Entwined and Enraptured Pt. 01, section 2 – A young prince, a dominant druidess, and an old contract – [MF][bd][ds][cons][femdom]

Continued from section 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ubunuk/entwined_and_enraptured_pt_01_section_1_a_young/


Kesh continued without slowing, landing long, deep kisses one after the other on the top of her foot. He glanced up, watching the imposing figure watching over him. What surprised him was that there wasn’t even a modicum of disgust, disdain, or pity on her face; from her warm smile to her relaxed cheeks, the druidess looming over him seemed very pleased with him. Her affirming attention deepened the haze over him. He wanted her to smile more at him like that, he wanted that look to linger, he needed-

Kala grinned, then spoke quietly to herself again, an action that interrupted his train of thought. The moon on her right foot stopped glowing as she finished talking, while the one on her left on the floor began to glow in return. Kesh kept kissing for a moment before realizing this. He felt a sudden cold take over as the warmth washed off, replaced by an urgent need to fill that void; when he noticed the glowing on her other foot he felt his mind pull his body towards it, almost subconsciously, and slowly he lowered himself to the floor and began kissing her left foot where the mark was. He felt as if his arousal wasn’t alone here, as if there was something compounding it and further amplifying it, yet he could tell that if he really wanted to he could stop doing what he was doing easily.

The embarrassing truth that no power could obscure was that he just didn’t want to stop.

Kala giggled to herself, before speaking another word of magic. The glowing ceased, and Kesh slowed his kissing, yet he still didn’t cease. Kala watched on for another minute before addressing him.

“You may stop, Kesh,” Kala said, giggling further.

He stopped and paused. He first sat back up, then quickly pulled himself back up onto his feet. His face was dazed, as if he was slightly drunk, yet the embarrassment of what he had just done was coming back to him; his face reddened further by the second. His hands were over his crotch, trying to hide his other source of embarrassment.

Kala raised an eyebrow and glared at him.

“But I didn’t say you could stand up.” She stated firmly.

She snapped her finger; as if by instinct Kesh’s knees gave away and he was kneeling in front of her again. He wondered why he obeyed so promptly as he kept his hands on his crotch. He grasped at things to say to put his embarrassment at ease.

“You cast a spell on me, that sensory binding spell,” he quickly spluttered, trying to justify his actions. “That’s why I did that.”

“Not exactly,” Kala began. She sounded pleased. “A sensory binding spell shares sensory sensations in one direction. In this case from me to you.”

“Essentially, that was some of pleasure I felt from watching you,” she rested her elbow on her folded leg, and her chin on her palm. “But it only works on feelings that you, my charming prince, were yourself feeling.”

“What?” Kesh said quietly, confused, his reddened face daring to look up at Kala.

She reached over as he looked up with impressive speed, startling him; he could barely react as she gripped his face by the cheeks possessively, yet she seemed careful not to hurt him.

“You enjoyed kissing my feet, dear prince,” she said quietly, her tone seductive and sweet. “And I enjoyed making you do it.”

“You were under no hypnosis,” she went on, driving in the revelation. “It was simply my pleasure and yours, not one or the other.”

Kesh stared back for a moment, but eventually lowered his gaze. How does she have such good command over her tone, he wondered to himself; her charisma and presence was nothing short of overwhelming.

But she wasn’t using that for any lie; she was right, a far from minor part of him had enjoyed what she had him do. She gently released her grip, reclining back in her seat once more.

“I won’t be using it much,” she said softly, folding her arms across her chest. “I chose you for this trait of yours – among a few other traits – so I know you will enjoy the things I have in store for you without anything else needed.”

The thoughts of what more she could have planned for him worried Kesh once again. Already he had had an unknown spell cast on him, yet he knew well enough about magic to know that revealing how it works wasn’t a wise decision if you wished to not have the spell broken or countered. This lent further credibility to her explanation, which only flustered him more.

Kala grinned again. She stretched her hand towards him, palm downwards. The detailed figure of a deer’s head was tattooed intricately over the top of her hand.

