Mistress Minxy’s Magical Dungeon Personal Account 1: Floor 2 “The Magician” [Master/Sub][Gang Bang][Anal Pegging][Cum Dump][Breeding]

Mistress Minxy’s Magical Dungeon

Personal Account 1: Floor 2

“The Magician”

Subjects: Master/Male Sub Domination, Master/Female Sub Domination, Bi-sexuality, Pegging, Cock Sucking, Anal Cream pie, Oral Cream pie, Egg Implantation, Breeding, Gang Bang, Cum Dump

Told From The Perspective Of: A biologically male-bodied person

Ideal for: Submissive men; Submissive Women; Dominant Men

Summary: Floor 2 of the dungeon leads you to the magician and his two henchmen, where you and your female companion find yourselves victims of their lust and twisted breeding experiment.

The dungeon chamber door creaks open before you, showing you into pitch black darkness. Your female companion steps in first, lighting the way with a waning candle. You step over the threshold behind her as your sideways glance lingers momentarily on the hungry lips, The Feeder, embedded in the bust of the door. It licks its lips, startling you, and you quickly avert your gaze, moving beyond the door.

As soon as you cross the threshold, the door promptly shuts and latches behind you. You fearfully whirl around, staying alert to potential threats… knowing that anything you can imagine may be possible in this space beyond the limits of worldly reality.

The click of heels against stone begins to echo forward and you quickly follow suit behind your guide. The silence is harrowing and you feel the urgent need to comfort yourself by initiating conversation. You start with the basics.

“So,” you begin, “I realize I still don’t know your name.”

“You may call me Alaya.”

“Alaya,” you let the sensuality of it roll sweetly from your tongue. The silence begins to fill the space again. You hurry to the next question.

“Where are you from, Miss Alaya?”

“I come from the 12th sector of Nimbus.”

You pause, puzzled. “Uh… Nimbus? Where is that?”

Her feet pause and she turns to look at you with a gentle smile.

“You don’t know of it,” she says gently, “I suppose that’s because you must be of the old world. It certainly explains your crude clothing.”

You blush, suddenly embarrassed by your casual attire. “I don’t even like jeans,” you think to yourself, “If I knew I was going to run into this hottie, I definitely wouldn’t have let myself pass out like this after work…”

You reach a set of stairs and begin to ascend to the next floor of the dungeon.

“Nimbus,” she continues, “is the world of the future. Or what’s left of it after Agenda 21. It’s a space colony of the remaining population, situated in a ring around the Earth.”

She continues forward, the clicking heels soothing to the pitch cold silence surrounding you.

“I see. So you’re from the future. How surreal…”

“Yes,” she replies, “I come from the year 2120.”

“Amazing… so what’s it like…” you trail off as her steps halt, unable to proceed further. A stone wall stands before you.

“A dead end?” you question, “Should we have gone the other direction?”

“No,” she says, raising the candle closer to the wall. It reveals cryptic markings, and symbols arranged around a circle. “There is always only one pathway to the next dungeon chamber. And unfortunately for us, this is it.”

She turns to you and begins to explain.

“The markings burned into this wall were put here by Baimei Shen, a dark magician with an insatiable sexual appetite. He travels with two ruthless companions, equally as lust crazed. The band of miscreants are infamous for being especially brutal with anyone who crosses their path.”

Your heart leaps.

“Well,” you start, “Is there a way around them? Like, a secret passageway or something?”

“If I knew of one, it wouldn’t be very secret,” she replies, “And I certainly wouldn’t be so nervous about running into this emblem.”

“So… does that mean…”

“Yes,” she confirms. She turns to face you, an uncharacteristic fear dancing in her icy eyes. “It means there’s no way but through.”

She turns back to the wall, tracing the symbol with her fingers.

“You should be prepared for a very intense and painful experience. Just remember this. One of the unique characteristics about the dungeon is that one can not die. Further, the body can not be physically injured and has greatly increased elasticity and flexibility in this place. During extreme ordeals the body may tear, but all wounds heal as quickly as they are created. Though the pain itself may persist, no actual physical harm can come to you here. I learned this the first time I ran into Baimei Shen.”

You can hear your heart pounding in your rib cage. You are overcome with both anxiety and an urge to finally just get on with it, and get what may come over with.

“So let’s do it then,” you insist, “Let’s just get it over with so we can keep moving and get out of this place.”

“Right,” she replies, “On with it then.”

Alaya places her left palm upon the wall in the center of the emblem.

“Baimei Shen,” she speaks. Suddenly, the emblem responds promptly with a deep red glow, “We seek passage through this chamber. We offer our bodies to you in return.”

Suddenly, the stones begin to part, retracting to reveal the door leading into the next chamber. Alaya looks at you nervously, as the red glow dissipates, placing a shaky hand on the iron door handle. You nod, mentally bracing yourself as she slowly opens the door.

