Raffling Off my Hot Aunts [M/F] [Incest]

Yesterday, if you had told me what the events of my father’s siblings’ yearly Thanksgiving reunion would be, I never would have believed you. I always thought that I belonged to a plain and modest family. My dad was my grandparents’ perfect child; he used to play hockey and baseball back in high school, but he never went out on the town with the team, and he always got straight A’s. When he went on to study law at McGill no one was surprised. That was where he met my mother, another very modest, and very conservative, law student. A few years later they were both done with school, making bucketloads of money as family lawyers, and living the kind of life most people only dream of in their twenties. Even when my mother retired early to look after the kids, and my dad switched to teaching law rather than practicing it, they continued to be both very happy and successful.

I was their first child, and their only son to date. I haven’t been quite as successful at sports and school as my father, but I think I inherited some of his rugged good looks, along with his tall, well built frame. I’m sixteen years old now, just starting my third year of high school. After me, my parents have only had girls; I think that’s partly why my Dad pays so much attention to me. I do love my Mom, and my younger sisters (Kaitlin, Kaillie, Kayla, and Kirsten), but I don’t think they’ll ever understand the kind of bond that can arise between two strong men. As I’ve said, my family is very conservative regarding gender roles; my mother and my sisters all believe that women should stay in the house while men hunt, and that they should make sure to keep themselves pure until marriage. At least that’s what I thought. I have to admit, in spite of myself, that my Mom still has a tight, smoking body, with a beautiful pair of tits and a nice toned ass. I try not to think about her too much in that way, but she is undeniably a very attractive woman.

There was something different about my parents today when we loaded into the car to drive to my Uncle George’s house for the family reunion. My grandparents had decided to leave for their winter vacation home early this year, and on short notice it fell to my Dad’s brother George to host, which my parents were very excited about. They decided not to bring my younger sisters, which only confused me.

It might be helpful for me to give a bit of backstory on my uncle George here. He was my father’s best friend when they were kids, the two of them being only a few years apart. He never liked working out or running long distances the way my father did, but I heard from my dad that he could throw a screwball better than anyone. Today, he’s known to be the most laid back and friendly member of my family. He always had the best gifts for me when I was a kid; one time he brought me out to the back of my Grandparents’ house without telling anyone, and let me shoot his pistol at a few targets that he had set up. He seems to have gotten more serious in the years since he reconnected with his ex-wife Sandy, though, or so I thought. She was a pretty blonde in her day, still is in my opinion, but always a real stickler for rules and manners. To be honest, she could be a bit of a buzzkill. They have two children who are about my age, Marie and Alex. I had a bit of an infatuation with Marie for a while when we were younger, which makes sense, since she looks so much like her mother. Alex on the other hand always creeps me out. He likes to dress in all black, and I hear he’s something of a “goth.” He’s never liked me. Maybe it’s because I used to bully him back when we went to the same school.

The person that I was really excited to see at the family reunion was my Aunt Erin. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on my Dad’s younger sister. She’s a really sweet lady, and she’s looked out for me a lot over the years. It doesn’t hurt that she has the body of a harvest goddess. I don’t know what size her breasts are, but they must be in the double D’s. She has a thick ass and thighs too, and the way she dresses in short skirts seems almost like an invitation for people to come up and squeeze them. She also has the prettiest smile, and these flowing red locks that seem to frame her face, like a supermodel on one of those old posters. Sometimes I think she wants me, but I’m never sure. At last year’s family reunion she put her hand on my crotch under the table, but pulled it back before I could actually react. I’m still not sure what it meant, but I’m hoping that it might be some kind of sign of things to come.

You can imagine my happiness when she was the first person that we saw when we arrived at Uncle George’s house. She greeted us at the door, her breasts nearly bouncing out of the too-small top that she had chosen for them. I watched her hug my mother, and then reach up and do the same to my father, inadvertently revealing her tight ass to me, barely kept in by her shorts. I had to turn around and pretend to stare at something back down the driveway to make sure they didn’t see my boner.

“And how is my favorite nephew doing today?” She asked, forcing me to turn back around. She was positively beaming. “Oh wow, I didn’t realize that you had gotten so tall!”

“Oh, yeah,” I said. Shit, I was already messing this up! “It must be from all the basketball.”

