PARANORMAL UNDERGROUND SPIRIT SEEKERS: INSIDE THE WALLS [trigger warning][prison}[ff][fm][fmf][oral][threesome][solo][ghosts][real location][ptsd]

AUTHORS NOTE: Trigger warning! If you are easily triggered or you are just looking for a quick fap fest, this is not the story and I am not the writer for you. If you are just here to read a story about one dimensional characters who walked into the wrong locker room and fucked their sister and her entire soccer team, keep scrolling, there are thousands of those. My characters have personalities and flaws. I use themes of trauma, jealousy, anger, betrayal, love, humor, conflict and, of course, SEX to build a compelling story with compelling characters to offer my readers a compelling resolution. This particular part of the P.U.S.S. saga will hit on some very deep psychological issues and past trauma.





Note: For this investigation, due to the size of the facility and to avoid redundancy, reports will still be written at the end of each phase of the investigation before the next phase begins, but files will be compiled into third person narrative story format aside from preliminary notes. For investigation integrity, any information found through interview, research and personal experience will be withheld from the other investigators until after the investigation has concluded. Further, any opportunity for sexual contact will not be denied if both parties are consenting as it could trigger further paranormal activity.



After word spread about our first few investigations, our team has been inundated with messages from single males who all seem to suffer from hypertrichosis, especially on the neck and back or a sever lack of social aptitude. The team has received reports ranging from ghost orgies in the basement to one individual claiming to smell “ghost farts in their mothers basement.” We have received a few requests that we were able to act on but were unable to capture any evidence of phenomena. These investigations have, however, provided our team with the opportunity to engage in what we have begun calling, “Team Building Exercises” after Joel coined the term in the first investigation report. As a team, we have grown anxious for an opportunity to both experience and document genuine activity. I have taken the initiative to contact the management of the Old Idaho Prison located just outside of the city and have arranged for the team to be allowed inside the walls over night, unsupervised. Joel and Lily seem genuinely excited for this opportunity as a famous paranormal investigation show has filmed an episode at the location. Due to two new team members joining P.U.S.S., Tay and Paul, we also have new equipment: 6 wireless microphones with long range reception and recording with live listening ability at base.


“You have been beyond the veil. Death has touched you and the dead shall seek you out.” Those words have been ringing in my head since I first heard them. I have returned to the occult shop, hoping to have another encounter with the old lady but instead I have only been greeted by a rather attractive, curvy young woman, Tay, with enormous breasts who is rather eager to show me herbs to help boost my “romantic prowess.” as she so eloquently put it. She and her male friend Paul have offered to join the team, to which Kimmy and Lily have enthusiastically agreed when they learned that the Paul is the karaoke dj from Sullivan’s. They will join us as soon as his duties at work are complete.

At this point, I am tired of investigating “ghost farts” and awkward interactions with aging cougars, but Kimmy has informed me that we have been granted access to one of the most haunted locations in the state. I look forward to this investigation, it is a large location and we need a challenge.


Tay and I will arrive late since I have to work at the bar. I should be able to arrive shortly after midnight. After the investigation, I will compile all recordings and accounts into a third person narrative in order to tell the story in a more reader friendly experience. I look forward to working with P.U.S.S. and inserting myself deeply into the investigation.


The sandstone walls and guard towers loomed heavy and ominous as the team pulled into the parking lot in front of the prison gates, the bright mid afternoon sun contrasted with the rust and darkness emanating from inside the walls. Tom, the middle aged museum manager, waited by the outer sally port. His eyes widened as he watched the two girls approach, both of them wearing short schoolgirl style pleated skirts and tight crop tops. Joel dragged the wheeled tote through the gravel behind them.

“Hello there, welcome to the prison.” Tom said, laughing. “Before I let you loose inside, let me give you a tour, point out some areas you may be interested in, and help you figure out how you want to approach this beast.”