“Kiss,” She commanded.

Kesh nodded slightly, before taking her hand in his and kissing it gently. The same taste of honey and mildew returned, alongside the same smell of fresh spring; while the heat was no longer there, he still felt that sense of belonging, of a place, though it was more subliminal now. He imagined how much pleasure this gave her that it had felt the way it did to him when the mark was in effect. He continued kissing her hand, breathing in the pleasant aroma of her skin.

“Very good,” she cooed softly, pleased. “You’re making a very pleasant first impression my sweet. You may stop for now.” Kesh obliged, letting go and leaning back. A subtle daze still lingered on him.

“Undo your shirt, let me have a good look at you,” she commanded.

Kesh glanced towards the door, momentarily forgetting that it was locked. He looked back up towards the figure of Kala before him as she continued staring him down, before looking away again to the side, an embarrassed pout on his face.

She licked her lips in a rather primal manner.

He began undoing his shirt as he was told. Kala watched him, leaning forward slightly to tower over him, looking down as more of his smooth, milky skin presented itself. Kesh didn’t notice her hand at her waist, rubbing the base of her skirt with quiet motions.

Kesh finished undoing his shirt and let it slide down the side of his petite arm, rolling off his hand onto the floor next to him.

Kala held her grin, her gaze still predatory.

Kesh was starting to have an idea of why he was chosen; he couldn’t help but feel that she loved how small he was. It was as if she loved the fact that she was larger, stronger, and faster than him, the fact that even without her magic she could overpower him and do whatever she wanted with him. Kesh knew this too, yet he told himself that he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He tried not to acknowledge the fact that the throbbing between his legs as he thought of her strength betrayed his honesty. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard Kala giggle softly, before beginning to speak again.

“Palms on your knees, consort,” Kala commanded, reaching over to her satchel as Kesh complied. He leaned back slightly, arching his figure. The cool air of the meeting room made Kesh shudder slightly, his erect nipples making him feel even more naked and exposed; yet the cold did nothing for the arousal between his legs.

Kala seemed to be searching through various items; Kesh could hear various odd sounds from her satchel, from the clinking of stones to the rustling of leaves.

When she found what she was looking for she pulled out her hand holding two attractive teal gems, each the size of a coin. She placed one on each palm and held them side by side before beginning a chant; Kesh couldn’t pick up any of these words, though he suspected that it was a dialect of the druidic languages that he had not heard of before.

The stones glowed in a soft white light as she continued her chant. When she was finished the light cooled over a few seconds, letting the color of the gem settle into a slightly darker shade of blue.

She then held one of the gems to her wrist, speaking a word in the Druidic tongue that Kesh did recognize, meaning ‘hold’ in the common tongue. He watched, mesmerized, as the gem thinned and twirled into strands as if it were made of clay, wrapping around her wrist until a wispy ornate bracelet of the same shade of blue hung from it. She then took the remaining gem in her fingers and leaned forward, pressing it into the base of Kesh’s neck, about two inches below his Adam’s apple.

Kesh was surprised to see something that could be described as a flustered expression momentarily wash over Kala’s face, before it settled into a gentle smile; he felt like her cheeks were a bit redder than they were before.

“This will mark you as mine little prince,” Kala said softly. The fingers that held the gem in place alternated between holding it and caressing Kesh’s neck gently, the sensation making his breathing heavier.

“I will know where you are, I can summon you when I wish,” she went on. “Though It’s magic may seem like control it’s more akin to monitoring, and it will not tamper with your mind directly; I would never do something as cruel as breaking you using magic.”

The ‘using magic’ part made Kesh relax a little further, yet he couldn’t help but note her comment about breaking him. It flustered him more than it terrified him, which he supposed further cemented her claim that she’d picked him for a reason.

“No it’s purpose is to remind you of me regardless of where you are, to remind you of who you now belong to,” she leaned in even closer, her face now inches from his. “To bring you to me whenever I want, where I will teach you what I expect of you, at my leisure.”

