A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 10 (age gap)

Chapter 10 – The Rest

Caroline meant those words she said to Jake at the time, but wasn’t able to keep her word. The next month went better that any of them could have expected things to go. Jake and Caroline were clearly deeply in love, but kept their affections for the bedroom. Eating together or swimming even their gaming sessions seemed to be going well. Not exactly like old times, but things were fine.

Jake was doing better in school that he ever had and the maturity in him was noticeable in just about everything he did. His maturity would have another test soon though.

One day, when Noah was going to be out until 5, Caroline got home and started up the stairs. Jake heard her and came out into the hall and, picking her up so her legs wrapped around his waist, said, “Noah won’t be home until 5. We’ve got time to go a round or two.”

Caroline undid her legs and slid back to the ground, “Oh I’d love to, but we have to talk about something first. Come into my bedroom with me.” Jake followed her into her bedroom, wondering what she wanted to talk about. She sat on the bed, folding her hands into her lap and looking up at him.

“Jake, I’m pregnant.” Jake’s jaw dropped, “What? Your what?”

“I’m pregnant,” she reiterated.

“But I thought you said you couldn’t get pregnant.”

“Well, I thought so, too, but well, I am.”

“Wow, oh wow.” Jake took several deep breaths. “Is it safe for you to have a baby, you know, at your age?” Jake seriously asked.

“Well, there’s more risk for sure, but my doctor says I’m in great health and he’s not worried that I will be able to carry to term well, provided that I have a good support system. Do I? Have a good support system?”

Jake, still dumbfounded, woke from his thoughts and said, “Yes. I mean, yes of course you do. So, I’m going to be a dad?” Jake sat down onto the bed next to her and clasped her left hand between his.

“Yes, Jake, you are. It’s okay, right? I mean, are you ready for this? We’re going to have to be more public about our relationship.”

“Yes, I suppose we are,” Jake muttered, clearly preoccupied with thoughts in his head.

Sensing his hesitancy, Caroline said, “I mean. I would understand if don’t want to stay with me. I know you didn’t sign up for this. You’re still only 20.”

Jake stood up off the bed and looked at her directly in the eyes. “My grandma was only 20 when she had my dad. Of course, I know it was more common back then to start having kids early, but I love you Caroline and want to be with you through thick and thin.”

Caroline started to weep. Jake knelt before Caroline, took both of her hands in his and said, “Caroline Dupree, will you marry me?”

If she wasn’t already sitting on the bed, she might have fainted. She hesitated, but knowing true love cannot be denied, answered, “Yes, Jake Robinson, I’ll marry you.” Through tear stained eyes, she kissed her young lover and soon to be dad.

“Hey,” Jake, wiping the tears from his eyes, joked, “Do you think I should make Noah call me ‘Dad’?”

Caroline and Jake laughed together at that joke. For the unequal pair, there was much more laughter, along with life’s normal pains, in store for them. But Jake and Caroline also knew that they had each other and maybe, just maybe, that was enough.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82ljh/a_womans_needs_chapter_10_age_gap