Just a [f]riend helping [m] get over a breakup with some car sex. [long]

This story took place about five years ago, when I was in college. I tended to be the long relationships kind of guy (though not without plenty of fun and adventure even in a committed relationship) and this happened after the nasty end of a serious relationship where the love left a while before I did, which made it pretty difficult. My ex was pretty shattered by it, and I remember walking from her apartment back to mine in a kind of haze. I picked up my phone and called my friend Bridget to tell her the unfortunate news.

Skip to the – – – – – if you don’t care for the backstory!

Now, for some background, I had befriended Bridget the year prior, at a local show where I was playing with my band at the time. She had been dating the frontman for a band we had done some shows with, and I had actually developed a decent friendship with the guy. Bridget was a slim girl with a not-quite-pale complexion, a huge smile, and the kind of eyes you get blinded by in direct sunlight. She had the body of a cheerleader slightly removed from high school and a small chest, but still found a way to make every curve noticeable. I always found her attractive, but in a very passive way since I was in a relationship and so was she, so I never let my brain wander *too* far off the platonic path.

Anyway, her frontman boyfriend broke up with her at the end of that summer, and I reached out to her after the seeing the typical angst-riddled Facebook posts (it was 2012 after all) to make sure she was doing alright. She told me how relieved she was that someone was actually checking to make sure she was okay instead of just trying to catch her on the rebound, and I told her that since I was taken I had no ulterior motives, which was true. From then on we became fairly good friends, with her still coming to shows but mostly digitally communicating more than anything else. My then-girlfriend was always a little jealous (she would have had a better leg to stand on had she not been overtly jealous of most of my female friends, which created a cried wolf situation, but I digress) but I maintained a friendship with Bridget that never crossed any boundaries but had *juuuuuust* enough comfortability that it didn’t take a genius to figure I could probably make a move if I wanted to.

So, as I walked back to my apartment after my breakup, I called Bridget. We didn’t talk on the phone as much as we would simply text or Facebook chat, so she knew it was urgent and picked up within two rings. Ten minutes later and I was sitting on a park bench crying to her on the phone, not out of what I’d just ended but in an almost cathartic way, like when you know you have to rip off a bandaid and it’s going to hurt like hell and after the huge rush of pain you get an even bigger rush of relief. God bless the girl, she talked me through my blubbering and once I calmed down I realized how much better I felt about everything. I thanked her profusely for putting up with my emotional wreckage and asked her how I could make it up to her for keeping her on the phone all night. Without missing a beat, she said, “well, you could come hang out tomorrow.”

Now, I’m a pretty stupid man, and I’ve missed profoundly obvious signals from women in the past, to the point where if you grabbed me by the back of the head and pointed out a cloud in the sky, only then would I grasp that you’d been talking about a cloud for the last ten minutes, but I picked up on something. Her voice changed when she said that. It sounded less compassionate, less friendly, less innocuous. It sounded devious, and hungry. My brain training-montaged through a million scenarios: *was I really going to try something so soon after getting out of a relationship? Am I absolutely sure she’s into this? What are the odds I’m going to fuck this up and ruin this friendship? I mean, she is gorgeous, you’d be stupid not to try. You’ve got to get back out there anyway, might as well go for it…* And by the time my brain caught up to my dick to say we should probably give this more than 24 hours, I had already agreed to meet her the next day, with no particular plans to speak of.

I drove the ~30ish minutes from my campus to her house a few towns over, and as soon as she stepped out the front door I knew I was going to make something happen. She wasn’t wearing anything over-the-top, just some exceptionally well-fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt, but she had clearly spent some time on her hair and makeup, and her smile sucked me in from the end of her driveway. She hopped in on the passenger side and gave me a huge, lingering hug, with her vanilla-scented perfume hanging in the limited space between us. She gave me a peck on the cheek and told me again how sorry she was I had had to go through my breakup and that she hoped I was feeling better today. I told her that I was but there was always room for improvement. Immediately she quipped, “well let’s go for a drive and see what we can do about that.”

– – – – – – – – – –

Truth be told, it was a lot of fun just driving around with her for maybe an hour or so, bullshitting about our failed relationships, singing off-key to our favorite songs, and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. After circling through the same neighborhoods for a while I parked in an unfinished cul-de-sac that had plenty of tree cover and virtually no one else around. I didn’t say a word as I put the car in park and we both felt the tension immediately ramp up. As I took my hand off the steering wheel, I turned my head to see her staring at me with the most intense “fuck me” eyes I’ve ever seen before or since as she took my hand and placed it on her thigh and pulled me in for a kiss. I figured it would be a gradual kind of making out but she was ready to go, and within seconds my seat was reclined with her straddling me, my hands on her waist and her hands around the back of my neck. I kissed her deeply, our tongues fighting for the control to slip into the other’s mouth for a second or two before the other would grind a little harder and our bodies, still fully clothed, played tug of war.

