A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 1 (MF, cheating)

Chapter 1 – The Law Office Incident

Lying naked beside this gorgeous, sleeping man-child, Caroline Dupree wondered how she got here. It started innocently enough, as most of these things do. It’s not so innocent now and, while lying there basking in the glow of the best sex she had had in a decade, she couldn’t help but obsess over the fact that, fun as it was, this could make things miserable for a lot of people. Her son was a Sophomore in college and was bound to find out about his mom’s actions sooner or later.

Perhaps it makes sense to back up about 8 months in order to explain. No, going further back is needed; three years should be good enough. Caroline was happily married to Phil and their only son, Noah, was a well adjusted 16 year old enjoying high school life and all it had to offer. Caroline had gone back to work after Noah was in the 4th grade, not willingly at first. Phil insisted, “I’m not going to have my wife lying around doing nothing while I work and slave all day. Noah’s college isn’t going to pay for itself.” She knew Phil didn’t really need her to work because he was one of the top lawyers in the state and pulled in easily over $500k in billings annually. Looking back, he probably just wanted to control her. Regardless, she was able to get a decent paying job at the nearby college and, over the years, worked up to a generous salary herself, writing grants and handling other financial matters for the school. It put her Accounting degree to work and was certainly better than the auditing jobs she did before Noah was born. The now $140k salary didn’t hurt either.

She thought she had it all: a loving husband, a nice house with a pool, a cabin by the lake, a sleek luxury car, and a great kid that was set to enter the 11th grade. Then, things came tumbling down. She knew Phil had been increasingly disinterested in her sexually for a while, but figured it was a natural consequence of getting older and just the pressures of his job, etc. They used to fuck for hours at a time, sometimes spending half a Saturday in bed, making love, talking, eating strawberries, making love again, and so on. That was a long time ago, though. Now, she’s lucky if Phil even fucks her once a month and it seems as though he’s not even into it when he does. He certainly didn’t seem to care about her needs in the bedroom anymore. At 44, she thought she still looked pretty good, working out regularly and trying to keep in shape. At 5’5″ and 130 pounds, she had nice womanly curves and if anything her size C breasts were now closer to D’s (guys are supposed to like big breasts, right?). Sure, things weren’t as tight as they used to be and she’s not the 115 pound man killer she was when she met Phil back when he was in law school. Be that as it may, she wondered why he was so disinterested in her in the bedroom.

Well, she got her answer to that one evening at this law office. Phil had been working extra hard for an upcoming case and seemed to be on edge and cranky. One night as he was again working late, she thought, “I know, I’ll surprise him with a nice meal and, who knows, maybe I can relieve his stress in other ways, too.” Packing up the dinner, she called out to Noah, “Noah, honey, I’m going to bring Dad some dinner up to his office. You know how hard he’s been working lately.” Noah, barely looking up from his PS4, “Sure, Mom, no problem.”

After checking her hair and adjusting her ample breasts inside her bra and sweater, she set off for his law office, which was a quick 15 minute drive. Pulling into the office, she saw two cars parked there and figured Phil’s law partner, Terry, was there burning the midnight oil, too. “Well, I brought enough food for 3 or so people, so I guess I can share my husband and dinner with Terry, but there goes the blowjob I was planning on giving Phil or, if I was lucky, the good sex on his leather couch.” Opening the front door and entering the reception area, she called out “Phil?”, but heard no reply. Walking towards Phil’s office, she then thought maybe he’s getting in a workout to blow off a little steam as she could hear grunting and labored breathing.

Pushing the door to Phil’s office open, she started, “Phil, sweetie, I brought you…” and then the words stopped in her throat. Phil’s slacks were down around his ankles with his law clerk, Deborah, bent over his desk, red dress pulled up exposing her tight little ass. He was so intent on burying his cock deep in her pussy that he hadn’t heard his wife come in. “Phil, what the fuck?!?,” Caroline screeched. “Fuck,” was his reply, grabbing his pants and somewhat successfully getting his boxers and slacks over his rock hard cock. “Caroline, I can explain!” he suggested. “Explain what? You piece of shit,” Caroline said forcefully. “Explain how your cock accidentally ended up in your law clerk’s little pussy? I mean, fuck Phil, I kind of new you weren’t really happy, but this?!?” For her part, Deborah quickly grab her things and said “Sorry” and was out the door in about 3 seconds.

“Caroline, baby, let me explain,” Phil stammered. Hands on hips, Caroline glared at him, waiting. “Well, see, um, I. Um. I don’t fucking know, Carol. I’ve got needs, you know and once a month isn’t doing it for me.” Caroline launched into him, “Oh no you fucking don’t! You don’t get to play that card with me. I’ve been more than available, wanting to have sex with you much more often than that.” “Fine,” he confessed. “You want me to fucking say it, Caroline? I got tired of fucking you. It just doesn’t excite me anymore. You don’t excite me anymore.”

Caroline started to tear up, but the anger took over. Her face got even more red than it had been and she yelled out, “And Deborah, what is she? 30? She excites you?” Sheepishly, Phil mumbles out, “Well, she’s 28 actually and, yes, she…”

“28? 28?!? You ever loving bastard, how could you? Fuck Phil, you’re 20 years older than her. You’re almost old enough to be her dad. Fuck, you disgust me. Here’s your fucking dinner I brought you. Enjoy it and enjoy sleeping on your couch cause you’re not coming home tonight.” And with that, Caroline Dupree spun around on her heels and marched out the door.

Phil did come home the next day and it didn’t take long before Noah noticed the fighting and the yelling and he tried to spend as much time as possible over at his best friend’s Jake’s house. Noah met Jake Robinson in middle school and they were fairly inseparable throughout middle and high school. Jake would spend a lot of time at the Dupree’s house. At least he used to. No one wanted to be at the Dupree house lately as it was almost constantly a place where bickering and arguing was taking place. Not that Jake’s house was heaven or anything. His parents didn’t really fight at all, but they were super strict with Jake and it was kind of a bummer just being there. Anything was better than “yell” house Noah had said to Jake.

About 2 months later, Noah’s parents sat him down and told him the news that he already knew was coming: “Son, your mom and I are getting a divorce.” A month after that and it was just him and his mom alone in their 3500 square foot house. It was different with his Dad gone, but at least it’s quieter now and maybe Jake will want to come over here to hang instead of being at stuck at “strict” house.

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82htv/a_womans_needs_chapter_2_age_gap_flirting/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82hh1/a_womans_needs_chapter_1_mf_cheating