Richard Doublefist [MF][DP][Fantasy][Magic][Elves ‘n Shit]

I first met Richard Doublefist back when I was a waitress-slash-booze-wench at a midscale tavern on the lower west side of Edenwood. I had fewer piercings back then, and no tattoos – I was eighteen, trying to figure out what to do with my life, and enjoying a low-key existence in the meantime. Sleep in ‘til noon, hit up the library (some people will tell you that the best libraries are in Magetown, but those are purely academic – Edenwood has the best of everything else), then head to work, serve ale, drink ale, go home with a cute customer if I found one (only guys back then – it was a few more months before I started experimenting with the fairer, more tonguey sex), and repeat.

It was, honestly, a pretty good life if you had no ambition. However, I did, so from time to time I got a little crazy. But I knew something would drop in my lap soon enough, and I’d figure out what I wanted to do with my life and go do it.

Until then – low-key fun was the name of the game.

Richard had already been at the bar for an hour when I relieved Andradil from her post. He was cute enough at first glance, though I didn’t care too much for brooders. Sure, they tended to be quiet, they tended to drink enough to keep my boss happy, and they tended to tip enough to keep me happy, but still…back then, it was hard for me to not look at a guy and think about what he’d be like in bed. And the brooders, I had discovered, tended to be quick and selfish lovers. *Snore.*

“What’s with the elf?” I asked Andradil quietly as she slipped off her apron and I slipped mine on.

“Eh. Nothing special,” she said. “Drinking some strong stuff, going at a medium pace. Pretty sure he likes guys, though. Either that or he’s a eunuch.”

I took another glance at the guy and realized that he was totally Andradil’s type. Slender, but with wide shoulders, a more subtle set of ears than the severely swept back pointy ones, gray eyes with light brows and a mouth that looked like a ledge chiseled into the stone of a cliff. Undoubtedly she’d been trying to flirt and failing, hence her evaluation of his sexuality or lack thereof.

“Maybe he’s just being elfy,” I said in response. Men were easy to ensnare and wrap around your finger if you wanted to wrap yourself around them later. Elves, though, were picky, and their arousal was highly dependent on their mood. You never knew what they were going to want or when.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Andradil laughed. “Gay or sans balls. Definitely.” She prided herself on being able to pull any elf she desired – even though based on my observations, she was no more successful at it than the rest of us girls.

We said good night and I started my shift. It was pretty quiet, but that wasn’t unexpected for the middle of the week – especially for a bar that was normally frequented by merchants, businessmen, and the “soft clergy”, the bookkeepers and administrators who keep the local branches of the big religions running. I handled the few customers who came up to the bar, all the while keeping an eye on the brooder in the corner. When his glass ran low, I grabbed the appropriate square brown bottle from its shelf and brought it over to him.

“Another?” I asked. He paused, then nodded and pushed his drink forward. I bent over, allowing gravity and my corset to fight a proxy battle for the customer’s attention. I pretended to focus on his glass, but secretly watched his eyes to see if I could earn a glance or two.

Nothing. He kept his gaze on the surface of the bar as I finished filling his drink. *Huh*, I thought to myself, standing upright, *maybe Andradil was right*. That’s when he spoke up, almost as if he could read my damn mind.

“I’m not gay,” he said. I was caught off-guard – I didn’t peg him for a psychic. But despite my surprise, I’m a professional and I didn’t let it show.

“I’m sorry?”

“The other bartender told you that she thought I was gay. I’m not.” He paused. “I’m also not a eunuch. Maybe I should have led with that.”

“Oh,” I said. *Damn it, Andradil*. “You heard that, huh?”

“These aren’t for decoration,” he told me, tapping the lobe of his elven ear. I chuckled politely, but I was a bit disappointed. Psychics, I’d found, could be fun to be around…especially when they did their little mind-reading tricks in the bedroom. Half of the kinks I’ve discovered in myself are thanks to those braindivers who reached down inside of me during a good fuck session to pull something new and crazy out of me.

“Anyway,” he continued, “I’m not gay. I just don’t go for girls who have no tits.”

This time, I let out a real laugh. Andradil was skinny, sure, but that slender look came at a price. And although she’d never admit it, she was upset about her lack of endowment. In fact, whenever she got too braggy about her seduction abilities, I always made sure to start complaining about my corset, adjusting it and readjusting it and essentially shoving my boobs in her face until she shut up.

