First Date [MF] [Fdom] [Demons]

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Pierce took in a deep lungful of crisp air as he walked home from work. It was a beautiful evening outside—the sun had just set; the sky dyed a soft purple behind the mountains that loomed over the city. A cool breeze bit at his face and his smooth, shaved scalp.

Still, Pierce felt a little strange. Not enough that it offset his mood, but it left him with the faint feeling he was being watched. He glanced around, trying to see if he caught anyone spying on him—but no one seemed to notice him as he passed along the sidewalk.

As he stepped into his apartment and shut the door, the sweet, sharp smell of spices struck him. It was thick and exotic aroma, and he couldn’t quite place their source.

He crossed the small kitchenette quickly before moving deeper into his apartment, still left with the strange feeling of being watched. As he went to his bedroom to change, he felt a sudden drowsiness fall over him like a thick blanket. His eyes drooped closed for a moment, then snapped open again in shock. The room had become dark, and the window had gone black: not even a sliver of light peered through the curtains.

“Huh,” Pierce said, glancing around the darkened room. “Did I fall asleep on my feet or something—”

“Your chambers are rather quaint, mortal,” came a sultry voice from behind him.

He wheeled around, and in the dark he saw two glowing golden eyes peering at him from the dark.

A shiver ran up Pierce’s spine. He stepped back from the eyes. “What the hell? Th-this is a private residence.”

He watched the eyes rise and move towards him. “Then invite me in.”

And then, materializing out of the dark, came the most beautiful creature Pierce had ever laid his eyes upon. Those golden eyes glowed from a regal face, framed by long, dark brown hair. Her full lips curled into a sly smile, and it was only then he noticed the small horns rising from her forehead.

“Oooh,” he intoned. “I get it. I’m dreaming. This is a dream.”

The horned woman stood before him, her eyes glimmering. “You are. But I assure you, that makes this not a mote less real.”

He could feel a palpable heat coming off her body. It was sensual. Enticing. His eyes drifted down to her lovely form. She wore a thin white dress with red accents—a color scheme that made him think of a fiery sunset or maybe blood on snow. It clung to her curves like it was a part of her; her ample breasts straining the fabric, the smooth white curving gently out to her flared hips.

“Who—what are you?” Pierce asked.

Her eyes ran up his body, the golden glowing orbs seeming to feast on his very appearance. When she looked at him again, her smile made his heart race and his groin grow hot.

“I am Azela, and what I am shouldn’t concern you.” She reached up with a long-nailed finger and gently ran it along his chin. It drew a line of pleasured fire along his flesh, making him gasp in surprise. “Of more importance is what I can give you.”

Pierce stepped back, his eyes wide as he ran a hand along where she had touched him. He was pretty sure his face was never supposed to feel like *that*. It felt good. Good enough to be alarming.

“Yeah, I should probably wake up now,” he said, hoping by some chance saying it would make it happen.

She let out a low, sultry laugh. “I’m afraid I hold your mind at the moment, mortal. You will awake only when—or *if* I allow it.”

He took another step back, pinching himself just to make sure. Instead of waking up, he tripped on his modest twin bed—or the dream facsimile of it—and fell back on it. The being Azela stood over him, her smile twitching slightly wider.

He took a long breath and said as calmly as he could manage, “Ok. So what is it you want?”

“I’ve been watching you, mortal. I could sense you even in your waking world. That is… rare. Tell me, have you lain with another yet?”

Pierce blinked. “‘Lain?'”

“Fucked. Have you joined another in carnal pleasure?”

She leaned down over him, seeming to breathe him in. He pushed back into his mattress as much as he could, letting out a nervous laugh. “That’s, eh, that’s kind of personal, isn’t it?”

She ran a finger down his shirt, her nail cutting the fabric like a well-sharpened blade. “We are presently within your mind, halfway between the mortal and astral planes. We are already as personal as it’s possible to be.”

 Pierced watched this with growing concern. “Uh, fair enough. Yeah, I’m a virgin.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “How is this so? You are not homely.”

