊


It was a warm summer’s morning and I was making the most of a beautiful day before it got too hot out. Saturday market was in full swing when I finally arrived. I began weaving my way between crowded stalls looking for some fresh produce, and perhaps something colorful for my apartment window. Renting this close to the park felt worth it for days like today.

I gathered a few things I wanted for a salad for the week ahead. A couple of heads of lettuce, carrots, radish, cucumbers, and tomatoes. There was some small talk with an elderly man working his stand for a few minutes then I was off through the crowds again. Unfortunately for my budget nothing from those arrangements of flowers caught my eye. It just wasn’t the right season now I suppose. I did pick up some lavender honey however, since my mom’s birthday was fast approaching.

Eventually, and very reluctantly, I admitted my shopping was done. I took a bit of a stroll around the outskirts of the market, just to waste time and soak up some more rays, just to waste time. Dawdling finished then, I started to make my way back towards home. Just as well though, the temperature was rising and even my tank top and skirt weren’t going to be enough to keep me cool much longer. I could feel a searing heat radiating off the blacktop, cooking my exposed toes which hid atop my sandals as best they could.

A few blocks later I came across something a bit more annoying however, the sidewalk was blocked by a moving truck. Well drat, there was no reasonable way around it, and its driver was nowhere to be seen. The avenue was too busy to try and walk around the front. I was stuck!

“That inconsiderate jerk!” I muttered to myself.

“He’s not coming back anytime soon either,” I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to see two men sitting in a parked white van a ways behind me. They looked like they were laborers, the van one of those generic white vans with no windows in the back that you often see contractors and handymen use.

“Seriously? Why not?” I replied, showing my annoyance.

“Just left for lunch about 10min ago. We’re supposed to do some remodeling work, but got told to wait until he returned at 1pm.”

“Of course, thank you.” I told the two of them. I took another look at the busy street. Cars were whizzing past at high speed with no gaps in sight. It wasn’t going to happen, and I didn’t feel like backtracking.

I just sighed and turned down the alley I had just past. One of the men in the white van just waved, “sorry miss!” he called out as I turned and decided to cut through just in front of where they parked.

“No worries, thanks again!” I called back.

Well, detours happen. I made my way down the alleyway. It was cooler here at least. Tall buildings on either side offering some appreciated protection from the midday sun. I enjoyed a shady stroll for a bit, working my way along.

About midway through I heard a vehicle coming up from behind me. Given this alley was a bit narrow I moved my way well off to the side, nearly to the brick wall of a building. That should give ample space, I thought, well briefly at least, before I returned to pondering how awesome my freshly made salad would taste.

Sure enough a white van passed by me slowly on my left. As it did I recognized it as the one that was sitting parked along the street a moment ago. I wondered if maybe they had given up waiting.

Then with a clunk the sliding door of the van slid open. I turned to look in surprise, but only saw a red blanket in my face!

“Wait!” I heard someone shout! Then I felt two arms wrap around me! They yanked me hard and I was suddenly falling over!

I let out a muffled but surprised yelp! What was happening?!

I landed on someone. As I struggled to get up I felt some hands grab and move my legs. There was the sound of a sliding van door again.

“Go go go!” A male voice yelled.

Was I in the van!?

I screamed louder now and tried to sit up, but the van’s acceleration toppled me backwards and back down again. Then we turned and accelerated again! I fumbled with the blanket trying to work my way out from under it. I thrashed about, waving my arms around as the van swayed and turned without warning. Then finally I pulled my head free!

“Hello sugar,” a voice to my right said. I turned to see a black man seated on the floor near the sliding door fiddling with a knife of some sort.

I gasped and looked around the inside of the van. There were no seats inside, and no windows in the back, just a large blanket laid over the floor. Besides the man at the sliding door there were two others, who looked hispanic seated near the front of the van. There was a thick curtain that separated us from the cab, only a bit of light shone underneath it and it swayed as we rocked about. Behind me near the rear door of the van was a very large white man. He looked like a football player, very tall and muscular. I guessed he was the one who grabbed me.