Walking inside, there was an ominous note of finality as the sally port clanged to a close behind them. “I love that sound.” Tom said as they started walking among the decrepit buildings. “That’s the last sound an inmate would hear as they came in. They hear that sound and, for many of them, they knew they would never hear it from the other side. It’s the sound of reality. Our first stop is the site of one of the most infamous events ever in an Idaho prison, maximum security and death row. Its also the only building with power that you’ll have access to tonight so you’ll probably want to set up you base here.” He opened the heavy door and they stepped into a large room with a two story block of cells and a set of metal stairs.

Joel dropped the box and set up the ops base on a wooden table against the wall while Kimmy and Lily pulled out the cameras and microphones to set up while they finished the tour. Tom stood back, appreciating the view as the ladies’ skirts would ride up, revealing the under side of their asses and thongs. “I have a pretty good feeling that the inmates will be restless tonight,” he commented as his eyes fixated on the show. Once they were done, Tom led them upstairs and pointed out a window into an empty room with a large steel ring mounted to the ceiling and a trap door in the floor. “This is the first permanent gallows in the state, it was also only used once before the prison was closed. That one time it was used, there was a miscalculation in the rope they used and the inmate hung there for thirteen minutes while he slowly strangled to death.” He let the words hang for a moment before turning toward a door to the side of the execution chamber. “Now follow me to the next room… Death row.” The room had only four cells and they all faced the door into the gallows which Tom left open. Joel set up a camera in the corner of the hall overlooking the cells.

Back downstairs, Tom led them outside and across an outdoor basketball court to a large sandstone building with slim concrete framed windows with rusty bars over them and a single door inside. Tom opened the door and led them inside, “This is cell block 1, the oldest cell block here.” The common area on the ground floor wrapped around a three story rise of cells, each floor had two tiers of cells, ten cells on each side of the central stack. “Each of the cells would house two or three inmates, just this block would house one hundred and twenty to a hundred and eighty men. All of them sleeping on mattresses and pillows stuffed with straw.” He opened to door to one of the ground floor cells with a mattress and pillow. “Give it a try.” He said, looking at Kimmy. She stepped through the door while Joel set up a camera to try to capture as many of the cells as possible. Kimmy crawled onto the metal frame and straw mattress, fully aware of Toms eyes on her ass. She gave him the show he had hoped for. As she climbed up, her skirt rode up and her thong wedged between her labia as she tried out the bed.

“It’s a shame there’s only room for one,” she teased.

“Well, inmates certainly found a way… maybe you can too.” Tom replied.

“Hmmm, we may have to find out tonight.” Lily jumped in the conversation.

Joel finished setting up the camera and wireless microphone and turned around just in time to appreciate the view Kimmy was providing. “I can think of a few ways we can get all three of us on there.”

Everyone started laughing… except Tom who was transfixed. Kimmy got up and Tom snapped back into reality.

Tom led them to the next building over, cell block two, identical to the first and Lily set up the camera and microphone. She made a show of lifting her arms over her head, lifting the bottom of her cropped tank top so that the pink of her nipples peeked out the bottom. The way Tom started moving made it obvious that his pants were getting uncomfortable.

“The next building,” Tom said when he regained his vocal abilities, “has become rather infamous in paranormal circles. The inmate showers.” Tom led the way outside and to a brick building with steel grates over glassless windows, he opened the door. “This is where a member of a famous ghost hunting television show had his ass grabbed on their show.”

“Oh, like this?” Kimmy asked as she reached over and grabbed Joel’s ass while he set up another camera and microphone causing him to almost drop it.

“Yeah, just like that.” Tom replied. “There was also a lot of… uh… extracurricular activity in here when the prison was open.”

Tom showed the rest of the grounds, burned out buildings from the last riot, solitary confinement, inmate laundry, barber shop, and even pointed out a grave for a cat that had lived in the prison in the 1970’s. The team set all of their cameras up where they could and then Tom led them through another gate to a small white building with ten cells. “And this is Idaho’s first women’s prison. One of the inmates that was here was the basis of the black widow legends and the nations first known female serial killer. She married nine men, all but one was murdered. When she was arrested, she was boiling a sheet of fly paper in a pot of soup she was about to feed to husband nine.”

