The cheater and his accomplice [MF] [Cheating] [Confession]

((This is my first post of any erotica written, a true story, a part 2 is being written with more care and attention, otherwise enjoy, chat is always open. I am the Male is this story, and is a confession, names are fictional for obvious reasons))

“I am feeling pretty lonely, my wife is away working for the tourist season and she left me here to my own devices for at least 6 months. It’s super difficult” I say to Eleanor while we play World of Warcraft together on discord.

I must admit that during my play-time I never thought I would be seeking comfort, from anyone, let alone another woman who miraculously lived about a 30 minute drive away. Our friendship blossomed around playing games together online for those first 2 months, finding out more about each other. She was originally from England, and I never in my life thought I would be turned on by a posh accent, mixed with the drip of Scotland.

“Hey, Eleanor, I was thinking…how do you feel about meeting up for a few drinks in Edinburgh? I don’t really have anywhere to stay so could I sleep on your couch?” Chris says with reluctance, and a mixture of fear

“Hmmm, actually, I have been itching to go out recently how about we do it this weekend? I can make pre-drinks dinner at mine? I don’t mind if you stay on the couch” she says, with unexpected enthusiasm.

This was all entirely unexpected but not unwelcome, I have no idea what this woman even looks like! So I of course say yes and we organise it for the coming weekend, I message my wife and ask her if it is OK to go out and see my cousin this weekend for some drinks and a catch up. She says it is fine, so I relay this to Eleanor who…is excited but for what reason is beyond me. Lying to my wife, about who I am actually meeting made me feel shame, but also a little bit of arousal.

The weekend is a few days away, we play games in the evening when we are both free and for some reason I just had to remind Eleanor that I am married, and that I lied about who I am seeing and where I am saying. The silence I will remember for years, but the reply has stuck with me with much more.

“I know” her voice, sultry.

She leaves the call after that, my heart is racing and feels as if it could be one of those chest-bursters from Alien, so I go to bed and prepare myself for the night ahead.

Skipping the day of me waiting impatiently, I am on the train on my way to the old capital, thinking to myself “Is what I am doing wrong? Of course it is, but it is too late now I am sort of committed”

The train arrives at the station, and I rush out and look for the person who I have never seen before at the meeting spot we talked about, the Nero cafe, next to a tall palm tree. I see her, long wavy brown hair, a tan long coat with black tight on her legs. I am smitten, her face is pretty and the structure is strong yet soft, I move to wards her and she look up from her phone to see me walking towards her and she smiles as I get closer, she knows it is me.

“Hi, Chris!” She says excitedly and hugs me, HUGS ME, I did not expect that and my dumb nerd arms raise half up in the air in surprise before my brain tells me to stop being a dumbass and hug her back. I hug her back, “Hi, Eleanor, it’s so nice to meet you” I say as our embrace ends, and we pull back and look into each others eyes.

Her eyes swirled with green, as if I was looking into a forest full of beautiful green trees in the wind, her pale face accentuated by her bright red lipstick. I could see, that she was also looking at me so I quickly took my arms form around her and say “So what are the plans then, what are we doing first?”

“Well I was thinking we could go back to my flat, I got some steak and a bottle of red wine that I have to taste for my wine blog? How does that sound? Also, I still have to get proper dressed up!”

“Yeah! That sounds like a good start, is your flat far?”

“No, it’s not far at all actually, shall we go?” Eleanor says while holding my gaze

At this point, I do not know what I am feeling, but I was 100% attracted to her. We start walking and just have some gaming small talk, how did I get on with my raid last night, silly shit like that. The walk was uneventful, it was cold, since it was the dead of winter but there were lots of people around and I was nervous I might see or meet someone I knew despite it being a big city.

We reach her flat, across from a car complex, down an alley and she pulls out her keys to go in.

“This is it, hope you don’t mind stairs!” she laughs

I hate stairs, at this point in my life I was at my most unhealthy and I hated the sound of my thighs chaffing and clapping while I struggle up stairs. I nod, and we go into the close and do my best to act if these steps are not literally worse than being sent to hell and asked to get butt fucked by Satan himself.

Eventually, after walking up stairs for what felt like my entire life, we come to her flat door and she smiles at me, while I try to act cool and am not dying inside, and we go into her flat.

