Sarah. (A beginning)


It’s pretty chilly out, but this walk was needed for my mental health. Everything seemed to be so crazy inside my mind lately, my impulsivity seemed to have all-but multiplied overnight a few months back. To say the least, I had largely stopped telling myself things like 1am walks alone, in the dark, to clear my mind are not the best of ideas. More and more lately I had been telling myself “What was really going to happen at 1am way out here… seriously just go”. Little did I know that this night, this oddly chilly night, it would be revealed what just might happen at 1 am, way out here alone in the dark.

I had already been walking for at least 15 minutes without heading back to my spacious and quite quirky Victorian home, found down a 1-mile gravel drive with no neighbors in sight. I had indeed lost track of time and peeked at my watch then at my surroundings. I walked a lot further than I even had intended; I thought max 10 minutes to clear my head, I guess, my bad tendencies seemed to have welcomed themselves this night. As I turned back and picked up my pace a small bit, I thought I saw a figure from the bushes a ¼ miles up or so. The moon was not all the way full, maybe halfway, but it shone very brightly through the chill of tonight. I adjusted my glasses and took a moment to see if I did, in-fact, notice anything but as I stared at the bush in the distance nothing seemed to be going on at all. However, as I gained on the bush a very rare voice inside of my head said, “it’s later than you thought Sass… maybe just jog the rest of the way…”. Though usually I would tell that voice to shove it, tonight had grown a weird air about it and I took my own advice and broke into a good, paced run.

As I quickly passed the bush I peered into and around it deeply, scanning for any sign of anything out of sorts. To my relief I didn’t notice even a branch out of place, but I did keep my pace in the jog until I was looking at my front door. I slowed to a walk letting my body cool down and slow it’s breathing as I continued the way to my doorstep, hoping that jog was definitely going to be beneficial to the sleep I would receive tonight. As my hand found the doorknob, I paused hearing the sound of tires coming down the gravel drive. I peeked as far down on the drive as visible, seeing my neighbor’s porch light indicating that he had not yet come in from his swing shift. Knowing he shared my drive partially I was too sure it was Steve coming in, not even almost concerned with checking what time it might be.

My house was sunk back in the woods, a very traditional and quirky Victorian hidden from the sights of the world. She was everything I had ever wanted in a home, a wraparound porch compliment with a stunning grand door, I painted a warm, inviting pumpkin orange. Both tall and wide, such a welcoming door could rush a crowd in all at once. Stepping in, you’re greeted with the most majestic but simple of double stair casings, with a landing meeting very cozy in the middle. That landing was a place you may find me seated and peering into some sort of literature that was sure to evolve my intelligence; a seat overlooking the foyer and able to see most of all the goings on of the day. However, back downstairs there was an office to the left and a formal dining room to the right which led into a butler’s pantry, then the food pantry and finally opening to an enormous kitchen, that was thankful to be brought into the age of show kitchens, and finally the great, great room. Circling back to the front there was another room and full bathroom tucked in-between the great room and the office, this room was my favourite it was rounded inside and out, so elegantly, and lined with the most unique shelves that stayed littered with books for as far up as the ceiling. My rounded room held some of my necessities for working or studying at home on a small desk as well as a taller wooden organizer I used for various random works or crafts, whatever I was inspired to add to in random moments. In there was also a loveseat and an armchair, littered with pillows, blankets and a pet or two and with a lamp and small side table beside it.

Finding your way upstairs would mostly lead to half empty bedrooms on one side, that during the week would hold my youngest children and myself on the other side with a master ensuite. Alongside the outside of the children’s bathroom was a back staircase that led to another floor with two rooms and a large family room separating them with a spiral staircase leading off to the attic. The attic had been transformed into a reading nook with its own half bath. On the third floor in one of the large bedrooms, both also had their own bathrooms, my oldest son would come stay when he wasn’t traveling or in school. These rooms used to hold forts and lion, witches and wardrobes, toys were scattered all about with a child or two hidden in a closet with a book somewhere. Rooms that were solely used to brew the imaginations of small souls or keep hidden the secrets of weathered souls. A home that always seems to be awaiting gatherings a plenty and more to come and yet, even with all the great pastimes and future adventures, somehow, I was always reminded it was even larger empty.

