Step Sister Corruption Part 249 – Day 129 Last Minute (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I walked into the mall dreading what I was about to do…..I was about to go *shopping*.

At least I wasn’t with my mom and refused to tell her where I was going when I left this morning.

Normally I would have purchased all my Christmas gifts by now and had done the majority of my Christmas shopping as mom, dad, and the kiddos gifts were pretty much taken care of.  I had ALL of that done before this entire fiasco happened.

I also *had* a gift all lined up for Kel…..but that was before me and her got intimate and now the makeup bag that she wanted didn’t seem *personal* enough though was sufficient for opening gifts in front of our parents.

And then there was Summer I needed a gift for.

I *would* have done my Christmas shopping right around the Thanksgiving holidays as that’s when the best deals were was during that time frame. 

Like I always say I can do my best shopping in front of a computer online in my underwear. It’s easier than dealing with crowds. Plus if you plan it out well you get awesome deals the earlier you start.

But I kind of got busy with my relationship, our change, and now my new website start up.

So here I was doing the one thing I **can’t** stand…..**shopping**……and **last minute** *shopping* at that.

I prepared myself as I knew as soon as I stepped into the mall this was going to be ***CRAZY***.

I’ll be like all the other idiots who actually like shopping this close to Christmas…..or you know they’re like me and got busy and *forgot* someone or something.

I knew I had to be in and out as *fast* as possible as before I left my parent’s came over to the house right when Summer and Kel were out the door.  Summer went off to work and Kel was going to the gym to, as she says, pre-game the high calorie intake that will happen in a couple of days.

I just rolled my eyes at Kel as she thought she needed to *lose weight*.  If there was anything that girl needs was to *balance* her body with her newest assets and curves and actually gain some weight but whatever.  I’m not complaining.

I was just getting dressed, and thankful I was *mostly* dressed, as my parents came over. 

First my dad came over to hand me some documents I needed to sign for the website start up. 

One was from the webmaster stating he’ll be our webmaster for the duration of the website and the e-commerce. 

Another was from Deiter, our lawyer, that was creating an LLC for the new website allowing me to be a business. 

One was from the city allowing us to run our new LLC in the city limits.  One was from the county for the same thing.  Then there was one from the state.  And lastly was the LLC start up at our bank so all the money generated from the website directly goes to this LLC that I had full control of.

There was so many *last minute* documents that my dad **failed** to mention I had to do for this little *idea* to help so many girl’s.

There was so many documents that I’m pretty sure I gave myself carpal tunnel from signing my name so many damn times but after 40 minutes or so of signing and dad giving me a brief outline of what each document was and what it did it was officially over and the documents would be sent off as soon as he got back to his office in the house to scan and send off. 

He also had other documents for the girls for the website with standard NDAs, permission to use their photos and videos for the website and other such documents that they ALL needed to sign before the website goes live.

He told me as well that he would email me all the documents so I had them for my records.

Then before they left my mom told me I needed to contact Jesse to set up a time with her to start doing stuff and coordinate with the girl’s as she relayed that Jesse needed to do makeup tests for all the girl’s so she could start ordering makeup that would help the girl’s stand out when she applied makeup and turned on lights for the website.

Then they were out the door and I was off.

I quickly called Jesse as I was walking out the door and about to go do my *last minute* shopping for my two girls.

During my drive I told Jesse that I would meet her at the studio and try to get as many girl’s as I could over to the studio to start that process in a couple of hours in which she told me she would dress for the occasion….whatever that meant.

Then I drove cautiously through the snow encrusted roads and continued calling each girl as I drove to the mall.

Out of the eight girls I was able to get seven of them to come in and start doing makeup tests.  Of the eight I got Heidi, Jaime, Anita, Kumi, Bonnie, Felicity, and Georgina.  The only one I couldn’t get to come was Josephine as she said she had other arrangements planned for the day.  At least it was a start.

Why is it since I started this stupid website it seems like there was always something to do all of a sudden?

Still I made it to the mall and psyched myself up to go in there as I saw in the parking lot that it was damn near full.

I went in knowing what I was going to get Summer for Christmas though I *will* admit it wasn’t exactly personal or heartfelt.  But my idea was sound….and expensive.

I made a bee line towards the electronics store as I tried to zig zag around the crowd of idiots not paying attention.

Though there was some cute girl’s wondering the mall I wasn’t out to hunt for girls I was out hunting for presents.

I made it to the electronics store and made my way over to the cell phone section.

My idea was to get Summer a new cell phone seeing how hers was at least six years out of date and she was in desperate need of an upgrade as her case that she had was cracked and falling apart.  Her screen had decent cracks and dings.  Plus she was always having to delete apps because she was running out of memory.

Then I thought that maybe I should also get her some nice accessories for it as well. Then I said hell with it might as well get her a smartwatch to go with it as well and maybe a new pair of wireless headsets for her to work out in.