“I keep telling her she’s missing out,” I said. “It’s only a couple of hundred gold for a size enchantment, but she insists on going ‘all natural’.”

“Natural is nice,” the patron admitted. “But there are some really nice spells these days. Most people can’t tell the difference.” He took a long swig from his glass, draining it and motioning for another. “You’ve had some work done. Not on your boobs. A little bit lower.”

“How did you…oh, that’s right,” I said, interrupting myself.

“Elf,” he and I said at the same time. I should have guessed. Most of them can sense the presence of magic. With that said, most of them can’t sense what enchantments are present without casting a spell of their own, but I’ve met many that are smart enough to pick up on context and environmental cues to get a good enough idea of what’s going on.

“So where do you feel it?” I asked him. “When you sense that sort of thing, I mean.” I leaned on the bar, presumably to clean a particularly difficult stain, but really just trying to entice him to look at the carefully cultivated rack I had spilling out of the top of my apron.

“Can’t tell you,” he said with a quick raise of the eyebrows and a raise of his glass. Each elf has their own distinct way of telling when magic is nearby – for some, it’s an itchy nose, for others, pressure on the eyes, and for others still, a rising sense of irritability. The like to be all secretive about their particular quirk as well – but I’ve found that most of them, male or female, are more than willing to give up all of their secrets after I’ve had my mouth on them for a few minutes.

This elf, however, seemed like he might be tougher to crack. I’d spent several minutes trying to flash him some boob, yet he hadn’t glanced once towards my chest. Elves have good peripheral vision, but after you have a little bit of practice you can tell when they’re using it. This one, however…it was almost like he was rubbing in my face the fact that he wasn’t looking at them. Almost as if he knew what I was trying to do, and he wanted me to know that he knew.

Or something like that. I was starting to find myself attracted to him, so of course my brain was twisting around itself in strange ways.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

The elf opened his mouth to answer, and somehow I just knew it was going to be some smart-ass comment that would partially annoy me and partially draw me in further to his obvious seduction trap. But before he could lay it on me, he was interrupted by a patron who stumbled up without either of us noticing the approach.

“Dicky Doublefist,” the man roared, slapping my future conquest on the back. “How’re they hanging?”

“Clydus,” said ‘Dicky’ in a frighteningly calm voice, “I’ll talk to you later.”

“What? Is that any way for you to treat an old friend?” the man slurred. He caught a glimpse of me past ‘Dicky’, and unlike the elf he was fully drawn in by the cleavage.

“Whoah hahh,” he said, hand on Dicky’s shoulders and shaking the man roughly. “Working your charm on the busty ones, as always. Heya, missy, has Dicky here told you about his-“

“And enough,” Dicky said, pointing his index finger straight up into the air until it poked the underside of the other patron’s chin. Almost immediately, the man’s jaw went slack, his eyes gained a faraway look, and the rest of his words came tumbling out with the grace of a giraffe rolling backwards down a hill.

Another elven trick. On a sober man, it merely calms. On a drunk, however, it’s enough to make someone do a whole host of insane things.

“Apologize for interrupting our conversation, Clydus,” Dicky said.

“I’m sorry for interrupting your conversation,” the man replied. His voice was soft, almost tender, and lacked the slurring boisterousness it held a few moments before.

“Now drop a nice tip for…” he looked at me.

“Candace,” I replied.

“For Candace,” he said. “Then go back to your friends and enjoy the rest of the evening.”

Wordlessly, Clydus took a bulging pouch from his waist and dropped it on the bar, then turned on his heel and walked over to a table of merchants and churchmen who were a little bit louder than the rest of the crowd. A second before he reached them, the elvish magic “Dicky” placed on him seemed to wear off, and he joined in with the laughter and the drink-spilling of the rest of the group.

“Nice,” I said to my new favorite patron. I picked up the sack of coins and nodded at its weight. “And thank you. Can I have Clydus treat you to a drink?”

“No thanks,” “Dicky” said, almost coldly, as he stood up and downed the rest of his drink. “See you around.”

“Oh, okay,” I reply, confused. “See you.”

“Dicky” headed towards the door, but after a few steps he turned back to me.

“Just so you know,” he said, “my name isn’t ‘Dicky’. It’s Richard.”

“Oh,” I said. “Okay. I mean, that’s not a very common name for an elf, but whatever.” I paused, trying to decide whether or not to try and resurrect our banter. *Whatever*, I thought, *I’m going for it.*

“Now, is ‘Doublefist’ really your house name, or-”

Richard smirked, put up the hood of his cloak, and left the bar.