He felt something slide up his leg. He looked down to see a tail, thin, black as night, and flared at the end. It coiled around his thigh, easily as if it were a snake. His skin tingled where it touched him. 

He watched the smooth tail for a moment before looking back up at her. “Oh, you know. Teenage years at an all boys’ school. Classes taken online. Two years of a pandemic. Look. I’m working on it, OK?”

The demon ran her hand along his chest, making him jerk from the sheer intensity of the sensation. “Oof! That’s a feeling, all right.”

She watched him for a moment, silent. “You know,” she said at last. “Most mortals are groveling before me by now. If they’re not already crying.”

“Does that change anything?”

“No,” she said simply. “Merely an observation. I find you interesting, mortal.”

He felt her fingers slide around his neck, an exquisite feeling difficult for him to even describe. “Interesting enough to use my name, maybe? ‘Mortal’ makes me feel like a piece of meat.”

“You *are* a piece of meat.” She pulled his face to hers. “But very well. You asked me what I wanted, Pierce. I want your essence.”

“Is that, like, a fancy demon word for cum?”

The demon laughed, smiling widely. “No. But they tend to go together. It’s your passion I want, Pierce. Your exertion. Your lust. Your soul.”

“Oh. Is that all?” Pierce glanced to the side, and saw that everything around them seemed to shift, melting away like an oil painting under a heat light. What reformed was a place larger than his bedroom by many times. It was like a room carved out of black marble, with purple burning braziers and a circular bed larger than any Pierce had ever seen, with sheets of a glistening red material.

She let him go and he half stepped, half stumbled back. There were no shadows now, even though the light was low. Her body stood equal to his in height, toned and powerful and perfect. Her thin, black tail swished softly along the smooth marble floor.

“What do you need my soul for?” He said, nervously picking at the edges of his torn shirt.

“To sustain myself,” she said absently, looking him up and down as he was with her. “Or to barter with. Or to spawn with, if I wish it.” Her eyes glimmered. “A virgin’s soul, one fully formed and matured, is particularly potent.”

Her smile widened, showing the sharpness of her brilliant white teeth. “It’s what makes you quite the find, Pierce.”

“Lucky me,” he said weakly. “Look, Azela. Is there any scenario here that ends with me making it back home in one piece?”

She sighed, softly. “No, I’m afraid not. I would do myself a disservice if I didn’t drain you to the last drop. I can only take from you like this once, after all.”

Pierce looked around. There was an exit to the room, a massive, curving arch, but it was directly behind Azela. And even if he got past her, he didn’t like his chances, wherever he was. “Well. Shit.”

She moved towards him, hunger in her golden eyes, then paused, her lips shifting to a pout. The demon stopped and studied him again, her brow furrowed.

“I must confess, however, your peculiar nature presents me with a… unique conundrum.” 

His eyes were drawn to her sharp teeth. “Conundrums are good. I like conundrums.”

She poked him with her nailed finger. “Mortals are usually well in my thrall by now. Their passions overwhelming them, begging for the pleasure only my touch can give them.”

Azela ran her hand up his side, leaving a trail of almost torturous pleasure in its wake. “But you seem oddly resistant to it.”

“Aaaahh… This is resistant?” he said, his breath sharp as she ended with her hand on his cheek. 

“Annoyingly so, yes.”

He stepped out of her touch, his flesh still hot where she had touched him. “Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, but the whole not wanting to be eaten thing is a bit of a mood killer, you know?”

“And thus, my problem,” she said, stepping with him. “Your lack of passion hinders the potency your soul offers me.”

“Oh. That’s a shame,” he blurted. “I guess you could just take me back then and—”

She grabbed his neck, much tighter than last time, and easily lifted him from the ground. He had to admit, the distinct feeling of pleasure from her touch made a strange sensation mixed with the fact that she was also choking him.

“You presume too much, Pierce,” Azela said, her smile growing dark. “Pleasure is only one emotion that empowers a soul for my kind’s uses. It is the one I prefer, but it is *not* the only one to which I am limited.”

“Ghrrgg,” was all Pierce could manage. Suspended there, he did the only thing he could think of, try to stay as calm as possible and thus be as unappetizing a meal for her as he could manage.