Opening the door, I was greeted with the normal pleasant smell found during the winter months, firewood burning in one of the four available fireplaces and still a faint whiff of the rosemary bread that I had made earlier in the day. I took a nice breath and exhaled with a slight smile, happy to be home, empty or not. I closed the door behind me as headlights from the neighbor’s truck bounced off of the stained glass of the side windows, kissing the hardwoods with rainbow reflections. “Poor Steve, I would hate losing my time to work… swing shift would have me completely insane.” I was talking to myself out-loud, which wasn’t too abnormal even when others found themselves around. I peeled of my jacket and then my sweater and hung them both. I sat on a large bench that welcomed you into my home, underneath it was traced with random mix-matched shoes of various sizing. I swear those kids do not even stop to take their shoes off, they just get kicked off along the way. Left my shoes in the only neat line of shoe rows to be seen and slipped my gloves into a basket full of like items. I was walking into the kitchen to fill my water bottle, that had been used in its entirety on my thinking quest, before turning around and making my way upstairs into my room.

I began peeling off the rest of my attire, pulling my shirt over my head and unhooking my bra simultaneously letting it land in the made-up pile by my feet. Shimmying my jeans down into the pile as well I took everything and tossed it into the dirty laundry basket in my closet. I walked the rest of the way into my bathroom and turned the knob to the shower on hot. As I waited for the water to warm up, at least a little bit, I turned on some blues, cracked the window and began humming what was left of “Little Girl Blue” by Janis Joplin. Swinging the door gently open, just wide enough to slip in, but still the little bit of steam that had acquired within was wisping away with the cool breeze. I shivered slightly before testing the water and turning the knob a bit warmer until the water hugging me thoughtfully calmed my goosebumps. I lazed about the enclosed shower room for what was probably 30 minutes before my eyes were only mostly open and in search of my mattress. I toweled off and then wrapped myself in my robe, yawning quietly as my feet robotically made way to my bedside; I took another drink from my water bottle and folded my sheets back before sliding between them. I took a deep breath and thought of how odd it was to hear the sound of tires on the gravel drive again, as I slipped peacefully into a deep slumber.

My dreams came quick and quite vivid, so vivid that when I was finally awoken by the feeling of warm breath speaking into my ear; I all but knew my mind was still far off completely lost somewhere in my dream world. I naturally slept on my stomach but found myself staring up into the high ceilings and their elegant moldings. My mind was not in recognition of what was going on, as I sleepily and innocently went about the normal motions of waking up randomly in the night. I blinked my eyes a few times before attempting to take my hand and wipe them, still not believing I was yet awake, but my mind was beginning to stir and gather thoughts most appropriately. As I tried to pull my hand to my face, it was met with resistance at my wrist, I mumbled out loud to myself coyly, “Gees Sass, what kind of dreams are we into lately?!”. However, to my surprise I was met with a coyer answer out of the deep darkness of my room. Quickly my head jerked into the direction that the response came from, I couldn’t completely make out what was said, but I did hear “…is just a dream…” in a melodic, velvety tone, followed by a low growling snicker. The hair on my body was standing up and I could feel the goosebumps rising over every inch, all my mind could think to do was pose another question… “who are you?’.

To that I wouldn’t get a response, not yet at least, and I began to realize I was still completely naked and not only were my wrists bound but also my ankles. I think my quiet wondering had him thrown off, as I could hear him randomly clear his throat as if he were going to speak only not to. As the silence got louder, I was still scanning the room and the location his sounds kept coming from, I was so concentrated that I could now even hear the changing in his breathing. Suddenly he appeared in front of me as a shadow until my eyes adjusted the dark figure into an undeniably good-looking shadow of a man with piercing green eyes boring through the dark and into my soul. His hand grasped my throat and gently closed off my airway, he would then take a moment to stare into my eyes as I declined into the phase of wondering if he was going to give me another breath and then he let go. He was still staring into my eyes as my chest heaved and lung gasped, pleading for the oxygen he was withheld from me. He began to smile a very unsettling smile, a smile that read as “I really like this,” then his lips parted, and he said the word’s “Still think this is a dream, Sarah?” My chest stopped heaving in that second and took a longer gasp and my eyes must have widened but his facial expression turned into a much eviler smirk and followed with “Yes Sarah, I know your name… are you awake yet?” trailed with a light chuckle and then silence fell again.