* * *

I ended up bumping into Richard two months later at a soiree I had absolutely no business being at. My boss had a friend who was a party planner for the wealthy elite of Edenwood, and he found himself in a situation where he needed to fill an event with, his words, “whoresets in corsets”. I’m still not fully sure if it was a compliment that I was given an invitation and a dress that practically exposed my areolae to the world, but it was free booze surrounded by wealthy, attractive people of all races. There was no way I was going to pass up that opportunity.

I arrived at the venue an hour after the thing started, fashionably late, and expecting (or was it hoping?) to draw in dozens of eyes on me. But as I mentioned, the others at the venue were wealthy…and attractive…and if they weren’t attractive, they were wealthy enough to hire someone attractive for their arm. There were humans, elves, half-orcs, dragon-fey, and more who were curvier than me, prettier than me, and showing off more skin than me. The competition was tough, the looks my way were few, and I really wasn’t in the mood to pick up some drunk leftover to go home with.

I was bored and had nobody to talk to, and had just about resigned myself to leave when I spotted Richard sitting by himself at the bar. A beautiful creature with a woman’s buxomly top a lamia’s serpentine bottom was pouring alcohol for him and giving him the same look that I did when I first met him. The one that tried to see whether or not he was checking her out.

He wasn’t. Again, I wondered if Andradil was right after all and if he was gay, but unwilling to admit it. But, gay or not, he was the only person there who I wanted to talk to. I sneaked up on him, tapped him on one shoulder, and quickly sat down on his other side. My cutesie little trick barely even registered with him.

“Hey,” he said, giving me a nod and taking a sip of his whiskey.

“How’s it going, Dicky Doublefist?” I asked him, signaling to the lamia for the same drink. She smiled at me politely, but I could sense the jealous seething now that her cute, elven customer had a human female with fully working human female parts to talk to. I ignored her while relishing the tormented look on Richard’s face.

“So,” he said, “you remembered my nickname.” He downed the drink and asked for another. “That’s good.”

“Aw, come on,” I said, shaking his shoulder playfully, both surprised and a little intrigued by how solid he felt beneath my hand. “I’m only joking.”

“Uh huh,” he said.

“You know,” I replied, taking my own drink and swirling it around in front of my mouth while trying to give him a devilish look, “I promise not to tease you about it if you tell me why you’re called that.”

Richard let out a short bark of a laugh in spite of himself. “We’re going to need a lot more alcohol for that.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said, and it was on.

* * *

“I’m not going to tell you,” he said. He’d walked me back to my apartment after the party. The time had passed so quickly and easily talking to him that I was surprised when the partygoers started trickling out the door. Once the alcohol and the conversation started flowing, Richard loosened up enough for us to really start enjoying ourselves. We talked about art, argued about politics, and bragged about a few sexual conquests here and there. On those last points, though, it felt like Richard was always leaving some minor detail out…and although my brain was working hard trying to figure out what the missing thing might be, I still found myself easily charmed by him. He was smart, he was witty, and he had all the good looks of an elf without the good ninety percent of the issues that keep them so stuck up all the time.

And there he was, standing outside my apartment, clearly wanting to come up with me, but for some reason holding himself back.

“Come on,” I said, slinking close to him. I tilted my head back and pushed myself up onto the tip of my toes, flicking at his earlobe with my tongue.

“If you tell me something special, I’ll tell you something special…”
My one hand slipped inside of his coat to rest on his chest, while the other slid down his stomach to the front of his pants…

“Don’t-“ Richard said, taking my wrist in his hand and stopping me from getting a good grasp of what I wanted. I stepped back and crossed my arms, a little bit tipsy and more than a little annoyed.

“Okay,” I said. “What’s the deal?”

“There’s no deal.”

“Are you gay? Are you in a relationship already? Are my tits not big enough for you?”

He sighed, annoyed. “It’s not that.”

“Do you have a small dick? Because I can work with that.”

He looked me in the eyes. “That’s not the problem.” He meant it.

“Then what is, Richard? I’ve had a fun night with you. I want it to keep going. And clearly you do too, otherwise you wouldn’t be standing here. So what is it?”

“Nothing. It’s…I…” For a guy who so far had been incredibly confident without pushing his ego down my throat, it was a little bit scary to see how much he was deflating.

