Daddy Issues: The cock wags the dog, unconvincingly.

*This is part 2. Read part 1 first. Or don’t. 🤷‍♂️

She pushed up off my chest, both hands pressing against me sensually. Her hips rocked forward. I could feel her wetness as she ground her pussy over my balls and then my cock. I don’t know how she did it, but she looked me right in the eyes and, pushing her ass backwards, my cock slid right inside her.

“Isn’t that better, Daddy? Out of the cold air, nice and warm… and wet.” Her head tilted back, “Mmmmm.” She began to slowly thrust back and forth. Grinding against me hard on each forward thrust.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I couldn’t believe my cock was throbbing inside her. “You’re fucking insane.”

Smack! My cheek stung pink from her slap. “Don’t call me that!” I could see the anger in her face, but it immediately disappeared. She just kept riding my cock like nothing had happened. She looked down at me as I looked back. “You shouldn’t say mean things to your baby girl. Do you remember anything about last night?” She just kept rocking on me, rhythmically. It was like this completely separate thing. Like she was on autopilot. Two separate things happening at the same time. She was fucking me. And she was having a conversation. Her occasional soft moans the only acknowledgement that she was fucking me.

“You told me everything that Kate does for you.” Her eyes closed slowly for a moment and she moaned, savoring the moment. “And you told me everything she doesn’t do.” Her cunning look turned into a plucky smile. “Does this feel good, Daddy?”

I was throbbing so hard. She’s so fucking hot. All I wanted was to suck on those juicy tits while she rode me. I thought of that video, how fucking hot it was, my cock sliding into her tight ass. “No.” It was an obvious lie and she knew it. I knew it. Her pussy felt amazing on my cock. It was so fucking tight. And she squeezed down even tighter with every thrust forward, like she was going to squeeze the cum right out of me. “What did you do to me?”

“I drugged you!” It was the happiest reply. She smiled and started to squeeze her tits through her shirt. “I know… I was a bad girl. But I had to.” She twisted her nipples through the white cloth and my mouth started to water. Her tits were perfect. And as much as I wanted not to like it, I just couldn’t help it. I know what she was doing to me. I was literally tied to the bed… I was being raped. But, it felt so good. I honestly didn’t even know if I wanted her to stop. I would never cheat on Kate. But fuck if this doesn’t feel so good. “I roofied you! The dick thing is viagra. Lots of viagra. You did that. I mean, I told you to. And since you were roofied, you swallowed a handful. I can fuck you for days and you won’t go limp.” She bit her lip and smirked at me. “It’s wearing off now. The roofie. I promise I won’t do it again. I need you to give me what I want because you want to, Daddy.” She leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I want you to love me more than Kate.”

I shook beneath her, pulling at my restraints and she pushed up off my chest. “That’s not gonna happen. What the fuck is wrong with you? Who are you?”

Smack! The hit seared across my face. “Stop saying that! There’s nothing wrong with me. I just want my Daddy to love me.” I grit my teeth and let out a long sigh.

“Look… Daddy.” Her voice had changed, taking on a serious tone instead of the happy go lucky voice she used before. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I suggest you go the easy way. It’s filled with lots of love and orgasms.” She smiled, closing her eyes and rocking her head back and forth like she was basking in the sound of a favorite song. She opened her eyes again, looking down at me seriously. “The hard way will be filled with orgasms, but they’ll be forced, and I’ll make you love me. Either way, you will give me your cum, and you will love me. Now, I want you to tell me you understand. Do you understand, Daddy?” She stared into my eyes and I stared back. “You want me to consent to you raping me?” She smiled and continued riding my dick. “Yes, Daddy. Do you understand?” Her pussy kept stroking my dick. I sighed, “yes, I understand.”

My cock kept twitching inside her. It felt like I had been edging for days but I couldn’t release. I was starting to accept it. Justifications ran through my head. “Just let it happen. It’s not your fault. Just think of Kate.”

“Good!” She clapped her hands together, giddy like a school girl. I guess she dressed the part. She climbed off me. “I’m going to untie you and you’re going to turn over. Now don’t fuck around, Daddy. Your wife gets that video unless I stop it.” She untied me and I did as I was told, turning over and spreading out my arms so she could tie them to the posts. There I was, bent over, my throbbing dick the biggest it’s ever been, hanging between my legs. I waited for her to climb back on the bed and wrap her hand around it. She turned and bouncily ran over to the corner of the room. I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing over my shoulder, but I heard her rummaging through her bag. “Ready!” I looked at her in the corner, upside down through my legs, as she turned around. A red floppy dildo swung around with her, strapped around her waist. “Time for some butt stuff! I would have just blown you, but you said some mean things, and I don’t believe you at all that you’re going to be a good Daddy and just do what I say. So, I’m gonna make you. Meet Big Red!”

“Jesus, please, God, no.” I pleaded, my words stumbling over themselves to get out of my mouth. She bounced giddily over to the bed, climbing on and positioning herself behind me. “Don’t do this. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything. I’ll be your Daddy. I’ll love you so much. Uuuhhh… Princess? Please? Baby girl? I love you, I love you, I swear I love you!”

“Oh, by the way, my name is Trixie! Don’t worry, Daddy, I used lots of lube.”


*hey, if you liked it, ⬆️. Also, feel free to drop a line. Love to hear what you think.



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