“Why fly paper?” Lily asked

“The glue contains a large amount of arsenic.” Tom answered.

Joel just stood near the gate and refused to enter the building. He kept staring at the white concrete walls surrounding the small white concrete building. There was barbed wire across the top, through which you could see the desert hills and the city not far away.

“Hey, babe… I think we found another girlfriend for you tonight.” Kimmy teased Joel after his first experience with a female ghost (see file number one for details). Joel cracked a small uncomfortable smile.

Tom walked out the door. “Well guys, this is where I leave you for the night. I need to get home to my wife. You have my number if you need anything.” He provided a key to the front sally port and they all walked back in the main prison. He suddenly stopped in the middle of a garden, lined with rose bushes. “Oh, before I go… the space we are in here was the site of the temporary gallows that was erected prior to every execution. 11 inmates were hanged, right where we are standing…. You guys have a great night and call if you need… anything.” he looked the ladies over as he said that final word and then walked his way out of the prison.

The sun was just dipping below the distant mountains to the west as first assignments were discussed and the team walked back to maximum to get the portable equipment and radios. Joel opted to take first watch at ops, trying to delay his visit to the women’s facility as long as possible. Kimmy took cell block one and Lily took block two.

Kimmy and Lily opened the heavy doors to the cell blocks and stepped inside. Joel’s voice crackled over the radio “I have eyes on both of you. Can both of you give me an audio check for the mics? Stand in the furthest corner and talk normal.”

“Can you hear me baby?” Joel heard Kimmy’s voice in his headphones.

“Oh Joel, oh yeah, yes, YES1.” Lily moaned, teasing him. “Just trying to make sure you can hear the right sounds over there.”

“Audio works.” Joel answered over the radio. “Have fun ladies. I’m watching over here.”

“Oh… Is that right?” Kimmy said into the air as she walked over to the camera and lifted her tank top off over her head and jiggled her tits in front of the lens, the cool air perking her nipples up enticingly. Now topless, she began asking questions into the ether, the only response she would get would be her own echo.

Lily walked around the floor looking into all the cells. She sat on the stairs, out of view of the camera and started asking questions into the darkness, again, only hearing her echo in response.

Her radio crackled to life on her hip and Joel’s voice hiss and crackled. “Lily, I am seeing a shadow standing in the common area, can you check it out?”

She got up and walked back around to the other side of the cell block.

“Lily, I just heard a voice saying ‘She’s coming!” Joel’s voice on the startled her and her heart started thumping in her chest. She walked around the corner and saw a shadow dart from the common area into one of the open cells.

“Did you see that, Lily?” Joel asked.

“Yes, I saw it.” She said as fear froze her and her senses went into overdrive. She approached the cell that the shadow went into and stood in the doorway. A cool wind blew across her neck and what felt like two hands slid up her thighs and onto her ass then started moving forward.

From the confines of maximum security, Joel watched on the screen as Lily’s skirt lifted in the back and then the motion moved aroudn to her front. “Get naked” A voice hissed through his headphones from cell block two. Suddenly her hips arched forward and she stumbled into the cell.

He picked up his radio. “Lily, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said without the radio, knowing he was listening and watching from base. “Just before I was pushed, I head a voice tell me to get naked. I’m kinda freaking out over here, but should I?”

“That’s up to you. I’m watching and listening.”

Know he was watching gave her the incentive she needed. She turned her back to the camera and pushed her skirt down, bending at the waist so Joel could see her ass on the camera as she pulled the skirt from her feet. Then she lifted her top off over her head, slowly, then turned around and faced the camera as she pulled her underwear down. Illuminated by her flashlight, her pink nipples stood out in high contrast against her small but perky breasts.

“Touch it” The both heard the hissing voice. Lily laid down on the uncomfortable, straw stuffed mattress and started running her fingers between her labia, feeling her wetness as her heightened senses took in every feeling. Joel’s pants tightened as he watched her finger herself.