I broke the kiss and moved down her neck, and each kiss along the crease of her neck sent little shockwaves down her body, ending with her crawling over me into the backseat, laying on her back, and giving the “come here” motion as she took off her t-shirt. I scrambled back there like I was trying to put out a fire and kissed from her stomach up her chest as I took off her black bra and tossed it aside. I took one nipple in my mouth and pinched the other with my free hand as the other ran through her hair. She moaned and grabbed at my hair as I sucked and licked her now-hard nipples. “Careful,” she squealed. “They’re really sensitive.” I took this as a challenge and swirled my tongue in quick circles around her nipples, then gently sucking each one into a soft nibble, as my hands wandered down her sides.

In one swift motion, she pushed me off, sat up, took my shirt off, and gave me a deep kiss as she undid my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. “I’m going to make you feel *aaaaaall* better,” she cooed as she scooted my jeans down to my ankles and teased my boxers down, finally spring my hard cock free. She kissed down to my cock and licked from base to tip at an agonizingly slow pace, keeping direct eye contact with me the entire time. She continued teasing for a minute or so before wrapping her lips around my cock and plunging me deep inside her mouth, her tongue swirling the head while she worked the shaft with both hands. I knew I wouldn’t last long with how well she was sucking my cock, and I knew even more that I wanted to fuck her, so after only a couple minutes of bliss I pulled her up and gave her a kiss before flipping her on her back like she’d done to me. She gave me a devilish smirk as I whispered, “my turn.”

I pulled her jeans down to her ankles and kissed back up her smooth, silky legs. Her black panties matched her bra, with the exception of little yellow and pink embroidered patterns out near the hips. I kissed across her panty line as my fingers teased the wet spot over her pussy, and she squirmed with each feather touch. Finally I dipped my fingers into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, exposing her freshly shaven and clearly soaked pussy to me. I wasn’t going to tease her like she did me, and I dove right up, taking her clit in my mouth and teasing her hole with two fingers (side note: in my experience, fingering alongside eating out is something where less is more, and I’ve found that teasing with your fingers gets a girl more worked up for wanting to fuck you than simply putting two fingers in and going to town). She gasped and moaned as my tongue danced circles around her swollen clit, and her pussy was so wet my fingers were soaked while barely slipping inside her. Occasionally I’d slide my tongue down and fuck her pussy my mouth just a little bit, but for the most part, my tongue was devoted entirely to her clit.

I felt her body heaving towards an orgasm, and that’s when I took her clit in my mouth and starting hitting a heavy rhythm, my fingers now fucking her at full speed. I hadn’t intended to get her to cum from oral, but now that I could see she was on the edge I wanted to send her over. Her hands were on the back of my head as she panted and moaned, and the only words I heard her say as her hips bucked in orgasm were, “fuck, fuck, fuck, please, please, please…” as I felt her gush on my fingers and buck into me in orgasm.

As soon as she came down, I wiped my mouth and came up to kiss her, and she stopped me as I moved in. “Get a fucking condom.” I had that condom wrapped and tapped in about a half-second flat. I don’t think I could have done it fast if I’d had a full pit crew helping me. She scooted down on the backseat and spread her legs, and there was enough space on the floor of the car that I could enter her basically kneeling on the ground with her on her back on the seat. I slid inside her slowly, enjoying every inch as her warm, tight pussy took me inside her. I looked up at Bridget to see her playing with her nipples, eyes closed and smiling while biting her lip, and from there I knew I could do as I pleased. I grabbed ahold of her hips and picked up the pace, thrusting in a quick rhythm that had us both panting and moaning. I knew I wouldn’t last long, and frankly I had wanted to draw it out longer but the angle was perfect and the sight of her writhing in pleasure beneath me was more than I could handle. I moaned that I was close and she egged me on to cum, grabbing my hips and pulling me in closer. I kissed her right as I hit the point of no return, and shot a huge load into the condom deep inside her pussy. Had I been able to hold it longer, I wanted to cum on her stomach, but her grabbing my hips and telling me to cum inside her was more than enough to send me over the edge.

After I came down and tossed the condom, we cleaned up and got dressed, and then lightly made out a little in the backseat. We finally moved to the front again and I drove her home, trying to hide my blissful smile the entire way. I wondered briefly if this would ruin our friendship, but in the moment I didn’t care. I dropped her off at home, not knowing if I should go in for a kiss or simply a hug. We both paused somewhat awkwardly, not knowing what the protocol was now, before she broke into a giggle, gave me a big kiss on the cheek, and hopped out. As she walked towards her house, I circled around to drive off, and she yelled out as I left:

“Thanks for the good time!”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6svob8/just_a_friend_helping_m_get_over_a_breakup_with


  1. Did you fuck again? Did you go back to being just friends? What happened next?

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