“Understood, my sweet Kesh?” she asked in a low voice, her lips inches from his. Her thumb held the gem against him while her fingers continued their lazy caress, moving along the side of his neck and his collarbone.

Kesh paused for a second, reconciling the mixed feelings of honor, lust, and curiosity that filled his head once more. He couldn’t help but admit that he was scared, yet he knew what he needed then and there.

She didn’t need magic to entrance him; he felt like she wouldn’t have needed the paperwork either, and he wondered whom the contract had helped more.

“Y-yes,” Kesh mumbled, quietly. Barely audible, yet it was enough for Kala who smiled warmly.

“We will work on your confidence in time,” she giggled.

“But before that,” she went on, her face becoming more serious. “In my world I would be called your ‘keeper’, so let us start you on the path of another good habit today by having you refer to me properly.”

“Yes, keeper,” Kesh responded, promptly.

“My keeper, Kala,” She responded, quietly. Her eyes were unfocused, and there was a heavy hint of arousal in her tone. “That is how you will refer to me when in private from now on, boy.”

“Yes,” Kesh followed again after a pause. “My keeper, Kala.”

Kala smiled, deeply. Without fully realizing it, Kesh smiled in return.

“Do you know our word for ‘bind’?” she asked, softly. She drifted even closer. He could feel her breath on his lips. Was her breathing a bit heavier than before?

“Yes, my-“ he rolled the phrase around in his head once more. “My keeper Kala, I do.”

As she returned a look that seemed to suggest she was proud of him, he grew quite thankful for his lifelong studiousness. He had a feeling that look of pride was going to be quite an addiction for him.

He bounced the word around in his head, working out the pronunciation.

“Then to accept me as your keeper, and to accept this gem as a symbol of your subservience, say it,” she whispered back, moving even closer. Their lips were touching now. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and so were his.

Kesh paused for a moment until he felt he would get the words just right and spoke. He must have been correct, as he felt a warm sensation against his neck, which began to spread both ways around it at the base where it met his shoulders. He felt it slide and twirl slightly, reaching its end at the back of his neck. The warmth gave away to a cooling sensation over a second, which lingered.

Yet Kesh could barely focus on the sensation, as when he’d spoken the words Kala had leaned in, gently pressing her lips onto his; they took his lower lip between them, biting into them gently.

As she leaned away Kesh had to hold back a sigh. He had been expecting – craving – that kiss, and even though he’d just gotten what he wanted there was already a deep yearning for more.

She smiled at him as she leaned back into her seat, then turned and reached into her bag. She withdrew a round piece of cut glass, which startled Kesh momentarily until she held it in front of him.

He saw in it his reflection, an ornate indigo necklace now wrapped around the base of his neck. He felt it on his skin as he moved his head this way and that, yet the tightness was meticulously well balanced, neither too tight nor too loose.

She pulled the mirror away, resting it on the table.

She then touched her bracelet and spoke a word that Kesh knew to mean ‘stone’ in her tongue.

As soon as she did, Kesh felt his new collar warm softly. He then noticed, a bit alarmed, that he could no longer move his body. Even – he was horrified to learn – his chest. He began to run out of breath rapidly, fear shooting through his paralyzed form.

Kala giggled, touching her bracelet again and speaking several words that Kesh didn’t catch as he was too terrified to try and translate them. The moment she did, Kesh was able to pull in a lungful of air through his nose. He breathed rapidly and began grunting in alarm, noticing that he still couldn’t move his mouth.

Kala kept him like that for a moment; her eyes held a possessive, powerful gleam. She watched him with great pleasure until his noises and breathing steadied; she then touched her bracelet again and uttered more words in druidic. Kesh’s draw dropped open, some saliva on his lip.

“Wawozah?!” Kesh tried speaking, yet his words came out mumbled. “Wha-“

“I don’t have need for your tongue or your movements right now, prince,” Kala giggled playfully. “And come now; a little scare like that never killed anyone.”