I couldn’t really decide on the color of the phone with the multiple choices so I went with the most plain looking phone color which was silver and let her decorate it with a case that I can buy her later….with her choosing it so I don’t get it wrong and she’ll actually enjoy over any of **my** choices.

So with the new phone, I went with the silver color brand new with the biggest hard drive they had, that cost me roughly $1700.  Then the wireless head set was $350.  And the watch was $650.

I just dropped $2700 on Summer with new electronics for something she hasn’t done with any of the money I’ve seen her bring in.  So I might as well do it for her.

Ok I may have gotten myself a couple of new cases for my phone so I could put my new stickers on them as I couldn’t decide which sticker I got that I liked more…..the hentai cartoon of Kel bent over or the hentai cartoon of Summer in her work outfit.

I mean I liked the drawing of Kel bent over in a school girl outfit. It was cute. Never mind that her panties were missing from the drawing.

And the drawing of Summer was fantastic as the artist got Summer’s work outfit to a *t*. Just ignore the carefully placed rips and tears in the outfit that showed her breasts and lower lips.

I already had the drawings of them in my phone as my screen savers so each time I lock my phone it shuffles all the hentai drawings that I’ve had done.

So love that guy’s work when I found him. And it only cost me $150 per drawing not including stickers.

But I was getting side tracked while I waited to be checked out for Summer’s gifts.

I think I spent more time getting checked out than I did actually getting everything.

Right, now with Summer taken care of I had the hardest person to shop for……Kel.

The real question is what do you get for a girl who, as I’ve been told by the few girlfriend’s I’ve had tell me, is extremely hard to shop for.

I mean I already got her her expensive ass makeup bag that she wanted.

I mean I could go for a toy…..but which one?  It’s not like she was missing a toy to make a full set or something.  I couldn’t get some type of clothing as that was more for *me* and not *her*.

And it’s not like I can go get her ass some jewelry because as long as I’ve known Kel she has only one piece of jewelry and that was a locket that her grandmother gave her, Jason’s mom. 

Sure she wore *other* jewelry but it was always cosmetic cheap jewelry so getting her cheap ass ear rings or something didn’t exactly say *Merry Christmas* in my mind.

It’s not like I could make a u-turn and get her the same thing as I got Summer as Kel’s phone was as recent as mine.  She had the latest wireless head sets for the gym.  AND I *knew* she had a smartwatch to track her heart and calories for the gym.  So getting her any type of electronics was **completely** out of the question and pointless.

She wasn’t a gamer like me so I couldn’t go get her a subscription for a game that I would appreciate.

She wasn’t a nerd so I couldn’t go get her some obscure comic or figurine that would make *me* happy.

I couldn’t go clothes shopping as I sure as fuck didn’t know her size or what she thought was cute.

No this gift had to come from the *heart* and couldn’t be something for *me* it had to be something more…..but WHAT???

I looked around the mall frantically hoping *something* would call out to me saying *TRY HERE!*.

Then it dawned on me…..Kel was a **HUGE** princess fanatic.

I needed a princess themed gift…..but which princess?

I looked around and saw a *TisNey* shop and practically started jumping over people as I ran towards the shop praying they had the *right* **princess** gear.

I dashed into the store panting as I had jumped over so many people that I was disappointed that I didn’t try out for track and field as I would have made a great hurdles jumper…..especially for my tall stature.

I looked around the store seeing it was all kids stuff.  Kids clothes….little doll houses for girls.  Stuffed dolls for both boys and girls.  Little toys for boys.

All the themes were meant for kids… as old as my little sister’s and under.  None of the merchandise was meant for people as old as Kel or I……unless you were a collector or something.

I looked around as I tried to rack my brain *which* princess Kel was obsessed with for years but was drawing a blank while I looked at the merchandise.

I was still drawing a blank on the princess and thinking that this store was a bust……that is until I looked behind the register.

Behind the register sat a small handful of boxes and the one *princess* I instantly recognized….Dink. The little minx fairy with pink and green hair.

I quickly spoke, “What’s that?” as I pointed at the box.

The person behind the register looked behind before addressing me, “It’s a jewelry box that plays music.”

I quickly spoke hearing all I needed to hear, “How much?”

The person rose their eyebrow, “$399.99.”

I smiled not giving two shits about the price, “Give me Dink.”

The person smiled and grabbed a box with *Dink* on it.  They unscrewed the statue on top and put it in the box before closing it and sealing it.

I stood there wanting to hurry them up but was happy I finally found something that screamed *KEL WOULD LIKE THIS!*.

One hour and forty minutes later I left the mall happy with my purchases and hoped both girl’s would be happy with what I got them. Technically I probably spent twenty minutes shopping but between lines and getting to the stores it took me nearly two hours.

My only hope is that they put as much *thought* into **my** gift from them than they did for my birthday……not complaining how that went down.  But you know I would like something other than them…..even if they wore something alluring to the eye to make me forgot it was something other than my birthday.

I hopped in my car and drove away from *this* craziness onto my next level of *crazy*.