“Are you okay?” I asked, genuinely concerned for him.

“Yeah. It’s just that I really, really want to go upstairs with you. But I just…don’t usually get physical with a girl this fast.”

I laughed. “You must have girls knocking your door down with their panties in their hand when you use that line.”

“It’s not a line,” he said. “It’s true. I don’t get with a girl until I know I can trust her.”

“Trust her to what?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “Not run away?”

Now it was my turn to sigh. “Look, Richard, the allure of the mystery is starting to wear off. This is your last chance to get your cock sucked, so take it or-“

“I’ve got two dicks,” he finally said. He nodded when he saw the look on my face. “Yeah. Some people who know me found out, which is why they call me…“ He ran both hands up and down in the air, as if stroking a pair of imaginary penises.

“Dicky Doublefist,” I say. “How…”

“My adoptive parents were human,” he said. “It’s a long story. But they raised me in a human village. A warrior’s village. And while the boys were out wrestling and training with sword and bow, I was reading books and reciting poetry to the girls they crushed on. The boys took every opportunity to remind me that I was an elf and not a man, and although I never let them see, it really tore me up inside.

“So when I had the opportunity to make a wish – another long story – I wished to be ‘twice the man’ that any of them would become. And so…”

He gestured down to his crotch, and I almost immediately took his hand.

“What are you-“

“I have to see this,” I said, dragging him through the doorway and into my apartment. “Right now.”

“Come on, I don’t-“

“Right. Now.”

There are only two things in my apartment that I care about. The first is my bookshelf. The second is my bed. And although Richard tried to pause to view the contents of the first, I was able to maneuver him to the second so that I could get what I wanted. I figured the guy could look at books any time – but how often is it that a girl gets to see a dude with two cocks?

“Okay,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed, as giddy as a kid waking up on their birthday. “Strip.”

He seemed a little bit more at ease inside my place. I guess he was glad to see that I hadn’t reacted with disgust. But it was going to take a little more work to get him fully relaxed.

“Okay,” he said, slowly pulling his jacket off. I stopped him before he could continue with his shirt.

“Uh uh,” I replied, shaking my head. “I don’t care about the top. I want to see that meat!”

I may have been a little more than tipsy at that point.

Richard laughed and shook his head, then hooked his thumbs into the top of his pants. He took a deep breath.

“How many girls have honestly turned you down after finding out you have two?” I asked him.

“Uh…well…” he thought hard, but the answer on his face said “zero”.

“That’s what I thought,” I replied, starting to unlace the far-too-complicated-for-drunk-me laces on my boots. “Strip.”

“Fine,” Richard said. Without any other hesitation, he pulled his pants down to his knees. I could see a sizeable bulge in his underwear, and a whole bunch of saliva flowed to my mouth. The small part of my brain that was not inebriated or captivated with this charming, double-dicked elf tried to remember how long it was since I’d got laid properly. I was thirsty, and whatever Richard had in his pants was going to take care of what I needed.

The elf pulled his underwear down slowly, jerking it from side to side in a weird little dance, most of his shyness gone and replaced by a bit of goofiness I found endearing. But before I could call out again for a view of his paired sausages, he pulled them down completely and I got to see what he had been worried about.

Even from the first glance, I knew his fears were unfounded. He had two, well-sized members, one right above the other, both of them twitching here and there as they slowly filled up with his lust. They both had that nice thick vein down the center that I like, and both were circumcised in the elven way. The single set of balls hanging beneath the lower one were large, round, and very heavy, and I quickly realized how hungry I was for the fruit of his loins.

“Come here,” I said. He obeyed instantly, sensing my need for him. I reached out tenderly and touched his thickening snakes, slowly pulling at them, tugging at them, exploring them, seeing what they were like.

“Gods,” I said, looking up at him as he took off his shirt to reveal well-muscled arms and a hard, flat stomach.

“What?” he asked.

“You said you wished to be ‘twice the man’ the bullies in your village were?” I said, hefting both of his cocks up in my joined hands. “More like ‘four times the man’.”

Both, I could tell as they grew in my touch, were well above average. And the bottom cock was even thicker than the top one, and looking to possibly be a little longer as well. *Gods*, I told myself, *this is going to be one wild evening.*

I had a billion questions in my head. But my crotch had taken full control of me by that point, and was busy bringing my wet, open mouth towards the upper penis.