She giggled even more. Kesh wanted to pout, yet all he could do at the moment was sigh; he would have whined about that slightly if he could, but his tongue seemed to be frozen in place.

Kala smiled at him. She crouched down on her knee, her well-built figure examining the bound prince before her from every direction as she leaned her head this way and that.

Kesh felt her breath on his body. All he could do was sit there, unable to move, completely at her mercy. He was startled when she reached out towards his waist; he could only moan as her hand gently caressed his side.


His body was everything she could have imagined and more.

His skin was milky and clear, like porcelain; yet soft as the finest down she’d ever felt. He was indeed petite and slender, his lithe body limited in musculature. She grazed his skin in places, feeling his flesh under her fingers. She flicked his erect nipples with her fingers playfully; his shuddering in response was intoxicating and amusing.

His rather sedentary life had of course led to some weight in spots, but that wasn’t unattractive to her; in fact it held a fair bit of charm. She wondered though if she was going to have him exercise a bit more from now on. Perhaps some outings to the countryside together would be good for him.

She smiled at the thought.

She shifted her fingers and went from caressing him to scratching his side softly with her nails, forcing a high, vulnerable moan from the snared prince. She licked her lips, savoring every noise she forced out of him. She leaned in towards his neck, pressing her moist lips against him before touching him again; she kissed his neck deeply as he gave out another moan – this one even more intense. Her ears, now closer to him, picked up every tone of desperation in her sweet prince’s voice.

She couldn’t help but giggle softly; she bit his neck, eliciting a sharp gasp from the bound boy.

She barely realized in time that all of this was quickly bringing her towards a dangerous limit. She’d barely noticed her breathing get heavier; if she kept this on for much longer she didn’t know if she could stop herself from having Kesh sprawled on his back on the floor while she took him completely. As tempting as that sounded, him walking out of this room covered in bruises and bite marks would most likely draw a bit too much attention to him for his own comfort. She swallowed, mentally welling the lust that threatened to throw away her sense of reason. Never before had she required this much fortitude.

There will be a time, Kala; she thought to herself patiently.


Kesh wished he could beg, yet he was momentarily thankful for the spell holding his tongue in place for it kept him from saying things that he knew he’d be embarrassed about later. At this point he was already hers, yet he found himself in such a rut that whatever he had left he would bargain away for her to give him some relief. Yet all he could do was mumble and moan softly, his pleading glances noted by Kala who grinned further. She continued examining him with the air of a hunter who’d just caught a doe in her net.

Kesh fought his lust for a moment, gathering the will to glance away in defiance. A few seconds passed, and he heard Kala giggle; he flushed further at the thought that she found this token defiance amusing. And then, as if to break this habit and further push through the notion that he was completely at her mercy, he felt her hand over his crotch.

He could only gasp and breathe heavily in embarrassment, turning the reddest he had throughout all of this as his gaze returned towards her; just as she had expected him to, it seems as she tilted her head mockingly.

“You’re not going anywhere Kesh,” she cooed, staring into his eyes.

He felt his gaze snared by her, her will overpowering his; he couldn’t pull his gaze away even as she massaged his crotch further, pulling out every desperate noise she wanted from him.

“That’s a good boy, keep your eyes on me,” she continued; she sounded pleased. “You’re doing so well learning your place, I’m proud of you.”

Her words plucked at Kesh’s thoughts, a firm web settling over his psyche as the words bounced around his head without end.

Why did it feel so good to hear her say that? Why does it feel like I’d do anything to hear her say that again?

Kala noticed the bewilderment in his eyes. Goddess, he’s perfect, she mused to herself.

She gently undid the buckle holding up his leggings, startling him; slowly she tugged at his undergarment, teasing him with slow repetitive motions. After she was satisfied with the way his eyes gave away the possibility that he was about to burst there and then she pulled his underwear to the side; his firmly erect member, now exposed through the fold of his leggings, poked out of his clothing.