“Mhmm, You must be working hard,” she said, with a faintly naughty smile. “But then again, maybe it’s just your genes. You should have seen your father at your age.”

“Now now, Erin, no need to bore him with that talk,” my mom said.

“Oh, Tabitha, I just wanted to let my nephew know what a handsome man he is,” Aunt Erin said as she wrapped her arms around me. I could feel her ample breasts pressing into me. “I’m really glad you’re here,” she whispered.

“I’m glad you’re here too,” I said.

“Let’s head inside,” my dad said. In George’s house we found the rest of the family. Hugo, my father’s younger brother, had just arrived with his wife Christine. As soon as we entered I noticed her frowning at me. I was never sure why, but she always seemed to get sour whenever I entered the room. Then again, she was a bit of a bitch with everyone. My Dad sometimes jokes that Christine must have a pussy made of gold, because that’s the only possible explanation for why uncle Hugo has turned into such a pushover for her. She’s one of those feminists, intent on ruining the kind of family values that my parents have always prided themselves on.

“Could you get me something to drink, darling?” She said to Hugo, much to my surprise. I couldn’t imagine my mother ever asking my father to wait on her like that, especially not in front of other people.

“Hi Christine,” my father said coolly.

“Ray!” There was Uncle George, who came barging in from the other room. His face looked very red, and he had a glass of whiskey in his hand. He set it down on the counter in the living room as he embraced my father. “It’s so good to see you again man. How have the kids been, how’s the wife?” I couldn’t quite catch my father’s response, because at that moment I noticed my cousins, George’s kids, sulking on the couch. Marie waved at me, while Alex only glared. He had some kind of ridiculous makeup on that made his eyes look like they’d just been punched in by someone.

“Hey,” I said, and nodded at Marie.

“Hey cousin,” she said with a smile. “where are your sisters?”

“Oh, mom and dad left them at home with a babysitter. They said that the reunion was only for adults.”

“We’re not adults yet, are we?” Marie laughed.

“I’m sixteen, that’s pretty close. You’re eighteen aren’t you?”

“Just turned. Maybe I’m not used to it yet.”

“You look like a full woman to me,” I said. Shit, what was I thinking? I didn’t want to come on too strong with Marie! Or did I? I couldn’t help notice the way that Alex glared at me as I said that. I wondered then if I should take him out behind the house and give him a lesson in manners. I had really hoped, before I first met him, that he would be a strong, traditional male like me, so that I could have a close friend and confidant at these get-togethers. Unfortunately, the real Alex was sorely disappointing.

I stayed on the couch with my cousins for a while, before deciding that I should get up and talk to Aunt Erin. It was only then that I noticed how quickly the mood of the reunion had changed. Everyone was drinking alcohol, even Christine, who was nursing a vodka cooler. George had already downed several beers and God knows what else, and there was a growing pile of empties amassing on the kitchen table. I looked around for my parents, only to find them talking to Hugo in the corner of the room. My mother had actually loosened the top three buttons of her blouse, so that you could almost see her nipples! What was she doing? I was surprised that my dad didn’t seem to notice. One of my dad’s cousins was also there, a guy named Rick, who had a long beard and a flannel shirt, and honestly seemed pretty shady to me. I had never met him before. Soon I saw my mother break off from the conversation with Hugo and my father, and move over to talk to Rick in the kitchen. Peaking around the corner, I could just see her showing him some tattoos on her upper leg, which I didn’t even know she had. What the hell was going on at this reunion? I knew that I had to find Aunt Erin, to see if I could take advantage of this situation.

Before I could do that, however, George brought his whiskey glass up to his head, and rang a fork on it three times. Sandy was beside him, with her hands around his waist. He spoke to the room once he had everyone’s attention:

“I hope everyone’s having a good time!” he yelled. “Let’s get everyone over here, everyone come on over to the living room. Tabitha? Are you around?” I turned to see my Mom walking sheepishly in from the kitchen, her skirt pulled back down to just above her knees. Rick followed her, with a strange smirk on his face.

“How you feeling Ray?” George asked, pointing at my father.

“I’m great, man,” he said.