My mind was racing and after a minute I still had not said anything in response, I was with one thousand thoughts at once ‘did I know his voice?’ ‘Who is this man?’ ‘Why is he here?’ ‘When did he get here and what was he going to do with me?’. I was still trying to find rational thoughts when he spoke again, this time with a noticeably more angered tone “Are we playing deaf Sarah, want to make me angry? ARE. YOU. AWAKE?’ His voice thundered that time and as he finished the sentence my throat just seemed to answer without my brain having anything to do with it, “I am, I’m awake.”

“Good, are you ready to have some fun tonight, Sarah?” he asked in a way that told me I better answer in the way he wants, or I would pay for it. However, my personality would always prove a tough thing to crack and again I responded as if on autopilot and without a single thought to any consequence. “You want fun? But haven’t we just met… what kind of girl am I.” After the words stopped, I finally had a thought that I might regret what was just said and I anxiously awaited at least a scolding, but oddly I was met with a sly snicker. He was laughing and I was not quite sure to make of it, had I made him snap? Suddenly mixed in with his snickering were the words “I thought you might be a fun one Sarbear.”. ‘Sarbear’ was the name my grandparents had doted upon me in my infancy, and it just stuck. This abrupt acknowledgement of only a family known nickname brought me back to the question of ‘how did this man know me’. I was quiet again and so was he, but it was no longer a burden as I had answered his curiosity.

He made his way around the bed giving a tug on the ropes, making sure they were securely tightened. After checking the last rope, he grabbed me by my throat again and as I braced myself for the upcoming lack of air, he instead kissed my lips. This kiss was not how I would have imagined it would feel from a monster who, I was fairly convinced, planned to at least rape me, but also possibly kill me as well. His grasp tightened slightly on my throat, reminding me of the earlier escapade, but everything in me was falling into his kiss. His other hand had found its way to my jawline and was gently lifting my chin, his lips were like magnets pulling mine to his, I found myself wanting to run my fingers through his hair and pull him deeper into me. What was happening, ‘shouldn’t I be terrified’ kept replaying in my thoughts, but they were consistently chased away by his lips caressing mine. My breath had found itself heaving again but not from the same loss of oxygen, and his one hand was seductively closing around my throat and then releasing again. He started kissing down my jaw and to my neck, I was panting in a state of shock as the event kept unfolding and his hand that had been on my cheek was now firmly clamping two fingers around my nipple. He pinched and pulled my nipple while still eagerly making his way across my chest with his lips, I was steadily falling into a trance and didn’t know why I was allowing it to happen, why I enjoyed it’s very happening.

He stayed with my breasts a moment switching between the two with hand and mouth, small pauses to comment on the noises he enjoyed me exclaiming. He was suckling and caressing my breasts as if he knew every way to make me fall into ecstasy; breast play was a high like on my list of kinky behavior. I had even been known to let strangers come to manhandle my chest for solely my enjoyment, unconcerned with theirs. I was thoroughly enjoying him grazing his teeth against my nipple after sucking it deep into his mouth. One of his hands was wandering all around caressing different parts of my body and at times finding it’s grasp on my throat again controlling my admittance of oxygen. I was becoming so wet I could feel it dripping out of me onto my sheets below me; this man somehow held a spell on my entire body, which was buzzing from head to toe. His play with my breast was provoking a heavy heave from my chest now and soft moans and whimpers from my throat, why was I allowing this stranger to hold this much power over me, I asked myself. Then I was quickly posed with the worrying question I’d had before, ‘was he going to kill me’?

I tried to wriggle away a bit and he noticed my change in demeanor and looked up at me with a soft frown and asked, “Are you okay, Sarah, do you not like it?” Without a single thought, in true fashion, I blurted out “Are you going to kill me?”. He suddenly let out a loud laugh and then apologized followed by telling me that ‘he could never kill his Sarbear’. My mind was reeling but the negativity was fading, knowing he had no intention of ending my life but, if not was this just about to be a rape that I really enjoy? Does that even make it rape and what the hell was I even thinking; I was enjoying myself after this man came into my house unannounced and tied me up, have I lost my mind? I was trying to let my mind find answers to my questions, but his tongue was again twisting around my nipples, I was floating back into the reality I was happily forced to be a part of. A soft moan emerged, almost rhythmically, from my throat as he was suckling my breast with a firm hold and I had thoughts of him milking me as his tongue held pressure that made my moans grow louder.