You’re met by a large, elegantly decorated room, lit with warm candles set into its stone walls. Featured to one side, on your left, is an exquisite bed canopied and draped in rich deep red velvet, with an abundance of matching pillows, all framed in gold posts. A look toward your right reveals various bondage apparatuses, including a wooden pillory for securing victims by the wrists and neck. A long table stands beside it, laid with various intimidating devices crafted from solid metal, featuring spikes, rods, shackles and a number of other unusual devices.

You finally rest your eyes straight ahead, following the large black tufted area rug to an elaborate throne, of matching gold, red velvet, and black. You watch, as a figure begins to slowly materialize into its seat, a black mist rising hovering in the air. Finally, the figure solidifies, revealing who you can only assume is the magician.

“Baimei Shen,” Alaya calls out. You sense her attempt to muster confidence, “It seems Fate is as wicked as yourself.”

The man rises, his long white hair billowing around his black trench coat. His chest is decorated with a gold, Victorian style vest. His eyes are black from their pupils, right through to his soulless irises. He begins to approach, his black trousers tucked into a pair of heavy black boots, commanding the space with their master’s presence.

“Alaya,” he speaks, pausing a few feet from you and she, “Such a treat to see that something in your mind couldn’t help but bring you back to me.”

“I assure you there is no part of my consciousness that would ever manifest an entity so vile as you into any part of my reality. Your lusts for me are you own demons. Aside from that, you cheat the rules of the dungeon. I doubt the Grand Mistress would approve of you hi-jacking her chambers.”

“Ah, you speak as though you would know her majesty better than I,”-he steps close-“However, I can assure you,”-placing his lips beside her ear to whisper- “No one knows her highness better than myself…”

She retreats a few steps and then, with force, “What do require for us to pass, demon?”

“Well, how nice of you to ask, sweet Alaya. I am indeed thrilled to see you’ve brought a guest with you this time. It’s very kind of you. Did you know that I enjoy men as well?”

“He’s off limits,” she says, surprising you, “Do what you want with me and let us pass.”

“Oh my. The protector type, are we? I regret to inform you that you’ve done nothing but pique my interest in your companion. Is he new to the dungeon?”

Your heart beats double time as you mentally prepare for the intense experience you can only confirm awaits you. The magician has made his intention clear.

“I can hardly wait to give the virgin a proper introduction to the dungeon,” he continues, “You might consider this a favor. I’ll be preparing him for the upper levels, ensuring that all of his offices will be able to handle what lies at the Grand Mistress’s doorstep. And you can never be too prepared yourself, Alaya.”

Her gaze hardens with anger, but Baimei continues, completely unphased.

“Remove your clothing,” he commands. Reluctantly… shamefully… you watch as Alaya begins to undress slowly. You reluctantly follow suit.

“Orenok! Arkan!,” Baimei calls, “We have guests.”

Two figures, each in similar, black attire, materialize beside him. Hungrily, they watch as Alaya and you undress.

“Today, we will start with an experiment. I have a unique creature that I am interested in introducing to the dungeon. A majestic serpentine beast with yet-to-be-discovered abilities. Its eggs were gifted to me by the Grand Mistress herself. I’m going to implant them inside of you both and you will carry them until they hatch inside of you.”

A look of horror darkens across both you and Alaya’s faces. Then, you take a deep breath, remembering what she told you and knowing that there is no other escape but to comply with the magician’s twisted desires.

His partners lead Alaya to the bed first. You watch as they spread her legs, pulling and holding them open wide. Baimei approaches with a large metal speculum and inserts it inside of her. He cranks it open to the maximum, forcing her to groan in pain, enduring the massive vaginal stretch. He reveals a jar from within his trench coat. It is filled with what appears to be countless small, pink, gelatinous eggs.

“Inside this jar are thousands of eggs. I will fill each one of your holes with them, and you will host them until the hatching, which will occur… oh at some point in the future. It’s uncertain when.”

Alaya closes her eyes, bracing herself for the impregnation, vagina gaped wide by the speculum. The magician opens the jar and bends down between her trembling legs. You look on as he tips the jar, slowly pouring the many eggs inside of her.

After a moment she cries out.

“God… I can feel them… burrowing into me…” she cries.

“Yes,” confirms the magician, “They are embedding themselves into every inch of the inside of your vagina.

As you look on, you can’t help but notice that the jar doesn’t seem to get any emptier. Alaya’s cries grow louder as she begins to squirm, held in place firmly by Baimei’s accomplices.

“There,” he says eventually, finally satisfied and removing the speculum, “Your vaginal walls have been full embedded… saturated with eggs. They must still be fertilized though. I’ll leave that to my friend, Orenok here. Oh, and he enjoys playing with the toys. Take her.”

She’s immediately gagged and jerked away in the direction of the torture devices, as Baimei immediately summons you forward next.