He could see it slightly from the corner of his limited field of view, throbbing uncontrollably; he felt the moisture on its tip, a further betrayal by his body of all the things he couldn’t say given his bindings.

“Unlike you it looks like this little prince wasn’t scared at all,” Kala giggled, running a finger down the shaft. The helpless Kesh groaned, his voice high and airy; his eyes rolled back slightly.

“He’s not too bad, taller than I expected at least,” she said playfully, prompting Kesh to look at her helplessly.

On top of all this she was taking jabs at his manhood as well? He wanted to whine, yet all he could do for now was look at her like a puppy left in the rain.

Kala laughed, further fanning Kesh’s searing humiliation. And yet he throbbed down there with her laughter, somewhat aroused by her mocking.

“I had forgotten how red you castle dwellers turn,” she smiled, caressing his face with one hand while the hand at his crotch twirled her tattooed index finger around the head of his shaft, wettened now by his clear release. “It’s adorable.”

She got up slowly, straightening herself such that her waist hovered in front of him, her hips just above eye level. Kesh eyed her tattooed arms and thick, tattooed thighs that emerged out from underneath the hem of her dress.

“I see my sweet prince likes my markings,” she said. Her arms began to move along her body, tracing the marks. “He should know that if he behaves himself, he may earn some of his own.”

Kesh was indeed mesmerized by her markings. He was yet undecided on how he felt about the idea of having markings of his own, though as she began to raise her dress painfully slowly he couldn’t continue pondering the thought at all.

She raised and lowered the hem of her dress slowly and methodically, raising it from the middle of her thighs and stopping it just short of revealing it all, then lowering back down before repeating the motion all over again. She varied the pace intermittently, playing with his arousal as much as she possibly could. Her thighs were thick, shapely, and fit, as if she ran every day; definitely not something unheard off among the druidic people. The markings followed her musculature perfectly, as if they had grown on her; there were elegant pictograms of fields and various flowers and berries on her right thigh, while menacing creatures of the forest lined the other, wrapping around out of sight towards the back of her legs.

Kesh throbbed down there. He wondered how she would look naked from behind. Her hand ran down the side of his face, playing with him in carefree motions, pulling his gaze up towards her.

“My prince consort,” she began speaking to him in a commanding, sultry tone. Her hands did not still, continuing to entrance him with the promise of seeing more. “I will start by saying that you’re doing wonderfully well so far. I chose well, and I assure you that you’ll feel pleasures you would have never even imagined existed had we not met.”

“Yet these are rewards, and rewards are to be earned,” she continued. “And for every avenue of pleasure there will be several valleys of discipline, their depths holding agonizing punishment should you forget your place. Is that understood?”

“Yesh, ai kee’er ka’ah,” Kesh promptly tried to acknowledge, yet the binding of his tongue had not been loosened.

“I can see you’re eager,” she continued, finishing with another characteristic giggle.

The druidesses charm’s had, for a lack of a better word, broken him. He succumbed further as he noticed lines of fluid trickling down her thigh, it’s source somewhere under her dress.

Kesh could see more dripping now, this time from right between her thighs. The folds of her sex began to emerge as the hem rose and lowered in teasing waves. He saw the tip of her vulva, a shockingly light pink, which emerged slightly from the contrastingly almond complexion of her labia. Her lips had thick, moist lines of fluid clinging to it, clearly portraying her arousal. Kesh couldn’t even notice that his mouth was agape, wet lines of his own drool beginning to run down his chin.

“And so, he should know that this, is to be the object of his worship from now on,” Kala said assertively, pausing with every few words. He lifted the hem up the rest of the way, revealing the full splendor of her sex to the enraptured Kesh.

He didn’t need to be told to worship it. It was already all he could think of.

He took in the details, every shade of color and every fold; the dark pink of her clitoris prominently protruding from between both lips. On her mons there was another tattoo of stunning detail which reminded Kesh of the twin moons on her feet, though this one was of a radiant sun, its rays spreading off from its center before being hidden by midday clouds.