Small flat, 2 bedrooms, modest living room and couch with fur draped over it, well decorated and had a touch of art deco to it. Eleanor throws her keys into the bowl shaped like a cat, on the hall table, takes her shoes off and I do as well. She turns around and takes off her jacket, watching me watch her, showing me that she was just wearing an oversized t-shirt and thick winter tights. I can’t help but look and imagine what is under there and she knew that. Eleanor swiftly turns and says

“It’s just a small flat, I share it with someone else but she is out tonight because I asked her to”

“Oh ok, that is nice that she would do that for you, would have been nice to meet her too!”

“Oh, no you wouldn’t like her, and it gives us time to…” she pauses “Get to know each other better”

She walks off after saying that, leaving me thinking what in the fuck she meant by it, my smooth monkey brain desperately trying to understand. So I follow here through to her living room and happily plop myself down on her couch while Eleanor is in the kitchen.

“I’m just going to cook these steaks, I didn’t have anything else but wine to go with it hope that is ok?”

“Yeah” I say from the couch and through what I can only assume is a wall made to stop bombs, let alone voices “Do you want some help?”

“No no, you just sit and wait, it won’t take long but I will go get my outfit for tonight on while it is cooking, if you hear worrying sizzles check on the food heh” Eleanor walks past me, her shirt now hiked up at the back as if forgotten, showing me her petite butt cheeks as she walks by.

I sit quietly, on my phone, and my wife has messaged me telling me to have fun and be good. At this point, I do not know if I could be a good boy. As I am sitting there I hear the steaks sizzling away, perhaps too violently, perhaps not but I want to make sure it isn’t so cooked I would rather eat a discount shoe.

I get up and go to the kitchen and watch them, throw some butter on them, next thing I feel is some arms coming around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder to look at the food.

“Hi, those look good, what do you think of my outfit?” she says releasing me, I turn around in the small cramped kitchen and I see a gorgeous slim petite woman in a revealing low cut, flowing dress. Not too short, but not long either, green and floral this time with thinner tights on showing me her pale legs better.

“You look amazing! If I were single I would!” I say like an idiot

“Oh really? That’s too bad you aren’t single, I think you’re pretty good looking yourself” She says, with mischief in her eyes.

The steaks are done, we stop ogling each other and she goes into the cupboards get her plates out and I place the steaks on the them while she goes into the living room to set the cutlery. Being honest, the rest of the dinner was pretty uneventful. It was just two gaming friends meeting and catching up, we talk about games and eat over a glass of pretty delicious red wine!

We finish, and sort the dishes and we are ready to go out and hit the town!

“I was thinking I could take you to this small pub no one knows about, it is like a vodka bar you’ll like it!” Eleanor exclaims to me excitedly…..

We go out to this bar, she was right, it was down a super tight alley way and was up some unsuspecting stairs and they had so much to choose from! WE have a few there, and then both of us, feeling pretty tipsy at this point make our way down the old road of Edinburgh. She puts her arm into mine and I go red a little, not from the drink, and we carry on to a Jazz bar who had a live band that night. I was dubious, I don’t like jazz, but I acquiesced and she didn’t really have to try very hard to convince me.

The night went on, not long after we got to this bar we just talk, and I tell her about how I am unhappy with my partner being away for so long.

“Wanking can only entertain me so much you know!” I say with the slurring of a more than tipsy drunk

“Hah!” She exclaims, and puts her hand on my thigh “If only there was someone else who could entertain you while she is gone!”

I freeze, I do not know what she means but I have a general idea, does she want me?

“I think it is getting on a bit now, do you just want to go back to mine and watch a film with a bottle of wine?” Eleanor gasps quickly, as if not wanting to say it

“Yeah, actually, that sounds rather nice”

We head back to hers, the entire walk was in silence, both of us were thinking. Her arm entwined in mine, at one point her head rested on my shoulder and she got super close to me.

We get to her flat entrance finally, and the stairs, those FUCKING stairs again. Except this time I am prepared with Dutch courage to attack them and not seem weak!

WE enter the flat and she sighs, taking her long tan jacket off and just dropping in on the floor, she lifts up her leg, gracefully, to take off her black heels and walks off to go sit on the couch. I take off my leather jacket that I thought was super edgy at the time and my shoes and follow here through, and join her on the couch.