Kimmy stood, still topless in the dark corridor of cell block one. The building was completely dead. “Okay, I’m leaving,” she said as she started opening the door. She felt the pressure of two unseen hands on her bare tits push her back against the bars and then what she could only describe as a light nibble on her nipple. The dissonance between her fear and arousal sending her mind in a confused spiral.

Joel heard a voice shout “NO!” as she moved backward into the bars, a voice that Kimmy couldn’t hear. He started to get up to go help when she got her footing back and walked back into the cell block.

“Are you ok, Kimmy?” Joel asked as he stood, ready to go assist.

“Yeah, that was… interesting. I think I’m done in here, for now, though. How’s Lily?”

“I have eyes on her, she’s uuuh, she’s great. Maybe you should go to block two and help her, quite a bit of activity there.”

“Will do.”

Joel shifted his attention back to Lily who was so lost in her own activity to pay attention to her radio. Her self motivated moans filling drowning out any other audio. Two fingers darted in and out of her while her palm squeezed against her clit.

Lily rubbed herself silly and then suddenly it felt like she wasn’t alone in her activity. She stopped rubbing but still felt fingers moving within her, the sensation brought her so close to the edge that she closed her eyes and feverishly fingered herself, harder than before.

She heard the front door open and then footsteps on the dusty concrete floor, approaching her. She opened her eyes and saw Kimmy standing topless in the door to the cell, one hand holding her top, the other hand rubbing her own breast.

Kimmy felt a force on her back and she stumbled forward and fell on top of Lily. She started to get back up but Lily’s arms wrapped around her neck and their lips met and their tongues started dancing.

Joel watched as the two ladies explored each others bodies with their hands as they enjoyed their first encounter together without Joel. Kimmy slid a hand between Lily’s legs and firmly gripped her palm to her clit and the three middle fingers wrapped inside and around the pubic bone, Kimmy’s hand squeezing firmly and lifting up on the bone. Lily collapsed back onto the lumpy mattress and started thrusting her hips in opposing rhythm to Kimmy’s hand as orgasmic bliss washed over her.

Kimmy stood and slid her panties down then knelt with her legs to either side of Lily’y head, letting Lily’s tongue lash and probe her pussy. She leaned forward and clamped her mouth around Lily’s clit and sucked hard. Lily screamed into Kimmy’s pussy sending vibrations through her clit.

At this point, Joel sat with his dick in hand, stroking himself feverishly as he watched his ladies fuck each other on screen, their moans and squeals filling his ears. Suddenly he felt another hand stroking him and looked down to see a woman’s hand on his cock. He looked up and saw Tay as she stepped around and knelt in front of him.

“Paul got done at the bar early so we came straight here. I’ve been wanting to do this since the first time I saw you in the shop. Just keep watching them.” She slid her mouth over his dick and slurped him inside.

Paul appeared on the screen, standing in the cell door. Kimmy looked up and reached for him. He stepped forward and Kimmy took his cock out of his pants and sucked him for a few minutes before she held his tip at Lily’s entrance. “Fuck her,” she said, just loud enough that the mic could hear it. He pushed into her, enjoying the slow slide into her paradise, feeling the smooth, wet, soft, and very tight confines around him. Her legs wrapped up around his back as he fucked her, getting harder with every thrust.

Tay stood and lifted her skirt, showing him that she wore nothing under it as she faced him and straddled his legs then sat into his lap, taking him inside herself. She lifted her shirt off over her head, her massive, E cup sized breast hanging in front of his face. She began to ride him softly at first and then getting wilder and more forceful as she started cumming.

Kimmy got up and turned around while Paul fucked Lily, straddled her and lowered her hips until Paul could alternate fucking each one. He fucked Lily until she came and then fucked Kimmy. Once Kimmy came, he switched back to Lily. He began to feel his balls start to twitch and pulled out. Kimmy grabbed his dick and made him slide it between her and Lily then lowered her weight onto it, pressing it between their pussies and he began to thrust hard. His balls slapped into Lily’s clit and his pubic bone pressed into Kimmy. His dick started twitching as his cum shot through and coated the bellies of both women who then took turns cleaning each other with their tongues.

