The Princess & The Bellatrix Chapter 2 [FF][Fantasy]

Hello mon petit-pois hentais! This is the second part of this new project. You can find links to read it in other places like Inkitt and Wattpad here: [](

I will keep posting here, but you can also follow on there to get notified.

BTW, this chapter has no spicy stuff in it, but come on, I’ve got to write a story at some point, it can’t be all T&A&C&P&B&S&D all the time (I mean it could be, and I might start a series of shorter stories that are just 100% spice, we’ll see)

**Start Reading>>**

Alessia rushed towards the quarter deck, but stopped when she could hear her bosun’s pants as he caught up.

“This isn’t an bloody Imperial port, why is she here?” Alessia asked her bosun.

“To purchase slaves,” answered her bosun, “you know how Imperials are, slavery is illegal sure. But they’re very happy ‘freeing’ slaves into indentured servitude.”

“You’re getting old bosun,” teased Alessia, “talking to yourself. I already knew that. The question is why this port? There are better more discreet ports, this is one practically next to the empire’s borders.”

“Perhaps it’s not about where, but what,” said the bosun, “there could be something special about the prisoners.”

Alessia thought about it as she walked, but the only remarkable people were Rhea and the other barbarian, the old man. Their homeland was nine months by ship, shorter if you used the overland route and crossed through the Great Grimpen Bog. No one ever used the overland route.

When Alessia and her bosun tried to climb the quarter deck, they found the way barred by two guards. Alessia assumed it was one of the slaver’s “guards”.

She raised her head to see the face of the person she was about to kill for barring her way on her own ship.

The mirror shine of an Imperial breastplate confronted her with her reflection.

“You must be the captain,” said the guard, “follow me please.”

The guard was kind enough to not mention how Alessia’s hand had been almost on her sword before he spoke. He led her up to the quarterdeck where a ring of people were waiting.

Rat-face and his second-in-command, a horrid woman with rotten teeth, were leaning against the railing. Opposite them were three people, some kind of snotty-looking noble, a young woman who looked like an attendant, and finally the princess.

Alessia assumed it was the princess. The dress, veils, and the large parasol the princess was holding hid most of her face.

When the guard reached the circle he tapped his spear on the ground twice. “Captain Alessia of Albalon,” he announced.

Alessia could not help but notice that the man’s voice trembled a tad when he announced her. There was also something odd about his sparse armour. It looked like it did not fit properly.

Alessia’s thoughts were interrupted by Rat-face.

“Ze Captain,” he said, “a thousand blessings for joining us.” The myriad rings and chains he wore clinked as he bowed slightly towards Alessia.

The captain bowed her head back, turned towards the princess and tried to curtsy, her sword and leather trousers made it a bit difficult, but she managed to pull it off.

“Your highness, allow me to extend mine and my crew’s welcome,” she said, “I’d also like to apologize for the lack of proper accommodations in the ship. We’re but a humble merchant ship and not used to the presence of royalty.”

“Humble merchants?” said the nobleman, “never have I seen such heavily armed merchants, with slaves as cargo, as well.”

“The seas are very dangerous these days milord,” answered Alessia, “precautions must be taken. As for the slaves…”

It looked like the nobleman was about to quip something when the young woman who looked like an attendant raised her hand.

“The dashing captains of Albalon are known for never breaking a contract once taken,” she said, “I’m sure the Captain is just fulfilling her obligations, isn’t that right?”

Alessia turned towards the attendant to finally take a good look and could not believe she had ignored her before. The young woman reminded Alessia of a marble sculpture in the Prásinos islands in the Median sea.

According to the locals the sculpture depicted a forgotten goddess of wisdom, magic, and womanhood. It was as if the attendant had posed for it all those millennia ago.

It took the captain a second to recover from this, the sensation similar to one she had experienced not that long ago.

“Yes milady,” replied Alessia, “that is true. I was unaware of the passenger’s conditions before I took the contract, but as you said, a contract is a contract.”

“No need for that captain. I’m but a humble attendant, you can call me Celine,” said the attendant and then she smiled. Alessia was not ready for that smile.

“Of course… Cel… Miss Celine,” said Alessia stumbling over her words.

*Like I’m 14 again and fumbling to grasp my first tit,* thought Alessia.

“Everyone has been introduced, all done now and proper?” said Rat-face, “let us parley of business.”

“Of course,” said Celine, “We have come here because we need a bodyguard for the princess. Due to certain… political circumstances let us call it, it is not possible to hire someone who is local and therefore more easily swayable.

“That is when Milord,” Celine indicated the snotty noble, “recommended we should consider liberating a slave.”

“A most wise choice from a clearly wise man,” said Rat-face, “the freed are very grateful and usually in dire need of work after their freedom.”

Alessia noted how Celine recoiled away from Rat-face when he stepped closer.

“Understandable,” answered Celine, “so would you be kind enough to present us with some candidates?”

“Jubilations! Yes, I have some wonderful eunuchs that would suit perfectly in protecting the delicate flower of her majesty,” said Rat-face.

“If you do not mind we would prefer a woman,” interjected Celine.

“Of course, a flower with thorns for a flower without. But my eunuchs are the highest quality. All gelded before they stopped sucking on their mother’s udders. With magic too, so there are no unsightly scars.”

Alessia could see a crack in Celine’s composure. Just for a second, Alessia saw a green tinge of disgust creep up Celine’s cheeks. It was there for only a moment, and she only noticed because she could hardly take her eyes off of the attendant.

Celine swallowed hard, and the green colour dissipated from her cheeks.

“Nonetheless, we would prefer a woman. Surely such a bountiful business such as yours must have a warrior among it?” she said.

“Certainly we do,” answered Rat-face, “no one has ever come unsatisfied from browsing Lepuce’s wares, I can assure you.”

Alessia’s skin crawled at the way Rat-face said ‘wares’. She could not but feel sorry for the poor souls who had fallen in his claws.

*I hope one of them breaks free, and slices your belly open for you,* thought Alessia. She thought of Rhea, how easy it would be for such a warrior to slay this scum.


“Pardon me,” said Alessia, “if I may offer a suggestion?”

Rat-face looked at her with a look of puzzlement on his face, but Celine did not seem fazed, and just nodded at Alessia to indicate that she could proceed.

“There is a magnificent warrior maiden on the ship. A barbarian,” said Alessia.

Rat-face’s mouth hung open.

*Good luck selling her to the fight pits now, you little coil of shit,* thought Alessia.

“I see, have you seen this barbarian fight? Is she capable?” asked Celine.

“Yes. I had heard of her prowess, and asked for fencing lessons. She happily obliged,” said Alessia, wondering if Rat-face’s jaw was about to unhinge from how low it, “I learned more in the short time with her, than in all the years I spent in fencing lessons.”

“Impressive, but wasn’t that dangerous?” asked Celine, “She could have easily slain you.”

“I have gotten to know her well during this voyage. I assure you, she is trustworthy.”

“I think that merits at least meeting the warrior who deserves such praise, wouldn’t you say so your highness?” said Celine as she turned towards the mound of fabric where the princess was supposedly ensconced.

Alessia saw a barely perceptible nod from the princess.

Celine turned towards Rat-face, “Monsieur Lapuce if you would be so kind as to fetch this barbarian we would love to talk with her.”

Alessia had to credit Rat-face, he managed to recover quickly. She guessed that when money was involved, personal feelings didn’t factor.

“Certainly your highness,” said Rat-face, he then barked some orders in his language to some of his guards, and off they went.

Alessia presumed they were off to go fetch Rhea and offered a silent prayer. *Please Atlantia, bless your foolish daughter and help my friend achieve her freedom.*