“Well, I was wondering if you all wanted to take this party to another level,” George asked, seeming to grow taller as I watched him speak. I wasn’t aware before that this was a ‘party’ at all. From the looks of my two cousins, neither had they.

“I was thinking, Ray, you remember that thing we did that one night in college? The one where I went home with Erica, and when Francis got—” I suddenly saw Sandy clamp her hand over his mouth so that he couldn’t finish his sentence. But he kept going, and she took her hand away, and placed it back on his hips.

“I’m saying, let’s get Hugo’s stupid fisherman hat, put all the ladies’ names in it, and raffle them out, same as back then. We’ll mix ‘em up with a bunch of empty papers, make it more exciting.” I was surprised to see my own mother cheering on the scheme. In fact, it looked like all of the adults were enamored with the idea, except for Christine, who was glaring harshly at George. But she didn’t say anything, and from the leers that Hugo was directing to George’s wife, it seemed that he was about to finally put his foot down.

“I like it,” Hugo said calmly. “But what about the kids?”

“They’re hardly kids anymore,” my Mother said. “It would be good for them to learn about these things. Besides, they’re going to do it anyways. And have you seen Marie’s legs?”

“Mom!” I yelled.

“Don’t be a prude, Josh,” she whispered back to me.

“I’ll tell you what Hugo,” George said, “I’ll put my daughter’s name in the raffle. Does that please you?” I didn’t catch Hugo’s response, but from the sudden tent in his pants I assume that it must have pleased him a lot. Soon all my Dad’s siblings were ripping up pieces of paper, and Rick had grabbed Hugo’s hat to put them in. I was still somewhat confused as to what was going on, and I only got more uncertain when my Aunt Erin finally stepped into the room.

“What’s going on here?” She asked. I guess she had been in the bathroom all that time, and had come out to find the plan already finalized. She must have switched her outfit while she was away, because she looked in that instant positively radiant, like the perfect shape of motherly woman, fertile and ready.

“we’re doing the raffle,” was all George said to her, before turning to yell something at Hugo.

“Oh,” she said in response. She looked to my mother, then to Sandy, and finally to Christine, who only gave her a shrug, and an expression that seemed to say, “what can we do about it?”

“What about Joshua? And Alex?” She asked. “Are they going to get a chance to pick?” This seemed to pique George and my father’s attention.

“Joshua and Alex will pick. But only once,” my father said. Only once? How was this game going to work?

“Is everyone ready?” George asked, as my family members started to congregate back around the living room. I tried to catch Marie’s expression, but she was covering her face, and holding a small piece of paper in her hand. My father lifted out the hat, holding it upside down. It was already filled with several pieces of blank white paper.

“Alright ladies, put your papers in,” George said. My mother went first. She reached out and sprinkled several pieces of paper into the hat. Next was Sandy, who quickly dropped her papers in before retreating back to her husband’s side. Christine dropped hers in very reluctantly, giving a death glare to her husband as she did so. At last I saw Erin put her papers in. She reached out, and I saw the smooth vibrant skin on her arm as she opened up her fingers. Only a few pieces of paper came out, noticeably fewer than any of the other women had put in. Someone must have cut a deal with her to get her to participate. I knew that that was what my Aunt Erin wanted, and that it might reduce the chances of her having to do something she didn’t want to do. But I couldn’t help but feel that, if the game worked the way I suspected it would, she may have just reduced my chances of getting to have some fun with her. Oh well. I was just in time to see my cousin drop her paper in; long legged Marie waddled nervously over to the hat, and placed a single piece of paper right at the top. In hindsight I guess that none of the men, as much as they were eager to be the one doing it, were hankering to see the baby girl of the family get defiled.

As all the women stepped back, I managed to catch a glance from Aunt Erin. She looked nervous, but she smiled and winked at me, an unmistakable sign of what she hoped the outcome of the raffle would be. I walked over to her to verify my suspicions.

“Who do you hope is going to get drawn?” I asked her quietly.

“I think you know,” she said.

“Do I?”

“You do,” she said, pressing her behind into me as she spoke. I instantly popped a boner. Not sure of how far I was allowed to go just yet, I only placed my hands on hers, and pulled her back towards me.

“Let’s see what happens,” I said, and she shuddered.