I had zero concept of time, but I knew the ropes weren’t aging well on my wrists, clearly, I was moving far too much for my comfort. I was surprised when I mentioned the pain in my wrists, he would let out a good bit of slack in the rope. I found myself quickly reaching for his skin, wanting to feel what he felt like in my hands. I could reach his shoulder and dug my nails in slightly as he was gently nibbling about my body. I was pleasantly surprised how soft his skin felt against me. I ran my fingers where I could as he rose and fell around my body, suckling, nibbling and caressing all the places he could find. He kissed down and between my thighs and on down past my knees where he would reach my ankles and pay good attention to the soles of my feet and my cute little toes. He would kiss and caress them even reaching over for the lotion resting on my dresser and massaging his hands deep into their muscles, it gave me a feeling of ecstasy mixed with serenity and I was helplessly falling deep into it.

I was sinking away into an odd realm of comfort, with the ropes still grasping my ankles tightly and my wrists loose but bound, it was as if he was using them to keep me safe in this world of pure passion. Currently my mind was okay with it as well. Thoughts of whispering for him to never stop, clouded my consciousness. I shouldn’t even be panting and excited about this in the first place, but the shame was not seeming to stir anywhere within my blood. This just didn’t seem shameful, the way he makes me feel right now could not be wrong. I was clenching him gently and stroking through his hair as his suckling became slightly more aggressive, which only wrapped me in more. I want him to suckle the life from me, take my milk of life for his pleasure and enjoyment. I enjoyed imagining him gorging himself on my sweet nectar, flowing from my breast into his being and then without realizing I caught myself moaning quite loudly. I had been pulled in by his tongue again twisting around my nipple and even if I could escape, I just don’t think that I want to leave here. As I peered into his green eyes, helplessly surrendering my soul to him, the light gave way to the shape of his handsome face and I knew, I know his face.


“Sarah” I said quietly tracing my finger around her figure in the photo I held in my hand. She was so alluring, that kind of beauty that was just effortless, a beauty that was just meant to be. She had auburn hair that radiated against her porcelain skin, and it seemed as though that combination made her eyes even brighter with their crisp leafy greenness. Sarah was breathtaking to say the least and I had been aware for quite some time, she wouldn’t notice me until our last year of high school. She did become my best friend then so you could say I know absolutely everything there was to know about Sarah, but she had no clue I was head over heels, Cinderella to Prince Charming in love with her since I had set eyes on her in the 6th grade. We would always have one class together a year it seemed, but that was all, there was never enough to let her see passed the shy kid. She was always kind to everyone, irregardless, which just happened to make her even more attractive than she has already been. Never obsessed with the wrong people in life or status she always seemed to love everyone and require the same from those that wanted to be close with her. She was a light in dark room, the flicker of hope that everyone needed in such a very dull life.

Sarah was given one of those laughs that no matter what, if you heard it, you would just smile and maybe even start laughing yourself with no clue what might be funny. She literally brightens a room, like a light switch has been turned on, you can see her legendary smile and hear that boisterous laugh from across the room. Senior year I spent a lot of time admiring that smile and I did take note of just how often it seemed she did smile. Her life growing up had been sort of “perfect sitcom family” reminiscent and she was aware and very grateful for the life that she was given. Along her way she always remembered to pave a way for those that couldn’t do so for themselves. After having watched her for so long, learning the important minuet facts about what brings Sarah joy, I have determined she is the most perfect women to walk this earth… or at least the most perfect woman on this planet for me.

Her kindness was never ending and having her in my life always brought my spirit joy, but I could never coax it away from these darker thoughts. Thinking about my hand at her throat feeling both her pulse and the quiver in her breathing. The thoughts of how her skin would complement the rope that tied her wrists. I would watch her move and think of how picturesque she would be hanging from above me, with a sure but careful movement, bestowing that smile upon me amidst her release of joy. Watching her reminded me of the ocean, so strong and vivacious, and yet so mysterious and unknowing. She captivated attention, but everyone around her knows she wishes she could just disappear. Sarah just always held that look that kept people interested in what she was doing. What brought her around to start getting closer to me I shall never know, but I would never forget that day she approached me requesting I disappear with her. She took me in like a wounded bird and built my confidence, I know we had always been only just friends, but at moments it felt like it could be more. Like every time our arms brush against each other during that one part in the movie or how she grabbed my hand as she caught up back when we were walking home from school together. I would know, for sure, I fell in love with her when her hand met mine and gave it a tight squeeze on one of our many walkabouts.