Joel was pressed into the seat while Tay rode him like a woman possessed. Her up and down motions transitioned into just a wild thrusting motion as his dick was pushed into her as far as it could go, his tip rocking back and forth across her cervix sending shivers through both of them. He felt his dick start to pulse and her arms flew around his neck and squeezed as she bit his shirt and clamped down with every muscle she could. He started shooting hot streams of cum up inside of her as she attempted to muffle her screams unsuccessfully. Suddenly the sound of banging metal erupted all around them and cell doors started clanging. The front door opened, startling both of them. Paul walked in, followed by the two other women, both still naked.

Kimmy stood in the doorway as Tay got up off of Joel’s dick. Her massive tits bouncing and jiggling with every movement. She felt a twinge of jealousy rise within her seeing this overly endowed woman get off her man. She pushed it down as she thought about the fact that Joel just watched the camera while Paul fucked her and Lily. She pushed her jealousy down and walked up and gave Tay a hug. The softness of her pillows pushing against her chest was intoxicating until she felt Tays lips press against her own. Kimmy felt her freshly fucked pussy start to tingle again and she had to try it… She leaned down and pressed her mouth into the gigantic fun bags until a nipple popped into her mouth which she nibbled and sucked for a moment, the surrounding flesh pressing against her cheeks. She stood back up, “Hi, you must be Tay. I’m Kimmy, Joel’s girlfriend.” She still felt she had to stake her claim as she stared at every man’s dream, manifested into flesh before her, knowing she had just fucked Joel.

“And I’m Lily, both of their girlfriend.” Lily said, not sensing, but still diffusing, the tension in the room.

They rested at base for a bit before figuring out the next assignments. Kimmy took lead. “Lily, you stay here at base. Tay, you go to solitary confinement. Paul, you weren’t here for the tour, you take the inmate showers. I will take the rose garden. Well, damn, Baby… that leaves one spot for you.”

“No, I’m not doing that one alone. No way!” Joel protested.

“Are you really that worried about another encounter with a female ghost?”

“No, it’s not that… It’s… I just…”

Kimmy interrupted him, still kind of angry about him fucking Tay, “You’ll be okay and I will be just on the other side of the wall in the garden.”

“Fuck it, fine. I’ll fucking do it.” Joel said, Kimmy still not understanding why he doesn’t want to do it.

They all started gathering equipment and clothing then stepped out. Joel just walked out the door leaving Kimmy waiting for a kiss before he left. Tay, Paul, and Kimmy walked across the compound together. Paul split off and went into the shower room. Tay headed off toward solitary confinement and Kimmy was left alone walking toward the garden, her mind still reeling as to why Joel was so upset about having to investigate the women’s prison. So upset he didn’t even hug her before he left..

Joel stood in the near total darkness of the tunnel to the women’s facility, steeling himself against his fear. He understood why a man should investigate it, but why was Kimmy so adamant that it should be him? She didn’t seem too happy to see him fucking Tay, but she had just fucked Paul. She was just not listening to him. He started walking again when he heard footsteps in the rocks behind him and heard Kimmy and Tay talking. He froze in the gate again as tunnel vision set in and his heart began pounding in his chest. He took another step forward into the compound.

Kimmy stood in the garden asking questions. The noise of the nearby city made it hard to hear subtle sounds and the only light came from a street lamp on the other side of the wall shining through a tree so the wind would make the limbs dance and throw moving shadows on the walls. Any evidence she got there would have to be disregarded. She decided to explore the burned out dining hall and the barber shop even though she couldn’t go into either one.

Tay walked into the solitary confinement building. Almost zero light inside except for the small amount that came through the open outer door. In front of her were three small cells, completely empty and dark with the heavy metal doors hanging open. She leaned against the wall and started asking questions of any spirits. “Why are you here?” Nothing. “Did you kill someone?” The middle door slammed shut, loudly clanging as it rattled. She turned and got out of the building. She saw Kimmy behind the barber shop and joined her.