“Here’s the way the raffle works,” George said, finally clarifying the rules. “All the men get to pick a raffle. If the raffle they pick has the name of one of the women present on it, then they get to take that woman and do whatever they want to her. I’m talking no holds barred. Obviously you don’t want to cause injury to any of our fine ladies, but short of that, slapping, spanking, grabbing, are all on the table. No condoms are required either,” George smiled, while everyone else gasped. “What’s the fun of a raffle without a bit of risk? I better not see anyone pulling out. Be a man.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew that things were different at this reunion from all the ones I had been to before, but I could never have imagined that this was what George had had in mind for the night. Not that I was complaining. I only relished in the fact that I was going to be allowed to pick.

“There’s only one condition on what you can do to the lady you draw: you have to take her here, in front of everybody. At least for the first time. Call it a consolation prize to those who weren’t as lucky as you.”

“Here are the rules of the drafting. We’ll go around in a circle, starting with the oldest man, ending at the youngest. The kids only get to pick once collectively on each round. Joshua, because you’re older, you’ll pick on the first round. Alex, you’ll get to pick at the end of the second round. Make your picks count boys.” George smiled, while I grimaced. I hardly had a chance of getting to pick someone over all the other men present. How many blank papers were in that hat anyways?

“The game will go for at least two rounds, but if we get to the end and not a single woman has been picked, we’ll keep going until someone gets lucky.” Enjoying his role as the announcer, George added, “someone is getting fucked here tonight.”

So there it was. Someone was going to get fucked. I only hoped that I would be involved.

Time seemed to blur as the whole family sat down on the couches and chairs around the living room. My dad still held the hat, and, being the oldest, he got to pick first. I watched with anticipation as he dipped his hand into the hat. For whatever reason, I wanted to see him draw one of the women. Even more surprising, I wanted him to draw someone other than mom. Alas, when he pulled a piece of paper out and unfolded it, he only looked back at the crowd and frowned, before laughing gently.

“No dice,” he said, and passed the hat to George. “Good luck little brother.”

“No luck needed,” George said as he dipped his hand into the hat. He cautiously withdrew a white piece, and frowned in turn when he saw that it was empty.

“Shoot,” he said. “Ah well, you’re up Hugo.” Hugo also lowered his hand into the hat. I looked around at the women present; Marie had covered her face with her hands, but was looking out between the cracks in her fingers, focusing intently on the outcome of the draw. Aunt Erin also had a visage of pure concern, clearly not excited by the prospect of spending a night with Hugo.

“Nothing,” he said, to sighs of relief from both his wife and the other women. Rick, the next man in line, also drew nothing.

“No luck?” George asked him, to no response.

“you’re up kiddo,” my father said to me, and my heart lurched. I could hardly believe it. It was my turn! In the excitement of watching everyone else pick, I had forgotten that I was going to be part of the game too! I realized, with joy, that all of the family women were still available. I reached into the hat, looking away as I did so. As much as I wanted my Aunt Erin, I didn’t think that it would be honorable to cheat, especially since no one else had done so. As I looked away, I noticed that Marie had taken her hands off of her face, and was looking at me expectedly. What was more, beside her Aunt Erin was practically beaming, laying eyes on me in a way that could only mean one thing. As I turned towards the other women, I saw my mother looking at me very calmly. I had to quickly banish the thought of what might happen if I drew her name. Sandy was also looking at me, her eyes evincing a strange hunger. On the other hand, Christine was looking away coldly. She seemed to be the only woman there who didn’t want to be used by me.

Slowly I withdrew my hand from the hat, and unwrapped the piece of paper. I saw a name written on it, and at that moment my rational brain stopped functioning. I read the name written on the paper:

“Christine.” I was in shock. Immediately the whole room lit up: my father was cheering for me, George was patting me on the back. My mother seemed happy too, and reached out her hand to give me a high five. Marie looked disappointed, but maybe a bit relieved too. It killed me to see the look of sadness on Erin’s face, but I knew at the same time that it only confirmed that she wanted me to have drawn her. In that moment I completely recalculated the possible best outcome of the raffle; was it not best that I got to take Christine, the one woman there who would never let me fuck her in a different, more normal context? The future was ripe with possibility. And, as I looked over, Christine seemed ripe too. I had expected her to be angry, dismissive. I had even thought that she might just run away. But she only looked up at me and stared me dead in the eyes. There was anger there, to be sure; but there was something else too. And I was more than happy to discover what it was.