Richard stiffened as I took him between my lips, and I grinned inwardly. There are few things better, I think, than making a man weak with the use of your mouth. I know they think they have all the power when we’re busy sucking their cocks, but I could have gotten Richard to do any damn thing I wanted by promising more of my tongue, lips, and saliva. Who’s really the one in control, then?

The elf, his back rigid and his eyes closed, reached out to put a hand on the side of my face. I looked up, giving him the biggest, most innocent eyes that I could, the one that guys go crazy for, and found no small enjoyment as he swore at me.

“Fuck,” he said as I bobbed my mouth up and down on the first of his two pricks. “You’re really fucking good at that.”

I pulled off the head of his member with a loud, wet sound.
“Damn right I am,” I said, and ran my tongue down the bottom of his upper shaft. I had to tilt my head at a bit of a strange angle in order to avoid bending the lower of the two, but as soon as I reached the root of his brother I moved down eagerly.

“Ah, Gods damn it,” Richard said as I slowly jacked off his slick upper cock and left sloppy kisses down the full length of his second member. I was almost starting to get scared of the lower appendage. The first had more or less stopped growing, standing at full strength and straightness until I pushed it out of the way to get access to his bigger twin. His *much* bigger twin, I was starting to realize. Almost two fingers thicker, and longer by the full length of my palm.

“You’re fucking huge,” I murmured into his balls after marching down the length of his shaft. I pulled back then and started working his glans then, still jerking off the upper one fully. I was already soaking wet, and all I could do as I pleasured him was imagine all of the fun we were about to have. Me, Richard, and his two massive dongs in my mouth and in my hand.

I started alternating back and forth between the pair, working hard to make sure they were always wet enough for me to stroke easily. It was interesting – sexy, yes, but also interesting – to notice how differently Richard reacted depending on which of his cocks was between my lips. The top one was obviously more sensitive – I could tell from the way that his back arched with my tongue circling its head, and by his hitched, boy-like breathing. But the bottom one…

Sucking on the bottom one was more like sucking on the phallus of some ancient beast created by a goddess of lust. As soon as I touched it with my mouth, Richard’s helpless state was replaced by something more…primal. His gasps and groans became low growls that seemed like they were originating in the pit of his stomach. His shaking and shuddering was replaced by a strong hand on the side of my face, or even by strong fingers that grabbed the roots of my hair and held them as I bobbed my head up and down. And just as I found myself wishing that the beast that Richard became would push me off of him and finally take me, he put a palm against my forehead and told me to stop.

“Gods above,” he gasped as I pulled off his top cock with a slurping pop. “If you keep doing that, you’re going to force me to cut this evening a lot shorter than I want it to.”

“Aww,” I said. “Can’t handle it?”

“No,” he said, slipping himself out of my grasp and gently pushing me back towards my bed. “Damn it, I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl who loves sucking cock as much as you do.”

“Well, that’s because there *is* no girl who loves sucking cock as much as I do,” I said. Before I got on the mattress, I ran my hands down the sides of my dress and it melted away. I caught the reforming cloth before it hit the ground and gently laid it on my dresser. Richard let out a low whistle.

“I know,” I said. “Expensive stuff. Not mine, of course. My boss’s mistress’s daughter is a high-end dressmaker. She lent it to me.”

“What? Oh, the dress. Whatever. I was whistling at your body.”

I put a hand on my hips and shifted them to the side while raising an eyebrow at Dicky Doublefist.

“You’re much more charming with clothes on,” I told him.

“Uh huh, yeah, very interesting,” he said as he stepped close to me and took my breasts in his hands. His thumbs found the silver knobs on the nipple piercings and flicked them. Intensified pleasure radiated from them and sent a shiver throughout my body.

“Ah, fuck,” I said, pulling away from him. I didn’t want him to have all the power. Not just yet, at least.

“Is that some more jewelry I see?” he asked, nodding to between my legs.

“Very observant,” I said with raised eyebrows and a slight shake of my head.

“That’s the magic piece?”

“How did you- oh, that’s right,” I said. When I first met him, he’d sensed the magic coming from below my waist. Impressive, considering that the piercing wasn’t anything too fancy. I’m sure the women at the party earlier in the evening had their own versions that were a lot more feature-full than mine. But mine enchanted both of my holes to make sure they were always as slick as they needed to be, as clean as they needed to be, and second-most-importantly, protected from any possible diseases that my boytoys might bring to my front and back doors.

Most importantly, of course, it kept me from getting pregnant.

