Episode 1: Shifting Perspectives (Taboo, Fictional, Incest)


He is laying where he has laid a million times before, but today he seems so distant. My Cooper laying there gripping the pillow with the print on the back of his shirt facing me. That is his favourite house shirt. I joke with Cooper often saying that the uglier it gets the more comfort he seems to find in it. The red colour has now faded to a vanilla pink and the name of the band that he once admired is barely visible across his wide back.

He is built exactly like his dad was at his age of 19. I often wonder what his dad, Carl, would have been like as a father. He was always full of energy, patient, and loving the type of traits that a son would thrive in. Carl never got the opportunity to let that light shine though. On the night of my 17th birthday after an hour of discussion we decided to consummate our love for each other. It was a fumble of not knowing what to do and unnervey expectations. That was the first time that our sexual play reached the point of actual sex, the night Cooper was conceived. Me and my childhood friend and soulmate Carl.

It never occured to me in my darkest nightmares that that would be the last time I would see Carl. I found out a few days later of his passing and from there life became a whole new different type of interesting. My son was born 8 months later and he was given his Dad’s middle name.

Cooper and I have over the last 19 years formed a bond that is stronger than most single mom’s I think. I attend support groups and school events and there is a scent of animosity between many of these moms and their sons. Not to mention the strange looks that Cooper and I always seem to get. Like people are trying to do advanced calculus to figure out how old I was exactly when this amazing person sprung out of me. But I have loved being Cooper’s mother. Each day came with its own surprises at the beginning, who knew breast feeding was so difficult, and as each stage of his life has come and gone our bond has tightened.

Now though it seems we have reached a new stage. A stage where Cooper is trying to come to grips with being a man in the Varsity world, which is ever so hard seeing as I never had the opportunity to attend Varsity and Carl isnt here to guide his son in the art of impressing a lady. Which I am sure this is all about. Cooper had his 19th Birthday on Wednesday and was meant to go out with Stacey tonight to celebrate. I was expecting him to come in to ask for the car keys but instead he came in wearing his comfort shirt and is now laying on the far edge of my bed sulking.

I have learnt over the years that more often than not what Cooper needs is a little time to compose his thoughts and calm his doubts. After we lay in silence for close to an hour I reached out my hand across the duvet that divided us. Gently I made a large figure of eight pattern over his back like I have done a milion times over the near two decades to encourage him to talk to me. I could hear a slow measured exhale, as me made sure to shift all the tears to the back of his eyes and he stirred for the first time since he landed ontop of the bed. Cooper now lay there facing me.

My beautiful boy’s face wearing a mask of dried tears.


Mom always knew how to encourage me to release my thoughts to her and it always made me feel better. As I turned I clutched the pillow close to my chest and pinned the end between my thighs, and used the back of my hand to wipe away what remained of the salty tears on my face. I hadn’t noticed when I walked in that Mom was getting ready to sleep. She was laying on top of the bed smiling at me now. Her oversized pink pajama pants and loose fitting tank top clear signs that she was about to call it a night. Suddenly I felt bad for just falling onto her bed in search of comfort.

“Cooper, are you okay? What happened tonight?” As mom spoke I realised that these were the first words we spoke to each other all evening. She patiently smiled at me as we lay facing each other on her bed. Before I could get a word out she reached over to her bedside table for a hair scrunchy, her long thick brown hair now tied in a neat pony tail on the back of her head. This was usually the last step in her evening routine, a routine that I had witnessed so many times before.

As she lay back down I gave a strong exhale and followed it with the story of my evening. Of how Stacey and I were going to have a romantic evening and go back to her dorm room. How this was going to be my first time having sex. How we had been building it up and discussing it. How it was all so perfect. Mom looked at me intently as I told her the story. I have always felt comfortable telling her these things because her eyes never became judgemental or filled with pity.

She listened as I vented about how thinking back I believe it was all a prank. How a girl like Stacey would never want a guy like me. Don’t get me wrong I have self confidence, being in the rugby team means that I am bigger and stronger than most men and according to mom I look just like my Dad who was apparently very handsome. But I wasn’t in Stacey’s league she was amazing. The way her blonde hair flowed and the way she seemed to dance instead of walk was breath taking. I got so caught up in telling Mom about my plans that I didn’t notice that she fell asleep.

Her eyelids were closed and fluttering lightly. Her long eyelashes twitching to the beat of her dreams. Mom was not one of those ladies to have fake eyebrows or eyelashes or to wear alot of make up. She was always content in her sun kissed skin and natural beauty. My Dad must have been really tall because Mom’s head is just to my chest when we stand side to side, so the tall gene definitely did not come from her.

Mom fell asleep before I got to the most embarrassing part of the whole evening. David had given me a Viagra pill before my date. He was convinced that Stacey and I would be getting it on so he gave me what he called an insurance package. He said to pop it just before I leave. Ironically I took it just before Stacey called to break up with me.

Having kept Mom up way past when she wanted to sleep I felt really bad about waking her up to leave. I also know that Mom would want me to continue venting, if she woke, even though she has to be up early in the morning. I slowly and gently grabbed a corner of the duvet and through it over my Mom so that she wouldn’t get cold.

“Thank you” a quiet mumble out of Mom’s barely opened lips.

I lay for a while absent mindedly starring into space when a warm sensation of pain reached out from inside my boxers. The Viagra was now in full effect and causing a rather painful erection. My tight briefs was causing an unnatural bend in my stiffening penis. I reached into my pants and adjusted my briefs, my penis making a loud slapping sound as it sprung up against my stomach. Holy shit my penis has never been this erect, it looks massive. I guess that David’s timing would have been perfect had the night gone to plan.