“I’m sorry Hu,” my father said.

“It’s alright. That’s the game.”

“Alright Joshua, you stud. Go sit next to your prize. Don’t get too handsy yet though; we still have to finish the draw!” George patted me on the back again as I moved to sit between Hugo and his wife. I hadn’t missed the implication of George’s statement, that I could get a little handsy even before the raffle finished. Immediately I put my arm around Christine’s shoulder, which was warm and soft. I placed my other hand on her lap.

“Is this what you want?” She asked, looking up at me, her eyes more sweet than ever before. I imagined that she was more angry at her husband than at me.

“It is.”

“Ok,” she said. She made no attempts to stop me as I began to feel her up. I was so distracted with Christine for a while that I almost forgot the raffle was still ongoing; I looked back to see my father withdrawing his second ticket. Nothing. Again there was a chorus of sighs. Then George drew, and once again drew nothing. Hugo and Rick’s drafts passed in much the same way, causing Erin and Marie to sigh with relief again and again.

Finally it passed to Alex. According to the rules, Alex only got to draft once. But it didn’t matter; if he didn’t draw a woman’s name, then the draft would end, since one woman had already been selected. After everyone else’s bad luck, no one seriously thought that there was any chance of the remaining women getting selected that night. Marie and Erin seemed to feel relieved that the experience was over. My mom and Sandy, on the other hand, looked terribly disappointed that their chances of getting railed by someone other than their husband was slipping away.

But I knew that Alex still had a chance to draw one of these women. I also knew that, unlike every other man who had gotten to pick that night, Alex had no qualms about cheating to get what he wanted. I watched with a horrifying sense of realization as Alex reached his hand into the hat. Because of his long black hair, none of my family members could see where he was looking. They assumed that he couldn’t see anything through that mop. But I could tell from my angle that he was looking directly into the hat. With a cunning smirk, he reached in and made his selection.


With that name, my world exploded. For the rest of my family it was a similar reaction to when I had drawn Christine; my father and George both congratulated him, Hugo lusted over the possibility of being able to watch it happen. My mother and Sandy both gave cursory congratulations, but silently whispered that they had wanted to have him instead. For Marie, it was a sense of overwhelming calm. She finally brought her hands down from her face, and adjusted her skirt. For myself, I couldn’t think. And I didn’t think Erin could either. He had taken her from me. He must have known how much I liked her, and picked her name on purpose just to spite me. But who could blame him? With her wide hips and ample breasts, she was any guy’s wet dream. And now she was going to be my creepy cousin’s fucktoy. I watched as he sat down between her and Marie, immediately cupping her tits in the same manner in which I was groping Christine.

“Wow, what an outcome!” George exclaimed. “That’s the thing about the raffle, you never know what’s going to happen. I think Erin and Christine look happy with themselves, don’t they? Excited, are you girls?

“Look at Erin. Such a slut,” my mother said.

“How long do you think she’s been dreaming about taking my boy’s dick?” Sandy asked.

“I don’t know, but I can see the lust in her eyes.”

How were they talking about Aunt Erin like that? She was supposed to be mine! I was the one who had been fantasizing about her since I was a kid. I was the one who deserved to have her, not Alex, who never left his room and had probably never spoken to a woman besides his sister before. This was horrible.

“I’m going to do so many things to you,” I heard Alex say. “You won’t even be able to move once I’m through with you.”

“How should we get this started?” My dad asked. My mom was the first to speak up:

“Since Joshua drew first, he gets to start first. Alex will have to wait fifteen minutes before he can start taking Erin in earnest, so that we can all really watch what Joshua does to Christine.”

“That sounds good to me,” George agreed.

“Me too,” Hugo said. As I kept groping Christine over her clothes, I saw my mother approaching.

“Ok Joshua,” she said, “you’re a man now. You’ve won this prize fair and square. So do whatever you want to her. Don’t hold back. She has no right to say no to you, and if she does, don’t be afraid to use force to remind her who’s in charge. Cum inside her if you like. Try to put on a good show for us. But remember, she’s your fucktoy, and you have her all night. You got it, honey?”