In the instant that I reprocessed all of that, Richard had positioned his face between my legs and was preparing to eat me out. I only had a moment to tense up – it’s strange, for all of the sexual things I did regularly, having a guy eat me out always made me a little hesitant at the start. But as soon as his tongue nestled itself in the little crevice between my clit and the piercing on its hood, I forgot all about my normal objections.

“*Nuh*, fuck,” I said, grabbing a handful of his silky hair and pulling his face further into me. He complied, bring his lips around my lower ones and starting to flick his tongue up and down my clit. My hips bucked against his mouth, and I could feel myself slipping down into a soft sea of ecstasy.

“Wait a minute,” I gasped, ripping myself free from the pink and purple waves. “Hold on.”

He didn’t want to leave, and I couldn’t blame him. Finally, though, I got him to come up for air and listen to what I had to say.

“What?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”

“I…” I paused my sentence by biting my lip, unsure of how to ask for what I wanted. In the end, however, I decided that being direct was the best policy.

“I want to see them,” I told him.

He laughed a little bit. “What?”

“Your double dicks,” I said. “I want to see you stroke them while you tongue me. So maybe you can kind of-“

“Here,” he answered, pulling away. He took my hands and helped me up into a kneeling position. And then – and I still have no idea how he did it – Richard slid his head beneath my legs, turned around to face the sky, and wrapped his arms around my thighs.

“Gods, you’re a fast little fuckerooohhhh…” As I spoke, he pulled me back down to his face and started licking again. I was perched on his mouth like a curvy little fuckbird, facing his feet and looking down at the two hard cocks sprouting from his loins.

“*Nnn*,” I groaned as I ground my hips against him. “*Nnn*, yeah baby, tongue me like that.” His cocks twitched in unison as I spoke to him.

“Gods yes,” I said. “Stroke them for me, Richard.”

He let go of my one thigh and gripped the lower one, the beast one, in a large hand that was made much smaller by the member fighting against the grasp of his palm. He slowly started stroking up and down, moaning into my dripping slit the whole time.

“*Nnff*, fuck,” I groaned. I leaned forward a bit and raked my nails down his thighs. He twitched and jolted beneath me as if struck by a lightning spell.

“Come on,” I said, “I want to see you give it to both of them.”

Richard started tonguing me even faster as he reached down and grabbed the first cock, stroking it like its brother. He went slow, using my previous worship for lube, his hands twisting hypnotically as they passed over the heads of his pricks. I could feel the saliva practically dripping from my teeth as I watched him, my mouth open in an expression of the building eroticism I was experiencing.

I needed more.

So I leaned down even further, popping my pussy off of Richard’s face for just a moment to let him breathe. Then, targeting the top cock, I landed on it so perfectly that the head of it went an inch or two down my throat without me even trying. My clit mashed against Richard’s mouth just as he swore loudly, and I began both popping my head up and down as well as my ass, riding Richard’s tongue as if he was nothing more than a toy purchased from the shadiest of shady shops.

The bottom cock was pulsating in my grip, wanting to get in on some of the fun mouth action too. So I laid his brother flat against Richard’s stomach, stretched out my tongue as far as it could go, and just flicked the tip of Richard’s southernmost monster. Almost immediately, he growled and flipped me off of him.

Once again, his grace and speed were impressive. By the time I was raising my head off the comforter to look at him, he had positioned himself between my knees and was stroking his bottom cock. His hungry eyes sped around my curves like a drunken carriage driver in a mountain pass. Leaning forward, he pressed the fat head of his underprick against me. I shivered and swore, then put a hand against his hard stomach and shivered again.

“Wait,” I said. “Hold on a second.”

“What’s wrong?”

I nodded towards the club in his hand. “You’re going to split me right open if you use that one first. I mean, not gonna lie, that’s kind of what I’m into, but you should start with the top one. Ease me into it.”

Really, though, his topcock wasn’t going to be doing much “easing” anyway. If he’d just had that one, I’d have been impressed with his size. But when compared to its brother, Gods…the elasticity and lubrication spells weaved into my clit piercing would see more than their regular share of use.

Richard made a sound of annoyance. “That’s the weak one,” he said to me. He still had the thicker of the two in his hand, still hoping, it seemed, to use that one first.

“The ‘weak’ one?”

“Yeah,” he replied. He slapped my clit with the fat head of the bottom prick and I jumped as if he had slapped my face instead.