I glanced to make sure mom was still sleeping just to make sure I whispered out, “Mom are you awake?” The room was deathly quiet with the light still shining brightly. I waited a moment and when she didn’t stir I shimmied my pants and briefs to my thighs to get a better look. My erection looked like a solid steel shaft. The dark veins rippling under the brown skin. Curiosity over this new appedanage was way too much to bear and slowly, gently and quietly I wrapped my bottom hand, from my position laid on my side, around my shaft and slid it slowly up and down.

I really didn’t know where to look mom was laying asleep across from me. I had a close eye on her to make sure she didn’t stir. Every few strokes I found my eyes wondering to Mom’s breasts. As soon as I caught myself doing this I would reprimand myself and re-establish my focus on Mom’s sleeping eyes. This glorious erection was too good to pass by despite my precarious situation.

As my strokes quickened I somehow lost track of sentinel duty. I adjusted Mom’s duvet so that I could get a better view of her breasts and slid the cup of her tank top to the side so that I could see the brown edge of her nipple. I could feel my teeth biting on my lip but in this moment of absent mindedness all I can see was Mom’s full round breasts and all I could hear was the sound of my hand sliding up and down my shaft lubricated by my own saliva.


Dreaming of a ship is strange even for me. My mind began to rouse. The light was still on so I didn’t want to open my eyes immediately after such an interesting dream. As I lay there semi asleep the strange rocking sensation of the ship was still present, on the bed. Was I awake or asleep? The confusion of states caused me to startle to life.

“Cooper, what are you doing?” these were the only words I could verbalise as I saw my son with a firm grip on his penis staring at my breasts.

“I’m….I’m….. Sorry.” Cooper fumbled over his words as he grabbed at his pants trying to pull them up in a hurry. His face was beaded with sweat and laced with panic, regret and shame. These were never emotions that I wanted to instill in my son. As he got up in a hurry to leave I sprung and grabbed him by the shoulders. I sometimes forget how strong my little boy has become as he lifted me from the bed, helplessly clutching at his shoulders.

“Cooper, sit down.” I used my stern mom voice to drive the point home. He sat on the edge of the bed with little resistance. I made my way back to the opposite side of the bed where the indent in my pillow was still present from my sleep and demanded that he explain what was going on. I listened to how he took the Viagra and was surprised by what he found moments ago. All the time I had no idea what expression to put on my face so I watched his expressions blankly. When he looked away I peeked at his tracksuit pants and could see the strong imprint of his penis practically pounding to get free.

When he was done explaining in a calm voice I said, “So what are we going to do about this problem?” My words shocked both of us. He looked up at me in shock and I could feel his eyes lowering a little. My nipples were poking at the inside of my top so much that they were near clearly visible. This was truly uncharted territory for both of us. I had no idea how to react, remember I only had sex once in my 36 years of existence and that made the boy that was now staring at my poking nipples.

Ten seconds passed but it felt like hours as we both sat wondering what to do next. He was still staring at my nipples which felt like they were getting harder. I think that he was too embarrassed to make eye contact so he was frozen in place. Then slowly he shifted. At first I thought he was going to leave, but he shifted to move his pants and briefs to his knees. He sat at the far edge of the bed half facing me and slid his hand over his erect penis. It seemed almost painful at how hard and unmoving it was. His strokes were slow and unsure. I could see the wheels in his head turning trying to figure out how much trouble he would be in.

The tension became too much for me to handle. With my legs crossed on the bed facing Cooper I lowered the straps of my tank top and let them fall down my arms. My breasts were exposed and Cooper immediately looked up at them with confidence returning slowly to his face. Immediately his stroking became more determined and faster. I slid my palms over my breasts and pressed them together into a perfect mound of cleavage. Cooper looked up into my face for the first time since I lowered my top and I smiled at him. I raised both my arms in the air so that he could get a full view of my breasts. He was probably the last person to see these breasts in his nursing days, so long ago. Dating as a single mom was not something that I had tried.

The beat of his hand sliding up and down his penis quickened as I could feel his frustrations and excitement building. I reached across the bed that seemed like a canyon between us, and that unsure look returned to Cooper’s eyes. I placed my hand on his warm hard shaft and slid it up and down. His large hands made me underestimate the size of his penis. My small hands seemed smaller than ever before now that they were on his erection.

“Just relax my baby.” As my son heard these words I could feel the warmth rising in his erection. The first of what seemed like a never ending supply of white hot cum squirted from his penis. I didn’t let go for a moment nor did I slow down with my firm fast paced strokes. His eyes glaring at my breasts as spots of cum splattered across them. When I was sure that every drop of cum was out his penis I gave it one last shake.

I looked to see the mess of cum across my sheets, legs and breasts.

“Ummmmm.” I could tell that Cooper was thinking of what to say or what to do next.

“It’s okay Cooper, go clean up and head to bed Mommy will clean up here.” And off he went out the room without another word.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u7rcbp/episode_1_shifting_perspectives_taboo_fictional


  1. Cannot wait for the next chapter. Mum knew best.
    I think she will clean up by tasting that cum

  2. Oh my god. I never thought a story like this would make me want more but here I find myself doing so.

  3. Liked that story very much, had a good tempo and a nice narrative (both sides is very enjoyable)

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