“What… what do you want?” I stammered, glancing nervously around the van, “stay away from me!”

There was a round of laughter from the men.

“Ooo! feisty!” One of the hispanic men joked, “I like them feisty!”

“Fuck man I don’t,” came a reply from the large man by the back of the van. “Them nails hurt when they start squirming!”

There was another round of laughter.

“Hey hey, give her a chance,” the black man said. “You ain’t going to hurt him, right sugar?”

“Let me go and I won’t hurt anyone!” I warned them all, backing myself as far away as I could from any of them, up against the side of the van.

“Now now, no reason to fight.” The man tried to calm me down, “that ain’t going to do nothing but get people hurt. Besides…” he added, looking at me straight in the eyes, “we can hurt you a lot worse than you can hurt us.”

I could see he wasn’t lying.

“Wha… what do you want from me?” I demanded in a wavering voice.

“We were going to a party, and looking for a couple of new friends to come along.” He answered calmly. “You like parties right?”

“What kind of party?” I asked fearfully.

“It’s a… uh…”

“costume party!” the taller of the two hispanic men cut in.

“Yeah a costume party,” the black man finished. “So why don’t you put on this costume we were nice enough to get for you?” He asked with a grin.

The big white man rummaged through a backpack for a minute and then tossed me something. It was small and black, and landed by my feet. I hesitated looking at it.

“Go on, try it on!” The black man encouraged me.

I reluctantly lifted the garment up off the van floor. It was sheer, a very thin fabric you could see right through. Basically just a bikini top and bottom, except the bottom was open in the crotch, no fabric, not even sheer there.

I shrieked and dropped it in horror! “No way… no!”

“Of course. Damn it, I always hate this part.” The big man grumbled. He casually opened another zipper on his backpack and took out something that looked vaguely like a ball on a strap at first. Then he held it up, and I recognized it as a ball gag.

“Come here pretty thing, let’s get this on already,” he said as he started scooting towards me.

“Get away!” I yelled as he got closer. Then he grabbed my wrist. “Get away!” I screeched louder than before! It did stop him though. He placed his other hand over my eyes and pinched my nose shut!

“Come’on… open up!” He urged me.

I held my breath as long as I could, but was forced to gasp for breath. No sooner than I had opened my mouth than I could feel the gag being jammed inside. He managed to force it past my teeth firmly into place and strap it around my head.

I shrieked in fear, but it was muffled behind the gag. I reached up to pull it off but the man grabbed my other hand. Then I freaked out and started twisting and kicking and thrashing like a crazy woman desperate to get away!

“Stop, girly!” The big man warned me, “I said stop!”

He was sounding more frustrated, but I was in a full panic, and not stopping for anyone’s demands. I kicked and kick then my foot connected hard with his shin.

“Fucking, damnit!” He yelled and grabbed my head in one hand. Sideways I went.

I heard a ‘chunk’ as my head hit the side of the van. Everything went black except a few stars and flashes in my vision as I became disoriented and fell to the floor.

Moments later I came to. Groaning in agony I tried to figure out what was going on. I opened my eyes, and saw those sheer black panties being pulled up my legs. I thought about struggling but felt an overwhelming dizziness, that’s when I noticed I was wearing the sheer top too. They must have dressed me when I was knocked out! How long was I out for?! Aware of how exposed my body was, I groggily crossed my arms over my chest.

“Welcome back sugar,” The black man said in a jovial voice. “You look sexy. Don’t know why you’d fight against looking so good.”

I tried to yell a retort, but it just came out as a muffled groan behind my gag.

Then their van lurched to a stop, and the driver turned it off. I could hear a garage door closing, a terribly ominous sound given my situation.. After it stopped the black man opened the sliding door.

“Come’on sugar, let’s go. Need to get you all ready for the party,” he called to me.