“This guy…he can go the distance. He knows what he’s doing. But the top one is way, way too sensitive.”

“Aww,” I said, reaching out and petting the top prick as if it were a little puppy come to visit me. “Are you too sensitive?”

“I’m serious,” Richard said. “I’m likely to just cum inside of you after only a minute or two.”

“Maybe I want that hot cum inside me, Doublefist,” I told him with a lick of my lips. “Your sweet, slippery jizz stuffed inside my little pussy.”

“Oh, holy shit,” he said.

“Just think,” I replied, reaching down to swirl my fingers around my clit, putting on a show. “Think of how much easier it will be to fuck me with that big prick of yours if my tunnel is all slick with your-“

“Fuck, yes, fine,” he said. He let go of the big one as if it were a hot sausage straight from the frying pan (which, let’s face it, it kind of was), and grabbed the other. Then, realizing that he’d need to change his angle of approach if he was going to fuck me using his topcock, he grabbed one of my pillows and put it in the small of my back. Then he had me hold my legs back for him.

“There,” he said, tilting me further back. He leaned down a bit and spit right onto my silver piercing, then took the head of his supposedly weaker cock and started rubbing it all around. Dear Gods, the jolts of pleasure I felt as his head ran over my clit and its piercing…my hips rocked upwards towards him as if they had a puppet’s strings attached to them.

Richard continued to tease me. Slowly, he would push his cock down my clit, down my hot slit, and right up against the opening. I’d push upwards and he’d press forward, spreading my lips with his thickness, and then pulling away instead of continuing onwards. Up the slit, past the clit, earning another gasp from me, and then repeating the process all over.

After the eighth or so time, I’d had enough. I reached down and took his prick from him, and guided it towards me.

“If you’re not going to fucking do it,” I growled, “then I will.”

“Anxious, Candace?” he asked with a smirk.

“No,” I said, “just horny as fuck.” I didn’t add that I was thirsty to make his topcock cum so that his undercock could have a shot at me. Slowly, I pulled him into me, wincing and hissing as he stretched me open.

“Fuck,” I moaned, finally taking my hand off his length as he began adding his own pressure. As I was taking care of his topcock, he’d slid his bottom one to the side so that it was relatively out of the way as it reached up and rested against my upper leg. I grabbed one of my heavy breasts in one hand and pinched my nipple piercing while slowly rubbing the thick head of the beast on my thigh.

“*Nnn*, damn,” Richard said, pressing into me. I was soaked for him, and my pussy was quickly acclimating to his length.

“Come on,” I said, bucking my hips up once he had slid in and out a few times. “I want you to cum in me.”

“Damn, you want that big cock, don’t you,” he said.

“Mm hmm,” I responded innocently as he started taking me faster. His thickness traveled almost its full length in and out of me in long, slow strokes that turned my nipples into little rocks atop the peaks of my breasts. Despite Richard calling this his “weaker” cock, he still knew what to do with it. He’d found the perfect angle, holding my legs where he needed them to be in order to keep his undercock from bending uncomfortably on something while still managing to pleasure me.

I could feel my hungry lips sucking fast to him, almost as if they didn’t want to let him go every time he pulled out. My entire body felt like it was burning up on him as he picked up speed. I could hear my own juices *schlicking* as he started taking me faster and faster, and I reached down to toy with my downstairs silver.

“Gods damn, yeah,” I moaned as he really started fucking me. “Gods damn, yeah. Fuck me, Richard. Fuck me with that thick cock.”

“Oh shit,” he moaned. He took three fingers on his one hand and pressed them into my mouth, where I slurped on them hungrily. I found myself wishing that there were two Richards with me right then, each with a single prick, one of them filling my pussy up with its cum while the other one took my mouth. I was insanely wet for him, and when I get that wet, I tend to get greedy. And a little angry.

“Fuck,” I moaned on his fingers, thrusting my hips in and out with him. “Fuck.” I pushed myself up a bit and Richard’s saliva-covered digits slipped out from my lips.

“Come here,” I said to him, reaching for his head. When he came down a bit, I grabbed him around the back of his neck and pulled him even closer. I was so hot with lust that I could feel it radiating off my chest, the heat so strong that if elves weren’t immune, I’d’ve had to warn Richard about getting sunburn.