Paul sat on a bench under the windows in the shower room. The whole room was dark and silent. He tried asking questions.

Kimmy and Tay met up and started exploring the rest of the grounds and getting to know each other. “So, how long have you and Jowl been together?” Tay asked.

“Well, it depends on your definition. We have been best friends, with benefits, since the first day of high school, so almost 11 years, but, we never actually became an actual couple until a few months ago. What about you and Paul?”

“Oh, we aren’t together. I adore the shit out of him but I haven’t even fucked him yet.”

“What… we have got to change that… Now!”

“Now, but I still have Joel dripping out of me.”

“Don’t worry, I can get you cleaned up.”

Paul leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes to focus on the sounds in the room… he started dozing off. He woke up to a thump and rustling on the bench next to him. He looked over and saw Tay sitting there, Kimmy’s head inserted under the bottom of her skirt.

Kimmy licked and probed her tongue into Tay’s love hole pulling most of Joel’s cum out of her. She reached up and took Tay’s hand and placed it on Paul’s crotch. Tay pulled out his cock and started stroking him while Kimmy pulled both of their skirts off then pulled off his pants. She piled all of the clothes into the corner then knelt between Paul’s legs and slid her lips around the head of his dick. Paul and Tay started making out passionately. Kimmy pushed him until he laid down on the bench then sat on his face. Tay got the hint and hovered herself over his dick for a moment before she lowered down onto him.

Joel stood frozen in the courtyard. He watched a car on top of the hill to the north as it slowly traversed the ridge. The walls around him closed in and his vision blurred. He fumbled with the radio at his waist but it slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground, breaking open the battery compartment. Visions of Iraq filled his mind.

Kimmy got off of Paul’s face and sat net to his head. Tay got off of him and knelt between Kimmy’s legs and began flicking her tongue across her clit. Paul got up and began fucking Tay from behind, his thrusts pushed Tay deeper into Kimmy’s pussy.

Lily watched the screen, fingering herself as she watched the scene transpire in the shower. She isolated the shower camera and fucked herself to oblivion. Just to check, she switched the camera feed to the women’s prison. Curled into a ball on the ground rocking back and forth, something was wrong with Joel.

She picked up her radio. “Joel, are you ok.” No response. “JOEL, ANSWER ME DAMMIT.” Nothing. “KIMMY, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH JOEL!” They didn’t respond. “SOMEBODY FUCKING ANSWER ME!” She shouted into the radio. She looked at the screen, Joel was still on the ground, and the other three were still fucking heavily. She ran out of the building and along the outer wall toward the tunnel to the women’s prison yelling for Kimmy the whole way but the only response she heard was loud passionate moaning.

Tay licked Kimmy into a frenzy as waves of bliss blurred all her other senses. Paul railed Tay’s pussy from behind, all three of them singing a chorus of passion. Paul slowed down when he thought he heard the radio but kept slamming into her when the radios went silent again.

Lily ran into the courtyard of the women’s prison and saw Joel laying there, shaking violently. She approached him slowly and called his name softly.

“Joel… Babe… What’s wrong?”

Joel huddled down protecting himself from his past when he heard the soft, familiar voice calling his name. The memories faded and he looked up and saw Lily’s face looking down at him. She knelt beside him and put her hand on his back. His breathing deepened and the shaking became more of a trembling. He reached his hand up and grabbed her leg and started pulling himself up until he was sitting and he scooted into the corner pulling her hand with him. They sat together in the corner as she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. He pulled her into his lap and squeezed tightly as his reality returned. The only words he could get out were mumbled. Lily could only understand “i’m sorry,” and “Iraq,” as he weakly tried to convey what happened.

Paul pulled out of Tay and she turned around and opened her mouth, letting him shoot his load onto her tongue. The three of them got dressed and headed back over to base, they were surprised to see no one there. They looked at the screen and saw Lily and Joel in the corner of the courtyard holding each other tightly. Furious, Kimmy told Paul and Tay to stay at base and walked over to the women’s prison venting anger the whole way.

