[MF] My first time at work.

Once upon a time, I worked night shift hospital IT. The work had a lot of downsides (crap pay, crap hours, skeleton crew, knowledge-free users), but it had a few good points, too. The nature of the work meant that I had the keys to the kingdom, and the skeleton crew meant that more often than not, nobody would be looking for me, and if they did they had my pager number. (This wasn’t so long ago that pagers were still a thing in the general public, but in hospitals, pagers were still going strong as late as a few years ago. For reasons.)

The thing about hospitals is, there are a lot of areas that shut down after normal business hours. These areas often needed work done, and that work often got put off until night shift, because it’s easier to fix a PC when nobody’s working in the area than it is during the day, when some end user is probably actively trying to destroy it anyway. (I’m not bitter.)

One of said areas was right next to a nurses’ station where a nurse that I later learned had been checking me out worked. Short, mid-20s, dirty blonde hair usually tied back, skinny and shapeless under her scrubs. (Not a knock against her, just deceptively shapeless in the way that scrubs sometimes make people look.) It was a physical therapy area, so it had a lot of equipment (stairs, weight benches, giant inflatable exercise balls, chairs, etc.) and a few beds, as well. One night, she slipped out from behind her station and nonchalantly approached me when she saw me headed toward PT with keys in hand. She feigned interest in what I was doing and where I was going, and I, being young and oblivious, played into it. I took her back to the offending workstation, one of those cart-based laptop deals that was sitting outside of an alcove with a transport bed in it.

I worked on the laptop for a few minutes while she leaned against the bed behind me and pretended to be interested. I turned around at one point, and immediately noticed three things: Her shoes were off, her thumbs were hooked under the waistband of her scrubs and were holding them in place halfway down her hips, and she was pretty actively fucking me with her eyes. I kind of stumbled over whatever I was saying at that point, and she smirked. She let go of her scrubs, stepped out of them, and in what in what to this day is still the sexiest power move I’ve encountered in the wild, she didn’t break stride whatsoever as she walked up to me, grabbed me by the collar, and pulled me down to kiss me.

I kind of got the picture at that point (like I said, young and oblivious), and while she definitely had control at that point, I followed her lead enthusiastically. She pulled me back to the transport bed, pushed me back onto it, and pulled away from my face long enough to ask if I had a condom. I didn’t, because these things didn’t generally happen to me, so why would I? She told me that we wouldn’t be having sex then, but I wasn’t too disappointed, because she was undoing my belt at the time. Belt came loose, pants came off, underwear came off, and I was in her hands, and immediately after that her mouth.

She sucked me briefly before she pushed me back onto the transport bed and climbed on top of me in a 69. I tried to pull her panties down, but she was too impatient for that, and told me to pull them to the side instead. I obliged, and I licked and fingered her while she continued to suck me.

After a while, she reached down with both hands, grabbed my wrists, and placed my hands on her ass while she ground herself into my face. She apparently liked it that way, because she began to moan with me in her mouth, which in turn got me more worked up and made me pull her tighter to me, which made her grind against me harder, which made her…you get the idea, it was your basic feedback loop.

She came, early and often once we established a rhythm. I came, hard, and harder still when I told her I was going to and she didn’t take me out of her mouth. She swallowed as masterfully as she sucked, and what she didn’t immediately swallow she licked from her hand and my cock. She recovered before I did, which she seemed to revel in. She kissed me one last time and told me to bring a condom the next night before she slipped out.

I did. Which was cute because she did, too, just in case I forgot.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6t8yya/mf_my_first_time_at_work


  1. Most of these post are so often fake. And are from basement dwellers that have never seen sunlight. Your post actually seems authentic. Well done.

  2. Honest question, not looking to troll. But wouldnt that pussy stink if at work, assuming no one showered before this? Thanks

  3. I like this story. Enough establishing story and good detail. Part 2 next?

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