But as good as it felt, I knew that Richard wasn’t quite giving it his all. How could he be? Sure, it was clear that he’d had plenty of practice with double-dick fucking, but the position slipped in and out of its optimal state. As we continued to fuck, I continued to get close to cumming…and he continued to make a slight variation, whether in speed or angle, that took my orgasm back a couple of steps.

“Hold on, hold on,” I said after the dozenth or so time it happened. I put a hand against Richard’s chest, impressed by the feeling of the lean muscle against my palm as well as the strong, slow heartbeat behind it. He was fucking me harder in a slightly awkward position than a lot of guys did in their best one. Plus, he was barely breaking a sweat. Whatever it was going to take to convince him to fully break out and try to break me in, I’d do it.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s just…I want the big one now.”

He laughed. “Greedy.”

“You have no idea,” I said, gasping as he pulled his length out of me. I pushed myself back a little bit as he spit in his hand to cover the thick head of his second manhood. My mouth and my pussy moistened just thinking about how it would feel to have that thing spread me open, and by the time he pressed it up against me I was more than ready.

“Think you can handle this?” he asked cheekily. I answered by hooking my ankles around his thighs and pulling myself onto him.

“Ah, fuck,” I said as I impaled myself on his prick. It was bigger than I thought, and Richard seemed to enjoy my underestimation.
“Not the first time I’ve heard that,” he said.

“And probably not the last eith…oh shit, Gods *DAMN*.”



  1. I had a lot of options when picking out the silver topping my cunt. One of those options was to ensure that even the biggest cocks wouldn’t hurt me at all, even at the beginning of “activities”. But although I could have afforded that luxury, I passed on it. Part of the thrill of taking on the biggest boys is that it hurts a little bit in the beginning…that way, when you work past it, it feels like an extra reward as he’s fucking you, some sort of accomplishment in knowing that you can accommodate a real pussy-stretcher.

    Or at least that’s how I feel. Regardless, there was definitely some painful stretching as Richard pushed his undercock into me. I reached out, trying to grab something, anything, and my hand landed on his overcock, which was lying on top of my clit and slowly rubbing it as he pressed his other piece into me inch by inch.

    Richard groaned at my touch, and I began to stroke him up and down as he pressed forward. My juices, extra slick thanks to my natural biology and my little magic silver, allowed my fist to glide along the length of his extra-sensitive prick as he worked me open down below. He started swearing at me, not just in the common tongue, but in a variety of languages, including Elven, Dwarven, and what I thought might be a subdialect of Orcish.

    “Aww, what’s wrong, Dicky Doublefist?” I asked (or really, gasped). “Is it too sensitive for you? Do we need to stop so you can catch your breath?”

    “In about ten seconds, I think I’ll need to ask you the same thing,” he said. I looked down and saw that he had pushed almost all of his massive dong inside of me. And as I took stock of my internal state, I realized that its presence wasn’t hurting anymore.

    “Oh,” I said, as he pulled his slick, fat dick out of me.

    “FUCK,” I screamed as he forced it back into me.

    With one cock out of the way and the other fully engaged with me, Richard’s true skill with fucking came into the light. I realized too how much concentration it must have taken him when fucking me with his topcock to ensure that the other one didn’t get in the way. Because now that he didn’t have to worry about that, his hands and mouth were all over me as his elfhood slammed into me.

    Strong fingers gripped my hair. Tongue and teeth found my pierced, sensitive nipples. Hands grabbed first my hips, then reached down to take my ass as our moans and the wetness of our mating filled the room.

    “Oh shit yes,” I said as my orgasm built inside of me, this time unfettered. “Oh shit yes, fuck me, Richard.”

    “Ahh fuck,” he said, pulling back and picking up the speed. His right hand found my left breast, his left hand grabbed my right hip, and he bit down hard, teeth against teeth in an erotic grimace as he filled me, stretched me, fucked me. “I’m going to fucking cum.”

    “Fuck, me too,” I moaned, resisting the urge to reach down and stroke my silver. Once a day, I could use it to give me an orgasm so powerful it was practically a transcendental experience. But with two cocks to service, and with my ass still unfucked, there was no way I was going to use it yet. Instead, I came with no hands, my pussy quivering on his cut monster as I imagined him filling me with his seed.

    Instead, however, it was his topcock that erupted. Thick white ropes splashed on my tits and stomach, driving a little bit of extra intensity into my own orgasm. I like being cummed on, what can I say. When the two of us finally stopped shuddering, we sweated in silence for a while.

  2. Damn that was sone read. Very well written and hot. Thank you so much🥰

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