Azela stared at him, seeing what he was trying to manage. Her face was unreadable. But that might have been because of the oxygen being deprived from Pierce’s head. 

And then, suddenly, she let him go, dropping him on her massive, circular bed. She turned from him, her hands on her hips.

“What is it?” he coughed.

“I have decided an alternative,” she said with the tone of a regal proclamation. “One you will accept, because it is very generous of me.”

“Thanks for letting me know,” he said, rubbing his tingling throat. “I’m listening.”

“We will make a wager,” she said, looking down at him. “We will make love, and you will commit yourself to it, open yourself to the pleasure I can invoke.”

Pierce nodded slowly. “OK…”

“If your pleasure overtakes you, I get your soul, all of it. You will surrender it willingly and thus preserve its maximum potency.”

PIerce looked down between his legs. His jeans had grown a notable bulge already from when she had touched him. “By ‘pleasure overtaking you,’ you mean—”

“Exactly what you’re thinking.”

Pierce nodded again. “Yeah. Makes sense. What do I get if I’m not… overtaken?”

She shrugged lightly. “Anything.” 


“Anything. Your heart’s desire. My power is considerable. Whatever you might wish for, it is unlikely I cannot fulfill it.”

He laughed weakly. “That’s, I mean, that’s a lot of leeway. You’re that confident in… your power, you call it?”

She smiled back at him, her white teeth gleaming. “I am confident in my ability to drive you mad with delight.” Her eyes shifted over him hungrily. “And then there is this…”

Her tail flicked around his waist and she tugged his jeans down, causing them to fall down into folds below his hips, revealing his rock hard erection.

“The idea has excited you. I can smell it in your soul,” she laughed lightly. “Even were I not able to see it with my eyes.”

His stomach fell. There was no denying it. The sudden chance of escaping alive along with some kind of supernatural boon had lit a fire inside him. It had risen not only his passion, but his desire in the knowledge of what he was going to have to do to earn it.

Without even meaning to, he had become hot and ready to go. Which, he realized a moment too late, was probably exactly what she planned.

“Fuck,” he said, looking down at his eager manhood.

“I think we will, yes,” the demon said, crawling over him and pushing him down to the bed. 

His cock bobbed with involuntary excitement as her hands caressed his sides. “There have been few mortals I have wanted this much,” she murmured into his ear. He could feel her breath hot on his neck. “And none I have wanted as much to *break.*”

The demon’s tail curled up his thigh and caressed his manhood, its touch like electricity on his flesh. “When I’m done with you, you will beg for release. Beg to climax and give me your soul.”

Pierce shuddered under her touch. She began kissing his chest and belly while her tail continued to stroke his throbbing length. He knew immediately he was in trouble. It was true he had never been with anyone, but he knew it wasn’t supposed to feel like *this.* Wasn’t supposed to be *this* good.

He took a breath, feeling the deep pit of fear in himself. He held it in his mind. *Give yourself to it,* he thought, *But don’t fucking forget the fear.*

He reached up and took a handful of her long, silky hair, and pulled her up to kiss him. Her lips were soft, like silk against his own as their tongues met and wrestled together hungrily. She moaned into him, her fingers digging into his shoulder. Pain and supernatural pleasure mixing into something strange and intoxicating.

She broke the kiss, saliva trails connecting their tongues as she drew away, breathing deep. She ran her heavy breasts up his chest; her warmth passing into him through the thin fabric of the dress as she positioned her hips over him. Holding his face in her hands, she looked into his eyes as her tail did the work of moving his cock to her glistening threshold. 

The heat was intense; Pierce could feel it on the head of his cock, feel it in the juices that dribbled down his shaft. Azela stared into him, savoring the look on his face, the understanding of what he was about to experience. He kept his breath steady, knowing how unlikely his survival was, knowing it, but feeling his body yearning for her, anyway.

Azela pushed down on him, impaling herself on him with maddening slowness. “You will feel so good when you give in,” she murmured as her hungry cunt steadily devoured his manhood. “It will be the greatest experience you’ll ever have.”