As I sit down she gets back up

“I’ll get the wine, you take my laptop and log onto Netflix and pick a movie”

She disappear into the kitchen, glasses clinking, perhaps to violently

I grab her laptop, fortunately Netflix is already open, so I find a movie. I think it was the movie where Robin Williams is a murderer who also develops films at a local shop. Eleanor comes back though with the wine and two glass and pulls a stool over for a table.

“You chose a movie already, that’s amazing!” She says after setting the thing on the stool, and turns off the lights.

I sit down and she looks at me and says “No, don’t sit like that, I want to lean on you between your legs” my eyes widen but I shift myself so my back is against the arm of the couch. She places her ass between my legs and turns her body so she can drape herself across me. “Let’s start the movie”

The movie, we watched maybe about one glass of wine worth of it, I have this beautiful woman whom I have just met and really enjoyed my time with draped across me. My dick, of course reacts to this and it is perfectly place for her to absolutely feel this thing grow bigger.

“Sorry could you just….I have to go to the toilet”

“Yeah, ok no problem” she says while sitting up and I go off to the toilet.

I try to collect myself, my heart is racing and the thoughts of her leaning on me with her petite body are overwhelming my common sense. I splash some water on my face, and have made a decision, I will make a move.

As I come out the toilet she is sitting there waiting patiently leaning and the skirt of her dress hiked up exposing far too much, showing me her curves.

“Hey, I’m back sorry” I say, but she just turns on looks at me, something has changed her eyes are focuses. On me

“Sit down”

I sit down and she turns her body to me and turns and crawls towards me, over my legs, her arms now beside my chest, her dress flowing down and showing me her bright blue bra and heavy cleavage. She is close to me, getting closer, moving forward until she is right in front of my face with hers. “Kiss me”

I look in her evergreen eyes, I can see, the lust is there and I embrace my lips with hers and put my hands up to her waist and pull her closer to kiss her harder. She is softly moaning with each kiss, one of her hands is exploring me, running along my chest and coming up to my hair to run her hand through it. Our lips part, our noses together, and her hand makes its way down and around my shoulder, brushing my neck with her nails, palm down across my chest and down to feel how hard I am.

“I didn’t think, that you…” I being to say

“Shh, I know what you need right now, tonight we are going to play with each other, you won’t get to fuck me yet…not tonight anyway” she says as her hand rubs my dick through my blue jeans.

Her hand finds the zipper and unzips my jeans, and unbuckles my belt, and she opens my jeans exposing my hard cock through my boxers.

“Its…much bigger than I thought it would be” She gasps, voice dripping with want.

“I want you to drape yourself across me again Eleanor” I say, cock twitching in anticipation

She turns around and drapes herself across me on her back and my hands start exploring, I start and her neck with one hand while the other gently brushes down her side, I run my hands through her hair while the other rubs and caresses her belly, getting closer to going inside her leggings….”I want you further down” she moans, my hand goes up her dress, from the thigh of her raised leg, and under her tights and further down until my fingers are resting gently atop her panties which are thoroughly soaked

“You are so wet!”I gasp

“I know, I don’t even know why, I think the fact knowing you have someone already turns me on” she moans as I begin to move my hand up and down across her sex

She stops, and pulls herself up

“We need to go into the bedroom, right now, take your clothes off as soon as we get in”

She gets up and races to the bedroom and I follow as quick as I can. Eleanor is in her room, her dress already above her head, her pale body glowing in the room lit by street-light outsides. I quickly, turn around and race to pull my jeans and shirt off. When I am in my boxers I turn to find her facing me, her breath heavy, in just a small blue thong, her small breasts exposed to me. Nipples hard. She reaches down, keep her eyes on mine, and pulls her thing all the way down, giving a little kick across the room.

“Your turn” her eyes greedily seeking my bulge in my boxers

I look down, nervous, and decided in my head fuck it, and pull my boxers down exposing my fully erect, and hard cock to Eleanor. I stand there, cock twitching at the sight of her naked body in front of me. Her eyes widen, “You have such, a nice cock, shame it won’t be inside me tonight” she says as she goes and climbs onto her bed. “Lay down next to me and face me, I want to feel your cock in my hands” I move to the right side of her bed, alongside the window and climb up and lay down next to her. WE face each other in the near darkness of her room, she places her hand on my face, and moves it down tracing it along my ribs and down the my hips. She moves it down and just brushes my balls with the back of her finger, moving it up to the tip.