You’re positioned on the bed face down, rear end raised. You note that you’re still sore from the first chamber. You feel the speculum penetrate your hole and curl your fingers tight as the magician cranks it open wide.

“The anus… the intestines… run much deeper than the vagina,” he states, “That said, I think it only appropriate that we fill you with many more eggs.”

You shut your eyes tight, breathing deeply, as you feel the small, wet, eggs begin to cascade into your hole. You feel them begin to squirm, working their way deeper and deeper inside of you.

You’re suddenly shocked by what feels like a sharp bite deep inside of you. You feel one of the eggs digging into the inside of you, burrowing, indeed, deep into your internal flesh. Another follows suit. Another. Finally you let out a loud moan, squirming, as countless eggs begin embedding themselves deep into the flesh inside of you, penetrating with their sharp points and lodging themselves firmly.

You shake as more eggs are poured inside of you, taking over your hole, as you moan again and again doing your best to endure the sharp pain.

Finally, the magician is satisfied.

“Perfect. I’ve poured at least a thousand eggs inside of you. Now you, I think I’ll fertilize myself… My friend, Arkan, here likes oral. He’ll be filling your throat. Just for fun.”

And with that, the other henchman positions himself on the bed in front of you, cock erect. He forcefully grabs the back of your hair and jams your mouth down onto his cock, jerking you up and down as you choke and gag on his large cock.

You moan as Baimei slowly worms his huge, raw cock into your anal hole. The gelatinous eggs seem to have lubricated you a bit, but you still feel the pain from the sharp egg implantation. Baimei’s cock, hardening and expanding even bigger inside you, exasperates that pain, forcing the sharp pinchers even deeper into the inside walls of your hole.

You moan and gag on mouthfuls of cock as Baimen works your hole from the back, very slow, but very deep and hard, forcing you to take his massive rod (which could be no less than 12 inches long and 2 inches wide).

You feel your eyes tear as the pain grows deeper with each thrust into your anal hole and each pound down your throat.

Finally, his friend expels a big thick load of cum deep down your throat. You choke and gag hard struggling to swallow it. You manage to get it all down. Arkan mercifully releases you, leaving you coughing and gaging, mouth dripping streams of saliva and residual cum.

Suddenly, Baimei grabs your cock, which is somehow hard as stone, and begins to jerk it hard as he pumps his cock in and out of your anal hole.

“I’m going to fertilize you now,” he announces. He pumps a few more times, before firmly thrusting it in all the way and releasing huge gushes of cum deep inside of you. He squeezes your cock as he cums and you find yourself ejaculating hard, soaking the bed sheets beneath you.

Baimei pumps in and out a few more times, depositing a few more gushes of cum. Finally satisfied, he slowly removes his cock as excess cum gushes out of your hole, dripping down onto the backs of your balls.

“How good it is… to penetrate such a tight hole,” he tells you, as he dismounts the bed, collecting himself. He bends down beside you, and runs a finger through the pool of cum beneathe your dripping cock. “It seems you rather enjoyed it as well.”

You face flushes deep red. As you reconnect to reality, you hear Alaya’s muffled cries echoing from the other end of the room. You glance over and see her locked in the pillory. Her face and hair are drenched in cum and she is currently being brutally penetrated from behind.

“It seems my friend has taken a real liking to Alaya. I think we’ll keep her for a while, and keep an eye on one of our impregnation experiments. As for you,” Baimei continues, “you may proceed to the next chamber.””

You glance at Alaya in horror but see that her gaze has softened. She looks at you with an accepting encouragement, giving you her consent to leave her behind. Something about her gaze makes you wonder though… and you think about some of her initial words again—that you manifest your deepest desires in the dungeon…

Baimei waves his hand in a circle, and a large, black, oval shaped portal swirls into existence in the center of the room.

You slowly collect your clothes into your arms and approach the portal. You steal a final glance at Alaya, her mouth gag replaced by a cock and now being worked from both ends by the henchmen. You feel you cock harden and you anal hole throb with heat. Despite the brutality of the ordeal, you somehow feel yourself wanting more…

“You’re more than welcome to stay,” Baimei smiles at you, “I’d certainly have no complaints.”

You bury your secret temptation, which clearly isn’t so secret at all. You decide to convince yourself that you might not enjoy Baimei’s torture toys as much as his cock and the egg implantation. Instead, you choose to accept Alaya’s capture as something of a sacrifice on your behalf.

You accept the blessing, and step forward, cock still dripping and pulsing, into whatever strange, obscene ordeal awaits you next. The portal takes you and swallows you into oblivion.

Thanks for reading. I hope this story excited you! Feel free to follow me to keep up with my magical fantasy eroticas. You may cross post my story on Reddit. You must request permission before reposting this work on any other platform. Permission may be granted at my discretion with author credit/link.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ubwe2y/mistress_minxys_magical_dungeon_personal_account