The big white guy grabbed me by the arm and began pulling me out. I stumbled out of the van behind him. It was dark, except for a dim light on the garage door opener, no windows to be seen. Nothing to give a clue to where I was. The concrete was cold on my bare feet as I stumbled along. We walked across a rather sizable garage, with a couple of other old cars and a workbench, then finally through a doorway.

We were in a hallway way now, very nondescript, there were a couple of other plain doors, and one at the end of the hall with a frosted glass window. Nothing to give me a landmark here either.

I was led through a doorway and down some stairs. Another quiet dimly lit hallway awaited, and now through another door. Where was I?

A bedroom awaited on the other side of the door. Revealing its function only through an old brass bed. The bed had a mattress on it, and a bottom sheet, but nothing else. There were a couple of wooden chairs by the doorway, but the room was otherwise lacking for furniture. A boarded up window adorned one wall, but the room was otherwise bare. The room smelt vaguely of some kind of disinfectant.

“Now, on the mattress sugar!” I was told, and the white man unceremoniously grabbed me and all but threw me down. As I landed I turned to look and saw the two hispanic men grabbing something from the small closet. They then began to approach me on the bed.


I screeched long and loud through my gag, curling up into a ball. The white man jumped on me and pinned me down to the mattress. One by one limbs were grabbed and pried free from where I’d tucked them. Once fully extended there was a click of metal on metal, and the limb was locked to a corner of the bed frame. It didn’t take more than a few moments before I was chained completely, my arms and legs each bound to their own corner. I was laying on my back shivering. It wasn’t from cold, although the sheer black crotchless bikini did me no favors there, but from fear of being totally and helplessly exposed now.

To my surprise though, none of the men did anything. Everyone just left the room once I was restrained. Other than one of the hispanic men snapping a quick picture. “For the boss,” he told me. Nothing else happened, and I was left alone. Alone, mostly naked, in this dimly lit room who the hell knows where. No one who cared had any clue where I was, not even me. My fear knew where I was though, and it made itself known.

It was a long time before, hours maybe, before I heard the clack of a latch and a door being opened. I turned to see who it was. An older man walked in, tall and pale skinned, with a serious bald patch going on. He was wearing cargo shorts and a blue tanktop. He looked my body up and down thoughtfully, and then spoke.

“I heard you made quite a fuss,” he started. “Is your head feeling any better?”

I just stared at him angrily, but he didn’t seem to be waiting for a reply anyway. He began walking around the side of the bed, his hand touched and traced up my leg as he went.

I shook my leg, at least what little I could, in defiance.

“My my, still a bit testy I see,” he chuckled. “Are you mad at me?”

I screamed at the man through my gag.

“I see,” he said flatly. “That’s fine, we’ll do what we have to then to break you. This part can be kinda fun… well probably not so much for you, but I’ll enjoy it!”

He then smiled as he undid his belt and dropped his shorts and underwear. Revealing his mostly flaccid dick which just hung there menacingly.

I protested through my gag, but he didn’t seem to mind, he simply climbed up on the bed and kneeled between my spread open legs.

“Beautiful,” he said, staring at my hips, “you keep it shaved, that’ll make things easier.” Then he reached forward to my hips with an open hand.

I started panicking as he reached towards me. I tugged hard on my bindings, twisted myself, tried to shake free, but his touch was inevitable. I felt his fingers on my labia, he began tracing my inner folds and my body reacted by becoming involuntarily wet.

He noticed this right away, “Oh? are you looking forward to something?” He smiled.

I shook my head from side to side.

“Oh? Well your body says otherwise. Let’s get you warmed up.” He stated, as he jammed a fingernail right in my clit.

I lurched and tossed, screaming into the gag.

The old man just laughed and began rubbing my clit side to side, side to side. It made me shiver a little, and was very arousing, for him. I could see his erection growing as he did this. To my horror it slowly began to spring up, growing as it did until he was fully erect.