Senior year was perfect until it ended, and everyone seemed to just end up where they went. Sarah off to an Ivy league college, to no one’s surprise, but what did surprise us all was when she made her way back with three kids and yet still a perfectly unwed angel. Her auburn hair longer than ever and skin so sweet and supple that she had not aged a single moment. Of course, her jaw dropping smile and boisterous laugh was what still gave way to her unmeasurable presence; Seeing her home again reignited everything that I had ever felt with her. She moved down the road from me, we would both quickly figure out and luckily become the same fast friends we had once been. I would often cook for her in that house that seemed a lot bigger with the kids off every way, or at least it seemed lately. Years passed and we only grew closer, people would always comment that she should just make things official since “everyone thinks you two are in love anyway”. Sarah’s sweet voice would always express that we did love one another “I will never not love my best friend in this world” shooting me her smile while simultaneously crushing my entire soul, she was my dream that I would never have.

Rightfully, I have no room to and I couldn’t complain, she was not dating; I kept closer tabs on her than I would like to admit, but she needs protected. I, of course, had no interest in dating either which helped us have plenty of time to be together. I like her energy towards her passions, we would start many of crafts together like making stained glass and sculpting pots for our vegetable garden. She was always dedicated, but also a perfectionist, she would never let it be enough for her as magnificent as it may be. She was very harsh on herself in that regard, I knew no one that could criticize Sarah like Sarah did herself. Anything that would go wrong Sarah would question what she could have done differently… I had an uphill battle always showing her that she was in fact more than enough. Yet even that seemed to only add to her wonder; such a masterpiece being so unaware of its own worth, such a profound thought that the rose may not even know of its velvet wonders? In all our moments I would find myself as close to her being as possible, I loved her warmth most; it was a special piece of her that seemed to welcome you into her awaiting arms, like you were being sheltered by the sheep.

The past several months Sarah has caught me off guard. She was always very clear about our friendship and as that good friend I would never overstep, no matter how fondly my heart begged to be worth of the love of hers. However, lately… lately, it seems Sarah would put forth the effort of making sure our beings are close as possible, and often making excuses to touch me. I wasn’t sure if it was maybe my imagination playing tricks, but she’s been playing this game for months and tonight we had dinner and decided to cuddle up for a movie, nothing unusual… we were at my place this time and I gather myself on the couch only for Sarah to hop into my lap, one of her new favourite places to occupy. We settled in and the movie began, Halloween, Sarah loved old slasher movies. Of course, She insisted that we best friends had to watch it. She was so adorable curled up in my lap, I began stroking her hair and looking over her body. Then my fingertips began traveling on their own free will, unintentionally, bringing a chill to my lap occupant. With that chill Sarah brought her hand to my cheek and her lips pressed deeply into mine. As if instinctively our lips and tongue began to tangle effortlessly, our breathing turned into pants, and we found ourselves engulfed in the moans of one another. As things began to heat up, with continued effortlessness, my hands were tracing the frame of her body. I would enjoy making the little goosebumps appear across her body and seeing a slight quiver in her jaw.

I was falling in and out of reality not sure that this was what was actually unfolding in front of me. Her soft hands gripped my hips helping her pull herself into them and her hands wandered off again to find and massage my arms, until she had felt every part of my body against some part of hers. Still completely clothed, but we felt naked and free with each other, we were unhinged in the most magnificent of ways. Being intertwined felt natural and I was ready to fall the rest of the way with her, but then Sarah abruptly sprung up and exclaimed that she was so, so sorry. Then as I tried to console her, simultaneously wondering what had just happened, she just stated that she must go and then she grabbed her things while rushing from the house to her car in a leap. Seeing her state, I didn’t want her to think I was pushing her to go somewhere she was not willing to go on her own, so I stood at the door and watched her drive off; Watching as she did not pause for any moment to look back from where she fled.

My head dropped as I turned and brought myself back into the house, passing the slightly disheveled sitting room and pressing down the hall to the kitchen. I flicked on the light and as if that switch was also connected to my brain, the thoughts came flooding in. Did I push? Maybe I should apologize? Is reaching out proper in the circumstance? Was this… the ending, of our otherwise spotless, friendship? Could we not just have both… the cake and feed it to one another too? I was fumbling with putting the freshly ground up coffee beans I was preparing into the espresso machine and twisting it together through my sudden and extreme mental breakdown. As the machine came to life, I tapped my fingers against the granite counters and pondered how things could have been so much different. Maybe instead she would be here on this countertop as I poured us both coffee and tasted the whipped cream that carefully kissed her perky, supple nipples. Oh, how very different things could have gone. As the coffee finished, I mixed my usual concoction with some heavy cream and caramel for some sweetness; found my way into the sunroom and looked out into the black existence wondering about all the other places I rather have been with her.