“Touch me, feel me, I want to feel your hands all over my body” she says heavily as she feels my cock some more. Her hand only just warm enough.

“Lay down on your back” I say resting my hand gently on her left shoulder and pushing gently to encourage her. She rolls to the side, onto her back and I hover over her, my cock now out of her hands and now resting gently against her hip. I brush her hair from her brow and cup the side of cheeks, she closes her eyes and pushes her face into my hand as I move it it down to her chin and across her neck. I trace my finger down between her breasts, moving under and around it slowly getting closer to her nipple. Eleanor’s breathes are getting heavier, as I get closer to her nipple, and I finally brush just one finger from the top, of her to the bottom. She gasps, “I can’t do this teasing, I want you to make me cum, right now”

Eleanor firmly grabs my cock and I rush my hand down to her sex, and put my middle finger down and through her labia until I can feel her soaking wet hole, I slide one finger inside taking a chance.

“Mm” she moans, with my finger inside her, but IU go further and insert my ring finger in her as well and start to make a come here motion with those two fingers inside her dripping wet pussy. Her hand gets more faster on my hard cock, Ill be honest I didn’t last long, my fingers inside her making her buck her hips in pleasure was too much

“I won’t last much longer Eleanor, I really won’t” she heard me but she didn’t stop she looked at my biting her red lips and just went faster. With her other hand she removed my hand and fingers from her and turned to me. She wriggle closer to me and lifted her leg to place my cock along her pussy lips. Putting her leg down she put both her hands on my chest and starting moving, rubbing my cock along her soaking, warm pussy lips. Using my cock for her pleasure and mine.

“Now I really won’t last long” I moan in pleasure, she looks me in the eyes “This is as far as we are going, I want you to cum right here, tell me when you are close” she gasps as she gets faster. My cock is building up, aching to cum for her as she grinds her pussy along my shaft. WE are both moaning and I feel the heat coming up from my balls, up to my tip “I’m coming, don’t stop if you want me to” she doesn’t stop but keeps humping my shaft. “Cum all over my pussy please, I want to rub your cum all over my clit while you watch”

“Oh my god, I’m cumming, please….take it all….!” I exclaim as I feel my explosion of pleasure making it’s way all along my shaft. Eleanor stops humping as I say this and grabs a hold of my cock as it starts to pulsate, and lifts her leg up to spread her pussy open.

“Cum on my pussy, I want you to completely cover it for me!”

My cock twitches, and briefly get harder in her hand as the first thick rope shoots out and hits her on the clit, the second fire outs and covers her some more, my cum oozing down her sex already until I pulse one more time and more shoots out with force into her hole that is slightly open. She squeezes my cock to milks as much of the cum stuck inside my shaft and bring it up to her mouth and licks it off.

“Now you get to watch” she says after cleaning her hand off with her tongue, and rolls on to her back to move her fingers down to her, she uses her fingers to push more of my cum inside her but keeps some to start violently rubbing her clit. She writhes next to me, the wet noises increasing as she bring her self to the edge and her pussy juices mix more with my cum.

“Go down and get a good look, now, I’m going to orgasm” She exclaims between breathes

I go down and she raise her legs up for me to view her orgasm, “I’m cumming…IM CUMMING” she tires to stay as still as she can so I can see everything, I see her pussy clench and open, her butt hole clench strongly. Every time she has a spasm, my cum that is drenching her pussy goes inside her more, her fingers, pushing any around her labia and clit inside her so more while she orgasms.

“Oh… oh god!” she exclaims as her own cream oozes out of her ever so gently, mixing with mine as her body relax and her hips hit the bed.

“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever watched” I say to her and she lay there panting

Eleanor looks at me and then turns away, feeling what I assume is shame, “I think we should clean up and go to sleep now” she says breathlessly, laying there on the bed with my cum partially inside her and around her pussy.

“Oh, ok, I’ll get dressed…”

“NO!” she says sharply, “I just want something to clean up the mess and I want you sleep with me in my bed instead of the couch, no clothes please”

I let her sort herself out while while I get the blanket off the floor and throw it over her.

“No, cuddling, I just want go to sleep” she demands

“Oh…ok then” I say utterly confused as to what the fuck is going on

I lift the blanket up and get into the bed and without another word to each other….we both fall asleep naked in her bed