“It’ll be the last experience I’ll ever have,” he hissed, trying with all his might to endure the insane pleasure. 

She laughed softly, slamming her hips down the last bit of distance on his shaft, drawing a low groan from him. “And it will be all the more poignant for it.”

He felt her slick channel run up and down him; her enveloping heat as comforting as a lover’s embrace. He ran his hands slowly up her body, under the thin fabric of her dress, feeling her thighs, her back, her shoulders. If it was the last thing he was going to experience, he figured he should try to enjoy it best as he could.

And with that thought in mind, he slid his hands around, grabbed the collar of her dress, tore it open, and pulled it off of her.

Azela gasped in surprise and delight, her luscious titties jiggling before him. Her lips parted slightly as she looked down on him, grinding her cunt on his length. “You wish to behold all of me as I take you, then?”

“Sure seems that way,” Pierce said through clenched teeth, his eyes luxuriating in her silky smooth skin, her curves, her hard, pink nipples—and every delicious place in between. He couldn’t believe that this was his first time making love to someone. His first time, and his last.

“So do you kill… everyone you do this to,” he said between ragged breaths, “Or just the poor saps who’ve never…. fucked anyone?”

She giggled softly into his ear, her hot tongue running over its surface gently. “I am neither sadist nor monster,” she whispered back against his flesh, her tail coiled around his thigh, using it to pull her hips down over and over again on his cock. “I normally only drain fully those who annoy me.”

“Well, haah, that’s good then,” he huffed, gripping balls of her silky, blood-red sheets, trying to hold on literally for dear life.

Pierce knew he couldn’t last much longer. Each time his cock plunged up into her demonic pussy was like sliding into a river of molten ecstasy. It felt as if his dick was melting into her, only reforming with her teasing permission. He could feel every sensation—the softness of her flesh, her velvety cunt lips, her insides gliding over him as she slid down again and again.

So Pierce did the only thing he could think of and tried to take what control he could. He rose, grabbing her waist and, with all the strength he could muster, rolled her so that he was on top of her. The movement caught her off guard, and her silky voice rang out in surprise. “What is this?” she said, amusement in her voice.

Pierce didn’t have an answer for her. Didn’t care to say anything at this point. All he wanted to do was to fuck her as hard as he could with and somehow keep his wilting sanity.

She smiled up at him slyly as her legs rose to lock behind him. “Place yourself wherever you wish,” she said. “My cunt holds claim to you, regardless.”

His mind was swimming; a combination of pleasure-pain from being fucked by an insane demoness who hungered for his soul and his own dire need to survive—all swirling together like a perfect storm of sensation that somehow allowed him the will to hold on.

With a snarl he slammed into her, driving himself deep into her clutching channel as she seized around him like a vise, her silky cunt stroking his cock better than any hand ever could. He held onto his fear and determination, leaning down and biting on her nipple, making her cry out in pleasure and surprise. 

Her hands clenched on his shoulders as he pounded her relentlessly, feeling every inch of her slick insides glide over him in time with his thrusts. He could feel wet rivulets of blood from her fingernails piercing his skin. With mad need and coiling desperation, Pierce rose her hips and with his hand slid between her rounded cheeks, pushing his thumb into her rear entrance.

“Aaah!” Azela cried aloud in surprise—her eyes wide with shock at what he was doing. But it didn’t stop her from rolling her hips in perfect sync with him as they fucked. 

“You like it there?” he said to her pleasured moans, praying to whoever might listen that he was doing things correctly. He focused on her expression, reading the contorted pleasure there as a sign he was on the right track. With cock and hand, he pleasured both her holes, trying to focus his strokes in the way that hit her insides best.

“I guess even demons have soft spots,” he said, using his other hand to rub smooth circles along her clit. 

It was only the force that she held on to him with her legs that kept him from toppling over, but the intensity of her grip told him that was the last thing she wanted. And Pierce could tell from her pleasured moans, the whipping of her tail, and the way she bit on her own knuckle that he was hitting home.

