A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 6 (age gap, MF)

Chapter 6 – Back to the Present

So, that’s how Caroline Dupree went from married mom to divorced mom to cougar in the span of about 3 years. The sun’s just peaking through the windows, so it must be about 6 o’clock and Caroline is wondering how things are going to change. Noah is not due back until after noon, so she has some time to think about things, but she’s not sure she has any good answers. She’ll talk to Jake as soon as he wakes.

Jake’s eyes open and he looks at her, the sun shining in on them, clearly showing her to him for the first time since her nocturnal visit. “So, it wasn’t a dream,” Jake joked.

Caroline laughed, “No, it wasn’t a dream. I’m sorry, that was a strange way to approach you, but I was fighting myself all night, all day really, not to mention this past week. Well, I finally gave up the fight and, unfortunately, it was past midnight, so I guess I was your sleep angel. I hope you don’t feel taken advantage of.”

Jake laughed, “Well, if that’s being taken advantage of, then I want to be taken advantage of every night.”

She laughed as well. Turning more serious, Caroline said, “Jake, we have to talk about this. Noah gets home this afternoon.”

Jake cut her off, “It’s my turn to say we don’t need to talk right now. You gave me full pleasure last night, but I was sort of out of it and stunned as well, so I’m afraid I wasn’t a very good lover. And I can be.” With that he lifted her mouth to his for a kiss, while sliding his hand down to her crotch. Feeling his way with his fingers, Jake parted her lower lips and then he started to gently insert a finger into her pussy. Caroline moaned under his touch and Jake smiled. Fast forward a few minutes and he fully has two fingers up her pussy, kissing her deeply, exploring her mouth with his tongue.

Pushing her onto her back, Jake slid down between her legs and licked her sticky treat. Jake dove into her pussy with abandon, alternating between tonguing her deeply and playing with her clit with his tongue. At some point, Caroline grabbed the back of his head and directed him where to go, “Yes. Ohh. Yes, right there.” She moaned with delight. “Oohhh, yessss” then a minute later, “Ooohhh, yes, I’m cuuuummmminnnnggg” and she jammed Jake’s face into her pussy as she bucked in the throes of her orgasm.

Through a pussy juiced smile, Jake said, “See, I told I could do better.” Raising up to his knees, Jake directs his hardened cock into the moist opening of her pussy lips and slides it in. Jake had to admit that, while the nighttime sex he had was amazing in its own way, seeing this 47 year old vixen’s reaction to his young, hard cock entering her pussy was something not to be missed. Jake looked deep into her eyes with purpose as he plunged his cock deeper into her pussy. Caroline arched her back and threw her head back, “Ooooh, Jake, yes! That feels so good.”

More fully in control of his body than last night, Jake had no plans to cum too early; he was going to savor this moment, not only because there was a connectedness between them he couldn’t quite explain, but he also wasn’t really sure this would or should continue in the future. The possible bad outcomes of a relationship between them were numerous. “Not gonna think about that now,” Jake thought to himself, “I’m gonna just enjoy giving Mrs. D the D.” He couldn’t help but smile at his little joke.

Jake was somewhat surprised by the intensity of Caroline’s love making. “Yes, Jake, oh fuck. Yes. Fuck me good, Jake. I need it.” Jake had wondered how much sex she had gotten since her husband left. Clearly, she was beautiful, smart, charming, and also a sexual dynamo, but being all those things and wanting the hassle of a relationship were two different things. “I hope I haven’t made her life more complicated,” Jake thought before reminding himself to concentrate on what he was doing.

And what he was doing was giving the Caroline Dupree the best fuck she had had in over a decade. Jake leaned over and started railing Caroline’s pussy, lovingly battering her clitoris with his pubic mound. That elicited louder yells from her, “Fuck, Jake, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m going to cum again!” and she bucked her hips and had another big orgasm.

Sweaty and satisfied, Caroline said, “That was amazing. I’m not sure I can take much more, though.” Jake laughed, “Well, you’ve been taking it well so far.”

“I’m serious, Jake, I’m starting to get sore down there. I, um, haven’t had sex in a while.”

“Well, you certainly don’t seem to be out of practice!” Jake took her statement seriously, though, and directed, “Alright, roll over then.” Caroline rolled over and arched her hips slightly, exposing her ass and pussy to him. Jake took an ass cheek in each hand, “Caroline, has anyone ever told you that you have the most deliciously squeezable ass?” Caroline retorted, “Well, not in a long time and certainly not from a 19 year old stud.”

Jake proved his statement was no lie as he spent the next few minutes massaging her round, mommy ass cheeks. He was enjoying the sight of kneading this fine specimen before him. At the same time, he figured he would give her pussy a little break. Eventually, though, he took a firm hold of one cheek and opened a view to her pussy. Then he used his other hand to guide his penis past her fleshy folds and into her lush pussy.

“Mmmmm,” Jake grunted out. “Damn, you feel so good.” Starting slow, Jake slid his cock in and out of her wetness. He knew he could make himself cum within 5 seconds once he wanted to, but he was still trying to draw this out. Was this because it was so pleasurable or because he thought this might be the one and only time he would know this pleasure with Caroline?

Light “mmmmms” and “ooohhhs” were escaping Caroline lips as Jake lovingly, carefully worked his cock in her pussy. “Where do you want me to cum?” Jake queried. “Wherever you want to, baby,” Caroline answered. “I can’t get pregnant anymore.” That notion sent a tingle to his brain as with most girls he had slept with, he always had to wear a condom and couldn’t cum in their pussies. The thought of putting his seed deep into Caroline was something his mind could not ignore and was quickly sending him over the edge. “Oh, God, Caroline, I’m cumming!!!” Jake grunted out and, grabbing her hips, he put blast after blast of his hot cum deep into her pussy. Finally pulling out, Jake rolled over onto his back and grabbed Caroline with one arm to lay her head on his chest.

After many minutes of silent, post-coital bliss, Caroline broke in, “Jake, what are going to do?”

“I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I mean I assume Noah would flip his shit if we told him straight out.”

Caroline said, “Probably. If we’re going to continue, we will have to tell him eventually though.”

“Continue?” Jake countered. “I mean I would want to, but I was wondering if it would be, you know, too risky for you.”

Caroline agreed, “Well, it will be risky for sure. Not only with Noah, but for my job. Hell even the neighborhood could be a problem. But, I mean, you wouldn’t want to date me. Some old lady like me.”

Jake stopped her, “You’re not some old lady, got it? You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. In addition to being a total smokeshow, you are so kind and giving. I mean, just look at me. How many people would let me come to live with them rent free for a whole year?”

Caroline jokingly suggested, “But what if I only invited you here to take advantage of your body?” and she poked him in the ribs.

“Very funny,” Jake replied. “Gosh, I don’t know. I mean, I see the problems we would run into if we were properly dating; the looks we would get going out to dinner or to the movies. Society can be a harsh critic sometimes. But, I also don’t know if I can keep my hands off you.”

Caroline agreed, “Well, I have the same problem. I mean, I fought myself for a long while, but I just couldn’t deny my attraction to you. So, I know this might not end well, but we can at least be together here in our bedrooms for some amount of time.”

“I’d like that, Caroline. Let us take it slow and not say anything to Noah for a while. Maybe in a month or so, we can re-assess and decide we have to tell him.”

Well, it was a plan. Mostly likely a stupid plan that would blow up in their faces, but a plan nonetheless.

[Chapter 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82kag/a_womans_needs_chapter_7_age_gap_mf_spying/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82jtj/a_womans_needs_chapter_6_age_gap_mf