“I got it Mom.”

“Ok.” I saw my Mom’s smile widen into a smirk. “Go get her.”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. Immediately I pulled my cock out of my pants, then put both of my hands on the back of Christine’s head, and drew her throat down towards me. I had had an erection for quite a while already, so my cock was already smeared with pre-cum, and it slipped into Christine’s wet mouth easily. She said nothing, but only looked up at me with wide eyes as I slammed repeatedly into her mouth.

“Make her deepthroat you,” someone yelled.

“Shhh,” my mother responded. For a minute I brought Christine’s head back up, only so that I could pull her top up over her head. In a moment she had her tits out, leaning over me, sucking my cock. I didn’t even have to force her head anymore, but she bobbed up and down of her own volition. While she was working I began to unbuckle her jeans, and then I pulled her panties down so that I could finger her. As she sucked me I caught her sending dagger glares at her husband, and at one point she even raised her hand and flipped him off, eliciting jeers from the crowd. I was so lost in the experience of Christine’s mouth that I almost didn’t notice what Alex was doing to Erin. I looked over to see that he had pulled her top up over her tits, and was currently sucking on her nipples. I had always wanted to do that, and looking at him worshipping her breasts made me enraged. I forced Christine’s head down even harder on my cock, causing her to gag. When she came back up she spluttered for air.

“Easy son,” my father said.

“I can do what I want to her, right? That’s what George said.”

“Fair enough. How about you test her gag reflex some more?” Listening to my father’s advice I continued to ram my cock up Christine’s mouth. I stood up and grabbed the back of her head again, and began to throatfuck her in earnest.

“Come on, fuck her!” Someone shouted. Never one to disappoint a crowd, I pulled my aunt back down off of the couch.

“Hands and knees,” I said to her, and she did as I commanded. Once she was in position I grabbed her thighs and lifted her ass up into the air. I spread her cheeks, and then stood to the side so that everyone could see her bare pussy and asshole. George cheered, and my father shouted:

“that’s my boy!”

Spurred on by the crowd, I pulled my shirt off, revealing my muscled body. I took my pants and boxers off, leaving both me and Christine completely naked. I positioned my dick in front of Christine’s pussy and plunged in without warning. Immediately I heard her gasp, the sweet sound of a woman who is having something rammed up her cunt and doesn’t really mind it. Determined to hear that gasp again, I began to pump into her as hard as I could. I heard the yells from the crowd:

“Fuck that slut!”

“Give it to her!”

“Let her know who’s boss!”

“Cum inside of her!” I could have sworn that last cry came from Marie, who was still sitting beside Alex. I noticed that he was actually making out with Aunt Erin now. I could see her fat breasts heaving, and I knew that she was getting horny in spite of herself. I was glad that I was getting to ravish Christine, but I also knew that I had spent a fair amount of time working her up to this point, and that soon uncle George was going to say—

“Fifteen minutes have passed! Alex, you are free to do whatever you want to your Aunt!” At the moment I heard that, I picked up Christine by the shoulders and slammed her down on to the coffee table. This way I would have a view of exactly what Alex was doing to my Erin. I expected to see him face fuck her like I had, and then stick his little cock in to her pussy, and maybe cum fast. What I did see surprised me immensely.

Alex grabbed my aunt, and immediately forced her down on to her hands and knees. Then he pulled down her skirt and ripped it off, followed by her panties, red lace ones which he tore in half in his eagerness to get at her back end. Naked from the tits down, I could tell, despite her embarrassment, that her pussy was sopping wet. Somehow he managed to resist the urge to stick his dick into her right there and then. Rather, he lifted up his hand, and spanked her. Not hard, but the resounding slap still echoed across the room. I had to admit, Aunt Erin’s round ass was perfect for spanking. After the first slap he began to pick up the pace, and kept spanking her, each time eliciting a series of yelps, which got progressively louder as her ass got redder. Watching that was too much for me. I got angry, and the only object on which I could vent my emotion was Christine, who was still under me, moaning and crying out as my cock repeatedly invaded her tight pussy. I slapped her once, not hard. I thought that she would kill me for it, but instead she moaned even louder.