Finally, his assault on her pleasure centers finally became too much for her: she cried out, grabbing onto him with such passion it took all of his strength not to let go—which he knew might have meant death if she were so inclined. With a low, ragged moan, she came hard around him—her tail whipping around his waist and nearly squeezing him in half.

Pierce took his chance then, drawing his dick from her, slick and glistening with her demonic juices, spreading her cheeks, and plunging this time into her tight asshole. Her juices made the perfect lubricant, and he slid inside deep and smooth. 

She squeaked in surprise at the depth and intensity of intrusion, a sound so cute he couldn’t stop himself from laughing. But he pounded into her even as he did, and her moans of pleasure grew louder with every stroke. 

“I guess when you fuck them mindless… hahh…. they can’t manage to do anything on their own, huh?” Pierce said between strokes of his cock, trying to keep his voice level as he fucked Azela’s ass—though it was getting harder by the second to resist shouting like an animal in heat.

“They take what I give them!” she hissed, and with a ripping sound, the crimson sheets tore to shreds as she gripped and pulled at them. “Oh! Your cock is exquisite!” she moaned. 

“Then cum for me!” he yelled, slapping her ass. “Let me feel you cum from your tight little asshole!”

He didn’t think it would work—he wasn’t even fully sure what it was he was doing—but still she came, and came hard. She writhed and cried as he fucked her, clawing and tearing at the bed as her tail grabbed him and forced him deeper inside her.

And in that second, that feeling of momentary triumph, Pierce almost lost himself. With a split second’s lapse, he felt his cock come blisteringly close to exploding inside the demon. It was only by clamping down with every muscle in his body that Pierce kept from succumbing. The sheer effort of doing so left him feeling lightheaded, and just as he pulled out from Azela, everything became hazy and then, without warning, abruptly faded to black.


When Pierce opened his, he was still on Azela’s massive bed. Next to him were the tattered sheets she had destroyed in her passion. His arms shook as he pushed himself up to look around.

“Did I get eaten?” he said weakly.

“No,” came that silky voice from behind him, and Pierce half rolled, half fell over to see. Alela stood over him, an ebon black dress now replacing the white one he had torn. Looking up at her, he couldn’t tell if her face was one of annoyance, discontent, boredom, or exhaustion. 

“I’ve decided not to devour your soul,” she said, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

“What? You have? Wh—” he paused, shaking his head and still not quite believing his fortune. “You know what? I don’t care. Thank you, Azela.”

She sighed. “Now tell me your desire and I will send you back to your realm.”

Pierce frowned. “My desire?”

“Yes, mortal,” she sighed. “Your desire. That was our wager, do you not remember? Or was your mind too consumed by your loins to recall?”

“Kind of, but yeah, I remember. I,” he hesitated. “I kind of assumed that was just a ploy to get me… hot and ready, you know?”

She rolled her eyes. “Of *course* it was a ploy. But, unlike mortals, I am bound to my word, and I swore to fulfill any desire if you held your pleasure. Now speak your wish. I am growing impatient.”

Pierce ran his hand over his smooth scalp, his skin still moist from his exertions. “Anything, huh? Wow. That’s kind of a tough one.”

The demon sighed her impatience. “It’s not that difficult, mortal. Power. Money. Women. Pick one and let’s be done with this.”

“‘Mortal?'” he frowned. “What happened to ‘Pierce?'”

“He won his wager,” she said sharply and turned from him. “Now choose. Please.”

Pierce stared at the demon, understanding slowly dawning on him. A thought struck him. A weird, twisted, and possibly suicidal thought, but one actually had an appeal. And by all rights, he should be dead now anyway, right? Everything past now was, more or less, just extra time. 

“Anything, huh?”

She half turned to glare at him. “Anything.”

“OK. So… what are you doing tomorrow night?”

She stood there, looking down at him, slowly turning to face him fully. “What do you…” she trailed off.

He smiled at her, giving a little shrug. “You said anything.”

And standing there together, he watched her face soften. There was uncertainty in her eyes. Even a little nervousness, he thought. He watched her elegant, entrancing form walk over and gingerly sit next to him.

“Explain,” she said, commanding even in her hesitance.

And so he did.

And so they did.


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