“So did that feel good?” He asked as he finished up.

Not really, I thought, as I stared angrily back at him.

“There’s more where that came from if you behave.” He offered what must have seemed like a good deal for him. “Now it’s your turn to make me happy.”

With that he moved towards me. My body begged me to run away, but I couldn’t of course. I was tied down so firmly I could barely move at all. He loomed over me a moment, on his hands and knees, smiling down softly with his wrinkled grin, and his erect cock hanging below. His eyes tracing my body in satisfaction.

Then he laid down on me, our bodies aligned chest to chest. I could feel both our hearts pounding now. I pulled again on my bindings to no avail. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled himself up along my body. I felt his penis slide along my inner thigh and touch against my mound.

Now I screamed desperately into my gag, but he ignored my plea. I could feel him pushing and poking with his dick. He shifted his hips as they pressed against mine. It pressed through my outer folds and then up again my labia, then it slid down, and down until I could feel him aligned right outside my entrance.

I screamed again. I twisted and bucked my hips what little I could. My defiance made no difference, slowly, coldly, without any thought or mercy he pressed forward. His tip pierced through and plunged inside and his shaft followed, spreading my hole open with his girth. Soon he was buried deep inside me.

“Phew! You’re pretty tight, beautiful!” He gasped in pleasure as he began rocking his hips. “I’m not going to last long.

He wasn’t lying either, almost immediately I began to feel his dick begin to stiffen up. Sensing what was coming I screeched hard into my gag. The bed shook and clattered as I yanked at my bindings. My limbs barely moved however, there was no way I could dislodge him.

“Sorry babe it’s time!” He told me in a strained voice, then he made this odd yelping sound, “Oowwahh! Owwah!” and pressed his hips forward into mine.

I felt his dick jump slightly inside me, then another moment later it happened again. The old man grabbed at my hips and held on tight as his semen squirted into me, jump after tiny jump.

“Wow, sorry!” He apologized as he finished. “I don’t always last long, especially the first time with someone!”

I was livid with anger now, ready to trash him if only I could move. He however calmly pulled himself out and sat between my legs, rubbing one of them softly with his hand.

“You want to clean me off with your tongue?” He asked playfully.

I groaned in defiance.

“I see,” He said, seeming to understand. “Well that’s not too surprising, but don’t worry we’ll break you one way or another. Suppose I should call the boys and let them know I’m done with you for now. I need to get back to our party. Piry you can’t come just yet, maybe I can arrange something though.”

I watched him climb up from the bed and put back on his shorts. He whistled some happy tune to himself as he went, seemingly oblivious to what he had just done to me. Then he finished up and simply left, closing the door behind him as he went. I was left alone, again.

I broke down and sobbed as his seed began to seep out of me, wetting the bed where I lay bound. No idea where I was, or what my fate would be, but more determined than ever that I would never “break” for that asshole’s pleasure.


Hi again everyone! 😊

A bit of fun with kidnapping and bondage this time. Hope you enjoyed the read, please let me know your thoughts, and if you have any opinion on what story you like to read next let me know in the comments!

So this time I’ve brought in several options for continuing previous stories, and a single new option. For whatever reason my mind is having an easier time being creative around some previous storylines, so those are the options we get. 😅

I hope you have a safe and sexy day! 😘

Story A: Part 2 of [The Odd One Out!]( (nc, virginity loss, light BDSM themes)

Story B: Part 2 of [The Beast Within]( (nc, impregnation, fantasy, werewolf)

Story C: A succubus with a strong sense of morality turns the tables on a serial rapist. (nc, fantasy, f:rape, m:rape)

Story D: Part 2 to this story! (nc, group sex, imprisonment, bondage)



  1. YES, I did enjoy it!!! The Sheer Crotchless Bikini was a HOT and Surprising Touch. AND it should be NO Surprise that I am Voting for Story D. I can’t wait to read the Next wonderful Story!!!

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