“Do it again,” she said. So I did, again and again. I considered holding her hands down to the table, but changed my mind. Instead I put them around her throat, and began to softly choke her. I slowly tightened my grip as I watched Alex make a mockery of my Aunt’s fat ass, the whole time getting closer and closer.

“I’m cumming!” Christine suddenly exclaimed. Her cries set off something in me.

“Cum inside of me,” she cried.

“I’ll do what I want,” I responded, as I quickened my pace for the last time. I constricted my grip around her neck and then—for a moment my strokes slowed as I methodically injected boatloads of cum into Christine’s fertile pussy. The whole time she only whimpered, as if the sudden influx of semen into her birth canal had overwhelmed her rational mind. Just like that I flooded her womb, the whole time keeping my grip on her throat. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, and forced me deeper into her. At some level I was hoping to make a new cousin with her right there, and I think she must have felt the same, the way she pulled every inch of my cock deep inside her. I kept pumping as we rode our mutual orgasms out, exchanging pleasure and bodily fluids as I continued to use her as a cocksleeve. For a time I forgot where I was, thinking only purely of taking Christine’s pussy. But eventually my strokes slowed to a stop, and we both relaxed, mutually panting.

“stay here for a moment,” she whispered, after we had both come down. For a few seconds I forgot about the lewd things my cousin was doing to Erin, and only looked down at the beaming face of the woman, my Aunt, who I had just creampied.

“I think I’m in love with you,” she said, loud enough for Hugo to hear.

“Get up slut,” I said, as I led her back over towards the couch. I sat down, with Christine beside me. She rested her head on my lap, and my half erect cock slapped her in the face. “Clean it off,” I said, and she did as instructed, wrapping her lips around my member once again.

Almost as soon as we sat down, all the eyes of my family members turned away from us and towards Alex and Erin. I wasn’t sure how I would ever be able to look Erin in the face again, knowing that this weirdo had invaded and used her. I didn’t want to look, not really; but I did. And there I saw my aunt Erin, whom I had fantasized over for years, with her back up against the couch, getting fucked by my strange cousin. I hadn’t even noticed when he had inserted into her. I tried to get a good view of the size of his cock, hoping that it was at least no bigger than mine. As far as I could tell it seemed to be longer, based on the immense distance that he could pull out of Erin before slamming in again, but not nearly as girthy. It was like a precision needle, calculated to send cum as deep as possible into my Aunt’s fertile womb.

I watched as Alex began to slap Erin in various places, all the while pumping into her pussy. He started with her tits, slapping them until Erin began to hold them with her hands, clearly trying to get him to stop. That didn’t seem to please him.

“Rope!” He shouted to no one in particular, hardly looking up from his thrusting as he motioned towards the garage.

“What does he want?” I heard Sandy ask, as my mother immediately set off in the direction that Alex had indicated. At that point I had no idea what he intended to use the rope for. He wrapped his arms around Erin’s thighs, clearly trying to lift her up off of the couch. He strained his arms, but she was simply too heavy for him. All that ass and tits can make a woman hard to move.

“Fuck it,” he said, as he pulled her by her thighs on to the floor again. He positioned himself squarely between her legs and began slapping her again, this time starting with her face, much harder than I had done with Christine. Whenever Erin tried to use her hands to block her cheeks, which were getting as red as the cheeks of her ass, Alex would start assailing her tits. Then when she put her hands down on her tits he would start again on her face. This continued for a while, with Erin yelping out between each stroke:

“Stop—uh! Hitting—uh! Me—Aahh! So—uh! Hard!” Watching Erin scream like that while she got fucked made my dick become instantly hard again, to the point where Christine started to ask for round two.

“Not now baby,” I said as she tried to raise herself up over my cock.

Soon my mom returned with the rope. She tossed it to Alex, who ordered Erin to turn around. When she did he grabbed both of her hands, and tied them together behind her back, leaving her helpless to stop him from hitting her. Since he had to take his cock out of her to tie the rope, Alex stopped for a moment, surveying his mewling conquest as she writhed on the ground in a mix of horror and sexual ecstasy. He didn’t seem to notice the look of terror on his sister’s face as she watched him from the couch, or the intense visage of lust directed at him by my mother and Sandy. Christine was the only woman in the room still focused on me, but I was too busy to pay any attention to her.