She was as extraordinary as all the things I wished to show and experience with her. The waterfall that would kiss her skin so beautifully, as she were bound at its depths. The colour she brings to all the landscapes even though they seem to be so very full of colour themselves. The long meadows that scratch her bare skin as she run through them carelessly, so free. Sweeping her into my arms amidst a pasture of the greenest grasses ever seen and yet they hold nothing to the breathtaking green of her emerald eyes. Her sweet toes twisting through grains as we float away upon an ocean of sand, just the two of us, letting the sea air tantalize us into the water. Together happily in the warm motions of the sea… or anywhere, as long as she was with me. A deer poking it’s head out of the tree line brought me back down to my reality, me and this cup of coffee and not an ounce of Sarah. As that thought finished passing through my mind, I heard the ding of my cellphone, I had left it on the kitchen counter; I was wondering if it was worth grabbing at such an hour of the night but reluctantly, I drug myself to the kitchen. Lazily, I picked up my phone as I thought of preparing more coffee when the screen lite up with a new message: From Sarah. It read like she was still frazzled and unsure, “I’m sorry, you must think awful of me. I promise I am not usually that way. I hope you can forgive my moment of weakness and I have not tainted the wonderful friendship we own.” I set my phone back on the counter and floated off out the window embracing the moon a second, deciding maybe bed was a much wiser choice than coffee.

Before heading up the stair I wrote a quick note back to ease Sarah’s mind, “Sweet Sarah, worry not, you will have me as a friend as long as you wish it so. Sleep well and be not bothered by such trivial thoughts.” My steps seemed to become weighted down by every step of the stair I climbed, I yawned deeply once I reached the landing. I walked about the second story turning off a lamp here and there and unplugging a cord of two before I made my way to the master suite that spanned the entire attic floor. I went about my bedtime routine, taking a quick shower and washing what the day had supplied off. I laid out a suit for the next day, including my belt, shoes and any other accessories, lastly, I picked my scent for that day soft and woody. My cologne was a family heirloom of the first ever cologne fragrances we had offered when my great, great grandfather began our family business in France so many years ago. I have a collection of 50 or so, but some I loved more than others. It was interesting to see the uses throughout the years for some that had been handed into my collection, not just fathers but uncles and aunts would often present as a coming-of-age gift to their nephews, as well as mothers to their sons. Our family, so many generations later, is quite large to stay connected it feels like there is consistently the need for a mass gathering in order.

My grandfather was the reason I started my own architecture firm as opposed to follow in the footsteps of so many men in our family, and he made sure I would not be any black sheep because of my choices. He would go on to have me design and build many building for his home and business alike, thanks to him my craftmanship was given a special seal of certification within our communities and anyone who may have known him. He was also the one that taught me it was good to embrace myself, even if the world wasn’t quite ready. Thanks to him I was gifted such an open mind and a need to feed its curiosities. I always had a safe place to present my sexual curiosities; I think without him I would have been just a silent piece floating within this large family. Although, Sarah says my looks would have never allowed me to sink into the background, “especially with that washboard of a stomach” she would always tease. Women seemed to fancy my tall, tanned complexion and hair, as well as my bright blue-green eyes, most describe as piercing. However, I was undoubtedly nerdy and quirky which takes a special woman to appreciate, and I was really wanting that special woman to be Sarah.

As I gathered myself into my sheets and fluffy, oversized down comforter, I was gifted with the steady thoughts of Sarah and her jaw dropping beauty again. Seeing those gem-like emerald eyes peering deep into the depths of me; Being reminded of the warmth of our passionately exchanging lips and the soft caressing of her fingertips against every inch of my being. My head sunk back into my pillow, and I allowed my mind to run off with her, if I couldn’t physically go with her, why not float off into the imaginations of my dream lands right next to her. I let go and drifted off into the darkness of sleep, with my last thoughts clenching at her throat and enjoying her soft moans and the speeding up of her breathing.

That’s as far as I have gotten so far, thoughts are welcome?

Thank you.


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