Lily looked up and saw Kimmy standing in the gateway.

“What the fuck!” Kimmy shouted at Lily. “You were supposed to stay at base and watch the cameras. What if something fucking happened to us?”

Lily stood and walked until she was right in front of Kimmy’s face and Kimmy met her about half way. “To you?” She shouted back. “Well it was plain what was fucking happening to you. What about him? What if something happened to him? You were supposed to be just on the other side of the wall!”


“I… what?..FUUUUUCK!” Kimmy tried to respond but knew she could only be wrong. She looked toward the corner Joel was in but he was gone. “Where did he go?”

Lily turned and realized that at some point in her tirade, Joel left. They walked the prison trying to find him, calling his name. They checked back at base but he hadn’t come back. They looked at the screens but didn’t see him. They tried his phone but it rang from the table in front of them.

“We saw him walk out of the women’s area while you two were shouting but once he came inside we didn’t see him on any of the cameras again.” Paul explained.

On the camera, they saw a shadow dart into the solitary confinement building. Thinking it may have been him, Kimmy and Lily went out to go look. They approached the building and heard metal banging and clanging and then something being dragged. Slowly they walked in. They turned on their flashlights and looked in the cells. They saw him, laying on the floor, face down in the last cell, a puddle of blood formed under his nose.

“Joel, Baby… What’s wrong?”

“Pushed,” his blood muffled voice mumbled. “Fell.”

Kimmy reached down and tried to help him up.

“Don’t fucking touch me. Not right now.” He pushed up off the ground slowly and painfully while Lily reported back to base on the radio that they found him. Kimmy started bawling and walked out.

Joel grabbed the camera and gear and walked back to the base with Kimmy and Lily walking behind him. While Kimmy, Paul, and Tay went around and gathered gear, Joel curled into the corner of the room with his knees pulled into his chest. Lily sat and watched the camera footage from the moment he walked out of the women’s prison. She isolated the solitary confinement camera. The camera had been placed just inside the door and caught most of the entry way but the cells were built in such a way that you couldn’t see inside. She watched as a shadow crossed the floor and then it lurched forward. The shadow disappeared and only Joel’s arm could be seen on the floor. His arm suddenly stretched out and, so quick that you would miss it if you blinked, he was dragged into the cell leaving a smear of blood on the floor.

Kimmy came back in with Paul and Tay. They put the equipment into the tote. Lily showed them the footage that had been caught before they put the computer and screen away. Kimmy knelt in front of Joel and reached out to his arm which he pulled away. She stared at him.

“I’m sorry!” he said when he finally looked up at her. “I was in that space and suddenly I started seeing Iraq all around me. It was so much like the bunker I was in when I got shot.” He slowly reached his hand out to her and she put her hand in his. “That’s why I didn’t want to go in there. When you said you would be on the other side of the wall, I thought it would be okay. When Lily was yelling at you and I heard that you weren’t there because you were fucking them, I lost it. So I went to be alone. Where better to be alone than solitary? Next thing I knew, I was smashing my face into the floor and then I woke up to you standing over me.”

“Joel, I shouldn’t have pushed so hard for you to go in there. You tried to explain it but I didn’t understand. And then, I wasn’t there when you needed me. I haven’t been there when you needed me for six years. I promise… that’s the last time I will let that happen.”

Joel pulled her over to him and held her close. While the rest of the team packed their gear into the cars and then they left.



Joel was taken to the veterans hospital and treated for a broken nose. Between the doctor and I, we convinced him to see the VA behavioral health psychiatrists.



I’m still reeling from what happened. My nose is healing but I wonder if my mind ever will. Kimmy is still insisting on staying by my side. I moved in with her and Lily comes over a couple nights a week. Also, I just got a message from someone that wants us to investigate some hotel in the middle of BumFuck Idaho. I think the best way to recover is just to get back into the saddle.
