[FM] Using remote control vibrators in public and having to beg my BF to use it

Hi, if you’ve read my other stories then you know that during lockdown in became uncontrollably horny and I still am to this day. You will also know that I broke my boyfriends cock which resulted in him dumping me and moving out of our house, this story is a couple of weeks before he dumped me, when we were able to go back out into society for a short while during summer and then ended up back in lockdown.

During lockdown, I tried a lot of things to help alleviate some of the tension and horniness that was constantly building, one of the things that I found was something called WeVibe, it’s a remote control vibrator which I can attach to any underwear and I loved it from the second I got it, wore it a lot throughout the house as I was working and just playing with the settings which meant I could still keep two hands on work while still playing with myself. Me and my bf had a lot of fun with it, sometimes I’d even give him the remote to play with and he could make me orgasm from across the house or when he connected it to his phone, from anywhere.

I desperately wanted to try it out in public and as soon as we could go to pubs and bars again, we did just that, I made sure it had maximum charge and attached it to a lacey black thong and I could feel it pressing against my clit, I finished the outfit with a matching bra and a tight dark green dress. I was incredibly wet before we’d even left the house and my bf was in control of the vibrator and I really wanted him to use it, during the taxi ride, he didn’t use it. Train ride into town, he didn’t use it. As we walked through town, he didn’t use it. The longer it went on the more frustrated I was getting and it wasn’t like he wasn’t on his phone already cause he was, he just wasn’t using it at all.

As we were walking to the second bar, I hinted to him that I wanted him to tease me with it but he just brushed it off and I didn’t know why, he loved playing with it at home but not here, I grabbed his arm and demanded to know why he didn’t want to use it, he told me that he didn’t want me to be moaning loudly in public and drawing attention to myself by being too horny to even think. I begged him to at least try and after 10 min of begging he finally agreed, we entered the second bar, we were seated upstairs and in a corner, he took the corner seat so no one would know what he was doing on his phone, it was annoying cause I love to people watch when I’m out and I was facing a wall but as long as he made good on his promise to play with the vibrator, I didn’t care.

Sure enough once we had ordered our drinks cause everywhere was table service, he pulled his phone out and I felt light vibrations against my clit, it was unexpected and I let out a little moan before getting it under control, I stared at him as he turned the intensity up and down as I sat there trying to drink my cocktail. We had set a limit on the max intensity while we were out as I didn’t want the vibrator to be heard as it made a loud sound when it was on max intensity. Looking at him, he didn’t seem to be enjoying it as much as I thought he would, at home he would be smiling at me when ever he used it but here he just had a blank expression on his face.

I nudged him under the table and said “higher” to him and I knew I had a lustful look in my eye as he increased it, I crossed my legs and I felt how incredibly wet I was but after a few drinks I went to the toilet. As I walked across, I could feel him turning it back down when I wanted him to turn it up, probably cause he thought I wouldn’t want it vibrating as I went to the toilet, I pulled my thong down and holy shit, I was completely soaked, I don’t think I’d ever been as wet as I was that day, it must of been all of the denial and light teasing of my clit in public. I did what I had to and walked back to him, I thought as soon as he saw me he would turn it back on, I even nudged him and gave him a look when I sat down but nothing, he was on his phone but he didn’t want to play with me, I’d had enough, I snatched his phone from him and went to the app, turning it up to 4 which was max setting and pushed his phone back to him, I kept on talking to him and drinking as he looked annoyed with me, we’d been out for 4 hours and he’d used the vibrator on me once for 10 minutes.

I reached over the table and he grabbed my hand, I squeezed it tight as I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasming, I was squeeze his hand tight and biting my lip to try and stop from moaning out loud, I didn’t know if I’d made a mistake by turning it up but I was loving it. I eventually asked him to turn it down as I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold my moans back any longer, I looked at him with dread in my eyes, he just stared at me, I don’t know what he was thinking but he did what I asked and turned it off.

I couldn’t tell if he was turned on by the whole thing or disgusted at me for what I did, we didn’t stay out and got the next train home, as soon as we got home I went upstairs and stripped off, my thong made an wet sound as it hit the floor, I begged him to come upstairs but he didn’t. I just laid there naked in bed with a soaking wet pussy, I felt really bad about myself and just went to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed my story, message me if you have any questions or want to know more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ud0ega/fm_using_remote_control_vibrators_in_public_and


  1. Very hot your ex was a fool. Would of teased you all night and joined you in bed after

  2. I would have loved a gf like that, I’d be teasing you all night long!

    If you ever need someone to control that vibrator for you, just shoot me a dm ;)

  3. I used to lush 2 on my girlfriend in the grocery store. She came twice in the isles. Once we got in the car to go home she made herself cum again and sucked my cock the rest of the way home. She loved it.

  4. That story is soooooo hot, I’d love to use that on you sometime 😉

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