“Look at this whore,” Alex said to no one in particular. He grabbed Erin by her chin and pulled her around, so that she was looking straight up at him. He slapped her once, creating a resounding smack, then watched as tears welled in her eyes.

“Do you like daddy’s cock?” he asked her. No, I have no idea where the ‘daddy’ thing came from. The whole room watched intently for Erin’s reaction. At first she said nothing;

“I said ‘do you like my cock?’ whore!”

“I do, I do,” Erin gasped out.

“Do you like it when I fuck you? Did you like it when I spanked your ass until it was sore?” Alex said as he walked around behind Erin. He put his foot on her back and kicked her to the ground, into doggy style position. Her mouth was muffled by the carpet, but me and the rest of my family members could still hear her high pitched whine:

“I did. I do,” Erin said. “Daddy. Please fuck me. Please make me cum. Please make me your little cum princess, your little slutty—ah!” Erin’s speech was suddenly cut short as Alex thrust into her from behind. Only, this time he hadn’t thrust into her pussy. Alex had stuck his cock into Aunt Erin’s unprepared asshole, and was beginning to fuck her raw. Erin’s yelps turned into a mix of wailing in agony and pure sexual expression. Alex just kept pumping into her. He pulled all her hair into a pony tail and then held on to it, lifting up her head and making her arch her back far as he fucked into her. She was shaking, and I thought that she was going to collapse, but she just kept taking it. Many of the guys thought that this was too gratuitous. My father and uncle George looked away, clearly having hit the limit of what they were willing to watch being done to their baby sister. Hugo kept watching, stroking himself vigorously as he did so. Sandy and my mother were watching even more intently.

I could tell when Alex was getting ready to cum. Het let go of Erin’s hair, and put one hand on the small of her back, the other on the back of her head. With sudden strength he pushed Erin’s face into the carpet, hard enough to bruise her, and started to quicken the pace and intensity of his thrusts. This caused Erin to let out several yelps of pain, which were muffled by the shag carpet. At this point my aunt looked like she had been through a hurricane; dried up saliva and pre-cum was left all around her mouth and chin, and her hair, which had been silky and flowing when I first saw her, was now completely disheveled and tangled, wet in some places where Alex had chosen to wipe his dick in it. He kept thrusting. Marie was clearly entranced by the sight of her brother’s dick sliding in and out of her aunt Erin’s asshole. Eventually Alex pulled the entire length of his cock out of Erin, and with surprising strength shoved it straight back into her pussy, causing my Aunt to let out the loudest, happiest, most cum filled scream that I had ever heard from a woman. I could tell that Alex was cumming, fully defiling the womb that I thought had been set out in reserve for me since I was a child. It took him a while to spray his entire load into her; every time I thought that his strokes were going to stop he gave her a few more, eliciting even more ecstatic moans from my worn out Aunt. When he was done he simply let her drop back on to the couch, and she laid there. I watched as what looked like gallons of cum began to ooze out of her pussy.

“I’m ovulating…” she whispered as she faded into sleep.

“What happens now?” Marie asked. The room had suddenly become silent. I looked at my watch, and was surprised to discover how late it was. Alex had spent more than an hour fucking my aunt in various ways. George answered:

“Well Alex and Joshua can keep their prizes until the morning. Aunt Erin will have to share her bed with Alex tonight, and Joshua will trade places with Hugo. It’s expected that they’ll keep fucking, and probably fuck during the night. Now, the question of when morning starts is a bit tricky. I guess once breakfast is served and finished we can mark Erin and Christine as free from service. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind seeing how Alex treats Erin during their first morning fuck, when they’re both rested and ready to go again.”

“Ok dad. That was probably too specific.”

“Sorry honey, but you asked.”

“Who wants a beer?” My father asked as he got up from his seat. The rest of my aunts and uncles soon followed, with the exception of Erin and Christine, who were still lying there exhausted. I turned back to Christine, who let out a gasp as I picked her up and fireman carried her over my shoulder, letting her bare pussy and ass hang out. I was making my way towards her bedroom. Regardless of what had happened with Erin, I was going to make sure that I got as much value as I could out of my ditzy aunt’s pussy.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u6ua4p/raffling_off_my_hot_aunts_mf_incest

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