Kala let her hands move alongside the edges of her sex; she massaged herself up and down its side, near where her thighs met her waist, making her folds open and close slightly. The motion released even more fluid that cascaded down the edges.

Kesh’s thirst knew no bounds at this point. If someone asked him who he was he probably wouldn’t know how to answer right now, even if his tongue wasn’t spellbound.


That’s it, Kesh, Kala thought to herself. Look at me, breathe me in my dear.

She wanted to lean in. She wanted to press her sex against his lips, to let his tongue free of the enchantment so he could do his duty as consort. Yet she grit her teeth and fought against the urge for now.

This was important, she told herself. He needs to learn that here he isn’t prince Kesh of the Westfold Kingdoms who has everyone bending over backwards for him whether he realized it or not.

From now on when we’re alone he is Kesh; the meek, submissive consort who’s only thought should be obeying his mistress and keeper, serving her every whim.

She’d never gotten the impression that he was arrogant, but it helped not to take any chances. Not that she wouldn’t enjoy punishing him for any indignance he dared show; she was thoroughly enjoying the sight of the pretty young man in front of her so thoroughly broken by her will, especially after how long she’d been hiding her feelings for him.

She couldn’t help but wonder though how this must be such a big change for him. All his life he’d been pampered, held in high esteem and to even higher expectations, his duties complex and layered in so many levels of intermeshing consequences that she was amazed he could even get a moments sleep at night. Outwardly, to most people, he must have seemed fine, yet with her perception she could tell on every occasion she’d spied on him how it was starting to put him on edge; the slight twinge when he’d remember another duty he had to attend to, the way he’d slouch whenever he finally got a moment to sit down, or the constant miniscule weariness in his eyes that grew by the season.

Perhaps I should hide the fact that I’ve been stalking him though, she thought to herself… for now at least…

And all the while his dumbass siblings were running around playing hero, leaving all the work to their poor brother! Kala thought of them with bitterness. She had on more than one occasion sent a bad case of rashes their way while they were out in the wilderness or poked a boar into running into their tent at night, out of spite.

She sighed. She recalled how nervous she had been a short while ago, waiting for him in the main hall. All that time she’d spent obsessing over him could have ended in heartbreak if they’d met and she could tell that he didn’t care for her at all. As much as it would devastate her she had planned to inform him that she was willing to renegotiate the contract if she knew he was never going to be happy with her.

Her relief was unimaginable when she saw the way he looked at her when they’d first ‘met’. When for the first time Kala wasn’t disguised as a plant or peeking through one of the castle windows using the eyes of a familiar, watching Kesh fall asleep over a scroll. She was sharp enough to sense that he was infatuated enough – no, more than enough – for her to have him entirely; for her to claim him of his own free will.

She doted over that image of him in her head; the way he’d walked ahead of his advisor after seeing her and how he couldn’t stop smiling.

Of course, the shy, bookish boy needed a push but eh, he’s already gotten over it, she mumbled to herself. She hoped he would be just as carefree about the fact that she was over 200 years older than him but… she waved off the somewhat embarrassing fact for now; that can wait too, she told herself.

In any case, she was going to make sure that she took care of him. Kesh was hers now; that made him her responsibility. His natural submissiveness could help him let go of some of the stress that builds up from his other duties; it momentarily made her wonder who exactly was the consort here, but she shrugged off that thought as well, adding to an already large pile of things she could ponder later on.

Kala kept admiring the way Kesh was staring at her. Rubbing in her power over him was getting her wet beyond belief; she could keep him there for hours if she really wanted to see how much she could break him, an idea for another day perhaps. She swayed her hips seductively, moving her crotch closer towards his lips before pulling it away from him again; she relished the sight of his eyes betraying his excitement whenever she got close. There was a small pool of pre on the floor underneath the tip of his cock, her little pet’s excitement on complete, shameless display.

Yes, Kesh will find that this is a place where he can rest the crown off his heavy head for a while, while she….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ubv62a/entwined_and_enraptured_pt_01_section_2_a_young